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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. [size=1]Yami has a dream about Tea as DMGirl? Interesting... You can always tell if its dream by the style it drawn. When it has a either a lot of bright lights or this white aura around the edges around the screen.[/size]
  2. Sword of Dark Destruction powers a Dark Monster by 400 and decreases their defense by 200. Note: Power ups aren't considered a combo. I learned this on various Internet sites. Combos are more strategic.
  3. Thats why people make 40-45 card decks...
  4. [size=1]I have another card I like to use, now that I have just finished editing my decks for Pharaoh's Servant. [b]Imperial order[/b]: I can stop my opponent dead in his/her tracks. This can ruin their strategy. It can sometimes do the same with me If I use it wrong in Beatdown. Then all those Equip cards o to waste. But the disadvantage is nothing compared to the advantage. Watch out for this card.[/size]
  5. Buy a Booster Box. You mgiht get one for Christmas. You have an okay chance of getting one in a box. If you don't get one, buy another box. Keep doing that until you get one. Or you can just wait until March.
  6. Or the password in the corner. I'm guess Gouf that it would work like the Battle City Duel Disks? That seems to work. But having to type in the number might be a little slow. Maybe one of those Touch-screens. But from what I'm guessing this will look like you'd need something else to hold your hand while you type/press the code.
  7. Though some decks purposefully lower their LP. Those include Devil Franken decks and cards like quiz and Quiz of Reversal. (I forget which one one has which effect)
  8. I have to buy another Tin.. My cards were horrible...
  9. Yes..thats what we're hoping for. Well lets see, maybe it should only be at Duelist Kingdom Championships. You show your deck to them, they give you the cards that work on the simulators. That might work. But it will never happen, seeing as how UpperDeck is money-hungry, they'll just make us start all over again.
  10. To win, you don't need to summon Exodia, just have the pieces in your hand. Infact if you have all the pieces on the field, you won't win. Only if it is in your hand.
  11. There is a Dragon deck already. Spellcaster theme is in F/S Beatdown. But A Fire Elemental deck would be nice. You rarely see those kinds of beatdowns
  12. Looks like a good Relinquished deck. Be very careful with the lack of monsters. You have 16, but Barrel Dragon and Relinquished aren't able to be used right away. So you have only 12:24 chance of getting an accesible monster right away. Thats not very good odds. But with your M/T cards they seem to back it up a little. It looks like it can work, its just the proportion needs some help.
  13. [size=1]I like to use my Barrel Dragon or My Summoned Skulls. [b]My Barrel Dragon[/b] - Picking off monsters one by one is fun. BD has pretty good stats for a 7-star, and its picture is just plain cool [b]Summoned Skull[/b] - Its an easy card to use in battle, that has awesome strength. And I usually always finish with this card. Its the one to deliver the final blow.[/size]
  14. Actually PSV is legal now. They just released the restricted list. I posted here.
  15. [size=1]Your welcome. I love those type of sets. The ones with different varieties of the same card. Like the Amazoness and Gravekeeper cards. Hehe I've been working on a Dragon Destruction deck. (Buster Blader Deck). I've been trying to make a side deck to turn my Black Magician Deck inot my Dragon Destoyer Deck. Going to be a little hard though.[/size] [color=red][size=4][u][b][i]Dragon Destoyer[/i][/b][/u][/size][/color] [b]Monsters:[/b] 21 Buster Blader Buster Blader Buster Blader Skilled White Magician Skilled White Magician Skilled White Magician Cyber Jar Blood Vors Blood Vors Troop Commander Skilled Black Magician Skilled Black Magician Dragon Rider Dragon Rider Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Undefeated General Freed Undefeated General Freed Black Forest Witch [b]Magic:[/b] 15 Proof of Dragon Destruction Proof of Dragon Destruction Proof of Dragon Destruction Swords of Revealing Light Polymerization Polymerization Resilient Warrior Miraculous Revival Miraculous Revival Angel?s Gift Angel?s Gift Raigeki Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Change of Heart [b]Traps:[/b] 7 DNA Operation DNA Operation Mirror Force Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven tools Magic Cylinder [b]Fusion Deck:[/b] 2 Super Magical Swordsman - Black Paladin Super Magical Swordsman - Black Paladin Total Monsters: 21 Total M/T: 22 Total: 43
  16. They are: (Gravekeeper's Servant is not considered on of these cards) Gravekeeper Detective Zombie DARK 3 1200/200 Gravekeeper Mystic Spellcaster DARK 3 800/800 Gravekeeper Guardian Spellcaster DARK 4 1000/900 Gravekeeper Liuetenant - Spellcaster DARK 4 1500/1000 Gravekeeper Tagalong - Spellcaster DARK 3 700/500 Gravekeeper Observer - Spellcaster DARK 4 1000/1000 Gravekeeper General - Spellcaster DARK 5 1900/1200 Gravekeeper Gunman - Spellcaster DARK 4 1400/1200 Gravekeeper Assassin - Spellcaster DARK 4 1500/150 Hopefully I wrote that in an understandable way. From left to right It has the Name, Sub-Type, Element, Level, an Attack & Defense.:)
  17. [size=1][color=indigo] Lucky. I'm waiting 'till Chirstmas. Thats when I get booster boxes. The only way to win is with Pharaoh's Servant. Those cards are always my downfall. lol Trading is so hard to do. Its all about money these days. I've never been able to make a decent trade with anyone but my friends. Well besides the Semi-Limited cards that are now Restricted, this looks pretty good. The fact that Morphing Jar ([b]not[/b] #2) is legal is a goos sign. The 1900 ATK, four-star monsters are here. I've been told that Gemini Elf and Vorse Raider have arrived. The Things restricted lists can tell you... [/color][/size]
  18. Witch of the Black Forest, Swords of Revealing Light, and Card Destruction are all restricted in Japan. I know a lot of people that were expecting this; But I guess EDS through me off, with its restriction list.
  19. I know. I havn't edited the decks I've podted here. Although I have fixed them on my Word Processor.(Where I record my deck) I'll do it now.
  20. Actually I think its when Warrior of the Sun only attacks. For that one battle, he gains +500. I don't think he keeps the power up. I may be wrong though.
  21. AG, isn't New Ruler 301? I've checked New Ruler for Amazoness Cards and it doesn't have any. Do you mean Champions of the Black Magician? (303). Thats where I usually find almsot all of the Amazoness Cards.
  22. I was using some of the translated names. More people might understand it that way. Translations vary from site to site. Besides those staples that have already been released (Thats why I didn't include Dark Hole). And I apologize for leaving a few cards out. ^_^ The Joey Starter seems like a good Warrior Deck start. If anyone plans on making those, buy a couple o' these.
  23. So we know about the new starters in March, right? We'll for some of you who don't know whats in them, I'll be explaining the most-wanted cards, and the most useful cards of both decks. (Hopefully) Right now i'm going to telly ou the in and out of the Joey Starter, which has plenty of good cards. (In no order) Red-Eyes Black Dragon! I'm sure by now everyone has wanted/wants this card. Well its easy cards if you get the the Joey Starter. Need I say more? Warrior of the Sun! No many of you, almost all of you have crossed the path of a Summoned Skull before. Now the Joey Starter brings us a new card. This monster is a 2100/1400. Pretty weak atack, but it can always be used well with the right Warrior support. (Its a warrior) This monster gets +500 attack everytime he faces a Dark monster. Heheh Beatdown players beware. :devil: Jinzo! This card is awesome. One of the best in the game. Accesible by Witch fo the Black Forest (Which comes in the Starter) and has a nifty effect. And its good a pretty good attack power. One of the best cards in this deck. Time Wizard! Well this being one of Joey's signature cards, you wouldn't be surprised to find it in his deck. I'm sure you all know his effect: Toss a coin. Call it right and destoy all of your opponent's monster. Call it wrong, your monsters are destoyed and you combine they're attack points and subtract half of that from your own LP. Copy Cat! This card isn't as good as you'd think. It's effect doesn't live up to its full potential in the Tv show, but it can be helpful. Its atatck and defense become one of your opponent's monsters ' attack and defense. Seems like it would be more in the Pegasus Starter. Hayabusa Knight! This monster is probably he most interesting of monsters. HK is a 1000/700. But he can attack twice in a battle phase. Juice him up with an Axe of Despair (Which comes in this deck as well) and you have a 2000 ATK monster attacking twice. Penguin Soldier! This card is the most evil of all cards. Think Man-Eater Bug. But two of them. Thats right. When this little guy is flipped, he returns 2 enemy monsters back to your opponent's hand. Always consider this card. Godess of the Truthful Eye! Many of you have probably heard about Fusion-subs. Well this is the strongst of the Subs. Take a Monster such as Summoned Skull. You have a This card and a Poly (It come sin this deck as well) in your hand. Fuse 'em and you can sue a Black Skull Dragon. Pretty nifty huh? ScapeGoat! Think the Multiplied Kuribohs. This is all in one card. This can be a real life-saver. But the Goat Tokens you fill up your spots are 0/0 (In DEF mode). So, you can bet they're going to be destoyed. Some other card sin there that aren't to special, but have an honorable mention are: Witch of the Black forest Pot of Greed Axe of Despair Gearfried the Iron Knight Command Knight Goblin Attack Force Nobleman of Crossout
  24. Well Pharaoh's Servant is now finlly legal. A few changes have been made. So take a look! [u][b]Restricted to 1[/b][/u] Exodia the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Left Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Pot of Greed Change of Heart Dark Hole Raigeki Monster Reborn Mirror Force Delinquent Duo Confiscation Painful Choice The Forceful Sentry Snatch Steal Cyber Jar Upstart Goblin Swords of Revealing Light Card Destruction Witch of the Black Forest Imperial Order Jinzo Ceasefire Premature Burial Call Of The Haunted Morphing Jar (From TP2) Limiter Removal [u][b]Limited to 2[/b][/u] Sangan Heavy Storm Nobleman of Crossout Backup Soldier Morphing Jar #2 Better go make those changes to your decks. I just bought a Witch of the Black Forest on Saturday..lol
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