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Everything posted by Hyper
Add a few Birdfaces. They're helpful for getting out those Harpies. Get more counter traps. If you want a Harpy traps, add a Mirror Wall and around two Shadow of Eyes.(You put those under magics) Be sure to get the other magic staples. And add a few Mystical Space Typhoons. I've been suing them in my decks lately and they seem to help a lot.
You don't focus enough on your theme. You should try really hard to have ost of your cards benefit your Lord of D. Combo. And you still have two many anti-theme cards. A Buster Blader in a dragon deck? Well, here is my Dragon deck. Maybe it can help you. [b][u][size=4][color=aqua]Call of Dragons[/color][/size][/u][/b] Monsters: 20 BEWD BEWD BEWD Tri-Horn Dragon Tri-Horn Dragon Tri-Horn Dragon Lord of D. Lord of D. Lord of D. La Jinn La Jinn La Jinn Witch of the Black Forest Mystic Tomato Mystic Tomato Mystic Tomato 7-Colored Fish 7-Colored Fish Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Cyber Jar Magic: 13 Flute of Summoning Dragon Flute of Summoning Dragon Flute of Summoning Dragon Swords of Revelaing Light Raigeki Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Change of Heart Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Axe of Despair Axe of Despair Heavy Storm Traps: 7 Mirror Force Solemn Judgement Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven Tools Seven Tools DNA Operation Total Monster: 21 Total M/T: 20 Total Cards: 41
Well I've updated my Japanese Harpy Deck. Click [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=314705#post314705]here[/url] to see it.
[color=indigo]You need to concentrate your theme more. Why put Crab Turtle in a Dark Deck? Get cards like La Jinn and Summoend Skulls. All of your non-tribute Dark Monsters should +1800 attack or more. Try to stay away from those anti-theme cards, they really mix-up your deck.[/color] [size=4][u][b][color=orange]Harpie Storm![/color][/b][/u][/size] Harpy Storm Monsters: 20 Harpy Lady Sisters Harpy Lady Sisters Harpy Lady Sisters Harpy?s Pet Dragon Harpy Lady SB Harpy Lady SB Harpy Lady SB Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Sangan Dancing Faeries Dancing Faeries Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Amazoness Archer Birdface Birdface Birdface Penguin Soldier Penguin Soldier Magic: 15 Elegant Egotist Elegant Egotist Elegant Egotist Pot of Greed SORL Raigeki Monster Reborn Change of Heart Rising Air Current Rising Air Current Cyber Bondage Cyber Bondage Harpy Feather Duster Angel?s Gift/ Mystical Space Typhoon Angel?s Gift/ Mystical Space Typhoon Traps: 6 Mirror Wall Shadow of Eyes Shadow of Eyes Mirror Force Magic Jammer Seven Tools Total Monsters: 20 Total M/T: 21 Total cards: 41
Anime Raise Your Life Points or Lower Your Opponents?
Hyper replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Snatch Steal is permanent. Unless it is destoyed.[/color] -
Magic Jammer - When your opponent activates a magic card, you avtivate this card, and stop the action. You have to discard one card from your hand. Gian Germ - When the card is destoyed by an attack, do 500 points of direct damage to your opponents Life Points. Then once it is destoyed, you can take your other Giant Germs and put them on the field. I don't have the exact text for Jiggen Bakudan so I'll have to get back to you on that.^_^
Pharoah's Servant is not legal. Some tournamentrs allow you to use those cards, but otherwise, PSV is not legal yet. Just wait for the restricted list.
As word of UpperDeck's next Yu-Gi-Oh! booster series was floating around, UpperDeck decided to release the official information. The newset set Labyrinth of Nightmare will be realesed in February. Other information said along with the release of the Pegasus and Joey Starters, the next booster set would be released. LON (Labyrinth of Nightmare) is the next set, so we confirm that the Starters and LON will be released at different times. LON will be released in February, as stated before, so that will give us a little more time tos ave up then then the last set. Of course, UD is rushing the release of Yu-Gi-Oh! Sets. They announce the release fo the next set before their current set is legal. (Pharaoh's Servant should be legal soon) I think UD is going a little too fast. And I belive , alogn with other sites, that Yu-Gi-Oh! is going to die out sooner than we think if UD keeps this up. Anyways lets get tot he facts about the LON set. It will contain: 66 Common Cards (8:1) 17 Rare Cards (1:1) 10 Super Rare Cards (1:6) 10 Ultra Rare Cards (1:12) [No word on Secret Rares, if there will be any] But there is bad news. The distributor sheet listed sales of "30 count displays containg 5 card booster packs". [b]5 cards[/b]! Looks like we'll be joining the Japanese, since they only get 5 cards in each pack as well. Lets hope this is a typo. But this looks like a very good set to come! Here is a pic: [img]http://www.yugiohrealms.com/images/ad_lon.gif[/img]
Balancing your deck is key. Keep it at a 1:1 ratio. That'll help. Try to get rid of those horrible tribute monsters. There are some that shouldn't be in any type of deck. Some cards like that are Gaia the Fierce Knight and Ryu-Ran. Get more Summoned Skulls, since it looks like your going for some type of beatdown. Just try to focus your Monsters, magic, and traps. And get duplicates of your good cards.
Which would you rather do? Would you play a card that would raise your LP? Or would you play a card that would lower your opponent's LP? I think this is an interesting question. By the decision you can make, you may buy time, or speed up the game. For example: Giant Germ or Nimble Momamga? What would you do?
Since I see your using some Japanese cards, I have a few suggestions. When you get them, replace your Harpy Lady's with the Harpy Lady CB. If you do that, you won't be able to use Flying Kamikiri's. So Japan ahs another card for you to use: Birdman. It specifically gets a HL (I'm pretty sure it includes CB) out on the field after it dies. And its a 1650/1600 (I'm pretty sure.) Add around two Man-Eater Bugs or maybe Penguin Soldier. And don't forget Magicians of Faith. And try Dancing Faeries. They are 1700/1000, are commonly used in Harpy Decks, and when in face-up defense postion you gain 1000 lp. Also consider some Amozoness cards. Magic's don't have enough staples. +1 Change of heart +1 Raigeki +1 Dark Hole -2 Harpy Feather Duster (Its restricted to only 1) +2 Mystical Space Typhoon -1 Despell -1 Remove Trap -1 Mountain + 1or 2 Swords of Revealing Light +2 Angel's gift I know its a long list, but if you try doing some of those suggestions it may really help your deck. Also be sure to add some power-ups like Cyber Bondage and Demon's Axe. Traps are pretty good. Just add some counter traps like Magic Jammer and Seven Tools. To put those in, I reccomend taking out the Reinforcements and Enchanted Javelin, but if you really want to, you could keep the Enchante dJavelin.
I learned this on various websites. And some e-mailing I did to UpperDeck. Tey don't tell you much, but the e-mails people have beens ending them have given us the correct info. And there is a *possible* release of the Yugi and Kaiba Structures released in America as "Starter Expansions". Just some stuff floating around. Along with the new Starters coming, Upperdekc has also said a new booster set will come around that time. We belive this set is Labyrinth of Nightmare featuring cards from the Japanese Sets: Spell of Mask and Labirynth of Nightmare.
Well what did you guys think? I just saw this movie, and i thought it was pretty good. The plot was easy to follow, and the action scenes were very cool. The end part on the plane was probably my favorite scene. So what was your opinion on the movie? (You may post spoilers, but put the *Spoilers* before and leave a considerable amount of space)
Well I'm not too familiar with the game, but I do have a rather long list of Fusions, with the Fusion requirements, stats, etc. Beast (
You might not need to many more counter traps, besides Mirror Force. Mystical Space Typhoon, being a Quick-play, actually is just a counter card. But its always good to have the counter traps.:)
Take out that last de-spell. It's a pretty useless card in any deck. Your Ratio is for monsters nad magic is 22:28. Thats a difference of 6 cards, which isn't the best odds. Maybe you should cut back on some of your magics. And add some more Trap Staples. You'll need them. Add a Cyber Jar. It is the newest, and one of the best Weenie-Rush cards. Defiantly add that one. Monsters look pretty good. Add some high atatck monsters. There are a lot to choose from, but you should usually always have attack monsters. And for an earth type, that would be Battle Ox. Just a suggestion.
Try getting more high atatck monsters like La Jinn. even though there arn't too many, but try to find them. I recommend using those cards to replace the Blackland Fire Dragons.
The scare me too...lol. And I forgot to make one minor adjustment in the M/T area of my deck. Curse of Pharoahs-- Its a trap cards the counters counter-traps (Thats a moutfull) without anycost. So its like Seven-Tools of the Bandit, except for free. Great for negation. Seing how as I can't us ea Jinzo.
Yes, but most if the card in the structures aren't holographic. It's really too vad.:( Just common versions.
Premium Pack #3 would be the one with the BEUD. Premium Pack #2 is full of Rituals and Ritual Monsters.
When you flp it from face-down Defense, it has to go into Face-up Attack. If you flip it, it has to change positions.
I'm making too many mistakes today...sorry.lol Well I've psoted this before, but I have a deck just like yours Alexander. Its a combiantion of Control, Virus, Occult, and Cemetery Recursion. [color=indigo][size=4][b][u]Ritual of the Occult[/u][/b][/size][/color] Monsters: 22 Relinquished Relinquished Relinquished Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer Sangan Sangan Witch of the Black Forest Sonic Bird Sonic Bird Sonic bird Senju Senju Senju Penguin Soldier Dark Necrophia Dark Necrophia Magician of Faith Magician of Faith La Jinn La Jinn Magic: 14 Black Illusion Ritual Black Illusion Ritual Black Illusion Ritual SORL Pot of Greed Death Message {E} Death Message {A} Death Message {T} Death Message {H} Polymerization Polymerization Change of Heart Monster Reborn Raigeki Traps: 8 Ouija Board Ouija Board Magic Jammer Magic Jammer/Seven Tools Curse of Pharoahs Mirror Force Deck-Destruction Virus of Death Deck-Destruction Virus of Death Fusion: Thousand-Eyes Restrict Thosuand Eyes-Restrict Thousand Eyes Restrict Total Monsters: 22 Total M/T: 22 Total Cards: 44
Bluck Luster soldier and Ritual aren't in the Yugi Structure. They're in Dark ceremonies and Premium Pack #2. The "starters" will cost about the same amount as the Kaiba and Yugi starters. But the price may vary in different stores.
Yep. They don't have to stay in your hand. You can attack with them normally, as with any other monster.
Alexander: Maybe you should replace Thousand Eyes Idol with a fusion-sub. They're a lot more useful than TEI. Circeus: Oops! Why do I keep thinking Princess of Tsurugi is an earth-type monster.:bluesweat Sorry 'bout that.