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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. The Key card in a Weenie Rush is Ultimate Offering. It gets your monsters out way faster then you normally would. Try replacing the Queen's Double with Priness of Tsurugi's. They will do a lot more damage, and might be easier to keep on the field. You might not need those Shield and Swords. Its always good to ahve a good defense abd the Shield and Sword cards take up some slots better filled with Ultimate Offering, the Weenie Rush card.
  2. I have bad news and good news. The Structure Decks will be released in early March! The exact date has not been confirmed, but it will be sometime in March. The bad news, only two of the structures will be released. The Joey and Pegasus Structures. They will be called "Starters" instead of "Structures", but they will still have the same cards in the Japanese Structures, giving the info that UpperDeck has provided. So the Kaiba and Yugi Structures will not make it to America. At least not yet. Lets hope they do. Otherwise, we'll just ahve to wait untill Premium Packs...
  3. Thats the thing. The only good sub-type of the Earth element is the warrior class. So when people refer to an Earth deck, they usually mean a Warrior deck. For a Weenie Rush, just load it up with four-star monsters with high attack, but the so far the only good Earth monsters like that are warriors.(Or Beast-Warriors) Some cards to reccomend: Hayabusa Knight, Gravity Bind, Princess of Tsurugi, and Ultimate Offering. For high attack monsters, use cards like Gearfried the Iron Knight, Battle Ox, Goblin Attack Force, Dark Zebra, and maybe Jirai Gumo (If you want). Since your going to loose life points, by Ultimate Offering and/or maybe by Jirai Gumo, use Nimble Momamgas.
  4. Warrior decks are possible. They don't have the best cards out right now, but you can make a decent deck. Here's my Warrior deck. Its Japanese, but since you might not use Japanese cards, you can at least get a feel for what you want. Most of these cards are found in Struggle of Chaos. [color=brown][size=4][b][u]Undefeated Army[/u][/b][/size][/color] Monsters: 20 Android Psycho Shocker Undefeated General Freed Undefeated General Freed Goblin Attack Force Goblin Attack Force Command Knight Command Knight Witch of the Black Forest Gearfried the Iron Knight Gearfried the Iron Knight Gearfried the Iron Knight Cyber Jar Penguin Soldier Penguin Soldier Dark World Warrior-Dark Sword Dark World Warrior-Dark Sword Dark World Warrior-Dark Sword Troop Commander Sangan Sangan Magic: 14 Calling Reinforcements Axe of Despair Axe of Despair Raigeki Pot of Greed Resilant Warrior Resilent Warrior United Army United Army Monster Reborn Change of Heart Harpy Feather Duster Angel?s Gift Angel?s Gift Traps: 6 Mirror Force Magic Jammer Seven Tools Magic Cylinders Destruction Ring Call of the Haunted Total Monsters: 20 Total M/T: 20 Total Cards: 40
  5. You really think that one letter amkes all the difference...
  6. There [i]are[/i] better cards than Curse of Dragon. Its a rather weak card. And by Seyeara do you mean Seiyaru? I made a Deck-out deck. Not quite sure it fits restrictions, maily because it seems very easy to deck out my opponent. I'm not that familar with the Japanese Restricted List.
  7. The gold one is the God of Ra (Now named Winged Dragon of Ra). God of Osiris (Now called Slifer the Sky Dragon) is the red one. God of Obelisk (Now it is Obelisk the Tormentor) is the blue one.
  8. The combination of the Exodia's attack is infinite. Once its summoned, you win. Just like if you had all five in your hand.
  9. Well this isn't [i]just[/i] the eye, but I hope this will help. [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Eye.gif[/img]
  10. You can use Gaia the Dragon Champion, but his fusions are weak so I reccomand using a fusion-sub. Keep Curse of Dragon, since your running a dragon deck. Just stay away from Gaia the Fierce Knight.
  11. I just hope they Magic/Trap pictures are just as good. ::Imagines Raigeki destoying all of opponents monsters::
  12. Gaia the Feirce Knight is really bad. It has such low stats for a seven-star monster. If you plan on fusing to get The Dragon Champion, use a Fusion-Sub instead. The less useless tributes in a fusion, the better.
  13. Exodia's attack is infinity. We all know the pieces have low attack strength. But, there was a special Japanese promo card that was the combination of the Exodia pieces in one card. Its attack and defense were not numbers, instead it had the infinite symbol in its place. So that means as soon as you get it out and atatck with it, you win. I'm not sure exactly how that worked, I think you had to sacrifice all the Exodia cards or something, but there was a combination of Exodia.
  14. Well I can't really invite myself over. And Friend A never really invites me. Neither does Friend B.
  15. Well said. If they don't like it, they are wasting their time doing so. Its funny really. They think its so stupid, but yet again they are always spending a lot of time doing that. Almost as if they are interested in it. lol
  16. Well, what's your favorite type of monster? Usually that can decide which you would most like. I like Fiend-types (Summoned Skull) so anturally my favorite deck I play most often is my Fiend/Spellcaster Beatdown.
  17. This is Obelisk the Tormentor (The one Kaiba gets) [img]http://www.newtechnix.com/Webmasters/supertony/Images/News_Gamecube_Yu_Gi_Oh_Falsebound_Kingdom_7.jpg[/img] This is The Winged Dragan of Ra (The one Marik gets) [img]http://www.newtechnix.com/Webmasters/supertony/Images/News_Gamecube_Yu_Gi_Oh_Falsebound_Kingdom_8.jpg[/img] I'm still looking for a good picture of Slifer the Sky Dragon (The one Yugi gets)
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]What I don't understand is why you don't make friends with your friend's new friend. (wait... did that make sense?) Get to know this new person your friend is hanging out with [/B][/QUOTE] He's not a new person. He's my other friend. But I can't always hang out with him when I've got nothing planned, because of he's alway at my other friend's house. To avoid confusion: Friend A - the person I'm talking about Friend B - The other friend who is always at A's house.
  19. Triforce: A theme is very important. Without one, you don't really have a deck. With a theme, you'll have a much better chance of winning. Your deck has strong monsters, but thats not really a theme focus. Any deck can have strong monsters. Toons, Harpies, Dark Magician Girl, etc. But there is more strategy behind that. Do you just use powerful monsters to run them out of cards? Use powerful monsters to stall while getting Exodia (That's an example)? A theme is not content; A theme is strategy. Domon: Add in Solemn Judgement. Its a combination of Magic Jammer, Seven Tools, an Horn of Heaven. Don't worry about the life point loss. Its best used in late in the game when your life points are lower. And it can be a big life saver because of its flexibility. Add in Horn of heaven is you want, but you loose a monster as well, and that could lead you open for an attack.
  20. Beat-Up? Now a theme isn't more than just a cool name. What strategies are in a "Beat-up" deck.
  21. I have more than one friend, incase that brought up anything. But I think I'll have to listen to what Wrist Cutter said. That sounds a lot like my case, and thats what people are telling me to do.
  22. That's not really a theme. Power can be used a lot of ways. It would fall under beatdown, but you have so many other-theme cards that its not a beatdown. What do you want your deck to be?
  23. You know that little line-thingy above your signature. Is there a way to center that using the [center] code? Because when your sig is in the middle, and that line is to the left, it looks a little funny.
  24. I'd establish a theme first. It doesn't look like you have one.
  25. I have a friend. We used to be best friends. We'd have a lot of fun playing video games and fun stuff. We were really good friends. Now I'm going to a new school. That changed everything. Now we rarely talk or see eachother. I've called him a few times, but its like he doesn't care at all and he doesn't pay to much attention. And now, he always, and i mean [i]always[/i] has another friend over. Almost everyday. And its the same friend. So i can never hang out with him. Or the other friend, who is one of the only other few really good friend I have. Its like he doesn't care. Now it seems like he didn't even think of me as a friend, and that he used me for some other purpose. Like in the summer. He is a video game freak. He always wants to play them. But, his parents gave him a restriction to how much he could do (Only 2 days aweek), except when a friend was over. So naturally he invited me over. Everyday. So now, it feels like we're disconnected, and in fact, we really are. It seems like we're not even friends anymore. What should I do? Is there a way to remain friends? (I mean without all the stuff mentioned above)
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