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Everything posted by Hyper
The finale was interesting. It seemed a little odd that Master Org could destiy the zords with so much ease. It would have better if they put up more of a struggle. And with all the Wild Zords. If only they had all materialized instead of being little crystal thingies. Too bad Jindrax and Toxica wern't in this. I'd would have liked to see what they've been doing after the fight is over. Zen-aku was odd. He just comes back. I bet he's just a spirit sorto thing that can never die. But i thought after he destoyed him the first time, he should use the Wolf Mask as an armor-thingy. Oh well. Can't wait for Ninja Storm.:)
It was against Pantomime, not Rare Hunter. (Pantomime is now dubbed "Strings")
Or sometimes the person just tells you. Thats my case. lol
Well tomorrow Kaiba agrees to start the tournament. But I'm not exactly sure when the tournament itself starts. Ohh the God Cards!! ::is very is excited:: But now they changed Obelisk's name to Obelisk the Tormentor... ::Is shocked at dubbers:: lol
Well if you post it, we can make it better.:)
You shoudl alter the ratio of your cards. You have 30 magic and traps, and only 15 monsters. Thats not the best odds for a deck. Try evening out your deck. Some magics are a little unneccesarry, and you should have more attack monsters to if you plan on attacking directly. And for more life point gainers, try Nimble Momamgas.
Yes it would. But I think the card your thinking of is Mirror Wall, not Mirror Force.
It happened on the old skin as well.
Themes are the most important thing in a deck. Without one, you don't have a deck. My friends had to find out the hard way. They've never beaten me. Why? they doesn't have a theme. No matter which deck I use, I still beat them. Themes help. A lot.
I guess that Millenium Eye corruptted him in a way. Having that much power (Even though its not very mcuh compared to toer characters) may be a little tempting. But his motives were pure. But his way of going about that really wasn't...
Anime Quick question about upcoming sagas.... *spoilers*
Hyper replied to Jinzouningen17's topic in Otaku Central
Various sites... I'm not really sure. lol I just browse here and there. But I'm not entirely sure thats [i]exactly[/i] what happens, beause everys ite has their own little variation. -
Its your theme. If you focus on using the Lord of D. Combo, then it would be a Lord of D. deck. If you focus on tearing through your opponent with super-powered attack monster you have a beatdown, which comes in different forms,, on either Element, or type. Basiccaly its what you focus on. Mai uses Harpies. Her deck focuses on Harpies. She uses a Harpie deck. Understand? Its what cards you focus to achieve victory. There are different types of decks. Such as: Beatdown, Harpy deck, Toon deck, Direct Damage, Shield and Sword, Discard, Ritual, Dark Magician Girl, Buster Blader/Dragon Destruction, Character decks, etc. And there are a lot more styles you can mix and match, and you can always create your own.
Well now that they're not God Cads anymore, what do you think they'll call them?
Wellt he new skin is better though. It has the little gadget thingy (Don't know what to call it) at the top with your avatar etc. And it shows new mesages. But I sometimes use the old skin, and I don't get pop-ups there. I just wonered where they pop-ups went, because it helps me discover the little mail I have. lol
You can only have Two Sangans in a deck.:)
Your welcome, Kinetic.:) See F/S Beatdowns are my fave, so when people ask advice about them, I use peices of my deck to help. And even some people might have seen this before, here is my F/S Beatdown, a rather old English deck, not updated for PSV, but I still do really weel with this deck. [size=4][b][u][i]Black Judgement[/i][/u][/b][/size] [b]Tribute monsters:[/b] 4 Summoned Skull Summoned Skull Summoned Skull Barrel Dragon [b]Non-tributes:[/b] 16 La Jinn La Jinn La Jinn Seven-Colored Fish Seven-Colored Fish Magician of Faith Wall of Illusion Wall of Illusion Mystical Elf/Dark Elf Mystical Elf/Dark Elf Man-Eater Bug Man-Eater Bug Maha Vailo Maha Vailo Witch of the Black Forest Cyber Jar [b]Magic:[/b] 13 SORL Demon?s Axe Demon?s Axe Malevolent Nuzzler Malevolent Nuzzler Black Pendant Black Pendant Change of Heart Monster Reborn Raigeki Pot of Greed Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon [b]Traps:[/b] 7 Michizure Michizure Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven Tools Seven Tools Mirror Force Total Monsters: 20 Total M/T: 20 Total Cards: 40
There really is a petition? ::wanders off to sign::
I knew i was forgetting something. Stupid me. lol
I don't think your an idiot. Its just Red-Eyes isn't the best dragon and that there are others you could use. But Its your deck,so do what you want.
You can have up to 5 M/T card son the field, inluding Equip cards. Axe of Despair adds 1000 ATK. Four of them is 4000. Megamorph doubles your monsters attack if your life points are lower than your oponent's. Thats around 8000. And then there is Kuriboh's base attack.
I'd classify it as a F/S Beatdown. You have most of the right monster cards. I'd dump the Witch's Apprentice. They won't last very long. Just add another Mystic Plasma Sone if you want. Replace Castle of Dark Illusions for Wall of Illusion or Mystical Elf. Those should be your main defense, but becareful with Mystic Plasma Zone on those walls. Get rid of Labyrinth Wall, just Side Deck it Looking for a Summoned Skull Replacement? Try the new Beast of Talwar, its better than red-Eyes in both attack and defense, but for one tribute less. Its a fiend type, so it will fit your theme. Cyber Jar is great for Beatdowns. It can really turn the tables. Add one or two more Neos. For magics try to add a few more power ups. They have the best ones in MRL. Try Malevolent Nuzzler. Its +700 and its a common card. Be sure to replace Sword of DS, it can be a pain being put back to the top of your deck. You might not need Soul exchange. Because then you have to skip your Battle Phase and then you might loose it next turn without ever using it. Take out Ookazi and De-Spell for Swords of Revealing Light and Pot of Greed. Traps, you know what I'm going to say. Try to get those Counter Traps, but I know your probably looking. Great start for a deck.
At least we could petition for better names... like the original Japanese names...
Fusion Gate is a good card. I've seen it be used in various Fusion Decks (The deck theme, not actual Fusion deck) and it pulls of deadly fusions. No card does that Uriel, unfortuantly. Once its out, its out. For good.
I've seen people get Kuribohs at 4700, and win the duel using that card. And I've done it myself. Its very fun. And the look on your opponents face is just as rewarding. You can go way beyond that though: Kuriboh + Axe of despair + Axe of despair + Axe of despair + Axe of despair + Megamorph = Around 8600 ATK
Mystic Tomato is in MRL. It actually puts it on the field instead of your hand, as a Special Summon. And since I reccomend not using Red-Eyes, try using a fusion-sub if you have one in its place. (The best of the subs is Godess with third Eye)