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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. So thats what they call it. Deck Limbo. Very catchy. lol Some of my friends went way ahead buildng their deck. But the best place to stat is with what you have. Its easy to build from that.
  2. I've never heard that rumor before. Regardless, Its not true. There was a rumor about him being dubbed into a girl, but him being gay, as far as I know, is not true.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tigeroscar_1 [/i] [B]lord of d. it protects my all my dragons form effects magic cards and traps [/B][/QUOTE] Not really. It protects them from all magic, traps, and magics that [I]specificaly[/I} target a dragon monsters. That means its effected by Dragon Capture Jar, Raigeki, Buster Blader, etc. And it works on both sides of the fields. My best cards? Well I guess Barrel Dragon. With the many power-ups I have, and its awesome monster removal effect, it is probably my favorite monster card. Then there are my Summoned Skulls. They really help out, being powerful and easy to access. And they look so cool.:cool:lol
  4. But if your cards are stolen, hope that it was newbie. Blue-Eyes are easy to come across and I've heard heard someone say (Not here), "Add a BEWD to your deck, its a staple card," (Which its not) but it still is horrible when someone steals your cards, no matter what cards they were.
  5. Maybe. I probably won't though. As much as I like power ups (And I do), I only have one Power of Kaishin.::looks sad:: But PoK only adds around 300/400, and to me thats to weak for a power up. So thats why I have Axe of Despair (+1000). Its such an evil card. lol
  6. [size=1] And you've done a good job, Shyguy. You got rid of several spammy topics and and made a place for those advice questions.::Applauds:: ;) But I agree, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Forum does need another mod.[/size]
  7. You probably will. Thats the problem with water decks. They're not very strong. But I havn't seen your deck yet.
  8. Well I've been to a message board with a character limit. You could only have a certain number of characters in your sig. VBcodes did count as the limit though. But It might help enforce the rules better.
  9. I don't really need Catapult Turtle because its not really necesary for a beatdown, and its a tribute monster. City of Atlantis acts like an Umi card. It gives power ups just like Umi, but it also lowers their leverl star by 1.
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh cards are often stolen, it amazes me. I've never seen that many thefts in any other card game.
  11. Aqua decks are really hard to make right now, Yami. I had trouble building this deck. Not everyone can make one now, and few have been succesful. That's why I said it. And if anyone can make one, as you said, I'd like to see what other people have come up with.
  12. Keep the Sword Hunter for now. When you get another one, or something good, trade. He'll probably still want it by then.
  13. Way too many useless tribute monsters. Establish a theme, and go from there. Try duplicates of your better cards, don't just hve one of everything.
  14. Well do you have duplicates of those extras? Are their better ways to get the Trinity? How else could go you go about this? Keep those questions in mind when deciding, because I can't really say what you should do.
  15. Well right now there really isn't a good English Buster Blader deck, mostly its used with the Japanese Dark Paladin. Or you could try to use it in a Warrior Beatdown, 'cause thats really the only deck it could fit in.
  16. I know, but it fits my theme and has a great effect. 2000 lif epoints won't matter. I'll be adding in some Dancing Fairy's later.
  17. I just surprised myself when I came up with this. Basically its a water beatdown, but I excluded Summoned Skull, 'cause I wanted to stick to mainly water types. I'm not really askin' for advice just wanted to showcase my deck. [u][i][b][color=royalblue][size=4]Tsunami[/size][/color][/b][/i][/u] Tribute Monsters: 5 Suijin Suijin Suijin Legendary Fisherman/Fisher Beast Legendary Fisherman/Fisher Beast Normal Monsters: 16 Aqua Madoor Aqua Madoor Aqua Madoor Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Seven-Colored Fish Seven-Colored Fish Seven-Colored Fish Island Turtle Island Turtle Aquaria Spirit of Water Aquaria Spirit of Water Witch of the Black Forest Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Sangan Magic: 13 Lost City of Atlantis Lost City of Atlantis Lost City of Atlantis Raigeki Dark hole Pot of Greed Shallow Grave Monster Reborn Change of Heart Swords of Revealing Light Swords of Revealing Light Axe of Despair Axe of Despair Traps: 7 Mirror Force Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven Tools Seven Tools Magic Cylinder Tsunami Total Monsters: 21 Ttoal M/T: 20 Total Cards: 41 This is all about getting Lost City of Atlantis out as quickly as I can, therefor I have three Cities. Quite alot of tribute monsters, but with City of Atlantis I get them all for one star less. Then I have some good water monsters, Aqua Madoor and Seven-Colored fish, and then I have Island Turtle and Aquaria which havr good attack (Aquaria) and good defense (Turtle). Witches and Sangans to find them. Magics and traps mainly beatdown, but more concentrated on City of Atlantis. Traps have basic counters and staples, and I added Tsunami (Think Horn of Heaven and Dark hole) because it seemed very fitting.
  18. [URL=www.yugioh-card.com]UpperDeck[/URL] has the official rulings and covers the offical rulings of confusing card effects. You can e-mail them too if you have a question, I've e-mailed them before and they get to it as soon as they can.
  19. Well he is best used with City of Atlantis. He can't die with the Umi card on the field. COA (City of Atlantis) counts as an Umi card. Legendary Fisherman (LF) is a Tribute monster. So basicaaly if you pull that off you get A 2050 (I think thats his attack w/ bonus) ATK monster thats invincible for no tributes. LF is a pretty good card. And you can always power him up. For an aqua deck, its either him or Fisherbeast (Stronger; but no efefcts). But, yeah, he'd be a good water deck card.
  20. Weater decks are [b][i]very[/i][/b] hard to make. Just wait until Lost City of Atlantis for a water deck. Get rid of those crappy 1-tribute monsters. All of them should have 2100+ attack for 1-tribute monsters. Just try to get duplicates of good cards, and for an aqua deck that would basically be, Umiriku (sp) Suijin Aqua Madoor Seven Colored Fish
  21. Putting out too many card I don't think is that foolish. Some cards gain an advantage from having no cards (Flash Assailant) And some don't (Magic Jammer, Tribute to the Doomed, Muka Muka)
  22. Oohh Gemini elf, I like that card. Blood Vors and Skilled Black Magician have both 1900 attack, not sure abot defense though. And then theres Dunamis Valkyria.(sp)
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by blackgatomon [/i] [B]Okay... I know this store that has oodles of cards that aren't supposed to be released yet. Curse of Anubis, Thousands Eyes Bible, Age of Mythology... [/B][/QUOTE] They must be Japanese cards. Otherwise they'd be fake.
  24. Well Tourny rule restrictions is what I care about the most. I made that clear to my friend when he used 2 Dark holes, than 2 Monster Reborns after.
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