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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. But why do you need Polymerization? Three BEWD and Poly is a newbie strategy. Might I recommend Devil Franken:devil:
  2. Thanx Guys. And for Beelzebumon, the Ouija Board is like Exodia, except with only magic and trap cards. Once you activate the Ouija Board trap, at the end of your opponent's turn, you play a Death Message from your hand or deck. Once it spells out D-E- A-T-H , you automatically win the game. But if one card is sent to the graveyard, any one Ouija Board piece, all of them are sent to the graveyard. There are no restrictions to the Oujia Board, but its easier than Exodia to counter.
  3. It seems to me the luck is based off strategy. Like the dice you choose.
  4. (Yami and BoSA work good for sub-type) DNA Operation is a common! Very easy. To get and to play.:)
  5. Ok this is my serious control deck. Basically it use controll cards like Thousand-Eyes Restrict, with some Occult controllers mainly Dark Necrophia, who really does some damage. And I am not going by J. restriction even though this is a J. deck Monsters: 22 Relinquished Relinquished Relinquished Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer Versago the Destroyer Sangan Sangan Witch of the Black Forest Witch of the Black Forest Sonic Bird Sonic Bird Sonic Bird Senju Senju Senju Man-Eater Bug Dark Necrophia Dark Necrophia Magician of Faith Magician of Faith Mask of Darkness Magic: 14 Black Illusion Ritual Black Illusion Ritual Black Illusion Ritual SORL Pot of Greed Death Message {E} Death Message {A} Death Message {T} Death Message {H} Polymerization Polymerization Change of Heart Monster Reborn Raigeki Traps: 8 Ouija Board Ouija Board Magic Jammer Magic Jammer Seven Tools Curse of the Pharohs Deck-Destruction Virus of Death Deck-Destruction Virus of Death Fusion: 3 Thousand-Eyes Restrict Thousand-Eyes Restrict Thousand-Eyes Restrict Total Monsters: 22 Total M/T: 22 Total Cards: 44 (Not including Fusion deck) This is a control deck. How do I control? I use Relinquished to manipulate it. I have the Ritual cards to do so, and then I fuse it with Versago, putting Versago into my graveyard. Now to get Versago and other cards such as Senju or Sonic Bird, I use my Sangans and Witch of the Black Forests. Particularly putting my Sangans into the graveyard. Now another thing to do with my Sangans is to use DDVD (Crush Virus) to stop my opponent from using powerful monsters, as well as putting Sangan in my graveyard. I also have Mask of Darkness to bring a trap bakc, and put MoD into the Graveyard. Your see the patern don't you? After my 6 fiend-types are in the Graveyard, Dark Necrophia time!! This is a fairly strong monster with good defense that requires three fiend-types from the grave to be removed from play. After DN is destoyed, it gets to posses other monsters and put them under my control. Then I after I have taken controll of the field, and manipulated it, I go in for the kill. Ouija Board. I can get the Messages straight from my deck, or Graveyard with Magicians of Faith. And I have my traps to protect the cards as I play them.
  6. Well if Sanga, Suijin, or Kazejin is in attack mode, the attacking monster is destoyed. If they are in DEF mode, the monster is destoyed. Thats a lot of Life points. Not to mention that they can [i]attack[/i] next turn. And since you can can't change their primary type, you can change thier sub-type with DNA operation, to fit your decks' standards.
  7. I mean that if you use there effect. Very good effect. DD = Direct Damage. Lets say a BEWD attacks a Sanga. You use the effect, BEWD is destoyed, and your opponent takes damage to Sanga's attack. 7500 is the base damage. With one power up, you'll ruin your opponent.
  8. Now I'm starting to use more Japanese cards. Like with my DMGirl, Occult/controll, and Toon decks. Lol. But if you get them first, Genkai, then you'll be special for a day or two. :)
  9. Your welcome. Now if only Gate Guardian was a fusion.. Versago + Godess of the Third eye + Swamp Monster Beast (or whatever that other fusion-sub is) = Gate Guardian. Then GG decks would be so popular.lol
  10. Thats original. (Sounds sarcastic, but I don't mean it to) I've never seen a deck like that. But wouldn't that be partly a DD deck? Since you can do 7500 direct damage? (Surprised me too)
  11. Its a super-rare. Rare: no holographic picture, but silver name. Super Rare: Normal name, holographic picture. Ultra Rare: Holographic picture, gold name. Secret Rare: Rainbow-ish name, holographic picture, that has a prism-like pattern. (Like in the Tin's) I have to disagree, Kinetic. All of them require 2 tributes, thats six monsters! Well maybe 5 when City of Atlantis comes out, but anyway, then you have to sacrifice them to play gate Guardian. Maybe one in certain decks, and couple Suijins in a water deck, but otherwise these arn't as good as you think.
  12. Versago is a good card. Accessible by both Sangan and Witch of the Black Forest (not to mention Mystic Tomato) and a fiend-type, makes this a good card. I use it with my Ritual of the Occult deck, along with Crush Virus. Crush Virus is not out yet.
  13. I lost you after the second sentance. Could you explain that again?
  14. Tournaments cards can't be sold. If you notic on UperdDeck, they mention removing a tourny site from the list, because they sold TP1 packs. And now, on friday, Tournaments will come to a close. They'll shut the online duelist rankings and remove that data. But it doesn't end! Get ready for TP2 packs!
  15. Hyper

    Deck Tips

    Cut down cards. Choose your theme, than remove everything that doesn't work. You may have little cards left, but then you can build on it.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Axel--Ignition [/i] [B] All the good monsters are nearly impossible to get (Jinzo of 1000 Hands, Buster Blader...[/B][/QUOTE] You mean Jinzo and Senju of the Thousand Hands? Jinzo is from PHS and SOTH is from MRL.
  17. It has already come over. Its name is like the show, Thousand-Eyes Restrict.
  18. Well lets see, it negates trpas at 1000 life points. It can stop: Mirror Force Waboku Trap hole Dragon Capture Jar DNA Opration (for those Buster Blader decks) Crush Card Other negating-cards.. The list goes [i]way[/i] on Paying a small fee of 1000 lp, you can stop a lot of different cards. Of course now you can just use Jinzo, but 7-tools a staple card in every deck. Thats why.:)
  19. Any beatdown has [i]3[/i] Summoned Skulls. And that may/may not be the only tribue monster in your deck. For a little monster removal, try Barrel Dragon.
  20. I'd say Millenium Rod. I'd get to control anybody at will, and it also is a weapon. But then I'd say the Millenium Eye...
  21. I had to go agaisnt the former champion (weekly tournaments) so I got beaten rather early. He just seemed to have all the right cards, when I didn't.
  22. It says "The four-part pecial event, Yu-Gi-Oh! Dungeon dice Monsters," so they must have shortened it.
  23. Its too weak for a 2-tribute monster. For fusions, just use Versago or something. Unles you want REBMD.
  24. Well "gay" is always used wrong. Its anything that person doesn't like. Such shallow minds, and horrible vocabulary...lol
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