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Everything posted by Hyper
Isn't the TCG Number like MRL-000? Anyways try Pojo's I guess.
Well there are few possibilites: 1) Your deck could be better I havn't seen it yet, I don't mean for you to take this offensively, but yhis could be one of the possibilites. 2) Your skill I don't mean to say your a bad duelist but I've seen someone ask a similar question somewhere else and this was the same response. 3) Your opponents Maybe the ppl you face are just extreme deckbuilders or have unique combos no one's thought of yet. Hope you do better next time.:)
Well I just usually try to take things one step at a time. Ususually its when everything starts to come up. But otherwise I just stay in my room.
Well LOB and MRD are balanced more. English Magic Ruler is made of Japanese Magic Ruler and Japanese Pharoah's Servant. Magic Ruler has really good magics and everything doesn't quite macth up on the other hand. English Pharoah's Servant consists of Japanese Curse of Anubis (pretty sure) and J. Thousand Eyes Bible. Unlike Magic Ruler, this deck mainly concentrates on traps, seeing as how more than of half of the series is traps.. So as more series are relased more combos and strategies and rulings are going to come about. Its just there are so many possibilites. They created Buster Blader to tear through dragon decks. But they also came up with DNA Operation to stop it. Eventually every card will have a weakness as more are created. So the startegies get more complicated.
I use English cards mainly because their cheaper than Japanese cards. And some of the Japanese players buy all of them. If i had them, I'd use them because all my English newbie friends wont know what hit them. lol
I didn't see the last part yet, I will tommorow but I'ms till puzzled why you guys see everything a week before me. I just saw the destrection of Toxica. How sad. I almost cried, Toxica was my favorite villain. Shadow Rangers don't look so good. I thoguht they'd be different then what I saw in the preview.
What about that Monster Replace card? Its a really crappy card with only one use and Yugi puts it in his deck... If they do make it, it will probably act like Fake Trap, only with monsters.
Anime I'm new with the series and I hardly understand anything....
Hyper replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Otaku Central
Kimo and Tristan? Mai and Cecelia? Conspriacy! lol They look so much alike and yet Mokuba and Kaiba have no resembelance... -
You shold at least have 8 traps. Mirror Force Magic Jammer Solemn Judgment Seven Tools of the Bandit Trap Hole x3 Any other card to back up your theme Around 12 magics with all the staples: Raigeki Change of Heart Pot of Greed Monster Reborn Dark Hole Then usually power ups or othe rcards to back up your theme. Thats around 20 magics. The monsters vary but the most succesful are: Summoned Skull x3 Barrel Dragon 7-colored fishes La Jinns. Those are mostly beatdowns, but they work in every deck. All the normal non-tribute monsters should have over 1800 attack or more. Total tributes in a deck should be around 5 sacrifices in about 4 cards. Then your deck should be under 45 cards.
And they're fast too. Princess of Tsurugi, Just deserts. So mnay cards to choose from.
Ryu stood outside. His digivice in his hand, and his digis behind him. Ryu: If all these digimon are coming after us, do you think more will come? Mono: Definatly. But I don't know why. Ryu's digivice beeped. A red arrow pointed him in a dirction. Ryu decided to follow it.
Take out the Lord of D. cards. If yuo going to use that strategy, you need a Lord of D. deck. Remove Trap and De-spell are trash cards. Why use Waboku when you can use Mirror Force? Instead of stalling, just destory all of their monsters. Just try to concentrate your theme a bit more
My Favorite Card? Lets see for English I have to say to Summoned Skull because its a staple in almost any deck and can be very useful. Japanese hmm..undecided. To many to choose from..lol, Dark Paladin, Injection Angel..the list goes on.
I know it's enforced well, but it has a politeful message telling you to edit your post instead. But I havn't seen very many double-posts lately so it probably isn't necessary. But in case the Spammers come.. ::Scary music plays::
Edo and YGO Realms has it Edo has more Japanese stuff and Realms has more English stuff
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hyper replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
They are making an RPG on Battle City thats a cross bewteen Eternal Dueslist Soul (The new GBA game) and Golden Sun (great game). Gamecube? Yu-gi-Oh! on gamecube? ::Chases after Solo:: Info please? -
We all know double psoting is againt the rules right? And sometimes newbies do, and then people will sapm and tell them not to do it? Well I was at another V-Bulliten message board, an there was feature that prevents double posting. Maybe it will help.:)
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hyper replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1] Sorry to burst your bubble Cera... Anyways it was probably made up by some wanna-be (sp?) duelist. You can always hear tell the real rumors from the fake ones. They real ones appear more often. Like the on about UD making Dueling Gloves for tournies... It can't tell if tis true or not since ppl have talked about several times but i hear a lot these days. Crazy rumors. [/size] -
I also designed a Dragon deck, and a defensice/offensive Exodia deck, I'm missing a few cards though. Now I'm currently desinging a Toon Burner deck.
Get either of the Joey's. They have REBD (it goes for a lot of $$) or BSD (powerful) Those are your best choices
Anime They dared to insult the good name of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hyper replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Otaku Central
There was a rumor going around that UD would buy an island, build a castle, call it the Duelsit Kingdom, and invite the best DK duelists in Canada, U.S. and Japan, and have Three seperate tournies for each. Its fake. -
The God Cards came in one of the YGO Video games in japan, (Duel monsters 6 or 7) but it was only given to those who pre-ordered it. (Obelisk in Kaiba Version, Ra in Joey Version, Osiris in Yugi Version) BEWD comes in the Kaiba structure. Master of Dragon Knight and Five-God- Dragon are promos. Magician of Black Chaos is Yugi structure Black Luster soldier is in Premium Pack 2 Black-Robbed Sage = Dark Sage (e.) Maybe in Champions of the Black Magicians (e. unknown) or in the Shonen Jump. The Shonen Jump variant card [b]will be[/b] legal in tournies.
[size=1]I think we are getting agame forum online soon. Thats what the "Play" in the little gizmo up top is for.[/size]
[size=1]I didn't have one at the time. I'm not saying what I could have done, I'm saying what I did.]/size]
I have only 63... ::hides in the corner::