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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. I'd have to say my most embarrasing moment was when i mistake other ppl as family. Soemthing I wish I'd take back? Well i kinda got into this moody conversation with my friend and we had an argument. I said stuff i wish I hand't.
  2. Well there are cartoons. And parents are just like that.
  3. Ryu had woken up early. He stayed in bed, watching the other sleep and then he talked with his digimon. Ryu: So why exactly did you come here? BKAgumon: We need your help. And we think you need ours. The Sovereigns. Ryu listened closly as his Digi's filled him in. He ate his breakfast and went to the mall to meet the others. On his wy, he stopped and got a couple packs of digimon cards. A digivolution card, a double speed, power boost, hyper sonic, and hyper wings. He then saw the Ryan and ran to meet him.
  4. Go [url=www.yugiohrealms.com]here[/url]. It has info on every card in the structures and a picture.
  5. I agree with you on that. If ppl keep on bothering you with it, don't bring your cards. And enjoy your dance..lol
  6. That Fusion card should came way later. I mean, we just got our digi's.
  7. OOc. Greymon was defeated already,a nd I don't think you can go to ultimate this early.
  8. didn't see that eppy. Hope I'll catch i next week.
  9. Ryu: Dont get too happy Ryan, He's back! All three of Ryu's digimon atatcked the greymon, but no use. Digi-modify! Power Boost activate! The atatck did little damage. Bliss and Na'dou tried as well. They sued their modify acrds as well. Ryan, let us use your Digivolution Card! He thros it to them and the three use it to digivolve one of thier digimon! BlackAgumon digivolved to BlackGreymon Black Nova Blast! Together they defeated the Greymon.
  10. Ryu: Greymon? I guess we'd better attack it.. BlackAgumon! Black Pepper Breath! The atatck didn't even phase the greymon. The other Digimon tried, but that didn't work either.
  11. Ryan: Ryu? What are you doing here. Ryu: Same as everyone else. He tunrs to the side. Ryan sees histhree Digimon. Ryan:Wow! you have them too? Here, come on in
  12. Ryu followed the arrows. It fiannly lead him to the forest. In a small clearing, stood three black digimon. He walked towards them... Ryu: I guess you guys are my partners? the digimon nodd there heads. --------------------- The next day at school: Ryu was at the back of the classroom. Just an ordinary school day he thought, Ryan was late again. He and Bliss were having a conversation, and the teacher told Ryan not to be late. Then it surprised him. A Wormmon popped out of Ryan's backapck. Ryu was shocked. Others had digimon too? He heard Ryan and Bliss talking about their Digimon. They were all going to Ryan's house after school. Ryu decided he would join them. ------------------- After school he brought his Digis with him to Ryan's house. Although he wasn't exactly invited, he really needed to talk. He rang the doorbell.
  13. Ryu kept walking. His hands in his pockets, his headphones on his head. He kept walking. He pulled out his deck of digimon cards. He held up his favorites. BlackMonodramon, BlackAgumon, and BlackVeemon. His CD player started to go funky. Then it went back to normal. But for the breif momet he heard voices and weird noises. He kept walking. Then the noises came back. He tried to turn it off, but ti wouldn't. It glowed. Then transformed. In to a digivce.. He followed the arrow on it hoping to lead him somewhere..
  14. I got mention! Ina thread I didn't start. lol Role-moels? Cera: You taught me the most when I was a newbie James and Adam: Pretty obvious why.. To all digi-peeps: You guys are so much fun, and I cant name them all And anybody who has given me a really cool banner, or has made me laugh.Lol
  15. Name: Ryu Digimon: BlackVeemon, BlackAgumon, BlackMonodrmon Digivice: Black, with some red on it Relaton to others: none DigiProfile BlackVeemon: Not as energetic as the normal Veemon, longs for adventure and excitement. Digiline: BKVeedramon, BKAeroVeedramon, dont know the mega BlackAgumon: Almost the exact same as BKVeedramon, they do everything together. Digiline: BKGreymon, BKMetalGreymon, BKWarGreymon BlackMonodromon: More quiet than the other two, he is a very serious fighter. He can't wait for a challenge. Digiline: BKStrikedramon, BKCyberdramon, BKJustimon
  16. I havn't gotten my report card yet but on other papers I've been getting mostly A's.
  17. And YGO Realms has pictures and Collector Tins and TP1 packs. Check it out.
  18. Yami yugi is supposed to be evil though. He does weird stuff in the Manga's and Yami means "Darkness" in Japanese. Like the Yami field card
  19. Well you dont need that. Besides then I wouldn't be able to participate because I can't download it.
  20. Hyper


    No its not that. I can post in every other topic there. Just not that one.
  21. Hyper


    I was just posting in the Yu-gi-Oh! Forum, replying to a thread. When I submitted the reply, It said the message fields were incomplete. So I just did the normal reply instead of the quick reply, but it still said I hadn't completed the message fields. So I filled in the optional post title. It still didn't work.
  22. [color=indigo][size=1] Thats okay if your new. But try to keep a look out for similar topics before you start a new one. ----------------------------- Rebbeca: Give back my granfather's Blue Eyes!!! Grandpa: I didn't steal it Rebbeca! Rebbeca: Okay then...lets go Teddy ::walks off: [/size][/color]
  23. [size=1][color=indigo]We would need the duelists. And then we just need to organize who should battle who and the flow of the tounry. Its definatly possible.[/color][/size]
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