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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. Hyper

    Ace of Base

    [size=1]I recently discovered them, and I just love them. Nice techno-ish pop songs with catchy tunes. And they're form Sweden! Swedish people are cool.:cool: I really like "The Sign" and 'Unspeakable". "Cruel Summer" is okay, but doesn't strike me as their best type. Not sure why, but they just stand out to me. I've heard I'm trying to get my hands on one of their CD's for my birthday. Anyone else like them?[/size]
  2. [size=1]Sound-bytes could be optional like with e-mail notification. Btu i don't think enough people want them at all. I'm looking forward to some skins, too. But that's already coming along. Skin ideas? - .hack//ANYTHING (I don't care if it's the anime or video game) - Super Mario! - Zelda (I already know the WW skin is coming) The font setting sin profile, naturally. Spell-checker, naturally. ::Thinks for somethign else to end in naturally:: Quick attachments, naturally. The RPG idea is cool, but it have to a few options and settings for maximum usage. That might not be possible. Sara's (non-recent) idea about collapsable forums on the main page seems helpful. Makes it easier to view the forums you actually post in. -Hyper// [/size]
  3. Hyper

    RPG Hack

    [size=1]Isn't that for just one big RPG? If that's the case it wouldn't do much good.[/size]
  4. Yup. That's the one. Though I was too afraid to capture it. So what's the Pokémon's attributes and skills? Do you still have it?
  5. You know Missingno isn't just in R/B. I accidentally found it the other day while using my gameshark. (Hey, I needed a Feebas.) So the code I planned on using wasn't for my actuall GBA. It was for the Virtual Boy. But, I ended up using it anyway, with some belief that it might work. And well it did - but not the way I wanted. Whenever I walked into the grass, I'd freeze my game at the second step for a second. Then I would go into a battle with who? What I believe to be the Missingno of Ru/Sa. It's name was soemthing like: ???????????????????M180?? Bleh, it only worked once. then next time I tried it, my game didn't start the battle and just froze. So I reset, and everythign was fine. Just a weird experiance I had. (Don't try it - who knows)
  6. [b]New CO Information:[/b] (All from the manual) Colin: He deploys units at reduced costs. All of his units have a slightly reduced attack strength, which may be a result of his lack of command experience. Sensei: Foot soldiers have superior firepower, and the movement ranges for his transport units is increased by one space. He's an expert with battle copters, and those under his command have increased attack strength. (My new favorite - you'll see why) Jess: All her vehicular units possess superior firepower. Her infantry, air, and naval units suffer from inferior firepower. Flak: He possesses immense attack power, but his lack of finesse reduces the efectiveness of his attacks. Lash: She utilizes terrain so effectively that her troops recieve attack bonuses equal to the defensive cover of the terrrain they occupy. Adder: He's a quick-thinking strategist whose CO Power builds up faster than those of other COs do. Hawke: All of his units possess superior firepower, but his CO power takes longer to build up than those of other COs do. His units are also expensive. [b]CO Powers and Super CO Powers[/b] There is a new system, now with a star gauge. 3 stars for normal power, 6 for super power. NOTE: First power listed is normal, second is super. Andy Hyper Repair:Restores 2 HP to all units. Hyper Upgrade: Restores 5 HP to all units. Firepower increases, and unit movement increases by 1 space. Sami Double Time: Infantry and mech units recieve a movement bonus of +1 space. Firepower increases slightly, Victory March: Foot soldiers recisve a +2 movement bonus and a firepower boost, and they can capture a property in one turn even if not at full HP. Max Max Force: Direct-combat units recieve a slight boost in firepower and +1 to their movement ranges. Max Blast: Direct-combat units recieve a large firepower bonus and +2 to their movement ranges. Olaf Blizzard: Causes snow to fall, which adversely affects all units excpet Olaf's own. WInter Fury: Calls down a fierce storm which affects enemy troop movement and does 2 HP damage to all enemy units. Grit Snipe Attack: Inreases the range of fire of indirect-combat units by 1 space, and increases their firepower slightly, too. Super Snipe: Gives indirect-combat units a firepower bonus and increases their ranges of fire by 2 spaces. Colin Gold Rush: Increases available funds by 1.5. Power of Money: Increases strength of weapons. The more funds available, the stronger your troops become. Kanbei Morale Boost: Give units a boost of energy and increases their firepower. Samurai Spirit: Increases both offensive and defensive abilities of all troops. Damage inflicted while counterattacking is multiplied by 1.5. Sonja Enhanced vision: Increases the vision range of all units and even allows then to spot units hidden in woods and reefs. Power Break: All units recieve an increased vision range of 1 space. Additionally, the strength of their counterattacks is increased. Sensei Copter Command: Copter firepower increases, and infantry units with 9 HP appear in all allied cities, ready to move. Airborne Assault: Copter firepower increases, and mech units with 9 HP appear in all allied cities, ready to move. (Now THAT'S what I'm talking about) Eagle Lightning Drive: Air unit offensive and defensive abilities increase. Lightning Strike: Air unit offensive and defensive abilities increase, and all non-infantry units ordered to wait can move again that turn. Drake Tsunami: Causes a giant wave to strike enemy units for 1 HP of damage and reduces their fuel by half. Typhoon: A sea storm erupts and strikes enemy units, causing 2 HP of damage, reducing fuel by half, and hindering troop movement. Jess Turbo Charge: Increases movement range of vehicular units by 1 space, replenishes fuel and ammo, and gives them a firepower boost as well. Overdrive: Vehicular units increase their movement ranges by 2 spaces, replenishe fuel and ammo, and increase their attack strength. Adder Slideslip: All units recieve a movement bonus of +1 space. Sidewinder: All units increase their movement ranges by 2 spaces. Hawke Black Wave: All units recover 1 HP and increase their firepower. All enemy units take 1 Hp of damage. Black Storm: All units increase their firepower and recover 2 HP. All enemy units take 2 Hp of damage. Flak Brute Force: Increases dispersion of fire. There's a chance of getting a super strong blow, but >firepower might suddenly drop. Barbaric Blow: Attack power increases, but so does the dispersion rate, affecting, the ammount of damage targets take. Lash Terrain Tactics: Turns Terrain effectsinot firepower bonuses. Prime Tactics: In addition to using Terrain effects to increase firepower, drops movement costs for all units to 1. It is unconfirmed, but likely that Sturm has no Super CO Power. There are also [spoiler]secret CO's.[/spoiler] [b]New Terrain![/b] In addition to edited images and sprites, new terrain features have been added. The most impresive, are the ones that take up 3x4 tile spaces. Volcano randomly erupts and does damage, while the nuclear silo, after being secured by an army, can attack any desired target on the map. [b]New Units![/b] We only know one at the moment, and that is the NeoTank. The strange looking tank costs 2200 and is the only new ground unit. I'm expecting to see some naval and air units, but none have been confirmed. [b]New Features and Modes![/b] Color Edit can change the color of your CO's, and the Sound Room is what it is. Thes emust be baught from Hachi. Also there is a new scoring system to balance the rankings. Instead of the old 500/200/300 speed/power/technique meter, a new system is applied. Rankings are determined by how well you do, in a balanced scale of 300 divided evenly among the three categories. (100 for power, 100 for speed, etc.) Campaign Mode now has 33, mission, and 3 secret mission. And you can choose which level to do. Yuo can start with pretty much anything. [b]Stuff That Stays the Same![/b] -Hachi -War Room -Design Maps -All the Old CO's -Versus Battle -Ranks and Stats -Field Training Much better than the original. :)
  7. Definatly the Spirit Cards. These are few of my favorite cards, and pretty useful. I just got my Yata-Garasu the other day. ^_^ It's helpful that they go back to your hand (sometimes) and using alll fo them can really hurt your opponent. (Well..maybe not all of them)
  8. [size=1]I've heard there was a thir dinstallment that used the more realistic (non-cel-shaded) graphics. Although I've come to love the cel-Shaded graphics. The smoke and bombs effects. Very cool. But what would the third game be like? If there is one?[/size]
  9. [size=1]Has anyone played it? I've been getting it into a lot recently and find it very enjoyable. Usually, I play as Turkey, although now I'm trying to learn to play as France. It's hard trying to find seven eople though. For those of you who don't know, Diplomacy is board game set in Pre-WWI Europe. There are the seven Great Powers: Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, England, Russia, Germany and Turkey. This is a strategy game with some lsight resemblance to Risk. But it's loads of fun with lots of backstabbing. ^^[/size]
  10. [size=1]Ask a question? Okay. [b]What is the infinite Gold Skulltula trick?[/b][/size]
  11. [size=1]Heh, I'm back. Coolies. [b]Name:[/b] Ryo [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Country:[/b] U.S.A. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Deck Theme:[/b] Viral Beatdown Monsters: 22 Dark Master Zork Dark Master Zork Blood Vorus Blood Vorus Demon Summon Demon Summon X-E-N-O X-E-N-O Cyber Jar Demon Soldier Demon Soldier Wall of Illsuion Wall of Illusion Exclusivity Virus Soul-Haunting Spirit Soul-Haunting Spirit Saint Magician Kuriboh Kuriboh Needle Worm Needle Worm Vampire Lord Magic Cards: 15 Pact With the Dark Master Pact With the Dark Master Multiply Axe of Despair Axe of Despair Megamorph Graceful Charity Graceful Charity Ebikiyo Drakmord Ebikiyo Drakmord Mystical Space Typhoon Mystical Space Typhoon Harpie Feather Sweep Monster Reborn Raigkei Trap Cards: 8 Mirror Force Negate Attack Magical Cylinders Imperial Decree Imperial Command Deck Destruction Virus of Death Deck Destruction Virus of Death Ring of Destruction Monsters: 22 Magic/Trap: 23 Total: 45 Cards[/size]
  12. [size=1]I hope it's okay if I just ask a question, now. [b]Q:[/b] What Pokémon's eyes are msot commonly mistaken for its ears?[/size]
  13. Hyper


    [size=1][i]Ryo went to one of the benches on the side of the gym, next to the referee's stand, and watched the battle closely.[/i] Ryo: Who do you think'll win? Rayne: Well, both have tremendous skill, but i don't know much about Neo. And Mitsuna, well, she has a few things up her sleeve. Ryo: Heh. Okay...Rayney. Rayne: Keep that up and you'll be next. ;) [i]Ryo, coming to a startling conclusion, kept his mouth shut and resumed the battle closely. Bubbly and Helix were going at it, but Bubbly seemed so layed back and relaxed. Helix looked a tiny bit stressed and held a great concentration on his opponent. Ryo then got up and wlaked over towards Max, his new travelling companion, just to get to know him.[/i] Ryo: So what's the Sky Pillar like? Max: Unbelievable...you see there's this legendary dragon the supposedly guards the top... [i]The two continued their conversation while Mitsuna and Neo kept up the intense battle, while Rayne judged the match on the sidelines.[/i] [/size]
  14. Hyper


    [size=1]OOC: Back to the Rustboro Gym right? ------------------------- [i]As Ryo and Rayne reached the gym, Bubbly hopped out of his stream and happily waddled towards Rayne. He turned his head almost to say, "Back so soon?" As the two entered Mitsuna ran up to greet them. [/i] Ryo: You wouldn't believe what just happened. Mitsuna: What? Rayne: We were attacked by Team Aqua. Mistuna: Team Aqua? I heard about them. What did they want? Ryo: They wanted to recruit Rayne.. Mitsuna: Seriously?! You refused right? Rayne: Yep. And then attacked us while our Pokémon were recovering. Mitsuna: What happened? Are they okay? Ryo: They're doing fine. Nurse Joy and her Blisseys did some amazing techniques. [i]The door opened and in waddled Bubbly with a Pokéball in his mouth. He danced around ambled up to Mitsuna.[/i] Rayne: Wow. He's already acknowledging you as the new gym leader. That shows impressive skill, Mitsuna. In less than a day all the gym's Pokémon have bonded with you. Ryo: Well this does mean we have a challenger. Wouldn't this be your first match as leader, Mitsuna? Mitsuna: You're right, I haven't even thought about it. I hope I don't mess up... Rayne: You'll do fine. Just concentrate. Besides, your probably one of the best trainers around. Mitsuna: Thank you, Rayne. [i]As they finished their conversation the gym door opened and in walked Neo, ready for a gym battle.[/i][/size]
  15. Hyper


    [size=1]Ryo: So tell me Rayne, how many Rustboro gym Leaders were there? Rayne: Well let's see, there was Roxanne, Rianna, Ryan, and then me. And now it's been passed over to my student, Mitsuna. Ryo: Was it always a water gym? Rayne: Nah, Roxanne was originally a rock-type user. Then slowly the types moved onto water. Ryo: Wow, that's cool. My grandfather was a gym leader once. He was the Petalburg City Gym Leader. He also showed me how to catch my first Pokémon. Rayne: And he's retired right? Ryo: Yup. He passed it on to a friend of my dad's. [i]As soon, as they finished trudging up a hill in conversation, the spotted the Pokémon Center in the vallery. They quickly went inside.[/i] Nurse Joy: Oh hello there. Good to see you Rayne. Rayne: Thank you, Nurse Joy. Anyways, I came her to get my Pokémon healed. And Ryo here came to do the same. We're preparing for a long trip. Nurse Joy: So the rumors are true? You really are leaving? Rayne: Yep. i've passed the gym onto Mitsuna. I'm sure she'll do a fine job. Nurse Joy: That's a wise choice you made, Rayne. Oh! I'm sorry, let me go heal your Pokémon for you! [i]Nurse Joy took the Pokéballs and put them on a mobile cart, and whisked it off with the assistance of two Blisseys.[/i][/size]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i] [B]Pointing out sites that can help is quite easy I think... [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Yes but part of that has to do with the rules. You can't link to sights that have content theOtaku.com doesn't have. (I mean animé) But if people couldn't help you, they probably wouldn't have a website to suggest.[/size]
  17. Eeek, mesa stuck on the earth Temple. Exactly how to do I beat those freaky Re-deads?
  18. Hyper

    A Glitch?

    [size]This only happens whe you're fighting Phoebe's Dusclops. Their ability Pressure, increases PP usage. I thought my game was glithed too, at first.[/size]
  19. [size=1]Since we have those quick-reply boxes at the bottom of a thread, shouldn't there be one for quick attachments too? It would be much easier than having to click new post. Well, much more [i]convenient[/i]. Not that I use attachments a lot, but I'm sure other members might enjoy that feature.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Well ifyou wnated people to say that they can't help you rather than not post at all, we'd just end up with pages of posts saying "I can't help you." And then you'd have trouble finding the no-helpers from the people who would respond with useful feedback.[/size]
  21. [i]3 Monthes later, somehwere else:[/i] Ryo: And my Vampire Lord attacks for the game. [i]Ryo pointed to the card, sitting at a table, and look at his opponent.[/i] Boy: Man this guy..he-he-he's unbeatable! Nobody has a 20-0-0 winning streak? Ryo: Against you guys, its not that hard. All of you have a lot of room for improvement. so anybody else up for a duel?[i]The crowd of people took a step back. Ryo just put a hand to his forhead and agve out a small laugh. Then the door opened and in walked a mail man.[/i] Mailman: A letter for Mr. Ryo? Ryo: Yes? How'd you know I'd be here? Mailman: KaibaCorp gave me a direct request to find you personally, and give this to you. Ryo: Thank you. And thanks to KaibaCorp aswell. [i]Ryo opened the letter adressed to him and read silently:[/i] Dear Ryo, I'm writing to you to invite you to another of my exclusive tournaments. After the tie between all of us on the Battle Cruise, I decided to host another tournament to finally figure out who the rea champion was. I'm giving all contestants two weeks to prepare for the boat ride to Battle Island. I hope to see you and your friends there, and all you improved dueling decks for a challenging showdown. Sincerely, Seto Kaiba CEO of KaibaCorp.
  22. Ryo: You guys just gonna let him escape? Ryan: you're right. We should at least confront him. [i]Everybody shutdown their duel disks and ran up the stairs. Along the way, Ryo picked up Ashok's Duel disk. After running up to the very top of the capatain's deck, the group discovered Ashok. With one throw, he tossed his deck behind him, and looked at Yugi. And for that one second Ashok smiled. But no ordinary smile, Ashok's smile was different. He knew what he had done, and was in such shame. And to pay for it all - he jumped. Silently, Ashok dived into the ocean, and was never seen again.[/i] [i]Still in silence, Ryo and Ryan walked up to Ashok's scattered deck. Ryo picked Apophis and the BEWD. He looked at the cards, and then handed them to Ryan.[/i] Ryo: Take it. you deserve it. As for me, well..[i]Ryo searched throw the cards and pulled out a few, which he shuffled into his deck. then with the remaining cards, Ryo took the deck and neatly put it into the folded up Duel Disk. Then he cast the disk off into the ocean, where Ashok had drowned.[/i] Yami: He took things so seriously... Kaiba: And yet he still jumps... Kyriss: And now that the tournament is over, we can pick up the other contestants. Kaiba: Ah yes, that reminds me. Due to *unexpected* circumstances, I declare all of us the champions of the Battle Cruise. At least..for now. [i]Kaiba gace a wink at Yugi while everyone else looked out from the highest deck of the Battle Cruise, gazing out at the setting sun. Everyone was quiet even as they were pulling into the mainland of Hawaii, and finally putting an end to their struggle.[/i]
  23. [size=1]Battle doesn't look like much to me. In reviews I've read it's all the same. Partly custom atatcks, but pretty much the same for every character. And the arenas aren't what I thought. I'm probably not gonna buy the game. Seems like almost a waste to me. They coul do much better. And pinball too. Bleh.[/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by §corpio [/i] [B][b][b]What is the probability that you will find the Feebas tiles on Route 119? (I mean the tiles where you have an 85% chance of cathing one.)[/b] I'm guessing a 6% chance. (there's only 6 places) [/B][/QUOTE] Well yes htere' sonly 6, but I was mostly looking for a fraction. 6/400 = 3/200. But you're right either way.
  25. Hyper


    Has anyone ever noticed that anime parents uusually look nothing like their children? Take Rika, from Digimon 03. Her dad, has very black hair. Her mom has completely blonde hair. And yet her hair has little resemblance to either. This may not be the best example, but has anyone else noticed this? (It may just be me)
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