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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. But isn't that considered a duel?
  2. I think it include the starter deck rules, except a little more explained, and the FAQ at upperdeck.
  3. Axe of Despair: +1000 ATK! And if you tribute a monster, you can put it on top of your deck. Cyber Jar destroys all monsters on the field. You draw five nw cards and show them to your opponent. Any monster -4 satrs are special summoned onto the field.
  4. I am the Black Skull Dragon!!
  5. Agge: 11 (Almsot 12! lol) Fav Monster: Summoned Skull Fav Character: Seto Kaiba Fav Card: Maha Vailo/Summoned skull Fav Episode: Any of the Paradox Brothers epps. (Particularly pt.3) Card Relation: Summoned Skull I'll try making a banner
  6. Delenquint Duo is somethin that involves, destroying hands/cards. (like card destruction, robbin goblin)
  7. Ok this has just been announced. Magic Ruler Cards are now legal in tournies, and they have updated the forbidden/limited list. (This includes LOB and MRD) LIMITED: Exodia the Forbidden One Left Leg of the Forbidden One Left Arm of the Forbidden One Right Leg of the Forbidden One Right Arm of the Forbidden One Pot of Greed Change of Heart Dark Hole Raigeki Monster Reborn Mirror Force Delinquent Duo Confiscation Painful Choice The Forceful Sentry Snatch Steal Cyber Jar Upstart Goblin SEMI-LIMITED: Swords of Revealing Light Card Destruction Witch of the Black Forest Sangan Heavy Storm
  8. I'd lose the Dragon Capture Jar. Its useless IMO. And maybe another trap hole.
  9. Hmm i think I now what site your talking about.Put I dont think I can post a link.
  10. Well if you set equip magic cards before i think you can still equip it.
  11. Definatey when i used my Nimble Momanga strategy. I played it in DEF and tributed (along with another monster) for my Barrel Dragon. I got 1000 life points, and I was allowed to spelcial summon my three summoned skulls. My friend was so suprised. Even though they were set. He got so psyched out. I also used a hane-hane on my freinds GG. He didnt see it coming.lol
  12. With a show like Gundam Wing. Who would use the word "destroyed"? Its messed up
  13. If you want to get out those tituals, add a sonic bird and/or senju god.
  14. I think timid is the wrong word for Isis.
  15. Of coure I would. Kicking furntiture is fun. And I took a test to see what kind of duelist I am. I'm Kaiba.
  16. Yep. Thats probably the best picture of him I've seen.
  17. You need more La jinns and Neos. Which i would have instead of the dragon zombies and clowns.
  18. All cards that helpful, you should keep.
  19. Now what kind of people would do a thing like that?
  20. thats how long its gonna be, but not all of it. I heard its gonna be divided up in a couple fo epps.
  21. Yes but he had a good reason to begin with. I guess he kinda got corrupted by the eye.
  22. sure. These are [b]not[/b] these are not my images. Sorry. These are a little big. [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Puzzle.gif[/img] Millenium Puzzle [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Ring.jpg[/img] Millenium Ring [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Eye.gif[/img] Millenium Eye [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Scale.jpg[/img] Millenium Scale [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Anhk.jpg[/img] Millenium Ankh [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Tauk.gif[/img] Millenium Tauk [img]http://www.ryoubakura.com/Sennen_Rod.gif[/img] Millenium Rod
  23. That would be good. I'd liker have Yami ygui as my conscience any day.
  24. Could you make that in a vetical list? That would be able to read. Hmm tribute monsters should at least have 1600+ ATK points (except for elike hanbe-hane, man-eater bug, def monsters) Tribute Monsters: I'd have 3 Smmoned Skulls, and have A BEWD and/or Kazejin.. Traps: I'd get the counter traps... Magic: Get more power ups to dump despells and remove traps.
  25. You mean the way they look on the TvShow? Its a lot easier to show cards with out all that text and excess junk.
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