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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. We watch the show. We all know what she looks like.
  2. It depends on how you use it. But i'd say the Millenium Rod.
  3. He is trying to kill everbody. Mainly yugi. Malik has no controll over Yami Malik. He transforms and does Horrible things. Malik is evil, but Yami Malik is the psycho One day Malik got really mad at his father and Yami Malik took over and killed him. When he went back to normal malik, He finds his father dead. Yami told him it was the will of the pharoh (yami yugi) so now Malik is trying to kill yugi. Yugi will probably take him down. Its pretty obvious. I mean the hero always wins.
  4. I'll use my Black Illusion Ritual as an Example. Use this card to summon Relinquished. You must aslo sacrifice monsters whos total level star equals 1 or higher. That means you must sacrifice one monster to play it. But on other ritual cards, the cost is higher, for example on Crab Turtle you must sacrifice monster whos total level stars equal 8 or more. So u could sacrifice a Blue Eyes White Dragon or two 4-star monsters.
  5. Blue Eyes Toon dragon is the secret rare. This 7-year old bought it.
  6. Hyper

    A suggestion

    We have an event arena where stuff like that is going to happen. You could probably start your own.
  7. yes but there is way to get 9000 Atk points. Play a devil fraken. Pay 5000 to summone a fusion monster Use megamorph on a BEUD Its at 9000
  8. Hyper

    TP1 packs

    what do you mean? there are a lot of official tournies. Go to upperdeck.com and go to tounry locator. There are a lot.
  9. Fiend/Spellcaster decks are more effective
  10. Hyper


    *Spoilers!* Serinity gets her operation and she is actually on the show (instead of a memory)
  11. actually both players lose life points. And if the absorbed card is destroyed, relinquished stays in play.
  12. I was looking for Digimon on google or yahoo and I came across the link to theotaku.com I told my firends about it and i kept going back. Then it was about a couple weeks later that i went the boards. I registered, posted once or twice and then it went the v5 upgrade. I really started to spend a lot more time here. And thats where I am today. :)
  13. Well if it absorbs the Dark Magician, it gets its ATK and DEF like a normal equip card
  14. Nerdsy what was the secret of Animus? Post spoilers if needed.
  15. Yes, but now you can easily do that with Axe of Despair.
  16. Your welcome. If your looking for a particualr card that isn't sold seperatly at your your store go to [url]www.upperdeck.com/yugioh[/url] and you can search for card shops.They might sell the card you need.:)
  17. Hyper


    Eventually. But thats not why he goes in. Shadi is a judgemental person (if thats the right word) So he uses his Millenium Items to see what Yugi is like so. But then you learn something about Yami Yugi.
  18. If you want to do a dark beatdown you need to have more of those kind of cards. Having monster removal sometimes goes with other elemental beatdowns,b ut not always dark. Swap Ryu-Kishins for Whiptail Crows (dark/fiend/1600/1600) Dump the reverse traps, you prob won't need them. Well right now with your tribute monsters, I'd take out Sword Stalker, Curse of Dragon, Judgeman for Summoned Skulls. Keep Change of Heart. Always Have the Big 5 cards in your deck: Raigeki Monster Reborn Change of Heart Pot of Greed Dark Hole (optional) Most Dark Beatdowns have power ups as there magic focus. So have the Big Five (or Four) and these cards. Quanity is your choice.But be sure to have; Malevolant Nuzzler Black Pendant Axe of Despair More swords of Deap-Seated One or two Sord of Dark Destruction. If you are going to take out yami, at least have Mystic Plasma Zone.(field/+500/-400) Keep Tribute to the doomed. I'd take out Remove Trap. Have 2-3 Fissures Paraluzing potions and share the pains are your decison cause I'm not usd to them. Monsters. Have pretty much all your monster be dark /fiend/spellcaster Have three Neos and three La jinns. for Koumaori Dragon, Battle Ox, Princess of Tsurugi. And maybe add in a Maha Vairo if you want to give your opponent a [i]big[/i] suprise. Its a 1550/1450 spellcaster and gets 500 plus Atk points for each eqip card in addition to its normal effect.
  19. Hyper


    Shadi makes his appearance and goes inside YuGi's mind and soul and using his Millenium Items, he explains some stuff. I don't know how else to put it.
  20. Hyper

    PM box

    Yeah, that was my problem too.
  21. Its a good idea, But I'm not gonna change my name.:p
  22. no actually roxie, the offical deck size is forty.
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