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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. The big One? The one where we all die? You know strange enoguh I've never heard of it.
  2. You need to choose a theme. You have a lot of cards in your deck. Keep it to about 40-50. Way to many tribute monsters. Best should be around five. Monsters? All of them should 1600+ atk points but keep Man-Eater bug. Akk! No Summoned Skull? Defiantly put those in. There good. Whats your theme? What type of magics? (monster removal, direct damage, power up) Traps: Basic beginner trap theme. What every plaeyr should have. 2-3 Trap Holes Mirror Force Magic Jammer 7 tools of the bandit solemn judgement/horn of heaven and a just deserts and robbin' goblin if you like.
  3. You have to concentrate your theme more. Its hard to tell what you are trying to do. Monsters? Whats your theme? Skip Dian Keto for 2 Nimble Momangas. Play 'em in defense mode, use thm as tributes, because when they die, you gain 1000 life points. Magic: What do you want? You can have power-ups for a beatdwon, monster remolval, or cheese magics (direct damage) Traps: You probably will here me say this a lot have the basic trap theme. 2-3 Tap holes Mirror Force Solemn Juidgement/Horn of Heaven Magic Jammer Seven Tools of the bandit and maybe a robbin' goblin and a just deserts if you like.
  4. Also Uriel, you don't need two ore cards. 43 is a great number. Just make sure you have the right cards in your deck. I'd take out Dark Magican. You get same ATk power for 1 tribute with summoned skull. So I'd have at least two skulls. Thats twice more ATK for the same price you play for Dm.
  5. Whats your theme? You have to focus your cards more. Your deck doesn't know what it wants to be yet. Your monsters need work. I'd skip Bickuribox and the clowns and Dragon Zombie for Whiptail crows (English) or Blood Vors (japanese)If you are going for a beatdown theme. Way to many tribute monsters. The toalt tributes (not cards) you should have is 5 or 6. Your traps should have the basic trap theme. 2-3 trap holes, counter traps, at least one just deserts etc.. Magic? What are you trying to do? Focus them more. ou have too many unnecessary cards that I would swap with one that woul suit you better. Magician of Black Chaos is a ritual card. Fissure is a magic card.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]HyperShadow... please, please, PLEASE tell me Bulk and Skull are pack for good. Power Rangers hasn't been the same without them.[/B][/QUOTE] I know bulk will prob be there. But proably not Skull.
  7. This combo can beat your opponent in about 5 turns but its hard to pull of. Requires: Bistro Butchers (2-3) Magican of Faith (2-3) Card Destruction (1-2) Optional: Stop defense Ok attack with your bistro butchers, theyd raw two cards for each one that does damage. If you have three, they draw 6 cards ina ddition two their hand. Play card destruction. They discard all of their hand and draw the same number. [b]Repeat as many times as possible.[/b] Then your opponent should run out of cards. Stop defense is good to get rid of those pesky DEf monsters.
  8. sure you can. Yep some of those are MRL cards. Go ahead Uriel Make your own thread! Its ok with AG. I PMed him about it. And if you want to duel me, just talk to me an aol instant messenger if you have it.
  9. I'll drop a fissure to put in Stop Defense. And i fixed my monsters. Those crows are helpful.:)
  10. I see what you mean. Drop the crows for Neo and La Jinn? Because thats what I did. I would have added those in but because of my limits to what i can get my hands on. But my friend says he'll trade those extra Jinns and Neos because their useless to him.Alright then. Thanx for your help Alexander.
  11. Lacking Beatdown monsters? Examples...? Well Nimble Momangas are these weak things that give you 1000 die points when they die. My strategy is to play them in DEf mode and use em as tibutes. Whiptail Crows are 1650/1600 dark fiend monsters. But its a new card so not many ppl hav heard of it. Maha Vairo gets an adiitional 500 atk points for every equip card attached to it. That can be [i]a lot[/i] in my case. Your right. I should take out Soul Exchange. And yeah I guess should boost my magics. Avalibility of cards was what stopped me. But ok. Tremedous Fire? I thought I took that out oh well. And I'll throw in pot of greed as well. Well I go by the basic trap theme (3 trap holes, counter traps) But I added in a few personal refrences. Thanx.:) I'll edited it now.
  12. I didn't mean that its was bad (if ppl took it that way) Black Skull dragon is one of my favs:)
  13. Ok Ag said I could post deck topics so I wanted to showcase my deck. Its a 46 card Fiend/Spellcaster beatdown. Here it is: Tribute monsters: 4 3 Summoned Skull 1 Barrel Dragon Non-tributes: 16 3 La Jinn 2 Witch of the Black forest 1 Mystical Elf 3 Wall of Illusion 3 Neo Swordsman 1 Man-eater bug 2 Nimble Momonga 1 Maha Vairo Magic: 17 2 Yami 3 Fissure 2 Axe of Despair 3 Black pendant 1 Change of Heart 1 Monster Reborn 1 Pot of Greed 1 Raigeki 3 Malevolent Nuzzler Traps: 9 1 Robbin' Goblin 1 Just Deserts 3 Trap Hole 1 Solemn Judgement 1 Mirror force 1 Magic Jammer 1 Seven Tools of Bandit Total Monsters: 20 Total Magic: 17 Total Trap: 9 Total Cards: 46 If you want feel free to make suggestions and please rate on a scale of 1-10.:)
  14. Well isn't chaos soldier Black luster soldier?
  15. A substitute for another word? Hmm..How many letters?...lol
  16. I know but at least it gets a part in the show. (I'm pretty sure) In battle city or sometime around that, There is another tag team duel ves. Light and Dark Mask brothers. But this time its not Joey dueling with Yugi. Its Kaiba. So since Kaiba has BEWD and yugi has Black Luster Soldier i just did the math.I'm prob wrong though.Maybe Ag will knoiw,
  17. But why stop at BSd? If you use Devil Franken you should use BEUD.
  18. Hyper

    TP1 packs

    When you enter a tournament and duel, win or lose, a certain number of people (at my tourny it was the first 16) are given a Tournament pack, in this case the season pack. It has three random tounrament cards. Some you get in boosters but others are unique to that series, TP1.
  19. And he is kinda a brown-amber color. He comes out in Pharoh's servant and Pegasus Structure
  20. Well that column that says "Otaku Public" well at the end its got to black squares. I guess its jutst my computer.
  21. Well in the home page I don't like those black things at the end of the major columns. . and there is no colour in the user cp? Its all blank.And the link "Play" isn't found on this server. Could u do something about this.
  22. Hyper

    TP1 packs

    Nope no promos or TP1 cards. Thats too bad though I got a pretty good card in my TP1 pack. A holo Axe-Raider.
  23. Don't forget dragon treasure. But IMO basing a deck off BEWD can be very unsucessfull.
  24. you mean structure decks?
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