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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. Good :) hope so too. I'm not very good at explaining things.
  2. There is destiny. depends on how you view it. But every one has their own.
  3. Not boosters! here is a little timline Legend of blue eyes white dragon boosters come. This is first or the starter decks are.but they are in the beginning Kaiba/Yugi Starter Decks dont care 'bout tha date but also these came first. Metal Raiders boosters come after. Magic Ruler boosters came out one or two days ago. Pharaoh's servent come in november. Structure Decks come featuring pegasus/joey/kaiba and yugi. >>Other series come at this time in unkown order>Probably more booster sets
  4. I use a 45 card dark fiend/spellcaster deck.(beatdown)
  5. I meant decks comng after the four that we anticipate.
  6. Change of Heart is a good card. So is Summoned skull. Thats why I use it often.
  7. I like God of Obelisk. Even though I don't have it.
  8. Its changed to; 1) Black Skull Dragon 2) BEWD 3) Sanga of the Thunder 4) Suijin 5) Dark Magician 6) Summoned Skull 7) Kazejin 8) Judge Man
  9. Blue Eyes doesn't suck. It may not be as good as barrel dragon but 3 out f 5 is the standard rating for a Bleu Eyes.
  10. Sorta like Cera said i had that dream to. All i remember was me jumping out a window at the end... But i saw members in my dream but thats prob what they did't look like.
  11. Bandit Keitch was suposed to be holding a gun next to Pegasus's head, but they edited it otu so that he just had jis fingers in the shape of one.lol
  12. Same with me. The selction is picked over cause they have tournaments every saturday so its hard to get rare cards. But boosters...:demon:
  13. I'm sure all of us remember that question Bakura asked. What card do you relate too? It can be magic, monster, trap, ritual or one of each. Try to use a card you have and tell why you think so. Mine is both magic and monster. Monster: Dark Magician I like the dark spellcaster type monsters and Dark Magician stands out to me because its pretty powerful and I've been using it a lot. Magic: Shield and Sword I like switching things around. It took me a while to get it but its been very useful in certain situations.
  14. I went to a bunch of message boards but few could compare.
  15. What the ultr-rare, ultra-unique mystery card that comes with Shonen Jump #1?
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Uriel5 [/i] [B]He's easy to beat, but I still want one just to have. [/B][/QUOTE] Depends one where you duel. In tournaments he is hard because of the restrictions in decks. Most people will use monster reborn. The only cards that can take it down are trap hole and fissure (least likely) But every card is a victim to those cards. P.S. Chaos Soldier is black Luster soldier for those who didn't know.:)
  17. For those of you who can't wait for structure decks this may be bad news for those who can't hold their excitement. More Decks are on the Way! All I was told is that a second set of structure decks is coming. That might not be the real name, if this is even true. Rumours of Decks no god cards are coming is someone told you. but they could still come. I'm not sure what cards, but they are from Battle City. Kaiba deck gets the XYZ dragon cannon and yugi might get black luster soldier.
  18. [color=indigo][size=1]Well I used to think that the Key Guy was a girl. And the same with Malik. Genders are confusing in anime..[/size][/color]
  19. Well when does he get that White/silver metalic vest? I wish i had one of those... If you get the Kaiba Structure you see him like that on the box.
  20. I just heard that Carone becomes the pink ranger in Lg or is it always Kendrix. I found this hreat PR website that has info on evry season and zord spoilers for WF. I'll post the URL when i can.
  21. Green hair? I've seen blinde but not green. When does Kaiba dye his hair anyway?
  22. [size=1][color=indigo]Well my friend puts up a good fight with DM, GTFK, SSand COD. We have only had one real match.And i won that one. He beat me in the first duel because of my weak cards and he got his strong one. The second duel I got my Blue eyes early so i beat him. The third duel we actually shuffeled each others' decks like we were supposed too.I got My blue-eyes in my first turn. It was defeated twice though.He reborned it once and so did eye but we never finsihed.I had more life points than he did so i was declared the winner. Maybe what yugi said about the heart of the cards is true. [/color][/size]
  23. Hyper


    Yep. Thats where i saw it.
  24. [color=indigo]I dont know. But how different could it be?[/color]
  25. Oh so thats what the passwords are for. I wondered why they had them.
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