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My first video game ever was Pokémon Red. I ended up beating it with only: Lv. 97 Venusaur Lv. 2 Caterpie Lv. 12 Geodude Lv. 11 Kakunda Lv. 7 Pikachu Lv. 3 Weedle And it took me an hour to figure out how to leave my house..lol That was the moment of my life with the least video game skill.
Hmm...a stick. All I can remember is Pidgeotto, with a rock. But for a stick, I'll have to say Caterpie. What is the probability that you will find the Feebas tiles on Route 119? (I mean the tiles where you have an 85% chance of cathing one.)
Anime Challenge: Where have all the staples gone?
Hyper replied to DeathBug's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bandit Joeykuba [/i] [B]BTW, BEWD is a staple card since you can get it in a starter deck. [/B][/QUOTE] Just because it's in a starter deck, doesn't mean its a staple. Would you consider Silverfang a staple? Besides, regardless of starter decks, BEWD really isn't anything too special. -
Anime Challenge: Where have all the staples gone?
Hyper replied to DeathBug's topic in Otaku Central
I guess it's just a strong, popular, and some-what abused card. New players often base decks around the dragon. -
[size=1]Ryo: Now I have to use my Volcano...but he's at a big disadvantage. I'll just have to try using some special moves. [i]As the frozen chunk formerly knwon as Mudstomp returned to the Pokéball, A small yellow camel took his place.[/i] Volcano: Numel num-num! Rayne: Go Croconaw, hit this guy with another Ice Punch, you'll freeze him for sure![i] The crocodile came charging, its fist glowing with icey force, and gave a direct hit. However, numel seemed to be unaffected.[/i] Ryo: I might explain to you Numel's ability. It's called Magma Armor, which prevents my Volcano form freezing. And since he's a fire type, it wouldn't do much damage anyway. But for my attack, I think we'll use a Take Down![i] Volcano went charging forward, slamming itself into Croconaw's side.[/i] Rayne: Well then, Croconaw attack with Water Gun to do some heavy damage! Ryo: Numel, use Amnesia. Forget about something and concentrate![i]Croconaw released its water jet and impacted upon Numel, but didn't do nearly as much as it should have.[/i] And don't forget about my Leech Seed![/i]Croconaw was sapped again and this time the energy went to Volcano.[/i] Rayne: Don't give up, Croconaw! See if you can attack with another Rage! [i]Croconaw tried to mvoe, but the paralyzing spores from Breloom caused it to stay immobile.[/i] Ryo: Now use a Focus Energy to aim for his weak center! Now strike it with a powerful Take Down! We're almost there![i]Croconaw couldn't escape the oncoming attack, and was helpless hit by the charging energized camel. After being blown back a few feet, Croconaw was sapped yet again by the Leech Seed. Numel slowly walked towards Ryo, while the blue reptile lay motionless.[/i] Mitsuna: Croconaw is unable to battle. This battle goes to Ryo! [i]Ryo grabbed his small day pack and pulle dout a couple of status healing remedies and a few potions. In just a few minutes, all his Pokémon were back to full health. He walked over to Rayne.[/i] Ryo: So you're really leaving the Rustboro Gym? Rayne: Well yes. You're probably one of the last trainers to beat me as a gym leader. And soon, my student, Mitsuna, who also judged our match, will take over. Ryo: Oh yeah, I forgot. That was an awesome battle we faught. you nearly had me. Rayne: The same to you. You beat me with wonderful skill. You definatly deserve the badge. Ryo: Thank you.[/size]
Ryo: We've made it this far, Mudstomp. But let's see if we can go even further. But watch out - Croconaws are known to be crafty Pokémon. Mudstomp: Bre-bre-Breloom![i]The little guy seemed not to care, and continued to grin like no tomorrow.[/i] Rayne: Use a Water gun to knock it down![i]Croconaw unleashed a stream of water, blowing Breloom back a few feet. but much to her surprise, the Leech Seed remaine don the battle field, and recovered some of Mudstomp's energy.[/i] Rayne: Go, Croconaw, use Rage attack! [i]The ferocious reptile's eyes grew red, and then it recklessly charged forward. Breloom was knocked back another few feet, but released a bunch of paralyzing spores,s tunnign Croconaw.[/i] Ryo: It's Breloom's ability, Effect Spore.. When hit by a physical attack, Mudstomp will release toxic spores that unleash certain status conditions. Now, Mudstomp, move in for an Absorb attack!
Kyriss: I can't do much but build defenses...So i'll just ahve to lay this guy in defens emode with two M/T cards. Hope these'll help. Ashok: Pathetic. I'll just have to have my dragon destroy it! [i]Apophis threw two glowing energy bombs towards the monster, destroying ti so completly that nobody could even see what it was.[/i] Kyriss: But how? Rain fo Divinity should be stopping you. Ashok: With this Trap Card, Dust Tornado, I can blow the rain away! Hermes: Hmm...I can't do much. Maybe I can use this card. Pandora's Box asllows me to draw two cards and discard three. Yes! I'll just lay this guy in defense mode. I'm safe from that Dragon, Ashok! Ashok: Not for long! [i]Ashok waited a moment and looked questionably at the face down card.[/i] Well you'll all be dead soon anyways. Attack his monster Apophis! Hermes: You just never learn do you, Ashok? I'm sure you'd just loooooove to be reaqquainted with my Cornish Pixies?[i]The small electric-blue faeries giggled at Ashok.[/i] Ashok: Not another batch! You are infuriating. But no matter, this duel will be over soon. My invincible Dragon and I will be the victors. Shinji: Not when I play Megamorph! This card'll double my Dark Magician's attack strength.[i]A magical circle of runes appeared around his mage. His monster looked like it was overflowing with power.[/i] We'll find a way to get past that Dragon. and when we do, we'll blow you away so fast you won't have time to think! Ashok: Hmmpf. Like it'll last. I play Disenchant, removing the Megamorph spell from your magician. But it requires me to give up my battle phase.[i]The expression on Apophis quickly changed to a vengeful frown.[/i]
For my newer team: Slaking - "Lazy" Shedinja - "Shedninja" Camerupt - "Volcano" Whiscash - "Barbtail" Wobbuffet - "Happy" Breloom - "Mudstomp"
Ashok: I'll play two Graceful Charity cards to draw and discard, and then I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. [i]Ashok looked at his hand, then onto the field, and back at his hand. An evil grin broke form his mouth which turned into a chuckle, and then an uncontrollable laughter.[/i] Ryo: What's so funny? Ashok: Simple, quite simple. Ryan: What's so simple? Start talkin'! Ashok: Your defeat. Kyriss: Our defeat? What do you mea- Ryo: Oh...crap. Ashok: Exaclty! Ryan: We're too late... Ashok: NOW COME FORTH APOPHIS!
Ryo: Mudstomp, roll forward, it's coming up behind you! [i]The Breloom launched itself forward in a rolling jump, just as the Mudkip burst through the ground beneath it.[/i] Ryo: Now try and use an Leech Seed, on it so you can sap it's energy! [i]Mudstomp released a few seeds that entangled Mudkip, and sapped some of its health. Some small roots came through the ground near Breloom and gave him some extra energy.[/i] Rayne: Be careful Mudkip! You've been seeded. Ryo: Now with that extra boost, jump into the air and try land on Mudkip! Rayne: Mudkip, use Mud Slap to blind it! [i]Once again, Mudkip released a few sprinkles of water and whirled up a storm of flung mud. Some of the mud landed right in Mudstomp's face, causing him to aimlessly tumble through the air. Although hurting him, Mudkip was still not able to avoid the attack, and both were cloaked by a cloud of dust as the Breloom crashed ontop of the little blue amphibian.[/i] Ryo: Try and get up Mudstomp! You're almsot there. We might have a chance of beating Mudkip! Now give it a good ol' Mach Punch! [i]Mudstomp started winding up his elastic arms and aimied for Mudkip.[/i]
[size=1]Rayne: Yes two. You might not have to use both, if you're very talented. Ryo: I guess I'll manage. Rayne: I'm guesssing this is your first gym battle? Ryo: Uhh..yeah Rayne: Oh don't worry about. You win or you lose, and there's no shame in either. Just do your best. Ryo: I'll try. But I don't think I'm ready to fight Max if would be able to win. I didn't even know there was a Sky Pillar Gym. Rayne: Let's worry about that later. How 'bout we get this batle started? [i]The two reached for their Pokéballs, and unleashed their Pokémon. On Rayne's side, a Mudkip appeared and smiled. On Ryo's side, his trusty Breloom, popped out and bounced around.[/i] Mitsuna: Trainers ready? [i]Ryo and rayne nodded their headeds. And as a cue, their Pokémon did the same towards one another.[/i] Mitsuna: Go! ------------------ OOC: Heh, I'm afraid to start this one off. I'm hoping you can do that for me Lady K. [/size]
Actually the God Cards are aleady released. I believe Domon just got his in the mail today,
[size=1][b]1) If you could have any super power, what would it be?[/b] Hmm..mind control powers. To see their thoughts and manipluate them. [b]2) What would you do with your powers?[/b] Use them to control people. Not just randomly, only if I need/want something. [b]3) Would you use it to do good, or evil?[/b] Generally for good, but whatever it takes to get what I need/want. [I mean this lightly. I have no world domination plans. Yet.] [/size]
[i]Ryo trudged up the hill with and gazed over the grassy field. There stood the Rustboro City Gym. And hopefully today, Ryo could get a gym badge.[/i] Ryo: Sorrry Volcano, but you have a weakness against this gym. Using you would do more harm then good. But don't worry, afterwards we'll have a training session to make for lost time. [i]Ryo, knowing the type advantage of this gym, was solidly dpendant on Mudstomp's abilities. But Ryo was pretty confident in his Breloom. While walking towards the gym, a Quagsire waddled up form the stream and picked up a Pokéball. He waddled back into the stream and swam to the back of the gym.[/i] Ryo: I wonder what that was all about? [i]Ryo shrugged and entered the gym. But before opening the door, he let Mudstomp out of his Pokéball. As he wandered into the main chamber, he saw three people. Rayne, the distinguished gym leader, a student of hers who Ryo thought was named Mitsuna,a nd a boy he didn't recognize.[/i] Ryo: I came for a gym battle. Am I too late?
[i]East of Rustboro, a trainer battle has just started between Ryo and a bird keeper.[/i] Ryo: Go Mudstomp! I choose you. [i]A small green and tan mushroom monster waddled around with a stern look on its face.[/i] Birdkeeper: I choose my Pidgey! Fly to the sky my feathered friend![i] A brown and white bird came out form the Pokéball and rocketed skyward. It stopped and looked down at the tiny Shroomish.[/i] Ryo: Darn! I should've known he'd use a flyer. That puts me at a disadvantage. I just hope Mudstomp can handle it. Birdkeeper: Well I hope you know I'm going to win. Me and my Pidgey have trained forever. Ryo: Well just see about that in the end. So let's just stick to this match. Okay? Birdkeeper: Allright then.So let's get this started. Pidgey, fly high and then swoop down to catch it. Ryo: Mudstomp, wait for it to come, then use Stun Spore! [i]The little mushroom turned and stared at the on-comming bird. He was ready to release his paralyzing spores, but had trouble with his timing.[/i] Birdkeeper: Alright Pidgey, now its time to attack! Ryo: Ready..don't miss this one Mudstomp...aim... [i]The bird swoop downed and extended its claws towards Mudstomp with amazing speed. But the Shroomish's spores weren't effective enough to apralyze his foe. Mudstomp was knocked way back into the trees.[/i] Ryo: Mudstomp! Please by okay! Birdkeeper: It looks like I might out a lid on this match... [i]Ryo rushed back into the bushes to pull out a rather weakened Shroomish. He walked back the battlefield and placed him gently on the ground. Mudstomp appeared to have fainted.[/i] Ryo: Well it looks like you wi- [i]Ryo was cut off by a blinding light the came from the damaged Shroomish. Mudstomp had started glowing, and its tiny body had started changing fast. After the light cleared, there was no Shroomish.[/i] Breloom: Bre-Bre-Breloom! [i]A green and tan monster with powerful legs, a long balancing, tail, and possibly the cutest face, was standing in it splace, gazing gaudily at Ryo.[/i] Birdkeeper: It looks like this battle is not over. But now it's better. For me, at least. Your Vreloom has double weakness against my Pidgey. You'll loose somehow. Ryo: You know, I wouldn't be too sure. Breloom try to dodge Pidgey's attacks! [i]As the bird swooped all over the place trying to catch the Breloom, Mudstomp bounced all over the field like an energized kangaroo.[/i] Birdkeeper: Pidgey use Gust attack! [i]A small dustcloud was created and headed straight for Mudstomp[/i] Ryo: Jump, Mudstomp! Watch out for the gale! [i]Almsot like rubber, Breloom jumped high into the sky, almost level with Pidgey.[/i] Breloom: Bre-loo! Ryo: Now, give it ol' punch in the face. That should' do it. [i]Mudstomp extended his elastic arms and gave a solid hit into Pidgey's head. The brd fell to the ground.[/i] Birdkeeper: But my Pidgey's supposed to win! How can this happen? [i]Mudstomp bounced over to the fallen Pidgey, and used a quick absorb atatck to finish it off, and boost its own energy. [/i] By the time I get home, Ryo thought to himself, he'll be bouncing off the walls. Literally. Birdkeeper: Hey nice job, I thought I had you for sure. But take a look its Pokédex entry. you might notice something. [i]Ryo pulled out his Pokedex and read the entry aloud.[/i] Ryo: Breloom is a grass and fighting Pokémon. Breloom can extend its stretchable arms to hit almost any target. This Pokémon has a lot of energy, and is known to bounce as means of its strong tail. Hmmm...grass and fighting? Birdkeeper: Exactly. your Breloom may have a good shot at beating the gym. Its types are perfectly matched. Well, I better get going. Good luck. [i]As the rival trainer walked off, Ryo headed back to Rustboro to visit the Pokémon center and his house, to show off his new Pokémon. After he was all set and stocked up on supllies, Ryo headed for the gym, hoping to challenge and defeat Rayne before she leaves. [Ryo does not knwo she left the gym yet][/i]
Ashok: Oh? My turn. *What* fun. Let's see...I'll sacrifice my monster to play the Death Vortasgalf. i think you'll all like him. Especially you, Kaiba, being the dragon master you are. Anyways, I'll be attacking Ryan's Gemini Elf. bye bye! Ryan: Oh...crap. Ryo: Now its my turn. i'm sure everyone's heard of Card Destruction? Time we start over folks. I have a feeling we'll be lucky. Ryan: You'd hope so... Ryo: Anyways, I'll play the Shallow Grave. I'm assuming your taking Soul-Haunting Spirit? Ashok: Aren't you a smart one. Ryo: Well now I'll activate Invader of the Throne, switching your monster with mine. So I get your defensive wall, while you get a sitting duck. Not to mention I'll play Mimic Illusionist, on your Death Vortasgalf. Now, I have my own Dragon. Pretty useful huh? Ashok: Just be quiet.
[b]Trainer Sign-Up[/b] Name: Ryo Age: 15 Hometown: Rustboro City Appearance: Yellow shirt with a thick red stripe and two smaller black stripes around it. Blue jeans, and new pair of running shoes. Wears a red vest with a gray stripe (same place where the t-shirt stripe is). Brown hair, blue eyes, and pretty tall. Bio: Born in the metropolis of Rustboro, Ryo has always wnated to go otu and see the world (All of Hoenn, Kanto, and Johto). He made several short trips to Petalburg and Lavaridge, but never actually stayed around. One day, his grandpa, a retired Gym Leader, took him into the woods where he had caught his first Pokémon, Slakoth. So Ryo was given a few Pokéballs and caught his first Pokémon, Shroomish. Although it was small, Ryo and his Shroomish became wonderful buddies. Then afterwards, he went to Lavaridge, where his childhood friend Flannery showed him where to catch a Numel, his second Pokémon. Now Ryo wants to beat all the champions of each land, and dreams of travelling with a group of loyal friends, one of which he hopes ot be a gym leader. *Hint Hint* Pokémon: [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex2/pics/101.gif]Numel[/url] - "Volcano" ||Evolves to [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex2/pics/102.gif]Camerupt[/url]|| [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex/pics/034.gif]Shroomish[/url] - "Mudstomp" ||Evolves to [url=http://www.pokemondomain.com/pokedexrs/dex/pics/035.gif]Breloom[/url]|| [Note: I plan on evolving Shroomish in my first post to get things started. Numel will follow shortly after] Also, I was just wondering, is there some kind of Elite Four? I was just curious to see if maybe a trainer/gym leader could become one of them under special circumstances. This is gonna be so much fun. I was just about to make one, until I noticed yours, Lady K. ^^
The ability is Levitate. It prevents ground moves form being effective, as though they were a flying type. What are the first 4 moves that Blaziken starts with? (Yes, i do mean Blaziken, not Torchic)
Okay with Domon's permission I have a different set of orders. This is in no way based on any judgement, but just made so that it would be easier posting for some duelists. Don't take this personally or anything. But this will make typing for other duelists much easier. Sorry for any problems. You can try PMing Domon or myself for any questions. Ashok Ryan Ashok Ryo Ashok Kyriss Ashok Hermes Ashok Shinji Ashok Yugi Ashok Kaiba --------------------------- Ashok: Now i think I'll sacrifice my monster to play Beast of Talwar. He shall show you the definition of pain. Ryan: you're better off not talking. I'll summon Sapphire Dragon in attack mode and lay a M/T card set. You're turn. Ashok: I'll simply attack against Ryan's dragon. I think it deserves to go. Don't you? Hahahahahaha... Ryo: Forget it! I'll activate Negate Attack! He's safe for one more turn. Ryan: Thank you. Sure that was wise of you? Ryo: I've got more tricks in this deck than you'd imagine Ryan. Let's just worry about this mad man. And to do that, I'll lay this monster in defense mode. Not to mention another card set in my M/T zone. You must be lovin' the entertainment Ashok. Ashok: Just shut up and finish your turn. Ryo: Why don't you? I'm finished. Now it's your turn to play your cards.
Well Japanese players have more of a card variety than English players. Just because their decks are filled with different (and soemtimes better) cards doesn't mean they aren't untrustworthy. Although there are some duelists, Japanese and English who I don't trust.
The only thing i have never understood about Pokémon is Egg Moves. I have a slight idea as to what they are, but really I'm quite clueless as to procedures and definition. I remember Cs explaining it to me once, but I just didn't get it. It wasn't his definition, I just didn't process the thought. What exactly is an egg move? (I mean the detailed specifics. I know its a move learned through breeding, but I know there's a bit more that that) Procedures? An example: How to get a certain Egg Move on [i]X[/i]. Just listing simple (accurate) steps and how to get the move would be helpful. Thankies to all. ^^
I don't they lied to you on purpose. The probably just had a change of plans. God Cards weren't really well-known in the English series (Well everybody knew, but if you only watched the show you'd wouldn't have known them). When Magic Ruler was out, the probably didn't have plans for them at the moment. Now I guess they decided to for more money. But I can't say I'm surprised.
Ryo, lying on his bed, flipped through his dekc of cards. then he pulled a out a box of extra cards and filed through them. He had to build his deck as best as he could, otherwise he wouldn't get very far in the finals. By the time he was done, it was pretty late. Psyched for the finals, Ryo tried to get some sleep for the night. His improved deck should be quite impressive.
Kinet: So now my machine king will dominate! Attack his life points directly. Ryo: Oooooohh crap. RY: 1450 KI: 3600 Ryo had to do something quick. He had one turn to pull off a combo that would allow him to survive. And he was almsot out of options, until he drew a card. He just smiled. Ryo: I'll play Monster Reborn on my Needle Worm in defense mode. Then I'll equip him with the Ring of Magnetism, reducing his stats. To finish my combo, I'll play Multiply on my Needle Worm, since its stats are below 500. But since he had the Ring of Magnetism attatched, all of his clones will have it too. So now you're forced to destroy yourself. Kinet: Noooooooo! I can't do anything to dispel the magic card. I'm screwed once again. Kinet's Machine King fired hundreds of missles at the Needle Worm swarm. He was forced to discard 5 cards off the top of his deck everytime he destroyed one. Soon, he had decked out completley. Ryo: I'll take the two locator cards we wagered then. that brings me up to 30 locator cards.^^