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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. Only two more locator cards left for Ryo to get, in order to bypass the eliminations. and he had to find a duel quick, otherwise he might just run out of time. He looked around and went to the mian deck. There was always someone there. Hopefully, that reputation would stick. And sure enough, a small group of duelists were trading cards. Ryo: Hey you! Up for a duel? ???: Sure. Who are you? Ryo: I'm Ryo. And you? Kinet: Kinet Roba. The brother of the great Espa Roba! Ryo: Time to duel! [i]Ryo hoped he had enough time, for time itself was running out.[/i] RY: 4000 KI: 4000 Ryo: I'll start off with this little monster in defense mode. And I'll lay 1 M/T card face down. Kinet: I'll play my Guardian of the Throne Room in attack mode! (1650/1600) Now I send it to destroy your puny monster! Ryo: You ever heard of Needle Worm? I think you'll enjoy it. Kinet: Awwwwww darn it! Ryo: now for my turn, I'll play Whiptail Crow in attack mode, and equip it with the Sword of dark Destruction. I'll make it attack your guardian. KI: 3600 RY: 4000 Kinet: Humph. I'll play this defense monster, along with Swords of Revealing Light! One of my rarest cards. Ryo: Humph. I'll lay one more card face down. Go and make your move. Kinet: I'll sacrifice my monster to play Machine King. He'll wait one turn to attack. Not to mention this M/T card I set. Ryo: Your mistake. I'll activate Dust Tornado, destroying your swords. And to make matters worse, I'll sacrifice Whiptail Crow to play my Cybertech Wyvern, at 2500 ATK. Attack Machine King! Kinet: This'll activate my trap. Magic Reflex Armor, boosting it up to 2550. Sorry. Ryo: Darn. You're on tricky duelist.
  2. I believe it is Beautifly. Which Pokémon is not related to Mew? (Common theory that all came from Mew)
  3. The Latis describe themselves as human? Heh. Coolies. Not many can do that. I'm assuming they become the old guy and the other person? I'll watch the video again.
  4. Is atatckign with cards like Crimson Hellkite a strategy? Attacking is just part of the game. Unless I'm missing something. *Bonks head*
  5. Ryo: I'll lay this monster face down and send ym Demon Soldier to attack your face down monster. (??A) ??A: Hmpf. So you destroyed my defense monster. I'll just play Dark Hole to wipe out everyone's monsters. HA! Ryo: Well that'll activate the effect of my face-down Mystic Tomato! It'll allow me to take one dark monster with less than 1500 ATK/DEF and summon it. I'll choose my own Kuriboh, but I chosoe to place on under Yugi's field. Yami: What? You'd do that? Thank you Ryo. Now I can finally pull together some good strategy. First, I'll play the magic card Foolish Burial, allowing me to put one monste rin my hand into the graveyard. But since this is a tag team duel, I choose to put it in Ryo's graveyard. Ryo: Heh that's qutie nic- What!?!?! [i] Ryo was in a disbelief as he gazed at the Duel monsters card in his graveyard. It was none other than the god, Slifer the Sky Dragon![i] Yugi: Next I'll activate the card multiply, turning this Kuriboh into many. Then, I'll sacrifice these Kuriboh to play the [i]second[/i] God Card that I control. Winged Dragon of Ra, take flight! [i]The imperial golden dragon flew up into the sky letting out an ancient screech.[/i] (ATK: 7500) ??B: WHAT!?! oh crap. I've got one turn to destroy it. But that shouldn't be too hard. I'll play Gemini Elf. Go twins, destroy Ra! Ryo: Activate Mirror Force! This I'll buy you some time, Yugi. ??B: Well, I'm screwed. It's been nice knowing all of you. But hey - maybe Ashok will go easy on us this time. Ryo: Now for my turn, I play Monster reborn on Slifer the Sky Dragon! With 5 cards in my hand, his total attack and defense strengths are at 5000! Yugi: And using Ra's special ability, I sacrifice Slifer to add his attack to Ra's. Get ready for some trouble. ??A: Oh damn it. Nothing in my had can do anything. Just these crappy defense monsters. I'll forfeit my turn. Yugi: So that means its time for the final blow. Ra, use your phoenix attack! (12000 ATK) [i]The sheerly overwhelming force destroyed both of the opponents in a single demolition. Everyone was shocked. Yugi picked up the locator cards, and handed them to Ryo, keeping some for himself. Ryo took the three rasing his total to 28.[/i] Ryo: So that's what God Card can do...
  6. ???A: You two will duel me. ???B: And me! The two figures started up their duel disks. Ryo: that's you and me, Yugi. Yami: Right! I'll take the right one, you take the left. Ryo: Sure thing. ???C: You two will face me and him! Ryan: Kaiba and I versus you two? Bring it. Kaiba. Heh. This'll just be a waste of my time. ???D: Alright then. Let's go! Ryo: I'll play my Demon Soldier in atatck mode, with two cards face down. ???A: I'll lay a monster in defense mode, then lay one Magic/Trap card set. Go. Yami: I'll play Feral Imp, equipping him with Horn of the Unicorn. That'll end my turn for now. ???B: Hah! I'll play Dark Elf in attack mode and attack you, Ryo! [i]The ferl Imp jumped in the way of the Elf, destroying both of them in the process. Yugi just saved Ryo.[/i] Ryo: Thanks Yugi, but you sure about that? Now you're open to attacks. Yugi: Don't worry. i have somethign up my sleeve.
  7. Ryo was in a slight state of shock. He expected the duel to be more of challenge. He expected Ashok to do better. But maybe he overestimated him. Ryo didn' care much. The guards had Ryo by the arms, so a quick elbow and good kick sent both of them to the ground. Ryo dusted off his hands and went over to Ryan.
  8. You sure? I'm pretty sure its Mudkip. I think he beats everyone else by 4 points. Dunno. Chancy - Blissey. Evee - Umbreon (Night) Evee - Espeon (Day) Golbat - Crobat i know i'm forgetting a few. Poo.
  9. Ryo rushed past the cargo boxes to where he was first taken. It seemed like a good place to look. Ryo hadn't been there for awhile. He got a bit confused when turnign corners, but was able to make it into the dueling chamber. In there he found Ryan on a platform. On the other, a tall man with black hair stood. Ryo could tell another deathmatch duel was going to start. He should do something. Ryo would have run up to see if he could release Ryan from the hold that he was locked into. But, two guards, obviously loyal to Ashok snuck up behind him and restrained Ryo. He was helpless. He thought abotu breaking free, but decided to wait. He wasn't sure what would happen. Nor would he be able to do anything, but watch to see if Ryan could duel his way out of things. If not, someone mgiht have to take drastic measures.
  10. Oh I know know! Sableye! Heh. I should've known. *Is prolly wrong* And for the Southern Island thing. Unless you use Gameshark, get the Eon Ticket from Nintendo you can't get to Southern Island. That's why I really don't consider southern Island in the normal gameplay. Okay for a question... Which of the three Ru/Sa Starters has the highest base stat total?
  11. No its not the wrecked ship. It is the S.S. Tidal. You can explore it. Mr. Briney is there, you get Snatch from someone in one of the cabins. Leftovers is in the bottom of the ship. But no, you explore the ship while voyaging. After your journey, you can just get back on the ship. And you can explore it as well. As long as its between Slateport and Lilycove. While voyaging take a nap to get halfway there. Then take another nap to arrive at your destination. Try it. Go to Slateport/Lilycove and take the ferry to Lilycove/Slateport. You can explore the S.S. Tidal. You cannot explore it while going to the Battle Tower. But trust me on this one.
  12. Well I found a site with lots of videos for FFX-2. Most of them are dress transformations, but they are pretty awesome. ^_^ [url=http://arkan24.free.fr/Video/]Watch! Watch![/url]
  13. First fo all, Latias is found in Sapphire. Latios is in Ruby. Latias (Red) >> Saphire. Latios (Blue) >> Ruby. [spoiler]I'm guessing by this you mean Shedinja? It's protected agaisnt super efefctive hits, if I understood its ability correctly. But Shedinja is in both versions. I have it in Ruby, and I know it's in Sapphire.[/spoiler] [size=1]BTW, will somebody rate my team? It needs a lot of work.[/size]
  14. You have to go from Slateport to Lilycove, or Lilycove to Slateport. Only then can you explore the ship. Just head downstairs and examine the trash cans. The one in the upper left corner has Leftovers.
  15. Ryo finally found his prey. A rather chubby and arrogant kid named Ray was perfect for a duel. Ryo: You up for a duel? Ray: You? Yuo couldn't duel for beans! Ryo: Watch me. Ray: Hah! You'll be a waste of time. RY: 4000 RA: 4000 Ryo: I'll start off with my Kaiku the Exorcist. Ray: I'll just lay this card face down in attack mode! Ryo: Do you even know how to play? Yuo can only lay it in face down defense mode. Ray: Whatever...I'll lay it in Defense. Ryo: Go Kaiku, use your ancient magic! Ray: Aww crap, my Harpie's dead. [i]Ryo raised and eybrow quizically.[/i] Ray: I'll just play Lava Battle Guard! Ryo: Amatuer. Its 5 stars. No wonder you need glasses. Ray: Oh shut it. I'll just play this in defense mode. Ryo: I'll sacrifice my Kaiku to play Demon Summon! Go blow his monster to shreds. [/i]A weak defense monster was blasted by a thunderbotl from the skull demon.[/i] Ray: Darn all I can do is play another defense monster. Your turn. Ryo: One Fairy Meteor Crush thrown in withsome Demon Summon butt-kicking. Stir until frothy. Not to mention this face down card I'll set. Ray: Awwwwww crap! My lifepoints. RA: 3500 Ray: Well you're dead now! Change of Heart! Booya! Ryo: You forgotten my trap? Magic Cylinders. Ray: Damn! RA: 1000 Ryo: Now my turn. Go Demon Summon! [i]The skull fiend devasted Ray's lifepoints. Ryo couldn't help revealing a smirk. Ryo walked up to him, and recieved 4 locator cards from a complaining duelist in defeat. After the duel, Ryo went around to find Ryan. He hadn't seen him for awhile. Ryo searched everywhere. Then he went to the cafe to spot Joey.[/i] Ryo: You seen Ryan around? Joey: Haven't seen him for awhile. Why? Ryo: I haven't seen him either. Joey: That's odd. Wonder if something's up. Ryo: I better go find him. [i]Ryo ran out of the cafe to search in all the hidden places. He knew somethign was up, and had to act quick. He first went to check the old arena where he was taken earlier. e thought Ryan could be there. But who knows?[/i]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darncoolguy1 [/i] [B] Groudon: Ground, Rock Kyogre: Water, Flying Rayquaza: Plant, Flying Latios: Flying Latias: Flying [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry for posting without a question/answer but I'd just like to point out that its really: Groudon: Ground (Only) Kyogre: Water (Only) Rayquaza: Dragon, Flying Latios: Dragon, Psychic Latias: Dragon, Psychic
  17. Actually all the oldies will be in Ru/Sa. Nintendo has said that they will release E-cards to add in all the others. At leats that's what I've heard form an accurate source. Leftovers and Kings Rock can be found elsewhere too. Leftovers on the S.S. Tidal, and King's Rock in Mossdeep City from a guy outside Steven's house. You might have to have beaten Steven first.
  18. Kuribohs are helpful. There are very common these days, not to mention extremely helpful. I'd keep the Kuriboh. Penguin Soldiers are just as annoying. Good monster removal. This is also a card to use before Card Destruction. Try and see what you can do the clean up your magics. Couple 'o excess cards in there. But you can figure them out. ;)
  19. Hyper


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]What it means by tile is that on your PokeNav, there are six squares for route 119. Feebas changes squares. Just waterfall and surf yourself to different parts and you'll catch her. (that is what I did) [/B][/QUOTE] Ohhhhhhhh that's what they mean. I thought they meant those little pixel squares that grid the world. *Feels stupid*
  20. I'll just use my Ruby Team, and few other faves. Blaziken - "Pepper" This is my favorite fire name. All my fire starters will be named this. Except for Torch my [Silver] Typhlosion, he will always be original. Groudon - "Godzilla" In memory of my Tyranitar from Silver. I have to keep the name alive, lol. Manectric - "Sparky" In memory of my Ampharos from Silver. I miss my old Sparky. Now if only I could put him in my Ruby game. Gyarados - "Typhon" In Greek mythology, Typhon was the terrible serpent dragon that Zeus defeated before he became king on Olympus. Gardevoir - "Anima" Well being a Psychic type i wanted her nickname to have somethign to do with the mind. Animus is the [masculine] Latin word for mind, so I put in first declention to get the femine word, Anima. No connection with Anima from FFX. Rayquaza - "Ultima" Well he [i]is[/i] the strongest Pokémon. I would name him Ultimate, but it didn't have a nice ring to it. So then I partly named it after my friend's username, Ultima Legacy. ^___^ Tropius - "Nirvana" Its a tropical Pokémon, so wanted his name to have something to do with paradise. Then came Nirvana. No relation to the band. Kyogre - "Aquarius" Seemed to be the perfect fitting name. I don't actually have this Kyogre though. Yet.
  21. Hyper


    Well after you catch on to their strategy, Exodia decks are fun to play against, since you have a set limit to beat them. It just seems to me that most of the members here think Exodia decks are always sucessful. I mean they're not [i]that[/i] easy to play. Exodia isn'y even really playable now, either. Since beatdown decks dominate the scene, and almsot every deck has Card destruction now, they're tough to win with.
  22. Hyper


    Well, right now in my game I have to fight Groudon. The only problem is I can't catch him...*mumbles* I need a Pokémon that can make him go to sleep,be paralyzed, or frozen. But I don't have one, unfortunatly. Gardevoir learns Hypnosis at 51, but right now all I have is a Lv. 26 Kirlia. (I stopped training after awhile) My Manectric is useless, unless its Static abilities works. Which it hasn't, and probably won't. I neeed a Shroomish. Btu they're so darn hard to find, and then i have to level it up and capture, etc. Or I could get an ice move with a big chance of freezing. But I know where I am this is practically impossible. Those are my options. Not that I'm particularly happy about any of them. If only there was an easy way to level up. Perhaps I could get to Victory Road early and train there...
  23. Ryo, aimlessly walking around the cruise ship in search of entertainment, decided to see if he could find out anything about that mysterious group of duelists. As best as he could remember, he tried to find the hidden chamber where he dueled. Sure enough he was able to find a small hole behind a cargo box. Inside was just a duelign arena, with a door across the room. He followed into the room, to find a small executive roo, with two cloaked figures talking in Japanese. [I figure this could be their code language,s ince they wrote the letters in Japanese] As much as ryo knew from his grandmother, Ryo could make out a few parts of the conversation. ??1: ..found it... ??2:...so that means... ??1: ...plan...good... ??1:...Take action.. And then the two instantly vanished. Ryo walked into a room only to find it empty, with a few semi-rare cards on the ground. Ryo picked them and took them with him. [:D] [These cards don't really make a difference in the plot]
  24. I have a quick ruling question abotu a certain card. Unfortunatly I don't know the set or anything. The card is called Browbeat. Its a Red Sorcery, clueless as too mana cost. As best as I remember: [i]Unless a player has Browbeat deal 5 damage to him/her, draw three cards.[/i] My interpretation: The person who plays this card draws three cards. Another player can take 5 damage to prevent this. So basically, you draw cards unless smeone takes damage to prevent it. Tell me if I'm wrong about this. Most of my friends think I am.
  25. Ryo: 21 locator cards. Heh. After this elimination I'd start to pick up. My dueling skills might go rusty, and I'll have another 9 to go. For the rest of the day, Ryo cruised around and watched a few duels. He happened to get bumped by Yami, who was speeding off toward's the top of the deck. Ryo followed in his previous direction and came along to the end of Ryan's duel. Ryo: You didn't take the locator card. Giving people second chances. Quite thoughtful. Ryan: I have enough already. Ryo: You probably do. Anyways, I'll be talkg to you. I have to go hunt a few duelists so I'll be ready after this elemination. You might want to do the same. Ryan: I'll keep it in mind. Take care! Ryo: Alright. You too.
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