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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. I wanna ride a kangaroo!!!!! So i wanna be James!!!! Then i want to go to the zoo and play poker with the vampire koalas!!!! ahahaha!!!!
  2. i live in a boring town. nothing happens. everyone else is lucky.
  3. lets see melodies.. Tails is in hidden base but i forget where its pretty easy to find. Knuckels' melody is in Wild Canyon. Go to the LOnely STatue climb up a wall and dig in the center of the painting. Rouge's melody is in Dry Lagoon. When you start the stage go to the oasis in frony of you and turn left and you should see a painting.climb into it.
  4. uhh now the big question: what is it? and where do i get it? i'm new to this stuff... Also if anyone is having trouble naming characters, go to [url]www.cool-baby-names.com[/url] and search for names by origin. it may sound wierd but thats how i got names for EVERY character in m game.Well maybe not evrye character but a lot.you shoyuld check it out.
  5. Hyper

    Forgein Music.

    I like European and Japanes music. i especially like Japanese music, even though most of the time I can't understand it. The rest doesn't seem that intersting to me.
  6. I spent two weeks in the Sierra Nevadas, one week i went back packing and the other i went did a bunch of stuff near little towns and log cabins.It was nice.
  7. Hyper


    I have seen part and i havnt heard anything bad yet. Its a good movie.
  8. thanx d_W. Just what i have been looking for. I have been designing a game myself. I was stumped but now i just need to think! (something i dont do very often). Well i was designing it but do you mean actually programing it? Cause i have no idea how to do that.Could you tell me? please? *bows at D_W's feet*
  9. My digimon come and go. They are still mine but they go aroun and do suff, but never too far.Well my digivice is kinda like a d-power but it changed slowly. And my dreams are kinda freaky too.I'll see things and hear things and feel things its almost like my other self..but it is so cool. But with all thir past experiance you think they can handle being in the condition they are in c_L? If something bad did happen they are gonna make it back alive.Or at leats have someone save them.
  10. well my friend just got it and it looks good.The game takes no time at all to learn.Though for some reason it reminds of the Castlevania for N64.but it looks like a great game to me.I cant wait till i get it.
  11. yeah just call us crazy except dont.lol.:) its like Blanko said.:)
  12. your poems seem a little dark...
  13. touching speech.i agree all thse negative comments give me the heebie-jeebies.lol:)
  14. well i remember i had to reinstall or somehing and it had o scan like 47865 files plus 360 e-mails.The whole process took a day or too and it does it everytime i send an e-mail.It checks but any new downloads and it has to do it [i]all[/i] over again.i think it was some anti-virus program.
  15. i like it Shystor, though its a little to vauge as mist had said it.:)
  16. well know one knows i ahve a digi (besides you guys) and they wont really find the need to know.My digivice was a long story.I had gotten one of those digivice toys and was able to somehow turn it into a real digivice.It was then taken by the digi gnomes (yep them too!) took it away and gave it to my digi.He held on to it until i was "ready" and now accoding to him i'm as ready as ever.:cool:
  17. Mods: We were given permission by ShyGuy so dont close this thread.ok? And non-belivers: Make a new topic, dont tell us were crazy.If you dont belive, take it somewhere lese. So any updates?
  18. Hyper

    Tamers: v2

    "Where are we?" Jeri asked. "In that data area we had gone through when we first came to the digital world." Rika said. Jeri looked at her feet silently.Everything started to twist suddenly the tamers suddenly were crashing to the ground.They passed through many barriers, until they hit the ground with a thump.When they got up from the crater they landed in, they saw a Goblimon stare right at them with an evil grin.It swang its club. Rika was about to get hit, but a foxlike creature with amazing speed pushed her out of the way. "Diamon Storm!"
  19. well i just amde this golf coaster (spelling?) thing.And i made him a card that was kinda bad but he liked it.:)
  20. i'm not sure that 7 years is the equivelant to 1 human year.I think its arund that or what my mom said doesnt make sense.or maybe i just forgot.lol
  21. 1) Musyamon!!! right before the showed the premere of 03 they showed the epp where yolei was in kyoto and it had apperaed.He hasa sword and has a lot of colors on his armor. 2)Ebonwumon!!! He is has an Irish voice.Ireland is famous for its potatoes.He is responsible because he took watch over Baihumon's land when he was fighting the chaos.With his personality and supposed little strength you'd never think he was a sovergein. P.S. Hey i'm a member!i get my custon avatar!!!:):cool:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] so that under 18's would have no access to [i]very[/i] violent games (games like GTAIII and such). [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1][color=royalblue]Well its strange the games are made for older kids and a moajority of the sold games goes to kids.Two of my friends have GTAIII and they are only 11. I wonder what their parents think.If they even know.[/color][/size]
  23. I remember when i was new, i broke rules accidentally.and still do.lol.to avoid a useless post i'll do another one. Elecmon vs. Pikachu There they are folks! shockin' away. Pikachy takes to the air (jumps) and is sent ot the ground as the elecmon bodyslams him with pikachu's own attack.pikachu is down!!!!!!! Elecmon is charging up but pikachu pulls a quick attack and they both hjit a wall!!! Pikachu needs a moment torecover so elecmon uses all he's got!!!!!!!!!! an dpikachu goes down....Elecmon wins!
  24. This sounds fun.I guess i'll give it a try.Though shouldnt this be in the games/rpg section? ROUND 2: Wargreymon vs. Charizard They both take to the air and Charizard starts rushing towards WG. Beleiveit or not folks it seems Charizard is trying to kamikazi into WG! Wg uses his terra forcewhile Charizard starts to slam.Ouch.Charizard goes pummeling down.WG zooms after him. But wait Charizard uses Fire Blast and this battle becomes a duel of flames!! WG easily dodges all attacks and uses mega claw to take out Charizard.And the battle is over with Wg as its victor!!!! *crowd cheers and fireworks go off.*
  25. Ryo: Daemon eh? well its about time you showed yourself. Daemon: Are you trying to frighten me? ahahahahahaha Gryphonmon: Eat this!!LEGENDERY BLADE!!!! Daemon: ouch..Gryphonmon your here too? Xiomon: GOLDEN SABER!!!!!!! Gryphonmon: LEGENDARY BLADE!!!!!! Daemon: AHHHH..i havn't forgoten you.We shall suceed. *Daemon vanished into the darkness* Terri: Gryphonmon, why did you help us? Gryphonmon: We need your help. Dustin: We? *A Phoenixmon flies down from the sky.* Phoenixmon: Yes we. Gryphonmon: We are servants of the Crystal Gaurdians. Cloud: Gaurdians? Phoenixmon: Yes Azulongmon, Zuqhiaomon, Ebonwumon, Baihumon.They protect the crytsals. Ryo: What crystals? Gryphonmon: That does not matter.The temple of the Crystals is under attack.I request the solar warriors. Phoenixmon: And i request the moonlight warriors. *no one said anything* Gryphonmon: We shall explain everything.come with us.
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