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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. Hyper

    Tamers: v2

    "Suzie, do you know where Calumon is?" Lopmon asked as they sataround a campfire in the village. "Cawumom who?" Suzie asked politley. "The little white guy with a triangle on his head.He is the key to digivoultion." "Digivo-what?" Suzie said confused. "Oh never mind, Suzie" Lopmon smiled.Well at least no more Miss Pwetty Pants treatment.How could Terriermon survive?She looked up at the stars and wondered where her friend was. ________________________ "So what is your plan Takato?" Rika asked. "Well I told my dad about what I said, and my dad told Henry's dad, and Henry's dad told Yamaki. "Spit it out goggle boy!" Rika was growing impatient. "They have connected a program that allows us to go to the Digital World" Takato said rather suprised by what he had said. "Did Takato just say something smart?" Rika said sarcasticly. "Well anyway come to my house first thing tomorrwo." Henry said getting a little annoyed by the constant babbling from everybody. "What about Jeri" Takato asked Henry where no one could hear. __________________ "Oh i'll never find Rika, Takato, Henry...or a creampuff." Calumon said akwardly.He had been walking for days.It was approching sunset and he was in the middle of no-where.He kept walking. Then suddenly a Garbagemon fell from a tree.It grinned.Calumon started to run.The garbagemon not too far behind.Then Calumon saw something in the distance. "A village!!!...Maybe they have creampuffs!!!!" ______________________ Suzie and Lopmon were eating dinner.The other digimon bustling about doing their job to make their visitors comfortable.Then everybody stopped.The village chief emerged from his hut The Wizardmon spoke. "People of this village.I welcome these guests to our humble town.I hope that you make these guests happy.However, some new guests our approching.I ask that you make them comfortable as well." Everyone was suprised on how the chief could see this.Suzie continued to have her mind on her food.But Lopmon had something else in mind. "Suzie...I sense the Catalyst."
  2. Hyper

    Tamers: v2

    "Yeah its the same portal." Takato said to the others. "How did you find it?" Rika asked quickly. "I was just walking home from school and a portal appeared in the park.A digignome came out." "How long had you known about it, and what happened to the diginome?" Henry asked, trying to clear things up. "Well the digignome probaly took Suzie to to the DigiWorld" Jeri interupted. There was a long silence.Everyone was thinking hard.They were thinking the exact same thoughts.Were the digimon together? Had Suzie found Lopmon? Was Suzie or Lopmon still alive? "I thunk we should go" Takato said afte he stood up,"to the digiworld!" Everyone agrreed.Except Jeri.She remained silent. "Jeri are you ok?" Takato asked, rather concerened. "The Digital World. To me...a place of sorrow.but..." "Jeri?" "Ohh nothing of course i'll come.i guess.maybe. no." "Its ok Jeri you dont have to come with us.Maybe it would be better to stay with your dad." "I am not sure.I'll have to think about it." While everyone went home Jeri stood in silence.She slowly walked out the door. "Takato. I'm sorry. I'll come if i can.Just leave it to me." she reassured herslef and Takato. Jeri went home. She ran to her room and went to her drawer and pulled out her broken d-power.she looked at in a way she had never realizd you could look at life. "Leomon" she said to herself. "Jeri, dinner is ready!" her stepmother called. "Coming!" Jeri shouted back and left her room. Th e room remained silent.Until you could almost herea voice speak. "Jeri, be strong. You have heart of a lion." Nothing was heard.
  3. Lost Kindoms rocks!!!!!!! i never rent games.i seem to have ood tates cause i just buy them and hope a like them.i always do. And finally a rpg game for nintendo without turn-based battle style!!!! RPG fans rejoice a new era of role plying!!!! I personally love fantasy/monster stuff.This to me is gift from heaven!!!! There is only one word to describe it: Awesome
  4. Putting the gamecube ti its limits sounds like a lot can be done. Games are getting less enjoyable.There is only a certain amount of fun you can have before it wears out on you.some games last loger than others. Maybe balancing out games will lead to big sucess.
  5. Oh that gut.he is in level 7? oh well. When he throws the ball at you run over to him and pick the ball up using the lv-2 power bracelet. then you throw it at him.just keep repeating until you squash him.
  6. too me i think its rather hard to make a movie froma game.Its possible but it is the story line and stuff.it just doesnt semm to work as a movie,
  7. yep they did. and good ones too.:)
  8. Hyper

    Tamers: v2

    ohh sorry. i got a little confused.i still am.i guess i'll try to continue without messing things up. ---------------------------------- "Suzie!!! It's you!!! I it really you?!?!" "Uhh is that you..Lopmon?" "Yep Suzie, its me!" "Lopmon!" The two ran forward and the in-training form of Lopmon jumped right into Suzie's arms. "Suzie, shouldnt the others be with you?" Lopmon asked nervously. "I guess so, but they didn't come.I am sure that they wanted to but..i was the only one who came.And i bwought (she has a problem with her W's) my D-power!!!" "Thats great Suzie!! Here i'll take you to the village" "What village?"Lopmon just walked on.And Suzie followed. ___________________________ "What do you mean she just dissapeared?!" Henry shouted. "We were walking to your house Takato(thats where they are now) and we turned around. She was just in the middle of the street and vanished." Jeri answered back. "Sorry for yelling Jeri,but do you know where she went?" "The Digital World" she said not knowing what Henry's reaction would be.To her suprise, silence. "Takato!" shouted his mom, "answer the door!" "Oh yeah that is probably Rika and Ryo." He went to the front door and opened it. "Whats new goggle boy?"
  9. Hyper

    Tamers: v2

    "Do they ever quit?" asked Henry. "Don't think so" said Takato. The four boys went down the hall right before lunch.They were wondering how to get back.Could they? Was it even possible? Besides, they didn't even know if their digimon were alive. "Takato" Kenta asked nervously."Exactly..how are we gonna get back?" "We use are D-Powers and a computer like they did on the show!" he responded exictedly. "Real original Takato" Henry said in a sarcastic manner. "Well do you have any ideas?" he answered back. "Good point." said Kazu. _________________________ "Hey Rika!" Ryo asked. "What is it" she said rather annoyed. "Do you think we could go back...?"he said. "Go where Ryo?" she said this time a little more anoyed than last timwe. "To the Digital World" Ryo said plainly.Th ocnversation then took a turn. "You really wanna go back, dont you Ryo?" she said calmly. Silence again.It had been a while since the last time they were there.All the friends they made.A tear droped from Rika's eye. "Rika!" Ryo shouted. "I miss Renamon.Lets go." "To the Digital World?" Ryo asked nervously. "Where else?" They both ran off to find Takato and the others. ________________________ Geography.Takato's most hated subject in school.But fortunately for him, time went quickly.But all he could think about was Guilmon. "Takato?" Ms. Asaji (how do you spell her name?) asked. The bell rang.Savd by the bell he thought. The other boys ran outside and waited for Takato while he packed up his tuff. "Jeri. What will we do about her?"
  10. what bomb lookin dude.if i knew i might remember. oh maybe you mean that skull guy with the bats.well you know when he plays his flute the bats come down? well you have to destroy them all in one turn.(each time he plays his flue and the bats come down is one turn) youll have to do it again even if you miss 1.it gets kinda tricky depening on the formaion,but you only have to do it once.:)
  11. i read all of them.i love them.i hink [i]pearls[/i] was one of the best with all the riddles.and i only saw 2 out of the 17 eppisode-parts in the movie. in case anyone wants to know, the next one [i]Triss[/i] will come out in september.its supposed to be about some mouse at Loamhedge that either is related to Martin or had some relationship with martin.thats all i heard.
  12. wow cera, do you right this on the spot? or do you copy it from somewhere? or you just type reall fast and really good.
  13. ooh this keeps on getting better and better.:)
  14. Hyper

    FInal Fantasy

    well i personally think that the games are more intersetig then the movies.
  15. i think the general anime sectin is moe like a window of oppertunity to unknown anime.that would be good for this section.hearing about all these anime.what a place it could be.:)
  16. Hyper

    Lilo and Stich

    ...uhh thats nice...
  17. I LOVE IT ITS SOO FUNNY!!!!! *notices ppl staring (again)
  18. yeah i agree it is hard to read. just do it normally.
  19. no new members!! we already have as much as we need. anyway. ryo: daemon? dustin:i thought you said it was an ultimate ryo. ryo:i did but apperaently daemon is an maega. terri: but how did he do that. gryphonmon: he digivolved from phantomon.and he can hide his apperance as well as his strenght. cloud: get ready.its go time.
  20. now how close was i to killing someone else? hhmmmmmmmmm, toughie. well i never almost killed anybody.i'm always the one in pain.well my brother desides he wanst ti suffocate me very often anc covers my mouth and nose until my face turns purple. and one time this kid did rings of saturn in me. its when you take both arms behind your back and strecht them in the opposite way.it hurt like heck.
  21. just converstaion.its been said before. well she obviously likes you. just talk to her get to know her.get a picture and a number and then you cant take care of the rest.
  22. Hyper

    Lilo and Stich

    hey i think its funny.i guess i'll go see it.*notices evryone staring at him* well iam only 10.
  23. they do have 2 for gbc. the original and keeper's quest.
  24. it just came out and its still in theaters.i mean epp. 3 will come out in '05. we have a long way to go. but of course i have friends who downloaded half of it before it came out and the other half after.always rely on the computer.
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