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Everything posted by Hyper
well actualy he is purple because my friend has sa1. and he only appears in the dc version. i tried in the gc version but he wasnt there. also i have another point to bring up. on a chao ezboard someone claimed that there was a mastermined mystery. it had bowser,a blue and yellow echidana.it was sooo cool. and it was accidental if anyone has beaten this or if anyone wants details tell me.if you have beaten it what do you get for a prize or something?
My friend said that they are making a final fantasy XI for gamecube (they are). he also said that they were making a final fantasy X version for gamecube is it true?
ugggh nobody ever continues so i will even if it is double posting. Xiomon: Golden Fang!!!!!!!! Lady:oucch!! you... Ryo: nice hit! Xiomon: Golden Saber!!! Marine: DARN YOU!!!! RYO: come on finish em off. *just then dustin runs in...* dustin: mind if i help? Memoramon: (i will find the attack name later) Xiomon: Golden Saber! Marine: Ladydevimon!!! dont leave me. Ryo: eat my dust marinedevimon!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sage [/i] [B] 1)Garbagemon???? 2)Arukenimon 3)Pharaohmon, Anubismon or Mummymon(depends what you think is fancy dressing;) ) [/B][/QUOTE] 1) shakkouamon. his head loks like a pot/jug. 2)rockmon/golemmon. the first eppei when they realize that they are beung attacked by controll spires. 3)CORRECT! I was going for mummymon the others hadnt crossed my mind.and they never appeared in the show
Ryo: well tis an mega all right. Xiomon, its two ultimates. Ryo:2!!!!! TWO ULTIMATES!!! Xiomon:its ladydevimon and marinedevimon.thats why the signals were strong. Ryo: i dont know but here thay are. Lady(ladydevimon): well what do we have hear Marine(marinedevimon): destroynig digidestined. Lady: oh this will be fun! Marine:i do agree Lady: darkness wave!!!!! Marine: Darkness water!!!! Ryo: Xiomon do something!
dunno but i have some riddles. 1)pothead/jughead 2)dark towers ROCK! 3)the fancy dressed dude is from egypt
Ryo: argomon you better digvolve. Argomon: better do it right... Ryo: Goldedn armor energize! Argomon: argomon golden armor digivlves to...Xiomon the warrior of the heart. Ryo: i havent seen you like this for ages! Argomon: Ryo, we found the golden egg a week ago on the mountain. Ryo: whatever, get your game on guys you better digivolve soon.or we wont stand a chance.
Ok since no one has continued i guess i will. Ryo:A mega?!!! Argomon:do we even stand a chance? Cloud: maybe if we worked together os something... Ryo: Don't pull a takato on me cloud. Argomon: Its coming. Terri: Wait, i dont think its a mega. Ryo: your right, my digivice is taking signals from an ultimate. Cloud: A powerful ultimate with signals that strong. Argomon:very powerful. Terri: uhh.. guys.. its here
Name: Zanno Species: Ewok Age: some age around 21 in ewok years Location: Travels all around the galaxy but still call his ewok village home. Weapon: has a blaster,light saber (blue), assorted blades,electric trident.all given to him from trading with the jawas. Alliance:Republican, although he doesnt really care about the rest of the universe, he would always favor the jedi. Vehicle:travels in any use of transportation he can find or sell.He aslo has a custom glider (like the one from spiderman) and swoop bike.They usually stay attached to each other. Description:an ewok, covered in light brown clothes with dark leather staps across his wais and ffrom his waist to his shoulders. He sometimes wears a jawa robe if he is meeting with them or if it is cold. Bio: He used to live on his native ewok planet and village (if there is one).Then he moved on wanting to travel around the galaxy for it was his childhood dream. To get money he finds droids to trade or sell with the jawas for useful things that make him powereful. He trades with others. to get other supplies and money. Isnt too big on government issues. but likes to know what goes on. Hows that for a start?
There is this person in my class who is soooooooooooooo anoying.she is one of those people who you can make fun of and they laugh and smile evn when they are being humiliated in front of there friends.and even when you insult them past anyones imagination they smile ans say "your funny" and they still have a crush on you.(happend to my friend not me but heck is she annoying.
That would do.i guess i will just amke a dark/moonlight form for fun.thanx g/s/b
the answers are: 1)indramon 2)lynxmon 3)guilmon thats all for now
Hey dukeofshowdown, can we be able to use both powers?like have a solar and moon,light evolution? Also should my digimon be moonlight or solar? i cant deside if not both
ryo:wow argomon i did not know you were that cool. argomon:that hurts i was cool in my rookie form too ryo: ok let me rephrase that:your cooler than you were before argomon:thats better argomon:wait i sense it is close ryo:my digivice does so too.
ryo:argomon i think we should go east. argomon:we wre headed that way anyway. ryo:wait the signal has 2 people on it.heading east like i thought. argomon:we should go now i sense they are close *the 2 run off to the east as the signal gets stronger every step they take.ryo comes out of a huge hallow log and sees Cloud and Terri. Ryo:so there are others like me.Whats up guys?
Ok ready for more? 1)i love laughing.its so fun mocking pathetic peolple. 2)ouch!! stop walking on me!is it hot in here or what? 3)do you think peanut butter looks like me too? just to let you the first of my previous riddles was from a movie(hurricane touchdown).Just to avoid confusion.
ok then.here are the answeres: 1)magnadramon. gatomon is a cat."good" referred to an angel-angewomon.king arther and a sword reffered to a dragon.magnadramon is a dragon. 2)Gabumon he never takes off his fir.he is afraid to go into water and i very shy. 3)antylamon in 03 suzie tried to give antylomon directions.when describing how to go go "right" suzie said make an r with your fingers.i never heard of it that way.
can anyone guess mine? if not should i give the answers? please tell me if you listen to digimon very carefull you will answer my riddles.
ok hard ones...tries these. 1)i was a "good" litlle kitty until the easter bunny circus clown came.where is the sword?king arthur slay the dragon! 2)keep your clothes on 3)i can amke a "L" with my fingers can you?
walking in the forest ryo and argomon hear something. argomon:what was that? Ryo:my stomach.i am starved. argomon:ya ok you eat lunch and i take the big green gy=uy out from behind you ok? Ryo:WHAT? Argomon:get out of the- Ryo:argomon! argomon:-way *ryo checks his digivice* ryo:tuskmon...he doesnt seem to like us...but a rookie cant stand up tom a champion. argomon:argomon digivolves to...Tyromon. ryo:wow! cool! tyromon:its time to finishm you! tuskmon:you haha ha-ouch. tyromon:outbreak! tuskmon:i only wanted to go to grandma's house over the fores- tyromon:save it. ryo:argomon the signal is stronger...hurry up!
Ryo:Hey argomon why is my digivice glowing? argomon:its picking up a group of people nearby.They probably have digimon too. Ryo:Really there are others out there? argomon:well i would asume so because of the detector reading.lets go. Ryo:you lead the way my friend. Now the too head off to the forest tracing the signal into unknown dangers....
Man Ryo the tamer that pic is awesome!!!!!! Did you reall y drwa that? I hate to say it but i have a digimon that kinda looks like it--ArcAngemon.Just a little more dragonlike instead of gallantmon -like,but mine is not a mode.And my dude has a staff instead of a sword.And once agin nice pic!!!!!
Ok then ArcAngemon (solar evolution) vaccine holy dragon Attacks: Ancient Light Gate of Destiny (same one from 01) Wings of Hope Description: Looks like imperialdramon paladin mode. It stands up like imperial(fighter mode).Has an omnimon head with a raidramon horn.Has a shield with a cresent moon, in kinda the u-shape (points are upward) with a sun over it and stars all around the boarder.Has 8 wings.Has a golden staff as tall as he is, it has diamond (or the moonlight crystal,your choice) at the top, bound with golden ropes, and has six tiny wings,three on each side. I will add more if i need to. EDIT:I have posted this info before.this is quick access for his solar evolution arcangemon.since you get the prefix sol i guess his new name in this story should be either SolAngemon or SolArcAngemon.i think the first one would be better.