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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. I was just watching this TV special on Zelda, and it was reviewing all the games. But what caught my eye was the game that I had never known about. Mainly because Nintendo disregards practically all knowledge of it. (Acording to the TV Show) There was this interactive CD player that Nintendo joined up with for a Zelda game. But I guess (As well as I can remember form my show) Nintendo tried weaving out of the deal really want to progress the game. So the game was made anyway, and it was really bad. Side-scrolling levels with bad game-play. And it wasn't very Zelda-like either (The series was still early though). Link was a totaly cheesey character. And Zelda was practically a flake. Dialogue sample: Link: How 'bout a kiss? *wink* Zelda: In your dreams *Giggles* No wonder Nintendo doesn't talk about it. So, I just found out, but what did you guys know? Does anyone have either this game, or the two other games in this abomination of a series? Very strange.
  2. Hyper


    Ughh...my Pokémon are so under-level. I have to do a lot of training, since I can't beat my rival after Slateport. What's a place somewhere before Slateport that givs a lot of EXP? I seriously need some help. >.< I can't withstand water moves. I have: Combusken - Lv. 22 Tailow - Lv. 16 Poochyena - Lv. 13 Ralts - Lv. 15 Aron - Lv. 12 I need to get these guys in the 20-25 level area. I'd kill for some of those Rare Candies...
  3. You don't suppose someone could help me? I'm very early in the game, at the Forsaken fortress. I've gotten to the part where you have to use the barrel to sneak past those guards. I can get past the first one, but I have trouble with the second one. I'm always caught (I move closer) by the first one whe the second guard's back is turned.
  4. Hyper


    Heh, don't worry. I tought my Combusken Double-Kick and raised it one or two levels higher. Then I just blew through Roxanne. So I finally got my Ralts, and my team is starting to take form (although this is not the team I want in the end). Right now, I'm just training my Pokémon until their all at a labe capable of defeating Brawly without hassle.
  5. Hyper


    Besides the area right before Petalburg, does anyone know where to find a Ralts? (Before Dewford Town) I'm having so much trouble...
  6. Hyper


    Heh, I got WW as well. ^__^ I'm currently trying to catch one of those danred Ralts. It sooooooo hard to find one. I'll just keep trying I guess. Then its off to the next gym! I feel ready. I'm going to evolve my Torchic first to Cumbusken so it can learn Double Kick. ^_^ That'll help a bit. *Goes to catch the annoying Ralts*
  7. Before Ryo went to his cabin he told Kaiba everything. Kaiba was able to gather a lot of information from Ryo's memories. Now Kaiba new where to put his attention too. After Kaiba had started sending orders, Ryo just walked down to his cbain and went to bed. But for some reason he just couldn't sleep.
  8. Hyper


    Lots of them are excesive. But there just isn't enough balence between the types. Some are completely pointless and really have no purpose. I think one of them is like Dunsparce from G/S/C. I forget what it's called. And balance is whack. Only four Electric type? And it seems like only three since those Mini-Pikachu's are identical. *Needs more Electric types*
  9. Hyper


    Latias and Latios aren't really my choice. I can't tell the difference. ^__^ Also along the Kyogre and Groudon thing, I don't mean which is stronger over the other. I mean, how well they do against Pokémon in general. I'll prolly end up buying both eventually. Oo Also for the thing about Torchic. I've made my decision, and I'm going to choose him. But just one question: He's not the only Pokémon I can use in the battle right? I mean I'll be able to catch other Pokémon right? If so, are any of them particularly good to use? [b]This is for the first gym only![/b] I'll figure out the rest. ~_^
  10. Ryo: This isn't fair! Why don't you just play by the rules, coward! ????: Hmm, who says I have to? Ryo: Unsanctioned duels won't get you anywhere! The Giant Orc came charging and gave a finisging blow to Ryo. His lifepoints dropped to 0, and he ahd lost. ????: Now give me your Vampire Lord, and all your virus cards! Ryo: No way! Play by the rules and there's a chance I might consider it. After you lose! ????: Sorry, but your out of time. The platform dropped suddenly. Ryo was prepared for the worst. He wasn't sure hat would happen. He couldn't escape. Unlesss someone helped him. And just his luck, someone enters the secret room.
  11. Hyper


    I was going to chosoe Ruby, but for some reason I'm strugglign in my decision. Mainly 'cause of Groudon and Kyogre. Is there a better one? I've heard people say Kyogre dominates, and that Groudon really isn't all that. I personally want Groudon, but I'm not sure if I want it now, seeing as how people say he's nothing special. And another question: Treecko, Torchic, or Mudkip? Reaons for my indecisive-ness: Treecko: Looks cool, but really hard game if you chose him. I'm prolly not gonna choose this one. Mudkip: Looks okay, isn't too weak, but I don't see any of those super-water moves. I'm going to loook into this somemore. Torchic: Hard first gym battle, but a good amount of domination for the rest of the game. The only problem is that his evolutions aren't very appealing. *Thinks they're ugly* I'm prolly narrowing my choices between Torchic and Mudkip. Any advice?
  12. ???: Go Swords of Revealing Light! Protect me from harm! Ryo: Humph. I'll just play a monster in Defense mode. ???: I'll play my Giant Orc and attack you directly! Watch your life poitns go down! Ryo: But I have a monster! How is that possible? ???: Let's just say we did an "adjustment" on your Duel Disk! Ryo: That's so unfair! How can you do this!? Ryo was knocked down as his paltform was dropping significantly. How can he win, when he can't even defend himself? ??: 4000 RY: 1800 The Giant Orc had switched to defense mode, so Ryo was hopeless. He played Dian Keto the Curemaster, but instead of going up , he won't down. Ryo couldn't Lifepoints, he could nply loose them. RY: 800 On the next turn hte Giant Orc switched to Attack mode and readied its club to strike...
  13. Ryo just clsoed his eyes and chuckled to himself from the far deck. He had made it past the first elimination, and was qualified for the second third round after the second elimination. He decided, after reporting to Kaiba what he ahd seen, to do a small investigation of his own. He walked down near the cargo hold of the ship, and looked around. He was able to follow a trail of Duel Monster cards until he discovered a small room under the ship. He took a peak and saw a large table with several people around it. Somethign was in the middle. He turned around to run back, but something instanly knocked him out. Everything was black. When he woke up, he found himself with his feet chained to a stone paltform. His duel disk and deck were still there, but he was completely immoble. The platform was raised high,a nd he could see another paltform, at a lower distance, across from him. There was a sudden jolt and both platforms became level. A dark figure came out of nowhere and stepped up. He brandished a duel disk, and stared up at Ryo. He could tell a duel was coming. Ryo stared down at the floor. He then suddenly realized, there was no floor! It was so dark he coudln't see down. But the shadowy suspct quickly assured him. ???: Go down, and you won't come up. First to loose the duel goes down. He pointed down with one hand, and pointed to the wall with another hand. Ryo tok a look and saw marks between 4000 and 0. Both platforms jumped towards the ceiling. ??: 4000 RY: 4000 [Maybe this isn't as realistic as it should be, but I'll make it work]
  14. Ryo just sat around until some action would happen. He already had enough for the first elimination round. He sat near the top deck, fine-tuning his deck some more, and scoping out suspects. Already he had found a few people. But he acknowledged the possibility of the perosn being a normla duelist witha gothic dress-style. Ryo: Wearing black just isn't enough these days... He happened to notice near the front of the deck, a group of shadowy figures. It looked like they were trying not to be seen form deck level. They flashed some rare cards,s ome he didn't recognize, and then walked different ways. Card theives, conspirers, Ryo didn't know what to call them. He looked backwards, and then looked forward again. The figures were out of sight. Ryo thought he shoudl go alert someone, so he got up and walked away, hoping to find Kaiba.
  15. Hyper

    Daft Punk

    Ooooh! These guys rock! I, prolly being the biggest techno fan alive, have pretty much all their songs. Though I prefer the more up-beats over the well...the not as up-beat ones. "Harder, better, faster, Stronger" has to be my favorite though.
  16. Ryo could hear a lot of racket cming form the other side of the ship. Just to see what was going on, he followed the noise. He saw three duelidts running as fast as they could. In the distance, ryo could see a strange man dressed in black, that looked a bit too guilty. Realizing the danger of the situation, Ryo took off running, and was able to catch up with the the three other duelists. They went straight to Kaiba's office on deck, in order to tell him what happened. By then, Ryo made his presence known, as he walked into the conversation between Kaiba, Yugi, Shinji, Ryan, and Kyris. Ryo: Umm, sorry for intruding here, but what just happened?
  17. Joe: Good, but not quite good enough, I'll lay this guy in defense mode. Protect me, Prevent Rat! Ryo: I'll be destroying your monsters faster then you can play them! Go Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. First I'll send Maha Vailo to destroy your Prevent Rat, now I'll have Kycoo deal you a mystical blow! J: 1950 R: 2850 Joe: I'll play Ultimate Offerign to summon two monsters to defend my life points. Ryo: I'll lay two cards face down, and send my monsters attacking! Both monsters were obliterated, but Joe grinned as his Man-Eater Bug came and destroyed his Maha Vailo. Ryo didn't seem to care. Joe: I'll play the Big Shield Gardna in defense mode. You won't be able to touch my lifepoints now! Ryo: Don't be so sure! Time for my monsters to strike. First I'll activate my Crush Virus, infecting your deck and hand! Now you won't have anything good to protect you! I'll also play my Emergency Rations card, rasing my lifepoints by a thousand, and furthermore removing one M/Tcard on the field. This means your Ultimate Offering is gone for good! [Okay, this should be one of my M/T cards, but for the sake of the duel, I'm usign his. This won't happen too much anymore. Nor will this happen when I'm duelign another member. Also in this next move, Grave Robber will steal a trap card. I swear, this will stop soon. If I didn't bend the rules a bit, this duel would be very boring. ] Ryo: I'll finish up my combo by playing Grave Robber! This will allow me to take your Ultimate Offering, and enable me to use it. I'll spend 500 life points to summon my Demon Soldier, and sacrifice it to play Summoned Skull! Summoned Skull attacked Big Shield Gardna, and destroyed itself, taking 100 damage. But this switched Gardna to atatck mode. (100 ATK) Kycoo came and balstered through it. Taking a chunk of Life points. But Joe intercepted the atatck with Rush Recklessly, preventing 700 damage. R: 3450 J: 450 Joe panicked. He ahd only high-level monsters in his hand. His only help was to draw a revival card, and revive a monster with it. He drew, and just his luck, Monster Reborn. He played, hoping to revive his monster but was shocked when nothing happened. Ryo explained. Ryo: When Kycoo attacks, cards in your graveyard are removed. now there are no monsters for you to defend with. Your days in this tournament are over! Joe forfeited his turn, and watched helplessly as his lifepoitns were completely wipied out. Ryo ahd claimed two more locator cards, bring his total to 21. He knew he had more than he should normally, but felt he took some extras. He walked up to the top of the ship, flashed his locator cards to the guards, and walked on by. There he waited for the other duelists to come. Hoepfully some good challengers ahd made it past the first elimination.
  18. Ryo was sitting near the top of the ship. He was fine-tuning his deck to make it even better, and also he happened to be on the look-out for a good opponent. [Although, in reality, nothing in his deck will change] He had decided he would be the duelist to challenge another. Mostly, people challenged him. He spotted another duelist, who had just atained victory over another. Ryo decided to duel him. His challenger gladly accepted. Ryo: 4000 Joe: 4000 [This is just a random duelist, BTW] Joe: I'll start off by playing my Ryu-Kishin Powered in attack mode! (1600/1200) Ryo: I'll play my Mechanicalchaser in attack mode as well. Your gargoyle is an easy target for my hunter! J: 3750 R: 4000 Joe: Well, not for long. I'll play my Goblin Strike Team, to send your Mechanicalchaser packing! (2300/0) The group of goblins went charging towards the machine, leaving it in pieces. Ryo didn't seemed concerned. R: 3550 Ryo had a nice opponent. Ryo: I think I'll play my Graceful Charity card, drawign three more, and discarding two. And I think I've found the perfect card. I'lI play Premature Burial, paying 800 life points, to bring back Maha Vailo. Go, attack with your all your might! The Maha Vailo went slicing through the Goblin Strike Team. RY: 2850 JO: 3750
  19. Ryo: Go, attack his Crawling Dragon! Ryo's vampire swooped up and crushed his Dragon. His Vorse Raider followed up with a swing from his axe, leaving only the Dream Clown, and some of his lifepoints. BZ: 2800 RY: 4000 Ebikyo Drakmord, went back to Ryo's hand. It was a re-usable card. Bonz started to get a bit worried. He was even mroe surprised when the Duel Disk selected a trap card from his deck, and put it in the graveyard. Ryo: You see Bonz, Vampire Lord can select a type of card from your deck, and put in the graveyard. In this case, a trap card. See? Bonz: Ha! You didn't get Call fo the Haunted! I already had it in play! But I'll keep it around a little while longer. Now, I'll switch Dream Clown to atatck mode, activatign tis effect. Say good-bye to your Vampire Lord! Ryo made a sarcastic wave toh is Vampire. Bonz was shocked as it reappeared. Ryo: You see, this monster keeps coming back, if destroyed by a card effect. And its overwhelming strength will crush you. Ryo's Blood Vorse tore through Bonz's dream clown. His Vampire Lord went charging and took ut a huge chunk fo Bonz's lifepoints. BZ: 200 / RY: 4000 Bonz played Life Drain increasing his LP to 1700. Then he played Call of the Haunted. Three monsters, all came back as zombies. Bonz sacrificed one monster to play Pumpking King of Ghosts. All zobmie's had their attack increased by 200. This would continue each turn. His Pumpking went attackign towards the Vampire Lord, but was instantly blown to pieces. Ryo: Don't tell me you didn't know? Vamprie Lord is a zombie-type as well. You just powered him up, making him even stronger. BZ: 1500 Ryo sent his Vampire Lord to destroy one monster, and Blood Vorse to attack the other. Only one regenerated due to Coh's effect. Ryo: Since Vampire Lord a zombie as well, destroying other zombies nullifies Coh's effect! And for your remaining monster, we'll finish him off later. BZ: 300 Bonz was in fear as he switched his only monster to defense mode. Blood Vorse tore through it, and Vampire Lord made one clean strike, winnign the duel. Ryo was happily in possession of two more Locator Cards.
  20. Okay. Its just people had 25 and all that so I thought I had to catch up. ----------------------------- RYo: I'll play my Blood vorse in attack mode! (1900/1200) Bonz: I'll play Crawling Dragon also in attack mdoe! (1600/1200) [A bit shaky on some of the stats. But it'll be in attack mode for the rest of the duel, so defense won't matter] Ryo: You've done this combo so many times. I'm not falling for your trick. Call of the Haunted, correct? Bonz: so, you've beena round the block more than once. You'll still endup having to attck me anyways. And then my zombies can dominate! Ryo: Alright then. Keep tellign yourself that and you might stand a chance. I'll lay a card face down and play Ebikyo Drakmord (Black Dust Virus)! now, your Zombie can't attack. and in two turns, I'll have a surprise for him. I'll also play this face down monster, and end my turn. Bonz: No problem. I'll play my Dream Clown in defense mode. and then I'll lay one m/t face down. Then play Masaki the Legendary swordsman. I'm done! Ryo: Ha! I can just see your defeat! This card I drew is perfect! I'll sacrifice my face down monster to play the almighty Vampire Lord!
  21. Ryo was walking along side when suddenly everythign went black. The last thing he remembered was being knocked in the head, form behind. He woke up in a dark room. It was obviously a cargo room of some sort, close to the bottom of the ship. Ryo could tell by the frequent movements of the ship. Bonz: Welcome, duelist! A small ghostly punk walked out from behind a giant crate.He was wearign a duel disk on his left arm. Ryo: I'm guessing you brought me here for a duel? I'm ready when you are. BZ: 4000 RY: 4000
  22. Rex's new monster went charging towards his Fallen Angel. Ryo seemed happy as it was destroyed. Now it was Ryo's turn. Rex loked dumbdounded as Ryo's lifepoints increased by 200. RX: 3900 / RY: 4200 Ryo: When my Angel is in the graveyard, I gain 200 lifepoints every turn. He layed one monster in defense mode, then layed another M/T card face down. On Rex's turn, he removed his King Rex, to play the Rock Spirit . It went charging towards his face down monster. It's atatck increased by 300 points, because of tias effetc. It gains 300 ATK in the battle Phase. Ryo happily flipped over oen of his face down trap cards, Magic Cylidners, preventing the attack yet again. Rex looked frustrated. Ryo's LP increased by 200 again. RX: 1900 RY: 4400 Ryo flipped over the face down monster, XENO. It took control of Rex's Rock Spirit. Rex was horrified as it came crashing towards him, wiping out the rest of his lifepoints. Ryo walked over and claimed his 7 locator cards, adding to his collection of 10. 17 cards was satisfying him. [ I know I didn't write all the duels for those, but if some people ahve 20+, I'm going to need to catch up. If this is a problem, just let me know]
  23. Rex: I'll play my Two-Headed King Rex in attack mode! (1600/1200) Ryo: I'll play my Bazoo the Soul Eater in attack mode! A giant blue monster appears, and waves a fist at the dinosaur. Ryo: Since the attack is equal, I'll just keep my monster for another turn. Not to mention laying two cards face down. Your turn Rex! (1600/800) A few people ahd started watching the duel. Rex: I'll lay one monster face down, and end lay one card face down. That'll end my turn! Ryo: I'll scarifice my Bazoo, to play my Marie the Fallen Angel! (1700/1200) Go Marie, attack his King rex! The dakr angel sliced thorugh his lizard. Rex's lifepoints went down by a small 100 points. Ry: 4000 / RX: 3900 Rex flipepd over his new monster and sent it charging. Ryo just flipped over Negate Attack, and blocked it. It was Ryo's turn now. Ryo: I'll lay one monster face down, and have Marie switch to defense mode. Rex laughed when he saw this move. Ryo put one more M/t card down,a nd ended his turn. He put on a smirk as Rex made his next move.
  24. Ryo looked out over the ocean, from the main deck. He was in need of an opponent. He looked around at the other duelists. He could tell none of them were quite up to his calibur. He turned his head again, looking otuwards. After another moment of slience a loud arragant voice challenged him. Ryo turned aroudn the face him. His challenger was none other than Rex Raptor. "Hey duelist!" he shouted. Rex nodded his head towards Ryo. "A duel, I'm guessing right?" he responded. Rex just nodded his head. The lifepoint counter witched on to 4000. Both duelists slid their decks into the duel disk, and drawed the first seven cards. Ryo looked at his hand. He closed his eyes and chuckled.
  25. Ummmm..not too late I hope? Name: Ryo Age: 16 Description: Orange-Yellow shirt with a think red stripe, blue jeans, brown hair. Nationality: American (From USA) Deck Theme: Virus Combination Rare Cards: DDVD, X-E-N-O, Black Dust Virus,etc. I won't be able to post today, though. lots of school work...Anywyas. But I'm sure after today I can start. Okay?
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