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Everything posted by Hyper

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaizer_Boy [/i] [B]Well, there is one combo I know, it's called "advance defenive dragon" And it goes like this: 1. Play hyozanryu on the feild 2. Play megamorph(If you have less Life points) 3.Your attack should now be 4200 4. Equipt it with Mulivent nuzzler 5. your attack should now be 4900 6. then, play yami. 7. your attack should now be 5100 8. Finally, play Lord of D to protect youy Hyozanryu. Cool huh? And oh yeah, a dragon tamer is not allowed to make up fake cards. And all my cards are real sole tremaine so don't say there fake, Hmph. [/B][/QUOTE] That's not a combo. Its just using your cards properly. Using several equip cards is not a combo. Not that it is a poor strategy. Well if they don't exist, and you say they're real? What are they? Some of those cards don't even exist. [quote]'Obelisk the Tormentor' is called 'God of Osiris'[/quote] Obelisk the Tormentor in Japan is God of Obelisk, or Altron's way of saying it. (Immense Divine Soldier of Obelisk; Or somethign close) Slifer the Sky Dragon is God of Osiris in Japan. ;)
  2. Nope. Unless Kazuki Takahasi makes another one, there won't be any. And since the TV show came from the manga, unless he makes ore, we'll have nothing.
  3. Destiny Board and Spirit Messages = Ouijia Board. It works kinda like Exodia, but if one card is destroyed, the others go with it. (If they were on the field)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaizer_Boy [/i] [B]If you don't know, some cards are realeses in Japan only. [/B][/QUOTE] I know that. I've made a some Japanese decks myself. But after you make up so many cards, a-never-heard-of-before-card seems a bi suspicious. And it doesn't exist. [quote]Wouldn't a Scapegoat / Cannon Soldier combo work just the same?[/quote] It will in about a week or so, when the Scapegoat is released in English. (Unless its already out; I haven't got cards recently)
  5. If you say Ookazi, in trap form, the only thing that comes to mind is Widespread Ruin. (J. Claymore Mine) But that came out much lkater than Hand Obliteration/Card Destruction...
  6. Be happy your record is 82. Mine is..like...6. *Cries in a corner* I think they're named Demonoliths. I beat FFX last night though. *Blows up the non-working Spoiler tags* [color=white]I wanted to a few things before I challenged Sin. Like get a few legendary weapons (Even though they're supposed to be called "Celestial Weapons") and such. Seymour was a bit tricky. I just wished I could have seen him >.
  7. 1st: Dueling Monkey 2nd: Trial By Red-Eyes This one is a bit tricky. How many cards did Espa Roba use in the duel with Joey? (Cards actually played, not ones in his hand. If you watched closely, you could prolly see. ;))
  8. No, I mean [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3161]Solo Tremaine[/url]. Although, you customized yours with text to. But I have seen people take avatars with custom text on them. Even when the person's name was on it, the "theft" would use it anyways.
  9. Yay! Tasis! One look at your guide, about the fifth try after, I get the perfect score! 14 baloons, no birdies. Now I'm looking for [i]where[/i] in Omega Ruins all the Lv. 4 Key Spheres are, and on my way to get crests and sigils along the way. *Blows up Thunder plains* My reflexes are slow... What else do I wanna do before I beat the game? *Thinks*
  10. I could customize it with text like Solo did, but my avatar wouldn't look good with text (no room), nor would the animation work.
  11. If you don't even know the proper name and spelling of some of those cards, who are we supposed to believe you have them? Does Mega-Dragon Breath really exist? (What set?) If it did I'm sure Altron would know/use it, being the Fire-master that he is.
  12. Well, there are premium packs and special editions, but that's beside the point. Even if there was a picture, its totally counterfeit. Besides, with a .url extention (I'm almost posotively sure that does not exist) who would believe that link/image would actually work?
  13. This is probably just me, but I've noticed something that really bothers me. People on these boards are using other people's custom avatars. Now I know, that if you did not make your avatar it shouldn't matter too much. But if people are taking avatars directly from you, without getting it rom the exact source, it really is bothersome. It also is really iritating when your personalized (your name on it) avatar is taken. I've seen that happen twice (by the same person). Now this is kind of a silly request, but do you think you could maybe prevent people from using other people's customer avatars? (I mean: Someone sees mine; they get the URL and use it as theirs. NOT: They go to a website, and find a custom avatar. It just happens to be the same as yours. But still..)
  14. I highly doubt it. There are only three god cards. do you think there would be four? 8000/9000 is prolly just some newbie dream card. Konami would never make a card like that unless it had serious drawbacks. I mean serious. Unless you can specifiy what special pack this was in, I won't believe you. Especially since that link is completely fake.
  15. *Blows up the chocobos* How I am supposed to get 0:00 for a time! Stupid controls drive me crazy... I hate getting all these Sigils and crests. And I hate blitzball. (But I can't stop myself from playing it) I'm too despreate for Wakka's Overdrives. (I don't feel complete with out them) *Blows up Omega Ruins* I NEED those Lv. 4 Key Spheres. Which enemies drop them? *Wonders what else he needs to do*
  16. Although in true strategy, power-ups aren't considered combos. One of my favorite: Bistro Butcher + Appropriate. Nice exodia combo, and with more cards of each one, the more card your draw. 3 Bistro Butchers (2 cards drawn with each attack) 3 Appropriates (One for each time the effect is used) 1 BB, use 3 Appropriates. You draw 6 cards. 6 x 3 =18 cards drawn. That is awfully cheap. ;)
  17. The duel seemed to go pretty quickly, not that it's a bad thing. I'm assuming this isn't too long since your starting off with Yugi vs. Kaiba in the very begining. Nice. *Thumbs up*
  18. Maybe it's in 305. *Goes to check*
  19. I got rid of the Area Conquest monster from the Calm Lands, Chimeragiest. If you mean the Originals, like Shinryu, Earth Eater, etc., then I've had no luck.
  20. Hyper


    The left leg is all I have. the first edition head is now $155. ::Jaw drops:: I'll just wait two weeks for the price to drop (They change awfully quick) to get. The others are like $50 each. *Blows up my store*
  21. The one the left its Avatar of Apophis. I don't know what the other one is, but I know Isis uses it. I can't figure out what the second one is. Do we know if it is a real monster?
  22. [spoiler]I think I know what you mean Ginny. It's gonna be extra hard with those Magus Sisters. And Anima! How I am going to get my butt kicked! *Remembers they only have about a couple thousand HP (Cindy has 8000)* Oh well.[/spoiler] [size=1][COLOR=003399]Remember, there's a "/" at the end of tags. - [b]Tasis[/b] [/COLOR] [/size]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]You got lucky, if she had used MegaDeath, you would have been killed instantly.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, she did. But I had one of my weaker aeons (I think it was Valefor) finish her second form. So her Mega-Deathwas useless. Then I just overdrived away with aeons to destroy her.
  24. During Joey's: Makyiou the Magic Mist (Or somethign pretty close) During his turn: Monster Reborn (To use on Black Skull Dragon) What makes Rebecca's deck illegal in the English TCG (And possibly the TV show)
  25. Hyper


    I never get close. :( I know most of the people who compete, but since the match-ups are done by alphabetical order, I'm always stuck against the same person. Unfortunatly for me, that perosn has to be Edward Chan, Western United Sates Champion. *Envies him* lol. [This is a true story, BTW]
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