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Everything posted by Rainez

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] Exactly, thank you, plus if you watch movie 8, Brolli is covered in lava and doesn't die. I don't know if it was because he was so powerful, cuz I'm pretty sure Goku would get his ***** whooped if I wrote the movie. I don't know if Goku would have been powerful enough to withstand the lava, just another mystery [/B][/QUOTE] That just proves that Brolli is the ultimate Saiyan :devil:. In 8, doesn't Brolli find his father??
  2. I thought King Cold did find Freeza and re-build him as a cyborg. I'm confused.:drunk:
  3. Alot of the RPG's on the net should follow those rules.... especailly (sp?) my frineds DBZ rpg.:cross:
  4. Alot of the RPG's on the net should follow those rules.... especailly (sp?) my frineds DBZ rpg.:cross:
  5. Gonna check my local blockbuster, they usually have Anime, so they might have them :cool:
  6. He tore up SSJ2 Goku also. :eek:. But, when Trunks go's back to his time, he tears up 17, 18, and Cell like they were stuffed animals.:D :drunk:
  7. I don't have GT yet, :bawl:, I only have cable, :mad:, on YTV, Buu was recently hatched, and Buu beat the crap-o-la outta the Grand Ki, and Majin Vegeta knocked out SSJ2(?) Kakarott, and stole that bean thing :cross:, but then YTV decided to knock us back a few hundred episodes, so Gohan is still a child.. last night I saw when Piccilo ripped off his tail, god that was a classic :D
  8. Does anyone know who this is?? [IMG]http://dbz-anime-dragon-ball-z-gt.com/images/54.jpg[/IMG] I thought it was 17, but grown up, but Androids don't grow. Maybe the super android?? Thanks, Christer
  9. eep, hope i'm not to late :cross: Name: Christer Fredriksson Alias: Raine Age: 15 Height: 5'4" Car: 1993 Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Weapons: Pistol, Brass nucks Field of Expertise: Getaway Driver/Car-Jacker Appearence: Black dino spiked hair, sleeve-less black trench coat, finger-less gloves. Personality: Easy to like, if he likes you, will plant a bullit in you before you pulled yours, if you want a car stolen, and have the money, you come to him.
  10. Are they even aval. in Canada?? I haven't been able to find them here. :nervous:
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