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Everything posted by grizzlyadams120

  1. Dragonball Omega Episode 37: Unexpected Alliance Baus and Tien giggle as they board the ship, having just enjoyed a romantic walk, and are suddenly subjected to what sounds like two vacuum cleaners. Looking around curiously, the two searched each of the rooms in the ship until they arrive in front of the last room. Opening the door, Baus and Tien gasp as they see Trunks and Vegeta sitting in front of an entire table full of food. Relentlessly, the two saiyans tear into their dinner, unaware of the onlookers. "Uh... hello," Baus stutters, unable to comprehend the enormous appetites of the saiyans. Trunks and Vegeta look up, each with a huge piece of meat in both hands. They smile and extend an arm, inviting the two warriors to join in on the feast. "Trunks... pass the rolls," Vegeta said, quickly gulping down an entire leg of lamb, leaving only the bone. "Sure dad," Trunks replied as he threw a roll at his father, which Vegeta caught in his mouth and swallowed whole. "I said rolls, son. Don't insult my appetite!" Vegeta shouts as he snatched the basket of rolls and gobbles down in one quick motion. Tien and Baus endure the disgustingly lengthy meal until the hunger of the two warriors was quenched. Breaking the silence, Tien turns to Vegeta and asks him what happened after they left. "Well, after I defeated the gods, they told me that they would erase one wish. The, without consulting me, THEY ERASE THE DEMON'S FIRST WISH!! That means that Mientus no longer has control of them." "WHAT?!" the three shout, shocked from the news. Vegeta scowled and slammed his fist on the table, instantly destroying it. Looking up at his son, his mood switched from anger to shame. Everyone had depended on him and he had failed them, and this time it could be their end. The others sensed his feelings and tried to comfort him. "I don't need your pity. It was up to me and I failed." "Well," Baus interrupted, "What about the Namekian dragonballs?" "No go." Trunks responded. "Guru told us that only the Earth Dragonballs could be used to change them back." "No, no. I meant we could use them to wish for the Juricak Pyramids. Even if we could only get one, it would stop them in their tracks ... (cracking a smile) AND they would have to go threw us to get it." This idea struck the fighters with a newfound hope, and caused Vegeta to smile and laugh silently. "At last," he thought, "Kakarot...." "We must act quickly," Trunks said. "Lets go find Guru and ask him now." ---------- Aboard the dark ship of Mientus, three figures immediately stop what they are doing. The intensive throbbing that had been occurring in their minds had suddenly vanished, bringing an immense relief to the fighters. Exchanging looks, the three disappeared and left to confront their former master. At the bridge of the ship, Mientus stands speechless, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Hearing a noise behind him, the demon turns around to see his newly liberated crew. Shaking, the evil one nervously stares at his cohorts, not knowing what they were about to do. "Goku..." "ENOUGH MIENTUS!! We know what has just happened. And we know that this worries you." (Mientus takes a step back as the three walk towards him.) Cracking a smile, Goku stops advancing and stretches out his arms, halting his sons. "Don't worry, we don't want to harm you." Mientus is stunned at the words Goku just spoke. "Well... want do you want." "The same thing you do, to have darkness sweep across the universe. I want to drown my former friends in the blood of their ancestors. Besides, we're still in your debt for making us the way we are now. What just happened was a foolish attempt to erase the wishes you had made. It appears that it blew up in their faces, though. (laughing) I wish I could see the looks on their faces when they realized what happened." Finally feeling relieved, Mientus says, "We are almost there. Shortly, our dreams will be reality. And we will be gods." ---------- The intensity of the tornado stretches the boundaries of the gravity room, causing a thunderous roar to echo through the rest of the ship. Inside, Piccolo screams as he feels his body begin to rip apart. Struggling to maintain consciousness, the Namek flares his ki until his power is almost inflatable. Still, Pikkon is able to sustain the attack, throwing even more power into the attack. Small cuts begin to appear at random parts of Piccolo?s body, forcing him to tense his body in agony. "Only have one way out of this one," he thought to himself. Piccolo squeezed his fists and his body began to bulge. As a pulsating orange aura dances around him, the Namek crossed his arms in front of his face and suddenly shot them outwards. "TRI-FORM ATACK!!" Pikkon's confidence disappears as he sees two Piccolos emerge from his training partners body. Unable to react in time, one of the copies phases into sight behind the warrior and drives a punch into Pikkon's back. Losing his focus, the tornado dematerializes and all that is left is two more Piccolos flying directly toward him. Bending back from the attack, Pikkon screams in pain as the second copy connects a devastating knee to the stomach. Now hunched over, Pikkon's eyes turned white as he gasps for air. Serving as the clean up hitter, the original Piccolo quickly sweeps in and lands a roundhouse kick to the warrior's face, sending him violently crashing into the floor. Piccolo floats down to the floor and is shortly joined by his two clones. Not wanting to overuse this attack, the two clones merge with the Namek until he is left alone. ---------- "Ugh... what was that?" "My tri-form attack. Did you like it?" "Not really," the warrior replies, rubbing his jaw as he slowly stands. "You'll have to teach me that one sometime. It seems like a handy attack." (cracking a smile) Launching towards the unguarded warrior, Piccolo cracks Pikkon in the face with a punch. Immediately retaliating, Pikkon rebound from the attack and buries a knee into the Namek's stomach. Continuing the barrage, Pikkon clasps his fists together and lands a hammer blow to the back of Piccolo's head, sending the Namek skidding across the floor. Not wanting to let up, he followed the warrior, only to suddenly stop when Piccolo disappeared. Remaining still, Pikkon senses the oncoming attack and quickly blocks a punch. Staring at Piccolo for a moment, the two warriors exchange an intense exchange of punches and kicks. Moving to the left, Piccolo lands a massive uppercut to Pikkon's jaw, only to receive a kick to the face as the warrior rises upwards. Appearing behind Piccolo, Pikkon spins around and rocks the Namek with spinning heel kick to the face. Recovering quickly, the Namekian warrior phases out of sight and surprises Pikkon with a double fisted punch to the back, sending the warrior to the other side of the room. Again, staring each other down for a moment, the two fighters begin to focus their energy for a ki beam face off. Before the stand off could begin, the two were interrupted by Bulma's voice over the intercom. "In case you two are interested, we're making our final approach on New Namek. So IF you two don't MIND, GET IN YOUR LANDING POSITIONS NOWWWWWWW!!!" "Whoa... now THAT'S scary." Pikkon said as the two left the gravity room. "Tell me about it." Piccolo replied as the two took their seats. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Bulma yelled. "Oh... nothing." the two fighters responded in unison.
  2. Dragonball Omega Episode 36: Partial Triumph The gravity machine emits a loud hum as the two fighters stand in the altered environment, unaware of the extreme force that is being applied on their bodies. At four hundred times normal gravity, the pressure being exerted on a body could cause it to completely implode, but these two warriors shrug it off as if it were nothing but an inconvenience. At this level, the weighted clothes Piccolo had been using must've weighed over 800 tons. Pikkon's eyes follow the cloak that Piccolo casts aside. As it hit the floor, the entire ship shook from the force and weight of it. Pikkon looked back at Piccolo, who was no longer there. Bracing himself, he cursed his eyes for not staying with his opponent. Looking all over the room, Pikkon could not concentrate hard enough to find the powerful Namek. His removal of the weighted clothes had dramatically increased his speed, something Pikkon had not been prepared for. Feeling a whisk of wind, Pikkon jerked toward the right and saw nothing. "He's toying with me," the warrior thought to himself. "I must focus my energy." Pikkon crossed his arms in front of his chest, slowly churning the energy that Piccolo had taught him to focus. His body began to emit a pure white light that quickly filled the entire room. Piccolo, who had been using his super speed to remain undetected, cringed as he felt the energy engulf him. At the core of this energy dome, Pikkon remained focused, surrounding himself with an even brighter orange aura. He closed his eyes as the orange energy washed over him like water, completely covering the stoic warrior. The new energy increased all of the attributes of the brave warrior. He opened his eyes and immediately saw the unsuspecting Namek. Not wanting to give away how powerful he actually was, Pikkon suppressed some of his energy and pretended to sense a presence in a different direction. As Piccolo watched, while still using his awesome speed, he decided that Pikkon wasn't as tough as he thought and decided to attack. Exploding his green aura, Piccolo rocketed towards him, phasing in and out of sight. Pikkon cracked a half smile and waited until Piccolo was within a few feet. At that point, Pikkon threw his arms back and was immediately surrounded by a sphere of electricity and a pulsating orange energy. Piccolo was not fast enough and his right hand was instantly disintegrated when the shell touched it. Jumping backwards, the Namekian fighter landed crouched on a knee and holding his injured arm close to his chest. Pikkon quickly powered down when he saw what happened. Rushing over to his new friend, he kneeled down to see if Piccolo needed medical treatment. "PICCOLO!!! ARE YOU OKAY?!?! WE NEED TO GET YOU TO THE INFIRMARY NOW!!" Grunting, Piccolo slowly stood with help from Pikkon. The two started towards the door, Piccolo's good arm wrapped around the shoulder of his friend. After a few steps, Piccolo fell back to the ground, clutching his forearm and screaming. Pikkon turned and began running to the infirmary, but suddenly stopped when he felt an unusual energy. Turning around, he was shocked to see Piccolo standing again. He moved closer to the Namek, only to jump back with a horrific look on his face as a brand new hand shot out of Piccolo's arm. Looking at his unguarded friend, Piccolo cracked wicked smile and leapt back into action. Pikkon looked up to see the Namek's right heel crash into his side, sending his flying toward the wall. Not letting up, Piccolo appeared beside the fighter and drove his left elbow into Pikkon's back. The force of the blow sent Pikkon into the floor very hard. Pikkon wasted no time though and pushed up with his hands and feet immediately after he hit. As he flew up, Piccolo phased into sight and connected a full extension kick into the fighter?s stomach. Pikkon gasped for air until he slammed, back first, into the ceiling. As he fell back down to the floor, Piccolo swept in for another attack. Sensing this, Pikkon cupped his hands and formed a small ball of orange energy, crackling with electricity. Allowing the Namek to appear behind him, Pikkon quickly turned around and fired a beam directly at Piccolo. He slapped it away, but Pikkon took advantage of the situation and appeared above him. Stretching out his arms and legs, Pikkon began spinning around at an intense rate. The wind swept through the gravity room as a funnel cloud began to form around the fighter. Piccolo saw this and braced himself as the funnel dove down on top of him. Inside the tornado, Piccolo struggled to maintain his position. High above him, he could see Pikkon controlling the attack. He started to float towards the fighter, only to have something pulling him back down. Looking at his feet, Piccolo saw a dark hand stretching out of the funnel cloud, clasping onto his ankle with a powerful grip. As he attempted to escape, Piccolo was surprised by three more hands appearing and grabbing his wrists and other ankle. Now Piccolo was fully restrained and could not escape, much to the delight of Pikkon. ---------- Krillen panted heavily as he rounded the small planet for the one-hundredth time. Plopping down on the ground, the immense gravity caught him by surprise and crashed him into the ground with a very loud thump. Running to see what had happened, the South Kai was surprised to see Krillen passed out on the ground. Laughing to himself, he picked up the small warrior and took him inside to rest. "One hundred times huh... actually, I was shocked when he made it to fifty. I have to hand it to these humans; they don't give up no matter what is staring them in the face. Such determination. He will be an excellent student." ---------- Launching toward each other, Vegeta and the fused Namekian god collided forearms, which sent a thunderous shockwave throughout the decimated room. With both fighters gritting their teeth, the two pulled their arms back and slammed their hands together, starting an intense game of mercy. Energy coursed through their bodies as electricity danced over both sets of locked hands. As the two squeezed each other's hands relentlessly, Vegeta maintained his calm demeanor while the Namekian god was struggling to stay on his feet. "This .... is ... IMPOSSIBLE!!" the gods shouted. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO STRONG?!?!" Cracking an arrogant smirk then scowling at the god, Vegeta replied, "RAGE!! You killed my son. MY SON!!! NO ONE DOES THAT TO ME AND LIVES!!" Vegeta tightened his grip, forcing the fused god on one knee, screaming in pain. This brought some pleasure to the sorrowful father. Staring at his opponent, the only thing Vegeta could think of was Trunks. He frowned again and planted a swift kick into the side of the Namekian god. Bending with the attack, the god's scream was stopped as he sharply took in a large breath. Vegeta prepared to kick the monster again when he stopped him. "Wait!! Your son is still alive." "WHAT!!" Vegeta responded, breaking the mercy hold from shock. This helped the god catch the saiyan off-guard with an uppercut to the stomach. Vegeta doubled over, allowing the god to phase behind him and land a fierce heel kick to the saiyan prince's collarbone. Vegeta slammed into the floor and vanished. Confused, the god panicked and looked around, only to receive a very power knee to the back. The god stretched back in pain and screamed in pure agony, which gave Vegeta much pleasure. "This is for LYING!!" Vegeta reared back and shot forth his left arm, flattening the palm directly in front of the god's face. A small bead of energy formed and began to grow larger and larger. The god tried to run, but was captivated by fear. Quickly, Vegeta closed his fist and cocked back is arm. The god was somewhat puzzled at first, but then saw what the saiyan was doing. Energy began to flow out of the closed first, engulfing the arm up to the elbow in a brilliant yellow energy. Vegeta flared his aura as his energy danced around him like flames of a fire. "You..... you're ... a... mon..ster," the god stuttered as he cowered back from the pumped up saiyan. Vegeta smirked when he heard this. He walked toward the god, preparing his energy attack, when his eyes suddenly shot wide open. "Ugh," he thought, "my power is being used too quickly. If I don't beat him soon, my energy will run out and I'll be useless." Gritting his teeth, Vegeta squeezed his left hand, causing the energy to begin pulsating. "That?s NOT going to happen!" "This will be your end Namek! THIS IS FOR TRUNKS!!!" Vegeta shot his hand forward and released a monstrous blast towards the Namekian god. All of the rock around the two was instantly disintegrated, causing the entire room to collapse. The gods screamed in unison as their bodies were slowly dissolved in the potent energy of the saiyan prince's attack. Not wanting to leave the job unfinished, Vegeta bulged his entire body, forcing veins to protrude all over him. His power level spike was so enormous that the entire room was vaporized, leaving the two floating in a sea of nothingness. The god?s cries were extinguished when he exploded from the immense strain on his body. The remnants of his body were disintegrated in the beam. When it was over, Vegeta remained floating, staring into a vast void of nothing. He slumped over as he thought of all who had died, then jerked his head up as he heard something. Slowly forming in front of him were the four gods, yet they were different this time. Their bodies glowed of a pure white energy that was beautiful to say the least. Vegeta stared in awe as they formed a circle around the saiyan. Quietly chanting, the four extended their hands, resting them on the tired saiyan. Enchanted by their radiance, Vegeta put up not resistance as their energy flowed around him, replenishing the drained warrior. His eyes trembled as he felt his strength return to him. Tensing his body, the saiyan then realized what the gods were doing. Because they had never been defeated, Vegeta was receiving a reward for his efforts, a considerable power up. "Thank you, Vegeta. You are the first of many to best the Four Gods of Namek. Your reward is an increase of power and the deletion of ... oh my. We apologize, but we are only capable of deleting one wish, not two." Vegeta was surprised to hear this "Therefore, the first wish granted will be erased." "WHAT!! NOOOOOO!!! IT MUST BE THE SECOND WISH!! IT MUST BE...." Vegeta suddenly felt his body begin to disappear. Unable to speak, the saiyan prince was pulled from the dream world and rematerialized in the Namekian room. Looking around Vegeta clenched his fists in anger, only feel his body go numb when he heard a voice outside. Opening the door, Vegeta exited the building and saw a congregation of Namekians with Trunks, Baus and Tien speaking to some of them. Seeing Trunks, the brave father fell to his knees, finally attracting attention to himself. Trunks saw his father and instantly ran to his position. Vegeta, realizing that he wasn't insane, stood up just as Trunks made it to him. Vegeta wrapped his arms around Trunks and hugged him as only a father could embrace his son. He then pulled away, still holding a hand on the boys shoulder, and quickly rubbed the tears from his eyes. "I thought I'd lost you for good, son." "No way dad, there's still a lot for us to do. HEY!! You're back. That means you defeated them right. Now it's all over, right dad!!" Vegeta bowed his head and breathed deeply, "No Trunks, its not. I'll explain everything, but first I need to eat."
  3. Dragonball Omega Episode 35: Emotional Connection Hurrying down a random corridor, Tien huffed as he tried to carry Baus to safety. "JEEZ!! You think they'd have a map around here or something." He suddenly stopped when he came across another fork in the hallway. "Aww man! This just isn't fair." He suddenly braced himself and Baus as the hallway shook with an immense force. Looking down the path he had just traveled, a deep red and yellow glowing light began to creep toward their position. When Tien finally noticed the heat, he knew that is was magma. "Oh crap!!" He grabbed Baus and threw her over his shoulder, launching into the right fork of the intersection. Looking over his shoulder, the lava appeared to be gaining on him. Flaring his aura, Tien increased his speed as he zigged and zagged through the winding passageway. Tien's eyes trembled when he saw the hallway was a dead end. Stopping, Tien quickly set Baus down and tried to break through the wall. Punch after punch, his attacks seemed to cause no damage whatsoever. He cupped his hands, forming a small ball of concentrated ki, and launched the attack at the wall; this caused no damage at all. The magma barreled down the hallway toward the couple. Tien fell to his knees, in front of the woman he loved. Reaching down, he pulled her into his arms and embraced her, whispering, "I'm sorry Baus. There's something I've wanted to tell you since the moment I laid eyes on you.... I love you." The brave warrior bowed his head and began to cry as he saw a relationship that was never to be. His eyes filled with tears as his thoughts were centered on her smile, one that could've been his if they had just had more time. A gentle touch to his face snapped him out of his mourning. Then he saw the smile in his dreams, only he was awake and she was there. "So, that?s how you feel about me, huh. Well, I have to be honest, Tien. You are the one I've been searching for my whole life. "Tien clenched his eyes after hearing this and then opened them and looked softly on the woman he adored. Lowering his head, he kissed the first woman he had ever truly loved. Not noticing the lava, the two continued their embrace until they were overtaken and instantly disintegrated. ---------- Looking at the direction he had last sensed their energy, Vegeta scowled as he felt Tien and Baus' energy signals disappear. Lowering his head in remembrance, he vowed that he wouldn't let anyone hurt his family or friends again. He looked up and saw the smug grin on the monsters face. "Enjoy it Namek. That'll be the last time you experience happiness for the rest of your short life." (lifting his arm and pointing towards the gods) "There deaths are on your head and I will be the reckoning. RETRIBUTION WILL BE MINE!!!" Vegeta launched toward the Namekian gods, unaware of the power the saiyan was capable of generating. He disappeared in front of the fused god, who was confused about Vegeta's location. The saiyan warrior phased into sight behind the god and quickly spun around, snapping the god in the back of the head with his hair. Violently slamming into the wall, the god grabbed the back of his head, which throbbed with pain. Again, he was unable to locate the saiyan prince. Vegeta floated above the gods, looking down at the creatures that were responsible for his son's death. Clenching his fists, the saiyan prince's body began to pulsate with a thick yellow energy and electricity. Tears flowed from his eyes as the last images that he could see, in his mind, were a montage of scenes from Trunks' life. From the first moment he saw him when Freiza and King Cold had come to Earth, images throughout the cell saga flashed in his mind. Then the son that he and Bulma had had stepped forward and stood in the center of Vegeta's thoughts. First as a child, then completely grown. Their fighting and then his sudden death. Then darkness. Darkness like he had only felt when he turned his heart over to Babidi. It was Vegeta who was standing alone now, surrounded by emptiness. Black tentacles sprung from the floor and quickly wrapped around his wrists and ankles, easily subduing him. The more he struggled, the tighter the grip increased. The pressure exerted on his appendages caused Vegeta to howl in pain. Suddenly, everything stopped. Vegeta felt movement and heard a laugh that was all too familiar. "Hahahaha, so Vegeta, this is what it has come to. You're just as pathetic as always." (The figure moved freely throughout the darkness, never stepping into the light.) "You spoke of this great power inside of you and just when you need it the most, it arrives late; causing you to sacrifice a son to obtain it. (laughing as he moves in front of Vegeta, just out of the saiyan's sight.) Vegeta scowled at this figure, showing a look of pure disdain. "But do you know the most ironic part, Vegeta?" (The figure moved closer, revealing his identity to Vegeta, who was under the control of his quiet rage.) "It's that you really never had enough power to save him, yet alone defeat me. Imagine the shame you must be feeling now Vegeta. Outclassed by, what did you call it? A third class saiyan warrior. But enough about me, look this way." Goku extended his arm and swept it across the room, causing it to light up. Vegeta closed his eyes at first and then looked on with pain. It was a cemetery, with everyone they knew standing around a freshly dug grave. Vegeta, who was still restrained, quietly stared at the sorrowful faces of his family and friends. Then he saw Bulma, who was alone, with no one comforting her. His rage built deep inside as he realized that it would be him who must explain what had happened to their son. He gritted his teeth and as he could no longer hold back his suffering, let loose a thunderous scream that shook the entire room. The tentacles were instantaneously dissolved from his potent energy. Vegeta shot open his eyes as he looked down upon the Namekian gods with utter hatred. Exploding his aura, the saiyan launched towards the last remaining gods. Pulling back his arm, he extended it when he was directly in front of the gods, connecting with their chest and sending them trough a nearby wall. Ruthless in his pursuit, Vegeta quickly appeared near the gods and landed a powerful heel kick to the back of their head. The almost lifeless body skipped across the floor, landing against an already destroyed wall, causing rubble to cover them. Landing first on his toes, then heels, Vegeta never took his eyes off the gods as he made his way towards them. Right when he got to them, the gods exploded their ki, sending chucks of rubble out in every direction. As Vegeta shielded his eyes, the gods launched their counter-attack. With surprising speed, the gods directly attacked Vegeta, catching his off-guard. As they assaulted him, the gods managed to deliver some impressive blows. Immediately, a knee was driven into the saiyan's stomach, causing Vegeta to grunt in pain as he attempted to breathe. As the saiyan was bent over, the other knee was imbedded into Vegeta's face and his head violently snapped back from the force of the hit. The gods then launched an offensive, landing countless numbers of punches and kicks all over the saiyan's body. Falling on the floor (on both hands and knees) Vegeta coughed into the ground as he tried to regain his breathe. "Some fighter," the gods said, "You were strong warrior, but we are the Gods of Namek and..." Their impressive speech was delayed by an unusual sound coming from Vegeta: laughter. He quickly stood and stared at the gods. "I'm impressed. You managed to make me bleed," he said, slowly wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and then rubbing it with his index finger. "If you're finished, I'm in a hurry and must return." Suddenly, Vegeta moved into a fighting position and continued to stare at the gods, "WE END THIS NOW!!" ---------- Tien and Baus slowly opened their eyes, amazed at what had just happened. They looked at the drawings on the walls and immediately knew where they were. They each stood and looked each other over, making sure that there were no injuries. They stared at each other and Baus' eyes began to swell from the tears she was trying to hold back. Unable any longer, she ran into the arms of Tien and the two embraced for what seemed like days. Placing his hands on her shoulders, Tien pulled the female warrior closer and professed his love with a kiss. "WHOAAAA!!" The two quickly pulled away from each other and looked at the entrance. There stood Trunks and Guru looking on and blushing at the same time. Tien and Baus each blushed hard for a moment and then did a double take. "TRUNKS!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Tien shouted. Trunks ran towards the two and all three of them embraced. "Come outside," Trunks said, "The others will be arriving from Earth soon." As they walked over to the field where the other Namekians had gathered, Tien told Trunks and Guru of Vegeta's transformation. "Wow, he did all that for me?" "Oh no!" Baus said alarmed, "Vegeta still thinks that you are dead. That just seems so sad." "Well then," Guru added, "Vegeta will just be grateful that Trunks is alive when he arrives from the Dream World. Do not worry, Baus. All will be well." She gave an approving smile and then wrapped both of her arms around Tien's right arm, causing his blue face to turn deep red from embarrassment. "Well, it seems that that 'Dream World' isn't just for bringing out fighting potential, right Tien," she said playfully. Tien's body went stiff as he tried to respond, only to blush even harder. He looked down at Baus, who batted her eyelashes at him. Tien began to laugh nervously as he pulled his hand to the back of his head and rubbed it. The others saw what this was doing to the warrior and joined in the laughter at his expense. ---------- Pikkon laid on the ground, once again crushed from the severe training he and Piccolo were undergoing. Dende slowly made his way towards the warrior, barely able to stand, let alone walk. Piccolo looked over at the young Namek and told him to remain strong. Dende gulped hard and placed his hands on Pikkon's back. A warm light emitted from his hands as the healing energy ran through the body of the injured warrior. Dende finished healing him and then fell to the floor, unconscious. Piccolo looked at his friend and gently picked him up and carried him into a room where he could rest. When he returned, Piccolo saw Pikkon staring into the vastness of space. Pikkon noticed Piccolo's energy signature and quickly turned around in a fighting stance. "We're gonna have to take this slow, Dende is completely drained." "That's okay, I've been letting you win for the past hour. I could've stopped you, but that kid with his healing power was just too sweet to pass up. So I decided to hold back and let you kick my *** until he was tapped out. Now that that?s happened, we can start our REAL training." Piccolo stared at the warrior, emotionless. He placed his hand on his cape and swiftly pulled it off, "Well then, lets get to it."
  4. Dragonball Omega Episode 34: Dark Warrior's Accention In the blackness of space, a vessel quietly slithers through the endless emptiness. Stars are reflected off of the blackened metallic hull of ship, providing valuable camouflage for the evil transport, for this ship is no normal cruiser. It is the dark transport of the evil being, Mientus, and his crew of possessed saiyan warriors. Inside, the ship moves independently, as if it were alive. All maintenance is handled by the self-aware ship, which can only be commanded by one with pure evil in his heart. Drones move about the ship, performing all required tasks to maintain its perfect fluidity. All that is required of the crew is a solitary pilot. This leaves the others to find different ways to pass the time in space. ---------- A figure stands quietly in the pitch-black room. The excess gravity presses down on his unwavering body, measuring close to 400 times normal. He listens as he tries to sense the movements of his two opponents. Cracking a half smile, he senses them as they fly slowly above him. Unaware of his lowered energy, the two continue their search. The two saiyans continue for a few seconds before Gohan stops dead in his tracks. He turns around and looks into the blackness, directly at Goku's former position. Goten has stopped as well and is looking around for any kind of signature. Suddenly, his eyes bulge as a fist is ruthlessly buried into his open stomach. He bends forward gagging on his own saliva as an elbow is driven in between his shoulder blades. Goku smiles at his foolish son, only to be kicked in the chest by his other one. Gohan pursues his father as the warrior sails through the room at an intense speed. Before he violently slams into a wall, the fighter disappears. Meanwhile, Goten opens his eyes after receiving that vicious blow and flares his ki, stopping his severe fall. With his hair swaying from the breeze is energy is generating, the younger saiyan launches to his brother's position. Gohan senses this and suddenly ducks a kick from his father, who wanted to use Goten's movement to conceal his attack. Twisting his body, Gohan lights up the room with a ki ball that he had in his hands. Goku sees this and is only able to stagger back a few feet before Goten's knee is driven into his stomach. Doubling over, he gasps for air as the pain shoots through his body. Goten, not wanting to waste this opportunity, spins around and connects a thunderous heel-kick into the back of his father's neck, sending him towards the ground at an alarming rate. Gohan smiled as he fired the ki blast into Goku's back, further increasing the velocity of his fall. Before he hit the ground, Goku used his instant transmission, using the explosion of the blast to cover his escape. The two saiyans were accidentally blinded by the brightness of the blast, allowing Goku to appear behind them. He screamed as his aura flared around him and he transformed into evil ssj. The two spun around in time to receive upper cuts to their stomachs. Gohan and Goten screamed in agony, as their father was about to teach them a lesson. Flashing behind Goten, he planted a vicious knee into the saiyan's back, causing him to bend back in pain. While he was stunned, Goku swung his leg high above his head and violently cracked his son in the collarbone. The force of the attack sent Goten forcefully crashing into the floor, leaving him unconscious among the rubble. Goku then turned to Gohan, who had his fists balled as his energy danced around him. Tensing his body, the energy flowed around him, causing the warrior to scream out in pain. He threw his arms back and released the pinned up energy, forcing Goku to shield his eyes. When he pulled his arms away, he was greeted by ssj2 Gohan connecting a fist to his cheek. Reeling backwards, Goku was subjected to a fury of punches, all of them landing harmlessly though. Goku pulled his right arm back and released it forcefully in front of his son's face, unleashing a massive attack of mental energy. His eyes glowed red as he easily blew his son backwards. Gohan's screams were silenced when a fierce knee was imbedded into his back. The saiyan looked up in time to see his father connect an intense jab to his jaw. He was quickly planted into a wall and fell almost lifeless onto the floor, submerged under a couple of tons of rock and steel. Goku scoffed at his sons and turned to leave, suddenly stopping when he felt a powerful presence behind him. Turning back around, he shuttered in amazement when he saw multiple beams of red ki shooting out of the rubble. As the power increased, all remnants of the rubble were disintegrated, revealing Gohan's pulsating body. Red energy and electricity throbbed around his body as he rested on his hands and knees, attempting to control his anger. He let out an agonizing roar as his body slowly changed. His hair grew and grew until it stopped at the back of his knees. Slamming a fist into the floor, he looked into his father's eyes and screamed, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, DAD?! I WAS JUST WARMING UP!"
  5. Dragonball Omega Episode 33: Super Saiyan Three A small breeze began to generate in the room as Baus and Tien left the saiyan. Vegeta glared at the gods, unmoving, as the Wind god took a step forward. He crossed his arms in front of his face, as the winds grew heavier. Gusts of wind began to spin around the room as a funnel cloud formed around the gods. Chunks of rock were picked up by the tornado and thrown in every direction. Vegeta remained still as boulders the size of medicine balls struck him repeatedly, instantly disintegrating when they hit the saiyan prince. Growing tired of these weak attacks; Vegeta pulled his right forearm perpendicular to the floor and brought it down slowly as he tightly squeezed his fist, "ENOUGH!! Now I will show you the true power of a saiyan warrior!" Vegeta flashed his eyes with yellow energy and a monstrous gust of wind and energy swept throughout the room, destroying the tornado and violently slamming the gods against an undamaged wall. As they pulled themselves up, Vegeta levitated and floated slowly towards the gods. He landed directly in front of them and maintained eye contact. The Fire god grew anxious and threw a powerful punch to Vegeta's head. They were surprised when he didn't dodge it. The Fire god looked with fear, as Vegeta felt no pain from the incredible attack. Remaining focused, Vegeta cracked a half smile and whispered, "My turn." He disappeared. The gods shook their head in disbelief, unable to comprehend the power-up Vegeta had obtained. As they spread out to look for him, the Earth God was suddenly hit and flew hard into the Wind god. The others turned to see what had happened and where sent flying from attacks, themselves. Staring up, the Earth god saw the saiyan prince floating high above them then suddenly disappear. The Fire god stood and looked around, only to be berated with hundreds on punches. Vegeta grunted as he kept pounding the Namekian god. Tired from the lack of fight, the saiyan prince flung the god high into the air and suddenly appeared above him. The other gods looked on in fear as Vegeta graciously pulled his arms in front of him, rotating his hands around each other. His energy began to swell as his ki flared intensely. Then, he extended his arms quickly and moved them in an open position. Energy began to pulsate around the saiyan, which caused the entire room to tremble. "FINALLLLLL FLASHHHHHHHHH!!" Vegeta shot his arms forward as he threw the attack to the Namekian god. Before he could escape, the Fire god was engulfed in the ferocious attack. He screamed in agony as his body was gradually dissolved by the potent attack. His counterparts looked on in fear as he vanished in front of them. The three stood up and looked at each other, knowing there was only one thing they could do. They jumped towards each other, only to have the Earth god snatched up by Vegeta. He struggled to free himself, but was surprised when the saiyan grabbed him by the wrists. Vegeta brutally spun the god around and released him, sending him screaming towards the ground. The room shook from the violent collision the impact caused. When the dust cleared, the Earth god laid in a broken pile on the ground. Vegeta ended the onslaught when he finished the god with one of his older attacks. "GALACTIC GUN!!" Thousands of ki blasts rained down upon the gods, only the Water and Wind gods where strong enough to survive them. They knew that their transformation was the only thing that could save them. Before the saiyan prince could prevent them, the Water and Wind gods jumped into each other and merged their bodies. Vegeta flew down to the ground and stared directly into the energy bubble that had formed around the Namekian gods. The bubble grew in size as the energy for the new being increased. Unwavering, Vegeta watched as the bubble extended to within a couple of inched from his face. It remained there for a few moments, until it retracted and a body could bee seen. Slowly, the energy disappeared and Vegeta was left with a rather large Namek. As he stood, Vegeta saw that he was about two feet taller than the wind god was and a mixed color of green and blue. Vegeta scoffed as he detected the energy the creature was generating. It would all be over soon. This next opponent was all that separated him from saving galaxies. Once the god is defeated, the saiyans would be changed back and Mientus would be all that was left. ---------- Krillen slowly opened his eyes. Feeling a little dazed from the transportation, he rubbed his face as he tried to gather his bearings. Looking around, he saw a small wooden house with a baby blue 57 Chevy parked in front of it. Then he noticed the immense gravity. Krillen fell to one knee and cringed as he tried to lift himself. When he was finally able to stand on both feet, Krillen cautiously walked around the planet, making sure that he didn't trip over anything. After what seemed like a lifetime, Krillen made it to the door. He tensed his body as he attempted to ring the doorbell. It only took him about twenty minutes to raise his hand high enough. (DING-DONG) The door opened and a rather tall purple man stood in front of the anxious fighter. "Yeeeesssss, can I help you?" "Um, my, ugh, name is, um, Krillen (looking down pushing his two index fingers together). The, um, North Kai sent me, eh-hehe. (looks up and smiles while he rubs the back of his head, nervously.) "Ohhhh, so YOU'RE the new student. North Kai told me I would be receiving a special student. Well, do you think you have it in you?" "I'll do whatever it takes," Krillen replied. "Good... first, I want you to run one thousand laps around my planet. That should be a good warm-up." "ONE THOUSAND LAPS?!?! Yikes, I'm not sure..." "IF YOU CAN'T DO IT, I CAN FIND ANOTHER STUDENT!!!" "NO NO.... I can do it." (whispers: "It just might take me a couple of weeks.") "Good, I'll be waiting inside. Come get me when you're finished." He closes the door and leaves Krillen alone, outside. (sigh) "Oh well, no time like the present." Krillen grabbed his left leg at the knee with both hands and pulled it forward inches. He then moved to the other leg. ---------- As he stared through the window, Dende watched Piccolo and Pikkon train with more intensity than any others he had seen. Piccolo floated in the Gravity Room, arms crossed in front of his chest, while his legs were crossed, pointing to the ground. His eyes were closed, yet all of his other senses were heightened. A green aura oscillated around him, giving off a tremendous amount of energy. His ears twitched when Pikkon suddenly appeared in front of him. Piccolo remained still as the warrior swung a thunderous punch that connected with Piccolo's forehead. An intense white light filled the room when contact was made. When it faded, Pikkon was surprised to see that Piccolo's green energy had collected in front of his fist and prevented him from causing any damage to the Namek. His eyes shot open with pain when the energy began to push his fist back. Pikkon screamed in agony as he opened his fist and tried stopping the beam with his palms. Even though he pulled his second arm up, the beam continued to push him backwards. Dende looked at Piccolo and saw that the Namek had not moved an inch. All of this was being done by his mind. The green beam that was being emitted from his forehead began to grow in size, forcing Pikkon down on one knee. It's intensity raged as electricity flowed across it, forcing even more pain on Pikkon. The warrior gritted his teeth as he tried to stand. After a few moments, Pikkon stood in front of Piccolo, only to have the Namek pump even more energy into the blast. This time, the attack was too great and Pikkon was slammed against the wall very hard. Knowing this was his cue, Dende walked into the room as soon as Piccolo had turned off the gravity machine. He moved over to the fallen warrior and kneeled beside him, placing his hands across Pikkon's chest. The young Namekian's hands glowed as the warrior's energy was replenished. "How is he, Dende?" "He will be fine, Mr. Piccolo. Although, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up." "I'm sorry Dende, but we need you now more than ever. Please, just help him as long as you can before you run out of energy. Besides, we're only a couple of hours away from Namek." Dende smiled after hearing what Piccolo said and refocused hi attention on the injured fighter.
  6. Dragonball Omega Episode 32: A Father?s Sorrow Charging at each other in three hundred times gravity, Pikkon and Piccolo connected fists in the middle of the gravity room. The two exchanged punches and kicks for a few minutes, while phasing in and out of sight all over the room. Slightly increasing his speed, Piccolo appeared in front of Pikkon and connected on a roundhouse kick to his upper shoulder. Pikkon allowed his momentum to carry him toward the ground and capitalized by sweeping both of Piccolo's legs. As the Namek fell, Pikkon emerged behind him and swung a powerful kick that connected with an after-image. Suddenly ducking, Pikkon dodged a right-handed chop from Piccolo, only to receive a boot to the stomach. As he attempted to breath, the Namek picked up Pikkon by his right arm and leg and began to spin around. After building up sufficient speed, Piccolo let go of Pikkon, slamming the warrior hard into the wall. Outside, everyone listened as they heard the two fighters going at it. Roshi walked up to Yamcha and said, "Hey, why don't you go in there and train with them?" "Are you crazy, Master Roshi?" he nervously replied, "Those two would eat me for lunch. I think my training days are over." Pikkon picked himself up of the ground and stared at Piccolo. He cracked a smile as he phased out of sight. Piccolo stood motionless in the middle of the room. All of a sudden, the Namek began dodging left and right. Pikkon was relentless in his attacks, yet Piccolo had no problem dodging all of them. He finally ended the barrage by catching Pikkon's fist in his hand. Before he could react, Piccolo jumped into the air and planted Pikkon with a kick to the chest, sending the warrior back into the wall. Struggling to get up, Pikkon was forced to use a lot of his remaining strength just to get to his feet. The two warriors charged each other again, with Piccolo getting the better of Pikkon. Spinning around, the Namek landed a brutal heel kick to the side of Pikkon's face, leaving the warrior dazed. Sensing this, Piccolo phased behind the warrior and decked him with a massive uppercut to the middle of the back. Pikkon snapped his head back in pain and screamed, allowing Piccolo to appear in front of him and plant his foot in the warrior's stomach. As Pikkon fell forward, Piccolo connected a chop to the warrior's neck, which sent him crashing into the floor. Piccolo floated over Pikkon's body, marveling at his new strength. He raised his right index finger and flashed his eyes, causing his weighted clothes to appear. As he began to leave the gravity room, he heard something. Turning around, he saw Pikkon attempting to get up. "Already finished," he said to Piccolo, "I haven't even... (coughing) warmed up yet." Pikkon struggled to his feet, but collapsed from injuries. Piccolo walked over to his unconscious body and said, "Don't worry, we're far from finished. I'll get Dende and he will make you good as new. Then we can train." Piccolo turned around, his cape fluttering around as he exited the room. ---------- Throwing out his hand, Vegeta grabbed the fist of the Earth god and pulled him into a stiff knee. The god's eyes bulged from the pain, but the saiyan prince wasn't finished. He quickly jumped over the god, taking hold of his horn, and pulled the back of his head down onto Vegeta's knee. As the god fell over, Trunks appeared behind Vegeta and decked the Wind god, who was trying to surprise the saiyan. Reeling from the blow, the god then received a quick kick to the chin from the young saiyan. Vegeta slung both of his wrists together and prepared an attack, right at Trunks' position. The young warrior saw this and jumped up in time to see the ki blast strike the Fire god in the chest, knocking him into the un-expecting Wind god. Tien watched the saiyans handle those three and looked around for their other opponent. Before he could turn around, the Water god phased into sight and rocked the warrior in the back of the head with his icy fist. Baus looked at the god and threw a weakened punch, hitting only air. The god smiled at her and backhanded the beautiful warrior, sending her skidding across the floor. Tien phased behind the god and struck his glowing-blue hands on the back of the god. Unable to react, the Water god sustained the rage of Tien as he fired the beams through the back of the god. As the droplets of water scattered the room, Tien realized that they only had a few minutes before the god would reform his body. Backs to each other, SSJ2 Vegeta and SSJ2 Trunks looked at the three gods walking a circle around them. "This is what I've always wanted, dad," Trunks said to his father. "Me too, son. Me too." Vegeta responded, smiling at his son. Then the two leapt into action, viciously connecting punches and kicks to three of the four gods of Namek. Vegeta had flashed in front of the Earth and Fire gods, only to appear behind them. Attacking by surprise, Vegeta chopped each of them on the side of the throat, knocking the two into each other. Trunks flew into the Wind god and planted a shoulder into the god?s chest. The saiyan the flipped the god over his shoulder and stomped him in the chest. As Trunks smiled down at the Wind god, the Water god formed behind him and grabbed a hold of the young saiyan. Slowly, the god pulled the struggling saiyan into his body. Vegeta saw this and charged at the god, only to have the Earth and Fire gods grab onto his arms. Tien also leapt towards him, but was blown violently into a wall from an attack from the Wind god. Trunks struggling became more and more subdued until the young saiyan had been completely absorbed into the god. Vegeta continued his kicking and screaming until he freed himself from the gods' grip. Launching himself, he rocketed towards his son thinking, "NOOOOO!! I WON'T LET YOU DIE THIS TIME!!!! NOT NOW, NOT EVERRRR!!!" When Vegeta reached the Water god, Trunk's body disappeared. Vegeta stopped from shock as he looked into the face of the Namekian god. Squeezing his trembling fists, he yelled at the god, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON YOU BASTARD?!?!" "Oh him, I absorbed him. Quite tasty, actually." Pausing from shock only for a moment, Vegeta slammed his fist into the god's chest and released a ferocious energy wave, destroying the Water god's form, once again. This time however, Vegeta wasn't finished. His energy pulsated as he thought about what had just happened. Looking over at Tien, who was now holding Baus in his arms, he saw the horrified look in both of their faces. Baus looked directly at Vegeta and he saw tears in her eyes. Slamming his hands onto his head, the saiyan prince fell to his knees, crying. He put his hands on the ground as he tried to breathe. He attempted to picture Trunks in his mind, but he couldn't. But this didn't make him sad; it made him angry. Crashing his fist into the floor, the force caused the whole room to shake. The gods stared at the saiyan, who was now covered with a brilliantly yellow energy. Electricity ran over Vegeta's body as his emotions took over. Gritting his teeth, he clawed at the floor, leaving only dust as he gripped chunks of it. Swinging his body back, the saiyan let out a deafening roar, causing his ki to flare up violently. As his body began to levitate, his screams grew louder and louder. Electricity crackled over him as he began to transform. Slowly, his hair grew until it reached the back of his knees. Pulling his hands to his face, he felt his eyebrows as they left him, leaving only a fleshy brow. Tensing his entire body, Vegeta endure the initial pain of the transformation and then he felt the power. Building up inside of him, Vegeta released it, sending out a massive shockwave, which decimated the room. As the gods regained their senses, they looked up to the Vegeta as an ssj3, pulsating with energy. The Water god reformed and saw what his actions had caused. Vegeta floated down to the ground and stared hatefully at the Namekian god's, especially the one who had taken his son. Remaining focused, he called out to Tien and Baus, "You two leave now... I'll deal with them." Tien was about to protest, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. Picking up Baus in his arms, Tien looked at Vegeta sympathetically. Vegeta nodded and motioned for them to leave. Not wanting anyone to leave, the gods charged Tien and Baus, only to have Vegeta get in their way. Vegeta scowled at the gods and said, "Where do you think you four are going? Seeing as how this power came from the death of my son, it only fitting that I use it for my REVENGE!!!" ---------- Shooting open his eyes, Trunks inhaled a deep breath and tried to figure out what had happened. Looking around the room, he noticed it was the sacred place with all the writing. Quickly staring at the door, he saw Guru walk in to greet him. "So, you're the first. I'm surprised that all of you made it so far." "What the heck just happened? Why am I not dead?" "Relax, young one. All will be explained. But first, come outside." Trunks followed Guru as the two headed outside, to see hundreds of Namekians waiting, staring up into outer space. "We received a telepathic message from Dende. They are on their way here." "What??" Trunks swung his head towards the elder Namek, excited that the others had made it off Earth. "I thought you might've wanted to hear that. As for your apparent death, the Four Gods of Namek can physically hurt no mortal. It's more of a mental battle anyway. However, since they beat you, you are not permitted to ever return to their chambers again. (Trunks looked at Guru in protest) Sorry, young warrior, those are our rules."
  7. Dragonball Omega Episode 31: Battle Royal The black ship soared through the vastness of space as it made its way towards the West Quadrant. Aboard this ship was one truly evil creature and three heroes turned villains. The destination of these travelers was the planet Saal, where the last Juricak Pyramid was located. Inside the ship, Mientus pilots the four men, while the three saiyans are filling their faces. Goku is eating what seems to be a three-foot long chicken leg, while still trying to make room for rice. Gohan and Goten hastily scarf down meatballs and spaghetti, sometimes having to fight over the portions. Their master turns around and is mortified by the sight of three saiyan men eating lunch. "Ugh! How do you three seem to eat so much? It's like watching pigs at the troft." "Swauri mauwster.... eits uwst dat wheur swoooo huawngry" replied Goku. (At the same time, Goten is pounding his chest to unclog a ham that was stuck in his throat. Gohan sees this and pats him on the back, sending the younger saiyan flying over the table. Gohan and Goku look at each other with their mouths full and start laughing. Goten looks over the table rubbing his head and sees a pork chop that he quickly gulps down.) (Mientus to himself) "Barbarians." ---------- Baus phased into sight, floating above the others. She looked around the room, trying to sense her opponent. Quickly, she crossed her arms in front of her face as the Water god appeared in front of her. Throwing an icy jab, the god connected with her block and sent the beautiful fighter slamming into a wall. The fierce impact bounced her back towards the Water god and he met her with a ferocious upper cut into the stomach. Lunging forward, Baus tried to breathe, only to have the god grab her shoulder and connect another punch into her stomach. This time, she started spitting up blood and saliva as she struggled for air. The Water god saw her pain and decided to capitalize. He grabbed both of her shoulders and he spun her around, smashing her face first into the wall. He the pulled her out and planted an elbow in her chest, heaving her violently into the floor. Lying on the broken stone, Baus was still coughing, trying to breathe. The god landed beside her and drove his foot into her chest. She cried out in pain as he pushed harder on her. Tien had seen enough. He took off towards the Baus, in time to see her raise up her arm and fire a ki blast into her opponent?s chest. The attack sent the god flying away in a million pieces. Tien landed right by his love. It was then that he had realized how much he cared for her. Gently placing his hand behind her head, Tien smiled at her as he ran his index finger across her right cheek. A confused Trunks leaned into Vegeta and said, "When did those two get together?" Vegeta continued to look at the lovers, only responding to Trunks by pulling his arm back and popping the young saiyan in the back of the head. Tien and Baus continued to share their romantic moment, unaware of what the other gods were doing. The Fire god had his right arm extended, with his left acting as a support, collecting energy for an attack. Tien looked up to see the god's palm flat with a small ball of fire in its center. Around it energy was being summoned for an attack. As Tien pulled his arms up to shield Baus and himself, the Fire god released a massive beam of fire and energy. The beam plowed through the two lovers and hit the wall directly behind them. As the fire died down, Tien was on a knee, still standing in front of Baus, who hadn't been harmed by the attack. The god laughed at Tien's heroics, "FOOL!! Your power would've allowed you to beat me if you hadn't sustained that attack. Because of your love, now you will die." Before the god could charge another attack, his eyes shot open from an intense pain. Tien looked up to see SSJ2 Vegeta with his fist buried deeply into the god's back. Smiling, Vegeta spun around and rocked him with a heel kick to the side of the head, aggressively sending the god into a nearby wall. "Tien!" he shouted, "Get her out of here..." Before the saiyan could finish his sentence, the Earth god connected a hammer blow to his back, launching Vegeta viciously forward. Tien took this opportunity and jumped up, landing a stiff jab to the Earth god's face. The blow dazed him and allowed Trunks to fly in and deliver a massive knee to the back of the god. Arching his back in pain, the god's howls were answered by an angry Vegeta appearing in front of him and landing a knee in his stomach. When he bent forward, Vegeta went for a hammer blow of his own, but was dealt a kick to the face from the Wind god. When the saiyan prince looked up again, Tien had grabbed the god from the back and connected a devastating punch to the kidney area. The three-eyed warrior was then knocked away by the Fire god's punch. Trunks then phased into sight behind the Fire god and drilled a punch into the back of his head, dropping the god to the ground. Laying on all fours, the Fire god received multiple kicks in the chest and stomach from Trunks. The Earth god tried to get a cheap shot on the young saiyan, but Vegeta charged him and plowed his shoulder into the god's side, sending him flying away. Trunks then kicked the Fire god so hard that he went flying into the back of the Wind god, who had just been kicked in the face by Tien. The three gods gathered on one side of the room, with the Z-Fighters on the other side, standing in front of Baus. She was still recovering from the Water god's vicious attack. Vegeta rubbed a small stream of blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. He looked at his thumb and index finger as he rubbed the blood away. He then stared at the gods and frowned as he took off towards them. Before striking at the Earth god, he phased out, leaving nothing but an after image. As the god swung at, what seemed to be, his location, Vegeta appeared behind him and grabbed the god's shoulders while driving his knee into the small of his back. The Earth god was about to scream but did not because Vegeta had appeared in front of him and landed a powerful elbow into the god's throat. Trunks followed his dad's lead and struck the Wind god in the face while he was distracted by Vegeta's attack. Tien was able to capitalize on the Fire god, as well, with a crushing heel kick to the chest. The three warriors pursued their targets, randomly exchanging blows as they maintained the upper hand. No one noticed that the chunks of ice had melted. Slowly, the little puddles that were scattered all over the room reformed and the Water god suddenly appeared, completely healed. While the other fighters were tied up, he made his way to the injured Baus, who was desperately trying to get up. "You and I still haven't finished our match," he hissed as he walked towards her. Just when he reached her, Tien appeared beside of him and elbowed him in the side, sending back about 20 feet. Vegeta and Trunks compensated for the loss of Tien in the battle by hiking up their power. They still seemed to not be hurting the gods, which was beginning to worry Vegeta. "Baus is injured, Tien is distracted, and Trunks and I are starting to get close to our max power," he thought. "What worries me is that these guys are still going strong. We'd better take care of them quickly before we run out of power." ---------- Pikkon walked back into the gravity room. There, he saw Piccolo floating in the middle of the room with his arms and legs crossed. He looked on as purple energy pulsated around the Namekian's body. Veins bulged all over his body as it became accustomed to the immense power that was surging through his body. Pikkon trembled as he sensed Piccolo's power. Electricity covered random parts of the Namek's body, shifting from place to place faster as he increased his power. Pikkon took a step forward and Piccolo's ear twinged. He discontinued his meditation and landed in front of the warrior. Piccolo cracked a smile at Pikkon and said, "So, I see that Dende took car of you... Well, are you ready?" Pikkon replied, "I'm not as strong as you, Piccolo. But I can still help. We will train until I AM as strong as you. That is my demand." "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." The two warriors switched to fighting positions and stared each other down.
  8. Dragonball Omega Episode 30: A New Level As she remained in a fighting stance, Baus watched the Namekian god reform in front of her. The steam slowly solidified into water, allowing the fighters to witness the Water god's unique ability. Baus snarled at her opponent as she tried to think of a way to overcome his aquatic capabilities. The Namekian Water god focused on her and his body began to reverberate, occasionally flashing signs of solidity. All of a sudden, the Water god shot downwards and disappeared through the cracks of the floor. The Z-Fighters were shocked to see this, switching their attention from the fighter to the floor. Baus began to back up until the god unexpectedly tripped her. When she landed, the Water god secured her to the floor with rings of ice around her wrists and ankles. He stratled her and showed her his fists, which turned to ice in front of her eyes. He began to punch her all over her upper body; landing hit on her face, chest, and abdomen. Baus struggled to free herself as she endured the pain from the attack. Tien could take no more. He launched toward the fight without even thinking. His one concern was helping Baus. He was surprised when he was suddenly stopped. Tien turned to see Vegeta holding his ankle. "VEGETA!! LET ME GO ... NOW!!!" "I'm sorry Tien, but I can't. Look." Tien looked to see the other gods just waiting to get into a fight. Vegeta then added, "It would be foolish to attack without knowing the power of our enemies, and besides ... Baus is far from finished. You should be able to sense her power as well." Tien refrained from attacking after hearing Vegeta's words. He nodded at the saiyan and returned to watching the fight. Baus grew weary of the Water gods attack and gritted her teeth. Her energy began to rise violently. The god looked into her eyes and began to tremble from her power. Before he could get off of her, Baus exploded her ki, scattering parts of the water god all over the room. Her icy restraints were disintegrated from the power up as well. The water god again reformed, this time however, his body was not as stable as before. Water flowed from his nose and mouth, almost as if he were bleeding. The female warrior did not wait for a counter-attack, launching right at the god. She connected a thunderous right cross to his face, sending water spraying across a wall. She then kneed him in the stomach and chopped him in the back of the head, which actually severed the god?s head. This took Baus by surprised as she quickly jumped back. The body hit the floor with a "thud" and a splash and formed a puddle on the ground. Her hesitation allowed the Water god to recall his body, summoning the water to a centralized spot. From the puddle, a large figure extended out, coagulating its body into a human form. Baus was shocked to see that the Water god looked just as healthy as the beginning of the fight. All of her damage had been erased. "You see, my body can only be injured for so long before it regenerates itself. That trick has kept me from ever being defeated, so I hope that you're in for a long day." He then took off towards the femme fighter and swung a lumberjack style chop that barely missed her ducking head. Crouched, Baus sprang from her position and jacked her shoulder into the god's stomach. Surprisingly, she caught him off-guard and sent him flying back. On the attack, Baus phased in behind him and performed a front-flip, which connected her heel into the Water god's neck, slamming him into the ground. He quickly soaked into the floor just before she landed on top of him. She looked around the room, unaware of the god's plans. Suddenly, the Water god formed behind her. "LOOK OUT, BAUS!! HE"S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!" Tien shouted. Baus turned around and swung a punch at the god, only to hit nothing. The Water god laughed as his entire body dissipated and turned into steam. Baus screamed in agony as the god surrounded her with scalding hot steam. The female fighter tensed her body as her ki to a massive power jump. Her white aura formed around her and forced the steam away. She then exploded her energy to push it even further away. The Water god cursed her as he reformed forty feet in front of her. "You will regret that, wench!!" Baus whisked her hair behind her shoulders and said jokingly, "Come over here and make me, aqua boy." ---------- Clasping his hands behind his back, North Kai walked over to the two fighters, Krillen and Adaku. Seeing his arrival, the two stopped sparing and gave their complete attention to the master. After clearing his throat, "This is something that has never been done before ... but desperate times calls for desperate measures." The two warriors looked at the North Kai confused. "What I mean is ... you two will be the first to receive training from all four Kai's." The two fighters almost fell over from the shocking statement. "Ah, I can see that both of you are speechless ... good!! It will leave more time for training. Now, Adaku, you will remain with me." Turning toward the earthling, "Krillen, you'll receive training from the South Kai. Goodbye." With a wave of his hand, the North Kai made Krillen completely disappear. Adaku looked at his new master at a loss for words. "Come on, Adaku," the North Kai added, "You don't think that us Kai's taught you fighters EVERYTHING we knew, did you?" Adaku remained speechless, trembling from the excitement he felt. ---------- Piccolo and Pikkon had locked themselves in the gravity room as soon as the Z-Fighters had left Earth. The two stared at each other across the large room. Before they had entered the chamber, they had agreed to hold nothing back. For all they knew, Piccolo and Pikkon were the only fighters left to challenge the saiyans. Deciding to skip the warm-ups, Pikkon waited as Piccolo pumped up his power to maximum level. Gripping his fists, the Namek breathed in deeply as his ki began to form around him. Piccolo had decided to take this slow and savor the moment. Hunching his back, Piccolo pulled his elbows near his sides as a white energy signature slowly formed around him as he let out a quiet moan. He maintained this position as his energy began to increase steadily. Soon, the power he was generating caused his body to levitate from the floor. The white flames of ki danced around Piccolo's body, weaving in between the Namek's arms and legs. Tensing his body, Piccolo began to increase his power by concentrating his mind. Suddenly, he shot out his arms and arched his back, screaming in agony. The power flowed through his body, causing it to pulsate from the pure energy. A circle of purple energy formed on the floor, just underneath the Namek. Pikkon noticed this and wondered what its purpose was. Just then, energy exploded from the circle and Piccolo was trapped inside a column of deep purple energy. Hearing his tortuous screams, Pikkon tried to grab his new friend, only to have his hand burned by the white-hot energy. As Pikkon held his injured had, he thought he saw something form in the center of the energy cylinder. Gradually, a green light began to pierce through the light, expanding now quickly throughout the column. After a few moments, the cylinder spun around the Namek, causing great winds to sweep through the gravity room. Pikkon attempted to remain still, using all of his power to keep from being carried away. Then, without notice, the column began to shrink. Pikkon was amazed at the energy Piccolo was emitting, wondering if his power had increased since they fused. The energy continued to pull into Piccolo, until the Namek was completely covered in green energy. He pulled his arms above his head, as he still remained levitated above the floor. Yanking his arms back down, his ki flared and the energy shield around him dissipated. Pikkon was forced to shield his eyes from the awesome power, crouching on the floor to increase his stability. He looked up to see Piccolo on one knee, shaking from the overwhelming power that was now at his disposal. The Namek arose from the floor, quickly getting used to the power that surrounded him. He pulled his right arm and began to massage and squeeze his left shoulder as he swung his left arm around in circles. Then, twisting his neck to the right (causing a popping sound), he got in a fighting stance and said to Pikkon, "Do you need to be healed or are you ready to fight!"
  9. Dragonball Omega Episode 29: Water Works Piccolo and Pikkon finished paying their respects to Krillen, the fallen hero who sacrificed his life to save the planet. The two raise their heads and turn towards Adaku. They stared at the lifeless body, knowing that his time had ended, too. Slowly, the body began to fade from sight, returning the noble warrior back to the Grand Kai's planet. "So long, old friend..." Pikkon spoke as he kneeled where the warrior had been. "I will see you soon." Piccolo sympathetically looked at his new friend, while couldn't believe what had just happened. "How many more are to perish..." he thought as he squeezed his left fist. Gritting his teeth, he said to himself, "Goku!! It isn't supposed to be like this... darnit!" Pikkon stood and looked at Piccolo, getting the Namek's attention. The two nodded at each other and blasted off towards the Capsule Corporation. They knew that Mientus and they saiyans would be heading towards the fourth and final Pyramid of Juricak, and they knew they had to stop them. More importantly, they had to find out how the others were doing on New Namek. ---------- The Water god walked over to Baus and looked her up and down. "My, aren't you a nice shade of blue," he said. "I want her brothers." "You'll find that I'm not as sweet as you think, monster!" she stated. "Come now, lets see what you can do." The other gods remained still, allowing the Z-Fighters to watch the up-coming fight instead of having to worry about being attacked. They looked at Baus as she began to increase her power level. A pure white aura formed around her, flaming up above her head. She squeezed her fists as her body began to increase in size, causing her muscles to expand. Her eyes went solid white as her aura became more potent, sending out pulses of light every few seconds. Suddenly, she shot her arms back and let out a high-pitched scream as her energy flared like a raging fire. The Namekians eyes widened as he sensed the energy Baus was radiating. He moved his right foot back as he began to increase his power as well. His body began to glow with a clear blue light, which engulfed his body, making it un-viewable by the other fighters. When it faded, the Water god moved into a fighting stance. ---------- Straightening herself as she looked at her opponent, Baus glowed with a brilliantly white, pure energy that almost forced the other fighters to shield their eyes. She extended her right arm, with her hand in a fist except for her thumb, index and middle finger. A bright ball of light formed at the tip of her fingers and grew to the size of a baseball. Electricity sparked around her arm and up to the energy ball. Cracking a smile, she fired the beam of white energy through the chest of the Water god. The blast still pumped through him as he slammed against a wall, screaming in agony. Baus pulled up her other arm and opened both of her palms, increasing the size of the beam. She growled as she pumped more and more energy into the attack. Just when they thought it was over, Baus let out a raging scream and released a massive amount of energy into the beam, making it almost twice her height. She ended her attack and breathed in and out deeply, her muscles resonating from the extreme amount of energy used. As Baus looked up she saw nothing but smoke left of the god. "WOW!! Way to go, Baus!" Trunks yelled. "That?s some woman, Tien! No wonder you like her so much." Tien blushed quickly from the comment Trunks had made. Baus flashed the warrior a quick smile and winked at him, causing him to blush even harder. Vegeta smiled as he remained still, with his arms crossed. Suddenly, his eyes shot open as he sensed a presence. "BAUS!!" he screamed, "HE'S STILL ALIVE. YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM." Baus had a confused look on her face as she whipped around in time to see the smoke being pulled back into a form. "That's not smoke," she said to herself. "That's steam!!" A strange laugh could be heard from the steam cloud, "Yeses," it hissed. "Since I am the god of Water, I can take on its forms as well. So you see, you will never be able to defeat me!" ---------- The North Kai had seen everything. He had watched the fight on Earth, seeing the defeat of Pikolon, Adaku, and Ubuu. Adaku had joined the wise teacher at the Grand Kai's planet along with a new guest, Krillen. The two were sparring as he watched them as well, proud of the sacrifices they had made. "If only their strength could be determined by their bravery..." He shook his head as he lost his concentration. "I'm glad I was able to keep my body, North Kai," Krillen said. "I don't think I would've liked not having it." "For the sacrifice you made, Krillen, it was the least they could do." "Well, I'm not going back until I get strong enough to protect my family and friends." He and Adaku resumed their training at an even fiercer pace. The North Kai smiled as he continued watching the fighters, knowing that what those two fighters were about to go through could increase their power level at least a thousand fold. ---------- Piccolo and Pikkon landed outside the Capsule Corp. surprised that they hadn't left yet. The two fighters walked in to see the grieving Z-fighters. Yamcha and Roshi had felt the attack Goku launched and also sensed Krillen's sacrifice. Eighteen and Marron were holding each other in the corner of the room, mourning the loss of a loving husband and a caring father. Chichi was being comforted by Bulma. Their eyes somewhat lit up as they say the two fighters. "Piccolo..." Roshi said walking up to him, "We're glad to see that both of you are unharmed." He leaned closer to the Namek, "We know about Krillen..." Pikkon said sternly, "Do not mourn his death...celebrate it! Krillen sacrificed his life so the planet could be spared. I don't think there is a braver man on this planet. You should remember him and never forget his bravery." Everyone agreed with Pikkon and collected their senses. Piccolo stepped up and asked, "Bulma, is the ship ready?" "Yes, it can leave whenever." "Good, everyne goet on the ship ... We leave for New Namek."
  10. Dragonball Omega Episode 28: A Godly Encounter After defeating the armor monsters, the four warriors continued down the now-open hallway. Vegeta and Trunks lead the group, lighting the way with their super saiyan energy. The corridor was nothing to look at. There were no windows or any kind of decorations on the walls. Only stone could be seen by the fighters. As they continued their journey, the four realized that this could actually take a long time; something the Earth was not capable of giving. The fighters grew impatient as they turned a corner and saw another long hallway. "This is insane," Tien said. "How long must we search?" Vegeta grunted in agreement and looked at the other fighters. He crouched down and leapt forward, into the dark unknown hallway. The others quickly powered up and took off after Vegeta. Flying down corridors at amazing speeds, the four warriors raced to whatever awaited them. As they continued, Vegeta noticed a light at the end of the hallway. The four increased their speed and the corridor began to grow. Just as they were approaching the light, it was suddenly gone and they were standing in the middle of the dark hallway. "What just happened?!" Trunks asked. "We were almost there and then it just vanished." No one could answer his question, because no one knew. The four warriors stood silent in the hallway, oblivious to their next move. They decided to keep moving and began walking down the hall, looking for any traps that might be set. Again, after what seemed like hours of walking, the four saw the light at the end of the hallway. But each step they took toward it pushed it back as well. "Now what?" Baus added. "Every time we get closer, the room gets further away." "I refuse to believe that a stupid hallway is faster than me," Vegeta stated. "We just need to increase our speed." The four warriors each powered up to their maximum speed, sacrificing whatever strength needed. They burst into movement, rapidly flying down the hallway. Right before they reached the opening, the room slowly began to pull away from them. Vegeta exploded his ki, trying to stretch and grab the edge. His fingers just missed their targets when the room launched forward at a blazing speed. They powered down after seeing this and decided they needed another course of action. ---------- Goku phased into sight, appearing on Mientus' space ship. It was unlike any he had ever seen before. There seemed to be a dark presence deep within the bowels of the ship. He focused and walked toward Mientus and his two sons. Gohan and Goten looked at him, already knowing what had happened on Earth. Goku sighed and walked over beside Mientus. "Ahh, good, you're back. Did you do as I asked?" "Master..., Earth was not destroyed. A fighter named Krillen sacrificed himself by destroying my energy attack." Mientus stared silently at Goku, thinking about how he should act. Normally, such a mistake would be punishable by death, but Goku was much stronger than anything they would face ahead of them. "It is but a small concern, Goku. All is well. You will just have to make it up to me at a later date, agreed?" Goku nodded, "I shall be at your disposal, my lord." He then joined the ranks with his sons. ---------- Piccolo shoved a boulder off of him and slowly stood. He looked at the surrounding area, which had been devastated from the explosion. No trees, no animals, nothing was all that inhabited this area now. He looked down and saw the injured Adaku, who was barely alive. Piccolo lowered his head as he thought about Krillen's sacrifice, remembering how brave the warrior was. Movement seen out of the corner of his eye diverted Piccolo's prayers for his fallen friend. Heading towards the movement, Piccolo came across a large boulder that was moving back and forth. Sensing a large amount of energy, Piccolo moved back as the boulder was disintegrated by a powerful aura. Pikkon arose from the ground, covered in dust and coughing, attempting to clear his throat. Piccolo approached the fighter to see if he, too, needed healing. "Are you hurt, Pikkon?" Piccolo asked. "No, I'm fine..." he responded. "Was he a friend of yours?" "Yes, his name was Krillen, and he cared very much for his friends and family." The two warriors bowed their heads in remembrance of the sacrifice Krillen had made. ---------- Vegeta grew impatient as he stared down the hallway. "We have to do something. Wasting time like this won't turn Kakarot and the others back to normal." Each fighter tried to think of an idea to get through this trap. Trunks squeezed his right hand as he looked at the light. "I think we should try it one more time, dad." Tien, Baus, and Vegeta looked over at Trunks and decided that it was better than just standing there. The four formed a line and jacked their speed up as high as possible. They each bent down and launched at the exact same time. Sailing swiftly down the hallway, the fighters got closer and closer to the light. Kicking up his speed even further, Vegeta began to pull away from the other fighters as he neared the room. Stretching with all of his might, Vegeta extended his arm and his fingers were rubbing against the corner of the wall. Suddenly, he moved forward and was able to grab onto the wall. He turned around and saw that Trunks had pushed him forward enough to accomplish the task. Trunks held on tightly to his father?s legs, while Tien and Baus were holding onto his. Vegeta faced forward and grunted as he pulled all four of them into the room, one at a time. After they had all been pulled in, the trap was reset and the room stopped moving. The fighters scanned the room, trying to sense anything out of the ordinary. Trunks had stopped in front of a large wall, with his hand resting on it. The others noticed this and walked over to his position. There, they began to feel what he was sensing. "The power of whatever is behind this door must be what we are looking for," Tien stated. "Yes Tien, and it knows we're here ...," added Vegeta. Trunks, Baus, and Tien stared surprisingly at the saiyan prince, until the wall began to open. The four fighters jumped back as it was lowered, revealing a large and glorious throne room. As they proceeded into the room, the wall fell behind them, trapping the fighters in the room. In the four corners of the room were four impressive thrones, each with different engravings for different gods. Then, from out of nowhere, each of the gods materialized in his throne, staring at the intruders. "So," spoke one of the gods with a deep and thunderous voice, "you have come to erase a wish." Another god added, using a snake-like accent, "For that to happen, you must defeat us all." The gods suddenly stood up, unveiling their monstrous forms to the fighters. The Earth god appeared to be a darker shade of green with the same color eyes and a horn growing out of his forehead. The Water god was almost a bluish color with a glossy-like coating all over his body. The Wind god looked like a normal Namek, except the fact that he was about a foot taller than the normal Namek and his muscle tone was awesome looking. Then, there was the Fire god, which looked amazingly like Piccolo, except that he was a dark red color and had his hands covered in flames. "Only if you defeat all of us, can your wish be cancelled out," said the Fire god, pointing a flaming finger at the fighters. "So, seeing as how there are four of you and four of us, should we get started."
  11. Dragonball Omega Episode 27: A Heroic End Vegeta, Tien, Trunks, and Baus stood in the dark room, attempting to determine exactly what had just happened. Unable to see, the saiyans powered up to super saiyan, which caused the room to illuminate from the yellow light. They looked around the room and noticed a long corridor that seemed to extend toward nothingness. Having their options limited to one, the warriors set forth into the hallway, constantly on-guard. Lining the walls of the corridor were sets of Namekian armor, each four gods being represented in a pattern. As they continued down the hallway, Trunks caught something out of the corner of his eye. He walked over to one of the sets of armor, staring into the helmet. Suddenly, light shot out of the eyeholes, forcing Trunks to cover his face. The other three saw this and prepared for the oncoming trap. After a few moments of waiting, the four continued down the hall, unaware of the awaiting danger. They continued down the hall for a few more minutes until they came upon a circular room, which walls were lined with even more sets of armor. The four continued into the room and were shocked when an energy shield blocked each of the exits. Each fighter prepared for a fight by intensely increasing his or her power. Vegeta and Trunks pumped their energy, forcing each one's hair to stiffen and turn darker. Tien brought his hands together in front of his chest, connecting finger to finger. He pressed them hard together and screamed as his energy intensely burst free. Baus crossed her arms in front of her and the shot them out sideways, whipping her head back as she screamed. Her power pulsated as she readied herself for the expected battle. The four fighters stood in the center of the room, backs toward each other. Vegeta focused on one of the sets of armor, frowning from what he sensed. The others looked around the room, expecting almost anything at that moment. Suddenly, all of the armor began shooting bursts of energy from their helmets. The Z-fighters gasped as they were quickly surrounded by hundreds of sets of armor. Each fighter launched forward, cutting through numerous monsters. Vegeta and Trunks began blasting in all directions, nearly wiping out all of the opposition. Meanwhile, Tien and Baus phased in and out of sight, just long enough to land a devastating attack. Two monsters would instantly appear after one had been defeated, which caused the fighters to take more drastic measures. The four took to the air and began firing energy waves into the crowds of monsters, only causing more to be formed. Vegeta growled and phased out of sight, appearing in the middle of the crowd. He landed a crushing elbow into the chest of a monster causing it to shatter. He then phased in and out of sight, initiating explosions all over the room. As more and more monsters began to appear, his rage built up inside. The other three could only watch as Vegeta re-appeared in the middle of the horde of monsters and began screaming. His ki flared immensely, instantly destroying numerous monsters. He clenched his fists, causing veins to emerge in his forearms. The monsters jumped on top of Vegeta, burying him under throngs of attackers. They ripped at his blue gi, trying to slash the saiyan. Vegeta grew tired of their weak attacks and exploded his energy, forcing his ki to spin around him. Pulling his arms above his head, he quickly brought them down, releasing an energy impulse. The shockwave instantly disintegrated all of the remaining monsters. The others landed on the floor by Vegeta, who had powered down to a super saiyan. "WOW DAD!!" Trunks excitedly said, "That was AWESOME!! You kicked all of their butts!!" Vegeta looked at his son with a crooked smiled on his face. He then shot a look toward the blocked hallway. Slowly, the energy shield vanished, leaving only the path of destiny for the fighters. ---------- Krillen felt the powers leave the battlefield. He already knew the results of the fight without having to see them. He was flying over the desert, to a power that was almost completely gone. Krillen saw a figure, lying alone, in the vast desert. He landed and was surprised to see that it was Adaku. He looked at the noble warrior, who was severely bleeding from the enormous puncture wound in his side. Krillen flew down beside him and knew what he had to do. Krillen threw Adaku's arm over his shoulder and grabbed his side, lifting the warrior into the air. They slowly made their way back towards the Capsule Corp. (The others had agreed to wait until Piccolo and the others had returned.) Adaku had passed out from the loss of blood, but he was still alive, barely. "Oh man," Krillen thought, "I need to get this guy healed, quick. I just hope the others faired better than him..." ---------- Goku's attention is momentarily diverted when he sensed Krillen's energy. He looked over at Piccolo and Pikkon, who were beginning to stir. "I think I could use a change of scenery anyway," the saiyan thought. He went evil super saiyan and placed two fingers on his forehead, disappearing before the two warriors could get up. "Ugh..., he's gone. Piccolo, are you okay?" Piccolo pulled himself up to where he was sitting down. He reached in his bag and was shocked to realize that only two senzu beans remained. He breathed a deep breath and struggled to get the bean in his mouth. Pikkon looked curiously at Piccolo until the senzu bean had been eaten. Piccolo's muscles condensed immensely, raising his full power even further. Piccolo then looked at Pikkon and fed him the last remaining bean. Pikkon stood up quickly and felt a tremendous amount energy return to his body. Pikkon looked at his fist after the power up and asked, "Piccolo, what exactly are these?" "Senzu beans... they always seem to come in handy, but two were missing. I'm guessing that the saiyans are now healed and ready to go. We have to move... now!" Pikkon nodded and the two took of towards the massive power that was ahead of them, hoping that there was still time to stop them. ---------- Goku phased into sight, right in front of Krillen. His hair swayed with the light breeze as he stared fiercely at his former best friend. He then cracked a sadistic smile and started floating toward his prey. Krillen remained motionless, still holding the near-lifeless body of Adaku. "I was wondering what had happened to him," Goku said, pointing at the injured warrior. "Too bad, he fought well against Gohan. He might've been a good opponent..." Goku slowly increased his energy, causing his body to pulsate in red energy. Krillen tried to hold on to Adaku, but the warrior was pulled away from him. As Adaku floated towards the saiyan, Krillen tried to scream some sense into Goku. "GOKUUUUU!! SNAP OUT OF IT!! THIS ISN'T YOU!! GOKUUUUUUUUUU!!" "GOKU!" The saiyan sprang to attention, dropping Adaku on the ground as he focused his energy elsewhere. "Yes, master," he said telepathically. "The time has come. Destroy the planet and transport to my ship. Immediately!" "Yes master," he thought as he floated high above the planet. Pulling his hands to his sides, two small energy balls formed in his palms. Krillen shook with fear as he felt the massive power building up. Two walls of flaming ki spun round the saiyan warrior: an interior white ki that was condensed energy and an exterior red ki that was pure hatred. Goku pulled his hands together, merging the two attacks into a more powerful one. The red and white energy flowed into each other as it increased in size. Veins began protruding out of Goku's body from the intense energy he was generating. "KAAAAAAAA...MEEEEEEEE...HAAAAAAAA...MEEEEEEEEEEEE......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" The energy wave blasted toward the Earth at an awesome speed. Rumbling through the clouds like a run-away train, it continued to build its speed. AS it approached the Earth, only one thing stood in its way: an Earthling named Krillen. Goku placed his hands on his forehead and transported away, washing his hands of this planet he had called home for most of his life. The brave Earthling warrior stood firm in front of the wave. Feelings swept through him as he thought about what he was about to do. His beautiful wife and daughter, his best friends, familiar allies; these people meant more to him than life itself. He knew that there was only one way to save them, and damnit, this time he was gonna save the day. Krillen clenched his fists and a solid white sphere formed around him. As the ball shrunk in size, the power of it increased dramatically. Krillen's screams could barely be heard as Piccolo and Pikkon came into sight. They had sensed what was happening and knew what Krillen was about to do. Krillen glanced at Piccolo, each nodding in acceptance. The Namekian flew as fast as he could towards the weakened Adaku, shielding him as the energy wave neared the area. Krillen breathed in deeply right before the attack hit and released all of his energy. An enormous ball pure white energy expanded over the area, stopping the Kamehameha Wave in its tracks. His screams were silenced when he released the last bit of his energy, detonating his energy bubble and the energy wave at the same time. A magnificent explosion occurred, causing the entire world to shake from its power. Piccolo, Pikkon, and Adaku were blown away from the point of impact from the tremendous energy that was released. The wind whipped around from the explosion so violently, that a horrific funnel cloud formed, sucking up everything in the area. After a few minutes, the blast subsided and there was nothing left of the brave warrior. He had sacrificed himself for the sake of his loved ones. His name was Krillen and he will be missed.
  12. Dragonball Omega Episode 26: Gaining Momentum The four warriors entered Guru's home, being asked to sit at a circular table with the elder and a select few Nameks. The Namekian language covered the walls of the room, telling stories of past and present. The newest story told of a great evil that terrorized the universe, meeting his doom on their former planet at the hands of the brave warrior, Goku. A gigantic dragon with four gusts of wind had been carved into the center of the table. Everyone looked at it and tried to determine what it meant. "It is an honor code," answered Guru, before anyone had asked. "It speaks of all Namekians being one with each other. You should be honored, no other beings, besides Namekians, have ever been allowed to see these things." The four bowed their heads in respect to Guru. No one wanted to do anything stupid that might make the Namekians suddenly change their minds. Guru accepted their token of appreciation and sat down in front of them. He began telling the story of how the first dragonballs were formed. "Long ago, four gods ruled over our race, they were all siblings. Each god was represented by the four elements: Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water. All was well for our people and the Golden Age had begun. But soon after that, the Fire god found an injured dragon lying against a mountain. It had appeared as though it had received its wounds while battling another dragon for food. The Fire god healed it and kept it as a pet, sharing only with his twin brother, the Earth god. The other two gods grew jealous of the dragon and sought for one themselves. Unfortunately, the Fire god was not interested in letting anyone else to have a dragon, so he killed off every other dragon with a disease. The other gods grew vengeful and decided to rage a war against the Fire and Earth gods. So a civil war started: one that could never be won. The Namekian race was split in half, each following the god they had been raised to worship. The war waged on for years, nearly causing the extinction of our people. The gods finally looked down and saw the devastation they had caused, all for a pet. A sorrow swept through them as they realized what they had done. The dragon knew that it was partially his fault for the war starting. The sorrow that built up in its heart caused it to fly into the middle of a horrendous battle. The fighting stopped when the dragon landed. It looked around the field and then emitted a bright light. The light swept over the battlefield and all of the fallen warriors were suddenly given life. The dragon then fell over, dead. It had sacrificed its life to end the fighting. This sacrifice touched the hearts of the gods and brought about a truce. To make amends to us Namekians, the dragonballs were cast out of the tears of the gods. The dragon was used as the symbol of everlasting hope. A Namek, the original Guru, was given charge of the dragonballs, to pass it down and form new ones whenever needed." "Wow..." Baus said, "What a sad story." "Yes, it is," Guru replied. "Now that you know the story, you can now know the plan. To erase a wish, one must confront the four gods and battle them. Once all of the gods have been defeated, the Chamber of Wishes will reveal itself. There, you can delete any wish you want. All damage that was a result of that wish will be repented." "Where do we go to find the gods?" Vegeta asked. "Are you all ready?" The four warriors nodded and looked at Guru. He began saying incantations, moving his cane from left to right, and up and down. A light appeared under each warrior, slowly growing in size. Each looked on nervously, wondering what was happening. Suddenly, all four warriors were sucked into the light and appeared in a dark room. The four stood up and gathered their senses. "I guess that means we should begin." Trunks said. ---------- The evil creature launched towards Adaku, who narrowly dodged getting sliced open by the talons. Mientus laughed as he swiped left and right, trying to cut the brave warrior. Adaku, again, dodged an attack and extended a kick into Mientus' stomach. The force of the attack caused him to bend over, allowing Adaku to swoop in behind him and land a foot to the beast?s head. Mientus stopped his decent and spun around in time to block a punch. The two exchanged punches, Adaku occasionally having to dodge the swipes from the sharp talons. Mientus moved at such an incredible that he finally cut Adaku's shoulder with his claws. The brave warrior clutched his right shoulder as he pulled back from the fighting. "Oops... are we getting a little clumsy, Adaku?" he arrogantly asked the warrior. "Or are you just getting slow at your age?" He began laughing manically, trying to egg on the fighter. The two stared at each other for a moment and then disappeared. Random shockwaves could be seen over the desert, results from the two fighters engagements. Mientus phased behind Adaku and swiped his tail at the hero. Ducking just underneath it, Adaku connected a thunderous uppercut to the lizard?s stomach, causing him to cough up saliva. Adaku phased behind the evil one and landed a devastating chop to the neck of Mientus. The vile fighter crashed into the ground and was treated to a barrage of energy blasts from Adaku. When the dust cleared, Adaku was shocked not to see Mientus. He stayed on guard and looked around in every direction. "Here I am fool.." Adaku quickly looked above him and saw his archenemy floating above him. "Nice attack, Adaku, I think you singed my scales. Is that all you have, or are you just holding back?" Adaku bit at the lure, lunging forward, foolishly trying to attack Mientus. The dark one took advantage of this and slice Adaku a couple of times in the chest. He slouched as he floated above the desert, rapidly losing blood from his wounds. Mientus continued laughing, not realizing what Adaku was about to do. Clenching his fists, Adaku began screaming in agony as his body was slowly coated with pure green energy. Mientus' eyes widened at seeing this. He flew into his adversary, randomly clawing each area, only to have his claws melted away. The evil beast screamed with rage after realizing what had happened. Adaku emerged from the energy shell with all of his wounds sealed, although many scars had been left. "Ha! You think you're sooo cleaver, huh? Well I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve." Mientus yelled. "Try this one on for size." Adaku trembled at the energy he felt. Mientus was immersed in the darkness of his black ki. It appeared if only a shadow could be seen. Suddenly, Adaku was dealt a massive blow to the back of his head. As he fell, a knee was driven into his stomach, forcing him to vomit blood. His loss of blood had severely weakened him. Mientus connected multiple hits before the brave warrior was impelled on one of Mientus' horns. As an intense pain shot through his chest, Adaku's power hit the floor. Mientus slid the warrior off his spike and kicked him when he hit the ground. "Lucky for you, you're already dead. If you hadn't been, then you would've been my servant," Mientus mocked Adaku. "Now that I have the Pyramid, the use for this planet has worn out. As soon as I'm on my ship, I'll have Goku destroy it. Too bad, it seemed like such a nice place." Mientus laughed as he reverted back to his normal appearance and picked up the Juricak Pyramid. He then took of towards his ship. ---------- Goku powered down and helped up his son Gohan, who was a little shaken up from the fight, but more or less okay. The two sailed over to Goten's position and found the saiyan warrior passed out, but alive and well. Goku flew down to Piccolo and Pikkon, who were both still unconscious, and took two senzu beans. One was given to Gohan and one was given to Goten. The other two were left there, because they weren't needed. Once replenished, Gohan and Goten were ready for some more fighting, but disappointed to see that no one was left. Gohan especially wanted to see Adaku. Suddenly, the three received a telepathic message from Mientus, "I want Gohan and Goten to report to my location, now! Goku you will remain there until were have taken off in my space ship. Once at a safe distance, you will destroy the planet and transport to the ship. We have the third Pyramid and now only require one more to open the Gate of Juricak." The three saiyans smiled at each other and Gohan and Goten took off at a blinding speed. Goku sat down in a meditation stance and began channeling his power, so he would be ready when Mientus called for him.
  13. zarbon was a changeling too, right? I mean he does it both times he fights Vegeta on planet Namek. I know he's not in their family, but do you think he came from the same society Frieza did or is he a different race all together?
  14. there are just too many loop-holes in the story line. I thought that Kaio-sama taught kaio-ken to goku b/c he was a saiyan and he knew that his body could take the strain. As for the others, maybe they were strong enough, but the strain of kaio-ken can't be endured by an earthling, a namek, or whatever the heck chaoutzu was.
  15. Dragonball Omega Episode 25: Split Decision The four warriors remained silent for a few minutes, allowing father and son to share the moment without interruptions. Finally, Vegeta pulled away from his son and smiled at him. Baus and Tien were also happy to witness such an inspiring sight. Trunks secretly wiped a tear from his eye and returned his father's smile. He then turned to Baus. "Umm..., not that I'm not grateful or anything, but did you give me this energy?" "No, Trunks." she replied. "That is your power. I just helped you out a little. While you were unconscious, I entered you mind to locate the immense power I sensed within you. I found a well of power that had been sealed by your own doubts. I merely broke the seal and released the energy. Nothing else." "Then thank you Baus," Trunks said warmly. "You have helped me more than you will ever know." She nodded and smiled at the young warrior. Suddenly, an alarm went off in the cockpit. The four warriors instantly appeared and saw the oncoming planet. The alarm was a proximity warning, letting the fighters know that they had finally arrived at New Namek. "Finally," Vegeta said. "I will know what destiny awaits me ahead." The four fighters harnessed themselves and prepared for the landing. The ship broke through the atmosphere and slowly descended onto a meadow. There, many Namekians were waiting for the newly arrived fighters. Guru stood in front of them, patiently awaiting their appearance. When the ship had finished the landing process, a door opened and the four warriors exited the ship. Guru walked to them and properly greeted them. Although there was no admiration for Vegeta, the Namekians remained civil. Vegeta realized what was happening and approached Guru. "I understand that most of you will never be able to forgive me for what I've done to you. I only hope that what we are about to do will somewhat repent for my actions." Guru nodded and shook Vegeta's hand, showing a sign of trust and reconciliation. He believed that what was in the past should remain in the past. The four warriors followed Guru into a nearby town where that planning for the attack would take place. ---------- King Kai looked on as the four warriors met with Guru. "I'm glad they're finally there," he thought. "This plan might work after all." He then turned his attention to Earth and discovered what was going on. "Pikkon and Piccolo fused!! Whatever it takes, I guess." King Kai then realized how much time the fused warriors had left. "Oh no!!" "What is it, North Kai?" the Grand Kai asked. "Pikkon and Piccolo fused..." "Ha! Then Goku should be no match for them," the West Kai stated. "No, West Kai, they're almost out of time, and Goku is now fighting as a super saiyan 3. I'm afraid if they don't defeat him soon, both fighters will be lost." "Where's Adaku?" "He is with Mientus. OH NOOOOO!! MIENTUS HAS FOUND THE PYRAMID!!" "WHAT?!" everyone yelled. "If he doesn't hold him off, then all will be left on Vegeta's shoulders. I pray that we can get through this." ---------- Pikolon and Goku shelled each other with barrages of punches and kicks, trading blow after blow with each other. This was a pace that Goku could keep up for hours, but Pikolon didn't have hours, he had minutes. The fused warrior phased out of sight, narrowly dodging a stiff jab from Goku. Them saiyan shot out his arm and blocked a kick from Pikolon. The two exchanged attacks again for a few moments, and Pikolon disappeared again. Goku, once more, shot out an arm to deflect Pikolon's attack, only to fall into a trap. Pikolon appeared below Goku and shot upwards. Looking down too late, Goku was treated to a massive punch into his stomach. The force of the blow launched him towards outer space. Pikolon appeared above him and connected with a powerful hammerblow to his back, sending him crashing into the ground. Goku quickly jumped up and took off towards Pikolon. The two maintained a collision course, eventually slamming their fists together, causing a deafening boom. The two traded blows, meeting punch with punch, kick with kick. Pikolon increased his power and grabbed Goku's hand. He leapt up and landed a thunderous kick to the side of his head. The fused warrior then spun around and planted a stern kick into Goku's stomach, forcing the saiyan to cough up more blood. Finally, Pikolon appeared above Goku and fired a ki blast at him, sending the saiyan crashing into the ground, again. Pikolon pulled his clasped fists to his side and shot them forward, with an energy ball in his palms. Firing the blast, Pikolon connected with Goku before he could gather his bearings. The energy pumped into this blast was easily enough to destroy the planet, but self-control kept the blast focused on Goku. The saiyan suddenly appeared behind Pikolon and slammed his fist into the warriors back, causing the beam to dissipate. Pikolon stretched back and screamed in pain as Goku ground his fist into the fighter's spine. Goku put him in a half nelson and started connecting with punches all over his back and sides. Blood flowed freely from Pikolon's mouth as he attempted to weather the storm of punches Goku was landing. Goku then clasped his arms around Pikolon's chest and began squeezing without mercy. The fused warrior struggled, but could not free himself from the viselike grip of Goku. Getting bored with this attack, Goku launched high into the air, still holding Pikolon, and began plummeting toward the Earth. An instant before contact, Goku used his instant transmission to escape, leaving Pikolon to collide with the ground by himself. Goku remained in the air, gathering energy for an attack. Before Pikolon could even muster the strength to get up, Goku fired an energy ball that viciously struck the injured warrior. A brilliant explosion lit up the sky, scattering debris for hundreds of miles away. The blast had created a hole in the planet that was a couple of miles in diameter. When the dust cleared, laying in the middle of the crater, instead of one fighter, two laid there, completely devastated. "Hmmph..., I sure hope Vegeta puts up more of a fight than this one." ---------- Adaku relentlessly pursued Mientus. Occasionally, an impulse could be seen in the night sky, showing the power Adaku was putting into his punches. Having Mientus on the run, Adaku was putting the beast through as much pain as he could force. Punch after punch, kick after kick. He was about to send him flying into the giant pyramid, but was surprised to hit nothing. "You think you're the only one who's gotten stronger, Adaku,? he hissed, appearing 50 feet behind the warrior. A stern look upon his face, Adaku flared his green ki, causing the wind to violently start blowing. Chunks of earth lifted from the ground and surrounded the proud warrior. Mientus extended his arms sideways and shot his two horns into his side. Adaku flinched at what he saw and began to worry. As something pumped from the horns into his body, a change began to occur. Mientus' color switched from blue to black. His body grew immensely in size, yet his muscles condensed and he agility increased as well. His talons and horns switched from black to red, making the creature look like a living nightmare. He was surrounded by a blackness, which seemed to feed on all of the light that was around him. "Do you like what you see, Adaku?" he slowly spoke with a vile tone. "You are still the same coward, Mientus, no matter what your appearance is." Adaku pointed a figure at his foe. "I will end your reign of terror and forever ensure that the Gate of Juricak will remain closed." "FOOL!! For that last comment you shall meet your doom!" The two warriors launched at each other with hatred and determination. Neither one was planning on backing down, as it appeared as though only one would survive this fight.
  16. Dragonball Omega Episode 24: A New Power A figure flew over the vast desert, scanning the area thoroughly. Aware of what was happening to the East, he knew he had to act fast. Mientus resumed his search, now scanning a giant pyramid. When he got to the tip, he noticed something strange. He approached the peak and brushed off some dust, revealing a smooth, black surface. He howled in delight as he vaporized the dust, exposing the third Juricak Pyramid. Laughing hysterically, he ripped the pyramid off the larger one and stared amazingly into it. His black eyes gleamed from the utter happiness he was experiencing. "Only one more left ...." he said out loud. "My destiny has almost been realized. Soon, the Time of Darkness will be at hand, and no one can stop me!" "WRONG, MIENTUS!!" The demon turned around and saw the one person he thought he'd never see again. His mouth dropped and his eyes trembled at the figure that stood in front of him. The beast began to back away at first, because of the shock of seeing a man he had already killed. "No ..... you cannot ... be here." Mientus said, "I killed you. You ... are supposed to be ... DEAD!!" "I am!" Adaku said, pointing to the halo that levitated above his head. "But that won't stop me from destroying YOU!!!" Adaku leapt toward a stunned Mientus, hoping to take advantage of the distracted villain. The brave warrior was able to knock the pyramid out of Mientus' hands, further distracting him. He swung a kick that landed in the gut of the vile creature, causing him to cough up spit as he attempted to breath. Adaku spun around and struck the monster in the chest with an elbow, sending him flying away from the relic. The warrior gave chase, not wanting to lose his adversary again. Mientus screamed when Adaku appeared behind him and impelled his knee into the beast's back. His body bent around the attack, allowing Adaku to slam his right elbow into Mientus' face. The beast crashed into the ground, causing a large dust cloud to form. Adaku thrust his arms forward, collecting energy in his palms. The two ki balls grew to the size of basketballs and were launched into the dust. An enormous explosion rocked the area, vaporizing almost everything in the surrounding area. When the debris cleared, there was no sign of Mientus. "Looking for me, warrior." Adaku spun around and saw his nemesis, causing him to visibly show his hatred in his face. "You've gotten stronger Adaku, much stronger than your brother. But then again, he was never much to look at anyway." the beast taunted. A smile came across his face as he saw what his words were doing to Adaku. "Come, let us finish this." ---------- The rubble stretched for miles, nothing was left in tact from the blast that had just occurred. A calm wind blew over the decimated landscape. Suddenly, the area began to shake, as if a massive earthquake was striking the land. Beams of energy began to shoot out from under the rubble at two different locations. The shaking ground began to crack and crumble as two warriors emerged from the Earth. As their ki's violently exploded, chucks of rock were sent flying into the air. As the fell back to the Earth, they would be disintegrated when they came into contact from the potent energy each fighter was releasing. Pikolon and Goku remained motionless, only staring at each other. Goku was surrounded by a dark red ki that resembled nothing but death and destruction. Pikolon had formed a purple energy bubble around him, which was increasing his power with every passing second. Goku realized this and attacked with full force. He appeared in front of Pikolon and rocked the fused warrior with a right cross, sending him into the ground, below. Pikolon landed on both feet and sprang towards the unsuspecting Goku, rocking him with an uppercut to the stomach. As the saiyan heaved over in pain, Pikolon clasped his hands and smacked Goku in the back of the head with a hammer blow. Reeling in pain, Goku was still oblivious to the attacks from Pikolon. The fused warrior rushed Goku and connected several punches to his chest, causing the saiyan to scream in pain. He then grabbed his arm and spun around, landing a devastating kick to the side of Goku's head. "You under-estimated me Goku," Pikolon said as he connected a knee into Goku's stomach, causing the saiyan to cough up blood while he attempted to breath. Smiling at his recent success, Pikolon began to get cocky, now taking his time between attacks. Finally, he took too long. Goku saw an opening while Pikolon was mocking the saiyan. Secretly, he gathered energy in his palm and released it at the warrior's face, catching him off guard. Goku then leapt towards Pikolon and crushed him with a thunderous kick to the chest, knocking the warrior back. Appearing behind him, Goku connected a punch to Pikolon's side, causing him to bend over in pain. The saiyan phased above him and swooped down, landing an elbow into the back of Pikolon's neck. The warrior automatically crashed into the ground, while Goku extended his arms, forming an energy attack. Focusing his energy, he was done messing around. A thick red ki began swirling around the saiyan, almost too dense to make out the warrior. Goku raised his power immensely, forcing his energy to form only around his extended arms and his torso. "KaaaaMeeee ... HaaaaMeeee ......HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" A white and red beam converged on the fallen warrior. He began to move as the blast neared him, struggling to get up. Goku smiled as the beam got closer. The beam struck the Earth, instantly vaporizing anything it touched. Had Goku maintained the beam, it could've cut completely through the Earth. "THUNDER-FLASH BEAM CANNON!!" "HUH?!" Goku looked up and saw the attack right before it engulfed him in the flames of torture. A solid beam of fire with electricity spiraling around it slammed right into him. Goku's attack was immediately canceled while his screams of agony filled the countryside. Unable to move, his entire body was subjected to fire and electricity. Pikolon had barely dodged the attack and was able to quietly get position on the saiyan. He now smiled as the beam engulfed the once noble warrior. Goku clenched his fists as he regained his bearings. There was no more pain, only anger. His eyes went completely red and his body swelled from his power. A ball formed around his body and quickly grew in the middle of the attack. Soon, Pikolon's attack was not even surrounding the ball. Goku flashed his eyes and the ball exploded, forcing Pikolon to end his attack. Goku hunched over, breathing slowly, as he looked at Pikolon, who was also catching his breath. "You certainly are strong," Goku added. "Too bad you only have a few minutes left. You guys better hurry if you want to take me out." Pikolon froze at the news. He had forgotten about the time. "Only a few minutes..." he thought, "I don't know if that's enough time." He looked down at his clenched fist and then looked at a smiling Goku. Pikolon focused his energy and leapt toward Goku. "If I only have a few minutes left, the I'd better make them count." ---------- Vegeta and Tien's training session raged inside the gravity room. Outside, Baus was looking after the injured Trunks. All the use of the rejuvenation chamber had caused it to overheat, requiring it to had at least ten hour to cool down. Baus cleaned the wounds of the saiyan, wondering what power lied dormant in this young warrior. Although she had never done this to a saiyan, that didn't stop her from placing her hands on his head and heart. Baus carefully navigated through the saiyan's mind, attempting to find what was holding him back. She came across a well that had a seal on it. Brushing off the dust, she realized that the only thing that was holding Trunks back was his own doubts. She laughed at the foolish youth and smashed the seal. Trunks eyes shot open as he laid on the table. His body began to levitate as his hair switched from black to gold. His screams were deafening, causing Baus to back away from the youth. Energy swirled around him as Tien and Vegeta rushed into the med-lab. The door opened and the sudden rush of energy knocked both of the warriors down. Trunks changed into a super saiyan and straightened his body. Clenching his fists, his dark golden aura flared around him. Just when he thought it was over, a pulsating energy formed around him, causing him to arch his back and further scream in agony. Vegeta and Tien had come to the med-lab to see what all the commotion was. Vegeta ran over to Baus and grabbed her, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON?!" "I FREED HIS POWER; TOOK AWAY WHAT WAS PREVENTING HIM FROM REACHING HIS TRUE POWER!" "WHAT?!" Vegeta gasped at what she had said. Although he hated people helping him, it was a very tempting offer. Trunks hair began to spike up and his body grew from the now condensed muscles. Electricity danced around his body as he pulled his fists down to his sides. His ki spun around him, causing winds to whip through the space ship. Consoles in the med-lab began shorting out when the lightning would shoot out of his body. Trunks closed his eyes and took control of his power. His energy subsided and he floated down to the floor. His demeanor returned to normal, relieving the other warriors. Vegeta walked over to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder. Trunks looked at his dad and reverted back to his normal self. Vegeta smiled and embraced his son. He had achieved a new level, but even more importantly to Trunks, he had finally gained his father's respect.
  17. Dragonball Omega Episode 23: Face Off Tien and Baus were exiting the gravity room when they noticed Vegeta. He was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. As they neared him, he opened his eyes and looked at the two fighters. Vegeta stood straight and looked directly at Tien. "I have to ask you for something, Tien. Trunks is still injured and I need to train. Are you strong enough to endure a session with me?" Tien just looked at the saiyan and smiled. "Good," Vegeta replied, "I'll be waiting for you in the gravity room." Tien quickly grabbed something to eat and re-entered the chamber. Inside, Vegeta was warming up in three hundred times gravity environment. Tien walked up to him and nodded. Vegeta walked over to the wall and increased the machine to four hundred times gravity. The two warriors got in fighting positions and looked at each other. Vegeta flared his aura as he instantly went super saiyan. Tien smiled. "I finally can go toe-to-toe with a saiyan now." He thought. Vegeta launched towards Tien and threw a powerful right cross that landed on Tien's arm. The two struggled to push each other back. Vegeta used his left arm to wildly throw an uppercut. Tien easily dodged the supposed foolish attack, but was shocked when Vegeta used his upward momentum from the punch to get above Tien. He threw a kick that just missed Tien's head. The three-eyed warrior phased behind Vegeta and swung a right chop, but connected with nothing. Vegeta phased in front of Tien, throwing a jab that hit nothing as well. The two exchanged these for a few moments, each fighter being fast enough to evade the others attack. Vegeta grew tired of this and stopped. Tien stopped as well and looked directly at the saiyan. "Tien, let's skip the warm-up. I have to attain the next level, and you're the only one who can help me. We both need to go to full strength, now!" Tien nodded and suddenly surrounded himself in a deep blue ki. The energy violently flared around him as his power increased dramatically. Electricity would appear at random locations on his body, along with a pulsating blue energy. Vegeta smiled and tightly clenched his fists. Yellow energy began spinning around him as his power increased, also. His hair stood up straight and his muscles bulged from the power-up. The two fighters were now ready to do some real training. ---------- Krillen floated in the air, frozen from the energy he was feeling ahead of him. His eyes trembled and his mouth quivered, body stiff as a board. He shook his head and regained his bearings. "Whoa..., that sure is a lot of power," He said. The horizon consisted of a violent energy storm, reigning the land with bolt of lightning. The dark clouds thunder, swirling into each other. A bright pulsating light was in the center of the massive storm, pushing it out further from the eye. He straightened himself and focused his concentration. Krillen knew what he had to do. He launched toward the storm, no longer caring what happened to him. He was prepared to do whatever he must to protect his family. Meanwhile, Adaku flew toward the massive power he sensed. The battle with Gohan had weakened him, and leaving him behind was probably not a wise move, but he was not going to let the beast who destroyed his planet get away. "Mientus..." the warrior thought, "You WILL NOT get away from me now!!" ---------- Lightning crackled in between the two fighters, changing color from blue to red. A funnel cloud had formed around the two fighters, picking up chucks of rocks and trees from the ground below. Goku and Pikolon stared at each other through the storm. The contours of their face where shaded from a lack of light, but a lightning bolt would randomly crackle behind them, revealing a stern look. Each was braced in fighting positions, ready to pounce. Pikolon launched toward Goku, phasing out of sight before he struck him. The saiyan ducked a chop from Pikolon and jerked his elbow to the chest. He then dodged left after missing his opponent, narrowly escaping a punch. Pikolon appeared behind Goku and connected a kick to Goku's leg, tripping him to the right. He spun around to attack the saiyan, but was surprised when he met with Goku's fist. He fell back and was treated to a barrage of punches, landing on his chest and face. Goku clasped his hands and released a monstrous energy wave, which slammed into the hands of Pikolon. Goku pumped more and more energy into the blast, pushing his opponent towards to ground. Pikolon concentrated and slowly formed an attack of his own. A purple light appeared at the tip of the blast when Pikolon landed on a cliff. The ground crumbled at his feet as he focused his energy on the beam. The beam pushed through the energy wave and pushed it half way to Goku. Both fighters screamed as they jacked up their strength, thrusting even more energy into their beams. The standoff would've lasted for hours, had it not been for the cliffs Pikolon was standing on. The force of the duel was too much for the rock, collapsing completely underneath the warrior. This took him by surprise and he momentarily took his attention off Goku. The saiyan jumped at the opportunity and flared his energy, sending the blast into his opponent. The blast rocked the Earth, forming a huge crater in the world. The energy expelled from the attack sent Goku flying into the side of a mountain, crumbling it on top of him. Each fight laid, buried under tons of rock.
  18. Dragonball Omega Episode 22: A new hope, ... maybe Tien walked into the gravity room almost giddy. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. It seemed as if all of his questions had been answered, yet now there were thousands more swimming around in his head. He decided not to bring it up now because he didn't want to ruin the moment. He was about the train his new and improved body for the first time with a beautiful, yet tough, woman. "Life doesn't get much better than this,? he thought to himself. "Are you ready, Baus? I don't think I can wait any longer." "Okay, okay. Man, you are just like a child with a new toy." she said smiling at him. "But seriously, we don't need to rush you, your body might not be used to the power yet." "Well, we'll just have to see." Tien stated. Baus reached over and touched the gravity pad on the wall, turning it up to three hundred times gravity. Tien slouched from the weight that was forced upon him. After a few moments, he was able to straighten himself. Baus had trouble dealing with the gravity at first, too, but she was able to raise her power and appeared fine after that. The two stared at each other and moved into fighting positions. Tien slowly phased out of sight and Baus went on guard. She tried to sense even the smallest movement around her. Tien was shifting to different parts of the room, in an attempt to take the beautiful warrior by surprise. Swiftly, Baus extended her arm and caught a punch that was thrown by Tien. She then spun the arm around and had Tien in a painful hold. He struggled, but Baus was able to maintain the grip. Annoyed from the move, Tien increased his power and loosened her grip by expanding his muscles. As soon as he was free, Tien turned around and was kneed by a readied Baus. As he bent over, she jumped in the air and brought her heel down to Tien's neck, but was shocked to connect with nothing but an after image. Looking around the room, she was unable to stop Tien from moving behind her and connecting a right jab to the back of her head. Baus turned around and launched right at Tien. The two threw a punch at the same time and were shocked to seem them meet each other. As the fists connected, a loud 'BOOM!' echoed throughout the ship. The two then began trading blows, neither one connecting with the other. ---------- The smoldering meadow waited below the two fighters, who were staring at each other intensely. Gohan's ki burned brightly around him, while Adaku's energy pulsated around him. The two continued their staring contest for a few seconds until the warriors charged each other. Adaku and Gohan slammed forearms and began a test of strength. They remained in the duel for a few minutes, with neither one being able to gain an advantage. Gohan quickly dropped down and swept Adaku's legs. As he fell, Adaku swung his right leg and hit Gohan's knee, tripping him as well. Each fighter landed on his hand and pushed himself up. Adaku swung a right kick at Gohan, but the attack was blocked when it hit his arm. Gohan returned the favor by punching at Adaku's face, although he tilted his head in time to dodge the attack. The saiyan grabbed the outside of Adaku's arms and spun while planting his foot next to Adaku's. This allowed him to throw the warrior into the air. When Adaku stopped himself Gohan had disappeared. Adaku tried to sense his enemy's location. Floating in the air, he looked in every direction, yet there was no indication that he was there anymore. Adaku landed on the ground, now feeling a little paranoid. He remained still, not sensing the ground moving behind him. Suddenly Gohan shot out of the Earth with an energy attack in both of his hands. Adaku turned around in time to see Gohan fire the blasts at him. Barely having any time to react, Adaku threw his hands up and caught the attacks in time. He used a lot of his energy to divert the blasts, but they should not have been his first concern. Seeing an opening, Gohan struck his fist into Adaku's back. As his head snapped back in pain, Adaku let out a roar of pain that echoed throughout the meadow. Gohan, smiling from this sound, continued his attack by locking his left arm around the warrior's throat and landing punch after punch into Adaku's right side. While connecting the punches, Gohan whispered in Adaku's ear, "You should just give up. There is nothing you can do to ensure this victory. If you surrender, I promise I won't hurt you anymore." A smile cracked the intense look on Gohan's face, revealing his cockiness. Grunting, Adaku pulled his left arm up and drove an elbow into Gohan's side, forcing him to release the hurting fighter. Not wasting any time, he then shot his foot into the saiyan's unprotected stomach. The force of the attack launched Gohan from the battlefield. Adaku appeared above him and landed a very powerful jab to his opponent's chest. Gohan hit the ground fast and hard, causing him to lose his breath. He suddenly shot up in pain because Adaku had just landed a devastating knee into the saiyan's stomach. Gohan gasped for air as he reverted back to his normal form, although the only thing he received was a thunderous punch from Adaku, knocking the saiyan out cold. Adaku looked down at the battered saiyan and prepared a final blast. Just then, he jerked his head towards a tremendous energy signal. "What .. is ...that?" he thought to himself. He gasped as he realized whom it was coming from. Not wasting any time, he took off in its direction. ---------- Goten and Ubuu were each slouching and breathing hard. Neither one was giving this fight up, and it appeared that they would both pass out before it would be over. Ubuu shot a right jab that connected to Goten's bruised and bloody arm. He returned the favor by kicking Ubuu in the knee. Using it as a spring, Goten back flipped and tried to land both of his feet in Ubuu's stomach, only to hit nothing at all. Ubuu's body was becoming unstable. He had been using the kaio ken technique for too long; his body looked as if it might explode from the force. He raised his ki and landed a kick in Goten's side. As the saiyan reacted in pain, Ubuu connected a hammer blow to his back and sent him crashing into the ground. As the smoke rose, a light could be seen in the middle of the dust storm. Goten was howling in the center of the cloud, his energy flaring around him. This caused the dust cloud to form into a tornado. Goten remained in its eye, not relenting from his power-up. As he exploded with energy, the tornado was vaporized and balls of energy were sent sailing away from the saiyan. Ubuu shielded his eyes long enough for Goten to appear right in front of him and connect a massive uppercut to the chin. Ubuu's head violently snapped back and Goten then appeared behind the warrior. "Lets see how you like this one ... a Goten original." the evil saiyan thought to himself. "IMPULSE CANNON!!" He extended his arms and an energy ball formed in each of his hands. The two red and white balls swirled together to create an even larger attack. Goten launched the attack and it hit Ubuu, point blank, in the back. His screams of agony continued as the blast carried him into outer space. When he started to leave the atmosphere, his senses were attacked from both sides. Unable to free himself from the blast, he was at Goten's mercy. That, however, didn't last as Goten grew impatient and fired another blast that connected with his first. His attack would come at a price, however. After firing the second blast, Goten reverted and fell to the ground, unconscious from exhausting all of his energy. The explosion lit up the entire sky and completely destroyed the brave warrior Ubuu, who would be missed by all. ---------- The earth seemed to shake from the massive power increase Goku had just received. Now Pikkon finally understood what Piccolo was talking about. He realized that they were no match for this awesome warrior. Electricity ran down Goku's arms and legs as they throbbed from the energy increase they had just experienced. Piccolo grit his teeth and clenched his fist from anger, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop Goku. Goku closed his eyes and relaxed his body, as he took in a deep breath. He reopened them and phased in front of Piccolo and Pikkon. The two didn't even move, perhaps because they were paralyzed by fear. "What are we to do, Piccolo? Neither one of us are any match for that monster." Pikkon reluctantly admitted. "We would need to be twice as strong just to land an attack." "What if you were, Pikkon?" Piccolo and Pikkon looked at Goku, scared yet confused. Not understanding what he was meaning, Goku continued, "If you two fused, then you might give me a challenge. You each know the fusion technique, right?" Piccolo and Pikkon looked at each other to confirm this. They each then cracked a small smile. Goku looked at each of them and floated backwards. "I tell you what," he said, arrogantly, "I'll give you two one chance to fuse. If you mess it up, I'll destroy you. If you get it right, I'll still destroy you, but it'll be more fun. If you do nothing," he raised each of his arms, extended, and formed ki attacks, "then you'll be nothing." "Agreed." Piccolo said. "We'll need some room." Goku backed off even further as the two warriors got into position. Piccolo and Pikkon looked at each other and nodded. They realized that this might be their only chance to stop Goku, and they had to take it. They sailed down to the ground, allowing less chance for error. The two warriors brought their arms around their heads, with the index fingers pointing out. As they dropped the arms in between them, they said the following: "FUUUSSSSIOON HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Their arms came down and their fingers touched. The movements they made were identical. An energy bubble formed around them as the fusion technique set in. A bright mixture of white and purple light swirled around them as their bodies were fused together. The ball left the ground and floated a couple of feet in the air. The ball grew larger as the power of the fighter increased. The ball stopped and started shrinking, only to stop again and then explode. The violent blast forced even Goku the shield himself. He looked up and saw neither Pikkon nor Piccolo. "So," Goku said, crossing his arms, "What should I call you?" The new warrior smiled at the powerful saiyan. His skin was a solid dark green color. His face resembled Piccolo's, yet Pikkon's ear canals and head spots were also there. His body was lean, yet muscular. His eyes were solid black, like endless darkness. A purple aura danced around the newly formed warrior. He looked at Goku and smiled, "My name ... is Pikolon, and I will be your destruction."
  19. Dragonball Omega Episode 21: Round Two In the Gravity Room, Trunks was breathing heavily from exhaustion caused by the training sessions with his father. Not holding anything back, Vegeta was destroying his son every time they trained. It had become a ritual for the past two days: fight until Trunks passes out and then place him in the saiyan recovery chamber. Vegeta focused on his son and knew that he was finished for the day. "Come on Trunks, you can do this," he thought to himself." Vegeta rocked in his fighting stance and took off towards Trunks, pushing off his right foot. Before he could strike, Trunks shifted his weight and used his momentum to dodge the attack. The miss had left Vegeta unguarded, allowing Trunks to jump up and swing out his left leg into Vegeta's side. The saiyan prince howled as Trunks spun around and delivered an elbow to the side of Vegeta's head. Noticing that Vegeta was still off balance, Trunks appeared behind him and put him in a full nelson. Vegeta struggled to free himself, but his son tightened his grip with every one of Vegeta's moves. Growing tired of this game, Vegeta tensed his body, causing his ki to flare up dramatically. Trunks began to lose his grip, so he forced his energy to increase as well. Vegeta smiled at what was happening. The yellow energy danced around the gravity room. Trunks and Vegeta stood in a shielded column, while the effects of their massive energy rocked the ship. Vegeta started moving his arms forward, causing Trunks to lose his grip again. Not wanting to lose to his father again, Trunks kept taping into his power. Now, he was at maximum strength. Vegeta's power, however, continued to increase, allowing him to pull his arms forward just enough to slam them back into the sides of his son. Trunks' eyes went white from the damage the attack had caused. He immediately let go of his father as he quickly clasped each of his sides with his arms. Coughing, Trunks attempted to breath as he fell to his knees. Vegeta looked down at his son, not knowing what to say. Trunks looked up at his father with a look that Vegeta knew all too well. He lifted himself off the ground and got into a slouching style fighting stance. It appeared as though Trunks could barely lift his arms. Vegeta walked towards him with his hand extended out, "Come on, Trunks. We'll finish this tomorrow." Trunks slapped his father's hand away, never unlocking his eyes with his father's. Vegeta scowled at this and prepared to attack. He raced towards his son, readying to teach him some respect. ---------- Goten began to leave the battleground, until he felt something happen. A rumbling started occurring when his beam had just died out. He looked down and saw with disbelief as Ubuu lifted up a gigantic boulder that was lying on top of him. Goten then began to laugh at Ubuu. "It doesn't matter Ubuu. You are no match for me." Goten clenched his fists again, causing his power to increase." "Please!" Ubuu said as he picked himself off the ground. Although sturdy enough to stand, Ubuu was seriously hurting from the beating he had just taken. He smiled, however and looked directly at Trunks, "You aren't the only one who has something up his sleeve." Goten had a puzzled look on his face until Ubuu spoke: "You see, Goten, your father taught me a few moves before he lost his senses. Goku said this was a last-ditch kind of attack, but I really don't have much of a choice." A bright ring of energy formed around Ubuu as he began to increase his power. He began to scream as an unimaginable amount of energy flowed through his body, generating an energy dome. Ubuu smiled in the dome, as it was slowly pulled back into his body, dramatically increasing all of his attributes. Goten stood, unphased at the young warrior. Realizing that his power up had not intimidated Goten, Ubuu knew he only had one last move. "KAIO KEN!!" "WHAT?!?!" A dark red aura exploded around Ubuu, incorporating his then white ki with this dark red ki. His muscles increased radically as he felt his entire body change. Launching toward Goten, his speed seemed to have increased as well. Goten attempted to dodge the attack, but was not fast enough, being rocked by a right hook to the face. As he fell to the ground, Ubuu appeared below him and drove his left fist into Goten's stomach. He looked painfully at his attacker as he attempted to breath. Ubuu smiled at Goten and appeared behind him, driving an elbow to the back of the head. This blow sent Goten crashing into another mountain. ---------- Clenching his fists, Gohan's ki slowly rose around him. At first insignificant, the energy then began to grow massively, causing the landscape around him to crumble, and then levitate around the saiyan. Adaku watched as Gohan summoned his true power. Rings of dust exploded out of his position, forcing Adaku to shield his eyes. The force from these bursts began to push the noble fighter back, allowing Gohan's ki to increase greatly in size. Adaku began to worry and quickly started raising his ki as well, although he was not fast enough. Gohan smiled evilly as he mentally sent the boulders hovering around him into Adaku. The unanticipated attack struck the warrior, burying him under tons of rock and earth. Gohan kept throwing the rock onto Adaku's position. Gohan was about to summon an energy blast when, suddenly, to rocks began to crumble. Beams of energy shot out of the rubble and forced Gohan to shield his eyes. The ground started shaking underneath the saiyan as he tried to keep his composure, while that rubble began to disintegrate. An iridescent green light began to encase Adaku, now squeezing his fists: resulting in energy bubbles forming around his hands. The bubbles began to cloak the warrior, pulsating from the potency of the energy. Adaku's screams echoed through the meadow as his body was engulfed in the throbbing green light. The energy slowly crept up and around his face and finally surrounded his entire body, forcing his screams to be quieted. Gohan realized the trouble he would be in if Adaku continued his power-up. He violently exploded his ki and launched toward the fighter. As Gohan neared Adaku, a storm had begun again. Lightning began to strike around the two warrior's position, which caused the ground to catch on fire. Gohan cut through the flames, on a direct course for Adaku, who remained motionless. The flames quickly spread around him; stopping, however, when they got close to his energy coated body. When Gohan was within a few feet of Adaku, he ran straight into an energy shield that had formed around the feline warrior. He bounced back into the flames and howled in pain until he looked at his nemesis. Adaku had begun to levitate as he attempted to break out of his energy shell, the struggle resulting in numerous energy balls being cast onto the surrounding area. The explosions mixed with the fire to produce a sea of chaos in this once peaceful meadow. Gohan was about to charge again, but his plans were disregarded when Adaku's shell exploded, forcing a shockwave, which put out the raging fire. The saiyan shielded his eyes until the blast had died down, then he looked at Adaku. The noble warrior was pulsating with a concentrated green aura, which seemed to distort the space that bordered him. "Saiyan!!" Adaku said, pointing a finger at Gohan, "Now you will experience my true strength!" "Bring it on ... kitty cat." ---------- Meanwhile... Piccolo phased behind Goku and threw a left jab at the back of his head. The saiyan tilted his head to the side to dodge the attack, and Goku then slammed his elbow into Piccolo's ribs. The Namek clutched his tender chest, but was backhanded by Goku, sending him crashing into the ground. Pikkon appeared in front of Goku and went on a fierce attack, throwing multiple punches. Piccolo shook off the dizziness and flew back to the battle. Pikkon increased his speed and caught Goku off-guard, nailing him in the stomach with a spinning kick. Leaning forward, Goku had little time to react from a hammer blow to the back of his head. As he flew to the ground, Piccolo connected with a knee to the stomach, forcing Goku to hack up saliva as he gasped for air. The force of the blow caused Goku to sail back to Pikkon, who performed a back flip and connected a spinning kick to Goku's back. Fly back towards Piccolo, he vanished from the sight of both the warriors. "Where did he go?" asked Piccolo. "Stay on guard!" responded Pikkon. Goku appeared behind Piccolo and drove his arm into his back, only to find that it was an after image. He turned around and saw Pikkon firing his special attack. "THUNDER-FLASH ATTACK!!" A powerful column of fire and electricity headed straight for Goku, who phased out to dodge the attack. The blast had served as a diversion; however, enabling Pikkon and Piccolo to each connect with an attack on Goku. Piccolo appeared behind him and punched him in the back, causing the saiyan to arc his back in pain. Pikkon appeared above him and dove down, landing a thunderous right cross onto Goku's face. The saiyan, again, crashed into the ground, forcing a huge dust cloud to form. The two suddenly felt a tremendous energy signal behind then. Turning around, they saw Goku hunched over, squeezing his fists. His eyes had turned solid white from the enormous amount of energy that his will was generating. The two could only stand and watch as the sky began to pull towards Goku's position, resulting in violent gusts of wind tearing up the landscape. Huge trees and boulders were being cast around the battlefield like children's toys. Arching his back, Goku howled as he extended his arms. His hair glowed as it's length increased, blowing from side to side because of the wind. He felt his eyebrows disappear while he made his final scream during the transformation. When it was all over, he looked intensely at his two opponents and cracked a smile.
  20. Dragonball Omega Episode 20: Round One The warriors stared across the farmland at each other, neither side breaking its concentration. Goku, Gohan, and Goten then blasted off to his specific target. The Z-Fighters braced themselves as the three saiyans raced towards them. Just when it appeared as through the battle was going to begin, Goku, Gohan and Goten stopped within a few feet from their opponents. Each gesturing in a different direction, the three took off, to ensure that neither one would get in the others way. Goten flew west toward some snow-covered mountains, followed closely by Ubuu, who was looking forward to ending this battle quickly so he could move on to Goku. Gohan decided to go east, finally stopping over a peaceful meadow. He looked down at the grass, swaying with the light wind that was blowing across the plain. He then focused on the oncoming power. Goku remained still, not taking his attention off the two fighters. "Well," he spoke, "now that no one will be getting in anyone else's way, I think we're ready to begin." Goku then exchanged glances with Piccolo and Pikkon. The two looked at each other for a moment and the exploded towards Goku at a blinding speed. Goku stood, unphased, waiting for the two to make their move. Right before they were directly in front of him, they both disappeared. Goku remained still, sensing even the smallest vibration that was occurring around him. He suddenly ducked toward his left, dodging a punch that was thrown by Piccolo. Pikkon the appeared behind him and kicked toward Goku's back. He was surprised to connect with nothing but an after image. As it faded, the two warriors looked around the area, trying to locate Goku's energy signature. Pikkon then shot his left arm out to block a kick from Goku, only to get rocked by a roundhouse kick that connected with his back. Piccolo then dove towards Goku, attempting to land a punch on the pumped up saiyan. Pikkon regained his senses and blasted toward Goku, hoping to catch him unguarded. He stretched out his arm and clenched his fist as he flew toward Goku. His speed resulted in energy forming around his fist, simulating some sort of ki attack. Goku smiled and phased out of sight, leaving Pikkon on an intercept course with Piccolo. The two were barely able to dodge each other as Goku reappeared behind them. He extended both of his fists and connected punches in each of their backs, causing both of them to jerk back in pain. Goku then emerged in front of them and landed uppercuts in their respected stomachs. The two warriors lunged forward from the power of the attack. "Come on you two," Goku said angrily, "I expected more of a fight than this." He pulled his fist back to connect a punch to Piccolo's face, but was surprised when Pikkon went on the offensive, attempting to land a punch on Goku, anywhere. Piccolo pulled himself together and joined Pikkon in the attack. Goku, however, was moving so quickly that neither fighter could even land an attack. Goku phased out and appeared about fifty feet in front of them. He looked at each fighter and said, "If you two plan on putting up a decent fight, you'll want to remove your weighted clothes. It's just a suggestion, but hey, doesn't matter to me." Piccolo and Pikkon smiled and removed their training clothes. The two stretched their muscles for a few seconds and then both got in fighting stances, staring directly at Goku. "There," he said, "that'll be much better." Goku then took off towards the readied fighters. ---------- Adaku and Gohan were in a heated staring contest. Each was trying to figure out how strong the other was. Adaku recalled his discussions with Pikkon when they trained together on the Grand Kai's planet. He remembered him speaking very highly of Goku, and he had learned that at one time his son, the man in front of him, was much stronger. Not wanting to act foolish, he floated down to the ground and prepared for a conventional strategy. "I'll fight him on the ground first, leaving him fewer ways to attack me." He thought to himself. Gohan watched the warrior land and did the same. When he landed, Gohan looked at the surrounding area, and then stared back at Adaku. The saiyan cracked a smile and then disappeared. Adaku followed Gohan's movements and suddenly threw his left arm out, catching Gohan's fist. He then swung a thunderous right hook that hit nothing as Gohan leapt into the air, making his body parallel to the ground. From this position, he was able to rock the side of Adaku's head with a swift kick, while still being held by the massive warrior. Adaku lost his grip on Gohan's fist as he began sailing through the air, but his leg was quickly grabbed by the saiyan. Gohan put his second hand on Adaku's ankle and swung him back over his shoulder, plowing him into the ground face-first. Gohan then used his momentum to perform a front flip and crush Adaku with a knee to the back, but he was surprised to see nothing but an indentation. He looked up to see Adaku heading toward him with extreme speed. Gohan attempted to dodge the attack but was not quick enough, receiving a powerful knee to the stomach. He coughed up saliva as he attempted to breathe, only to have an elbow driven into the back of his head. This blow sent Gohan skipping across the ground, although he stopped himself in mid-air upside-down. Staring at Adaku, he turned himself and frowned at the warrior. Adaku didn't wait for an invitation, he just leapt into action. Flying directly towards Gohan, he extended his right arm, preparing to make contact. Gohan, not wanting to back down, did the same. As the warriors flew towards each other, an energy storm began to form, a result from each of their tremendous power. Both fighters flew into the storm, not concerning themselves with the danger they were put in. The wind blew strong enough to knock both of them off-course, both being engulfed into an electrical tornado. Gohan and Adaku howled in pain as their bodies were covered with electricity and pure energy. This did not deter either fighter however. When they located each other, they set for another collision course. Each with fist extended, they built up speed, secretly wanting the other to flinch. When their fists met, an eye formed in the middle of the storm, allowing the fighters to exchange multiple punches. Gohan swung a left cross at Adaku, just missing, but forcing the fighter to dodge the attack by going back into the storm. As he howled in pain, Gohan grabbed his right leg and began spinning him around, causing the storm to dissipate into a ring. Adaku gathered energy and fired it at Gohan, forcing him to break his hold. Seeing this opportunity, Adaku fired another blast at the ring, blowing it up, along with a majority of the meadow. He floated to the ground, trying to sense his opponent. "I'm right here." The voice came from behind Adaku. He turned around and was greeted by an uppercut to the stomach. Doubling over in pain, Adaku tried to breath but was silenced by a backhand from Gohan. This time, Adaku was the one who skipped across the ground. He stopped himself as made eye contact with Gohan. "You're pretty strong," Gohan admitted. "Much stronger than Piccolo. I'm glad that I traded, but you are no match for me. You will soon see what power the rage of a saiyan can generate." ---------- Tien awoke in the med-lab, wondering if what he had experienced was a dream. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the beautiful Baus, causing him to crack a smile. Moaning, he sat up and pulled his hand to his head, rubbing his bald scalp. He then rubbed his eyes, allowing him to focus his tired eyes. Tien was shocked when he looked at his hands. "HUH?!?! BLUE?!?! What ... what happened to me?!" "It worked, you are a true Zantout now, Tien. Are you not happy?" Baus asked hesitantly. "Well," Tien said standing up, "it's just that I was used to my body. Now I have to become accustomed to a whole new one." Tien finally realized how powerful he was. Flexing his muscles, he was shocked at the strength he now possessed. It felt as if his power had been multiplied by a thousand fold. "Can this be happening?" He thought to himself. "I do have one question Baus." (She looked at him interestingly, waiting) "How did you happen to know the ritual?" Baus blushed and looked away from Tien. "I am not ready to reveal my secrets just yet. But do not worry, Tien. You will know soon enough." "Okay, Baus. I trust you." Tien stretched looking around the med-lab. "Are Vegeta and Trunks training?" "Yes, their time is almost up. Are you looking forward toward beginning your training?" He smiled, not being able to contain his excitement. Baus looked at him slyly and walked out of the med-lab. Tien sat down and looked at his hands. He then looked out a window into the darkness of space. "I wonder how they are doing on Earth?" he thought. ---------- Goten sailed across the sky, reeling from a thunderous punch from Ubuu. "Face it, Goten, you're no match for me." Ubuu said confidently. He phased out from his position and appeared in front of Goten, performing a front flip and allowing his heel to be smashed into Goten's shoulder. The force of the blow sent him screaming towards the ground, slamming him into the snow-covered mountain. Ubuu fired a ki blast that was deflected at the last minute from Goten powering up. A ball of energy spread out from his position, instantly evaporating any snow it made contact with. Goten's screams forced Ubuu to cower, giving him the perfect opportunity to attack. When the screaming had stopped, Ubuu opened his eyes and was rocked by a roundhouse kick to the back of his head. Goten stopped him from falling by appearing in front of him and upper cutting him in the stomach. Ubuu coughed up spit as he gasped for air, sailing upwards. Goten grabbed him under the arms and began a collision course towards the ground. Ubuu, unable to struggle, closed his eyes as Goten released him, as he slammed into the ground extremely hard. Struggling to get up from the crater he had caused, Ubuu pulled himself up and tried to locate Goten. Unaware of his attacker, Ubuu didn't see Goten approaching him from behind. He turned around in time to receive a knee to the face. Stumbling from the attack, Goten appeared behind him and drove a fist into his kidney. Ubuu collapsed from the pain the attack generated. Lightning crackled in the background as Ubuu fell to the earth. Resting on all fours, he breathed deeply until Goten kicked him in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood. "I'M no match for YOU!?!" laughed Goten, "yeah, right. You're nothing but a pathetic WEAKLING." (Goten grabs Ubuu's hair and punches him square in the face.) "Hmmphf, no wonder Goku or Gohan didn't want you. Guess I'll just have to.." (Goten pauses from his speech to kick Ubuu in the ribs) "make..." (kicks the warrior again) "do." He then circles around and kneels in front of the battered warrior to berate him some more. Goten tilts his head as he looks at Ubuu's face. He is the surprised to see Ubuu smiling. Attempting to get back up, he is caught off-guard as Ubuu fires a ki blast he had secretly built up. Goten rode the energy attack high into the sky, giving Ubuu enough time to stand up. He winced in pain as he jumped into the air to chase his opponent. Goten used his ki to deflect the energy wave and was greeted by a punch from Ubuu, knocking him backwards. Ubuu saw this opening and got on the offensive, landing punch after punch on Goten. Slowly, Goten began blocking the attacks and soon, none of them were connecting. Angrily, Ubuu allowed his emotions to get the better of him and made a fatal mistake. Swinging recklessly at the young saiyan, he left himself unguarded. Goten took advantage of this by landing a full extension kick into the warrior's stomach, forcing his eyes to go white from the pain. Smiling, Goten spun around and delivered a crushing elbow to the side of Ubuu's head, sending him racing toward the side of a mountain. When he crashed into it, the entire face of the mountain crumbled inward, burring the warrior deep into the rock. Goten saw hi opportunity and started gathering energy. "KaaaMeeeHaaaMeee...HAAAAAA!!!!!" The blast contained a mixture of red and white light, which screamed toward its target. Splitting the wind in half, the blast slammed against the rock face, forcing the entire mountain to explode. Chunks of rock flew in every direction for hundreds of miles, forcing the other fighters to look over. Nothing was left of the mountain when the explosion died down. Goten floated in the air with his arms crossed. The wind blew his red hair gently from left to right. He cracked a smile as the snow fell from the sky. He turned around and started back towards the others.
  21. Dragonball Omega Episode 19: Tien Powers Up Piccolo, Ubuu, Adaku, and Pikkon all could be seen running through the countryside. They had decided that they the best way they could shield their power was limiting the amount of flying time. As the four warriors ran across the land, they would scan the area for Gohan's power signature. Piccolo finally felt it and waved off the others. As they hid in the thick brush of a forest, the four looked in the air and saw the saiyan flying towards them. "Did he spot us?" Adaku asked. "No," replied Pikkon. "He's heading for that village directly in front of us. This will be the best time to attack. We wait until he is distracted and attack at full force." "What about the villagers?" Ubuu interjected. "We can't start a battle of this magnitude in their back yard." "Don't worry about the on-lookers," Piccolo added. "They can be wished back with the Dragonballs. Our main concern is stopping Gohan before Goku appears." The four warriors agreed with this and prepared to attack. Before they could leap into action, Gohan looked in their general direction smiled. Piccolo looked confused until something snapped in the back of his head. "THEY KNOW WE'RE HERE!!" The others turned to Piccolo and then realized what he was talking about. Suddenly Goku appeared with Goten touching his shoulder. The three saiyans stared directly at the brave warriors. "Come on out Piccolo, you two Ubuu," Goku shouted. "And be sure to bring your new friends, too." The four warriors thought for a moment and slowly began to float above their hiding place. Piccolo looked across the field separating the two teams and stared hatefully at Goku. "Why Korin, Goku? Why Yashirobi? They were no threat to you. What did they do to deserve that?" "...They existed." Goku's answer was cold and shook the spine of the four warriors. "Such hatred..." Adaku spoke. "YOU!" Goku yelled, pointing at Adaku. "You and I have a little unfinished business..." "Wait, dad," Gohan interrupted. "I want the big guy. I'll trade you Piccolo for him." "Hmmm...., okay son," replied Goku, "Tell you what; I'll take Piccolo and Pikkon." Goku looked at both of the fighters, cracking a smile while staring them down. "Goten, you take Ubuu, and Gohan, you get the big guy." The three saiyans nodded at each other and then stared back at the warriors. Anticipating a good fight, the three saiyans exploded with tremendous power. Each of them had instantly become super saiyans, flaring their red ki. As the three smiled, they clenched their fists and expanded and condensed their muscles. The red ki from each of them grew brighter, forcing the warriors to shield their eyes. After a flash of concentrated ki, the warriors saw the three fully charged super saiyan 2 trio, all of them with hatred burning in his blood-red eyes. ---------- Tien obeyed Baus' command to keep his eyes closed, although it seemed a little weird. He flinched when he felt her hands touch the sides of his head, but kept his composure. Baus started speaking a language that Tien had never heard before, yet it seemed so familiar. Hi mind began to race until Baus stopped and told him to relax. He breathed in deeply and exhaled. After a minute of doing this, Baus continued the ritual. "Klundt Carincross Cheema, Baus. Dressel Egan Zantout, Durr Backes Ament Tien." She repeated these words over and over. Tien began to doubt that he was a Zantout until something began to happen. At first, it was hardly noticeable. A feeling started in the pit of his stomach, slowly spreading throughout his body. A tingling sensation that resembled him powering up, yet it was different, like it wasn't his energy. Visions danced around in his head. Pictures of places he had never been before, yet he knew every detail of the landscape. Buildings towering over him as he walked through a deserted city. Huge cathedrals and palaces on either side of him. He began to see people moving throughout this enormous metropolis. As he saw their faces, the resembled him, yet they looked different. He then felt a breeze sweep across his face as he turned and saw a glowing light. It was a breath-takingly beautiful and pure blue light. As he approached it, Tien lifted his hand to touch it. His fingers swept through the light, as if it were water, yet he felt nothing. Pulling his hand back, Tien noticed that the light remained on his fingers. Suddenly, the light was absorbed into his hand, forcing his body to stiffen. He struggled to breathe as the light fused with his energy. After a moment, he felt fine. No, he felt better, stronger. He looked at his hand and cracked a smile. Tien knew what to do now. He looked at the light again and stepped into it, engulfing himself. He screamed as it was absorbed into his body, causing him an enormous amount of pain. Tien shot open his eyes as he realized this was really happening to him. His body began to levitate from the energy that was being exerted upon him. Baus shielded her eyes from the brilliant blue light that had surrounded Tien. She was then forced to cover her ears as the screams Tien was emitting were almost deafening. Outside the gravity room, Vegeta knelt on the floor, covering his ears while Trunks still remained unconscious from the training session. A cyclone was raging in the gravity room, shaking the entire ship. Baus was forced to use almost all of her power to keep from being pulled into the storm. Pure energy flared out of Tien's eyes and mouth, forcing his screams to be silenced. He felt his muscles expand greatly, and then condense, making his body extremely tone. He clenched his fists and pulled them up above his head. The energy storm continued it violence, now wrapping the warrior in pulsating lightning. As he pulled his arms back down to his chest, bending his elbows, the storm began to fade away as the energy was forced back into Tien's body. When the transformation was finished, Tien fell to the ground, unconscious. Baus stood up and walked over to Tien. She looked down him and smiled. Tien's body was still pulsating from the exponential power-up he had received. Vegeta opened the door and looked at Tien in awe. Lying in front of him was a different man. Tien's appearance was completely different than before. Aside from his muscular upgrade, his skin had changed from flesh color to a dark blue. A red stripe ran around each of his massive shoulders, along with two smaller stripes that started below his now ice-blue eyes and ended just below his mouth. "What ... has happened here?" Vegeta asked, looking at the changed warrior. "Tien has discovered who he is, and what he is capable of. Now, he is ready to begin his training." ---------- "That's it!! I can't take it anymore!!" Krillen erupted, clenching his fists as he sensed the evil saiyan's power. "What are you talking about?" 18 asked. "What's wrong, Krillen?" "I can't stay here, I have to go help them." "Krillen," Roshi interrupted. "We need you here. There is nothing you can do." "That's the point, Master Roshi! I'm tired of being useless! I'm going to go and don't you try to stop me!!" Krillen then took off, in the direction that the other warriors were at; not knowing what he would do, but not being able to just stand by and watch.
  22. Dragonball Omega Episode 18: Time for Action Trunks phases into sight, trying to locate his father. Dripping with sweat and blood he breathes heavily, still trying to keep his guard up in the two hundred and fifty gravity environment. Trunks hears something behind him and turns around to see nothing. He then whips his head around to look in another direction. Unable to find his father, he grows impatient and begins to lose his focus. "Quit guessing, Trunks!" Vegeta yells at his son, "You need to learn to focus not only you energy, but your instincts as well. Stop concentrating on where I am and try to figure out where I'm going." Trunks remains still, attempting to sense his father. Vegeta increases the speed of his movement, not wanting to give away anything to his son. Trunks did not move, floating in mid-air in a guarded fighting position. He then opened his eyes and flew to his right, extending his left elbow at the same time. He was somewhat surprised when his attack connected with Vegeta's crossed arms, blocking the attack. Vegeta smiled at his son and then threw a left hook at Trunks' head. Trunks ducked and swept at his father's feet. Vegeta jumped and did a 180-degree front flip and landed behind the younger saiyan. Trunks planted his hands on the ground and attempted to drive his feet into his father's back. His attack went through Vegeta's after image, leaving his mid-section unguarded. Vegeta pounced like a tiger at his son's mistake, connecting a full extension kick into Trunks' chest. In a moment, Trunks' body slammed against the wall of the gravity room, echoing the thud throughout the ship. "Whoa! I'm not sure what that was," Tien said, "but I betting it had to hurt." Baus looked in the direction of the gravity room and nodded. "Wow, and that's his son, right? I wonder what he would do to someone he hates." Trunks fell to the ground, landing unconscious. Vegeta picked up his son and placed him over his shoulder. He then turned off the gravity generator and walked back into the main hall. Tien and Baus were standing outside the gravity room, wanting to see what had happened. Vegeta looked at the two and then preceded to the ship's med-lab, where he could put Trunks in the rejuvenation chamber. As he walked away, the saiyan said, "We are finished for the day, it is now your turn." The two warriors smiled at each other and entered into the gravity room. ---------- Goku appears in front of Mientus, catching his master off guard. The sudden appearance of his slave causes him to lose his balance an fall down. "HOW DID YOU JUST APPEAR LIKE THAT?!?! ANSWER ME SLAVE!!" "Sir, it is called Instant Transmission. As long as I can focus my energy on a specific energy signature, I can instantly move there." "Impressive ... but why did you come here?" "Sir, the North Kai is here." "WHAT?!?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!?! No, no, no, this cannot be happening. I only have two of the pyramids. I am not ready to deal with the Kai's just yet. Was he alone?" "No sir, two warriors were with him, along with the other fighter Piccolo. I do not know where Trunks or Vegeta is. I cannot sense them anywhere." "DESTROY THEM!!! ALL OF THEM!! I WANT NO RESISTANCE ANY LONGER. I WILL CONTINUE THE QUEST FOR THE PYRAMID, YOU JUST HANDLE THESE METTLERS!! UNDERSTAND?!?!" "Yes sir, it will be done." Goku placed his two fingers on his forehead and vanished from Mientus' sight. Mientus smiled after seeing his slave's ability and thought to himself, "Goku, I might just keep you around after we achieve our goal. You could prove to be quite useful." ---------- All four Kais were on the Grand Kai's planet, arguing as usual. As the Grand Kai tried to monitor the discussion, the four Kais were more inclined to talk of each other's faults then the matter at hand. Currently, the West Kai was critizing King Kai's division of the fighters, while the South and East Kai disagreed about the timing of the attacks. "What do you think you're doing? How could you put Pikkon AND Adaku against Goku? Everyone knows my Pikkon or Adaku could easily take care of that weakling." the West Kai bragged. "Apparently someone wasn't thinking, hmmmm?" "Would you just SHUT UP!!" yelled King Kai. "Trust me, we're going to need everything we've got against those three saiyans." "What about the timing? Seems a little too soon for me." the East Kai added. "Are you kidding, should we just wait until Mientus has all the pyramids before we make our move?!?!" blurted the South Kai. "Please everyone, listen to me!" the Grand Kai interrupted. "Now, I put the North Kai in charge for a reason, so everyone will get their orders from him, understood?" "Yes, sir" they all said. "Okay, now that that is settled, what about lunch?" All four Kais fall down with their legs in the air, rubbing their heads. As they tried to get up, the Grand Kai added, "Okay then, how about brunch?" The four Kais again fell over. ---------- Baus and Tien entered the gravity room. Tien walked over to the generator and prepared to turn it on. Baus walked up to him and placed her hand on his, stopping him from activating the generator. "Tien," she spoke, "I want to know how strong you are before we train. I realize that you are not even close to your potential, but I must feel your energy signature to confirm my beliefs." Nodding, Tien stepped away from the generator and began to focus his energy. A white wall of energy formed around him, extending from the floor to his shoulders. As it started spinning, Tien clenched his fists and pulled his arms to his sides, bending his elbows. He let out a low moan that grew louder as he summoned his power. His ki danced around him as the wall increased in size. He shot his arms out, still bending his elbows, and began to scream. As his screams died down, the wall of ki disappeared and Tien was then surrounded by a pulsating white aura. He looked at Baus, who was staring at him with her arms crossed, and turned away from shame. He knew his power was nothing compared to hers. "As I thought, you are a Zantoutian. Your energy signature confirms it. Do not hang you head in shame, Tien. Now, you will finally understand what you are and what you are capable of." Tien looked at her with doubt in his eyes, yet for some reason, he believed every word she said. She took his hand and led him to the open area of the room. The two sat in meditation stance as she began to coach him on releasing his true power. "Close your eyes, Tien, and clear your mind. Think of nothing but the sound of my voice and the words that I speak. Tien, the reason that you are unable to increase your strength is because you did not go through the Ritual of Power. Currently, your strength is still in its infancy, like a child that never went through puberty. The ritual matures your strength, mind, and body. When we are finished, you will not be the same Tien that you are now. Are you ready to begin?" "...Yes, I am."
  23. Dragonball Omega Episode 17: Dark Times Trunks and Vegeta had warmed up enough. Now it was time to train. Vegeta began the session by charging Trunks. His son dodged the initial punch by swaying to the left, but was then subjected to a kick from Vegeta's left foot that connected with his ribs. Trunks let the momentum of the attack carry him to Vegeta's side, where he landed a punch to his father's arm. Vegeta spun around and kick again, but this time, his attack was blocked by Trunks right arm. He then threw a punch to Vegeta's face, but it was blocked as well. The two then began punching at each other with blinding speed. Neither one was able to capitalize on an attack. Trunks then jabbed at Vegeta's chest, only to have his fist caught by his father. Vegeta smiled as he pulled Trunks body towrds him and slammed his knee into his son's stomach. This gave him the opportunity to strike Trunks in the back with an elbow. Trunks screamed as Vegeta did not stop, further digging his elbow into Trunks' back. The young saiyan had had enough and began summoning his power. Vegeta was forced to end his attacks as he was blown back by his son's energy. "So I guess the warm-up is over, huh Trunks." Vegeta said, smiling at his son. "Lets go dad. I need to increase my power and we don't have much time to do it." "Very well, Trunks." Vegeta exhaled deeply as he pulled his elbows into his body, keeping his forearms in a perpendicular position. He clenched his fists and arched his back forward, as if he was going to ball up his body. Letting out a low hum, he pulled his arms above his head and screamed as he became a super saiyan. Still staring at Trunks, he said, "Fine son, you're right. Enough of this foolishness, it's time to get seroius." Having said that, Vegeta attacked Trunks again, and proceeded to crush his son. ---------- Tien and Baus sat in the cockpit, looking out into space. This was Tien's first trip into outer space and he was actually a little excited. He looked at Baus, who seemed lost in the vasness of space. He stared at her, realizing exactly how beautiful she is. "How can I spend the next week training with her," Tien thought to himself. "She's so pretty and strong ... and I'm just a weakling." Tien started to get angry when Baus turned to him. "Tien, what is your earliest memory?" she asked. "Um, that would be training under Tsuru Sennin, my first martial arts instructor. I really can't remember what happened before that." "Thats what I figured. Tien, I'm willing to bet that you aren't a human. Especially with your third eye. That is the trademark of the Zantoutians. I truely believe that you are one of them, and that you are not as weak as you think you are. You just need to be trained properly." "I've always questioned my background, but there was never anyone who could answer me. I'm glad I met you Baus. I think that you will be responsible for me reaching a new evolution in my life." Baus blushed as she looked out the window. "Tien," she thought, "after all this time, we finally meet at last. My prayers have at last been answered." She smiled and closed her eyes, resting until they would enter the gravity room. ---------- Goku tears through the abandoned tower. Although no one is there, he thought that the pryamid might be at Kame's Lookout. Finishing his search, Goku is upset when he finds nothing. "Darn!" He says outloud, "I thought for sure it would've been here. Oh well, at least I can take something precious away from those pitiful fighters." He floats above the lookout and extends his arms, hands clasped together. A small ball of energy begins to form in his palms and grows to an enormous size. He flashes a smile before it is unleashed, landing directly on top of the tower. A mushroom cloud forms as the blast destroys the top of the lookout. When the dust clears, what remains of the tower begins to crumble. Below the lookout, Korin braces himself as his home begins to fall apart. Yoshirobi looks on with fear as he sees who is responsible for the attack. Goku floats down and laughs at his two former friends. "Hello and ...GOODBYE!!" Goku yells. He straightens his arm, palm out, with another ki ball ready to fire. The two stare at Goku, unable to move as the energy attack hits Korin's place. Goku flys away as the two are desintigrated, laughing at what he had just done. ---------- Dende screams as he senses what just happened. The others look at him curiously, until Piccolo bows his head, mourning the two dead friends. "Korin, Yoshirobi ... no!" Piccolo says as the others realize what had just occured. Krillen clenches his fist, angrily, "This .. is .... insane! What are we supposed to do now?!" Everyone remains silent, even Adaku and Pikkon, until Piccolo straightens himself. He looks at the others and then looks at King Kai. "We fight! No more planning, no more strategy. Its time we showed these saiyans what we can do!"
  24. Dragonball Omega Episode 16: A Non-Violent Confrontation King Kai and the others watched as the shuttle left the Z-Fighters sight. When it couldn't be seen, action started in the cargo bay. Bulma worked hard to prepare the larger shuttle for launch. She figured that it would take her about a day to be ready to launch. Meanwhile, Piccolo, Pikkon, Adaku, and Ubuu were discussing a battle plan. "Right now, we know that the three of them are separated while they look for the Juricak Pyramind." Piccolo said, providing strategical information to the others. "If we attack Goten or Gohan, Goku can use his instant transmission and be there in a matter of moments, which would be a bad thing. If we attack Goku first, there would only be one opponent, but it would be Goku! So what are we to do?" "Where is Mientus?" Adaku asked. "We believe that he is still in the forest to the North, correct Piccolo?" answered King Kai. "Yes, but we cannot destroy him until we void his wishes." Piccolo responded. "If Goku, Gohan, and Goten were allowed to roam free, without anyone controling them, the results could be catastrophic." "Then what are we to do King Kai?" Ubuu demanded. "I'm not quite sure, Ubuu." answered King Kai. ---------- The ship has broken through the atmosphere and is now flying through the calmness of space. The four warriors have unstrapped themselves and are checking out the ship. Trunks sees the gravity room and notices its size. "Not very big, huh. It looks like only two people could spar in there comfortably." Vegeta responds, "Well then, thats what we will have to do, Trunks. You and I will team up and Tien and Baus will be partners. We will have twelve hour training days. When one pair trains, the other pair rests or meditates. We only have a week, so we need to get started." "Sounds good to me," Baus replied. "You two can start first. Tien and I will take over in twelve hours." Vegeta and Trunks nodded and stepped into the gravity room. Vegeta walked to the console and turned the machine on. The generator hummed as the gravity gauge on the side of the wall lit up. Trunks walked over to it and began turning the nob. He stopped it at one hundred and fifty times gravity. The generator hummed louder as the weight upon the two fighters was greatly increased. "I figure that this will make for a good warm-up," Trunks said. Vegeta smiled at his son and began stretching. Trunks looked around the room. It was completely isolated from the rest of the ship. The only windows were those that showed the deep space outside the ship. There was no area for Tien and Baus to look through, so all training would be confidential. "Father," Trunks said. "I want to become a super saiyan 2, and you are going to get me there. Understood." Vegeta smiled as he got in a fighting stance. "Good Trunks," he thought to himself. "We're going to need you stronger than you've ever been. I just hope that I'll be able to harness the true power that resides in me." ---------- Goku yawned as he continued his search for the Juracik Pyramid. "This is ridiculous," Goku said outloud. "I've already destroyed six villages, three towns, and a city. Where the heck is this thing? Ugh, and I'm soooo hungry!" (sigh) "Look another town, maybe they'll have it." Goku said sarcasticly. Goku flew down to the village and approached an old man. He tapped him on the shoulder a few times and the old man turned around. "Yes, sonny. What can I do for you?" "Do you own this restaurant?" Goku asked. "Oh yes sir, what can I get for you?" "All of your food, NOW!!" Goku demanded. "Do it or I'll destroy you and your restaurant." "I don't take threats lightly, you bully!" The old man shouted. "Just leave me alone!!" Goku tilted his head as he looked at the man. He then shot out his arm and plunged it into the chest of a man who was just walking by. Goku, never taking his eyes off the old man softly spoke, "You were saying, you old coot. NOW MAKE ME MY DINNER, OR ELSE!!" The old man cried as he ran inside to make Goku's dinner. Goku laughed as the people screamed around him. "I definitely am enjoying this whole evil thing," Goku thought to himself as he walked up to a young woman and snatched the apple she had been eating. As he gulped the apple in one bite, Goku shot a glance into the distant horizon. "What the HELL is he doing here!!" Goku said as the crowd cowered at his feet. "I wonder what he has up his sleeve. Maybe its time I paid them a visit." Saying this, Goku placed his index and middle finger on his forehead and disappeared in front of their eyes. He reappeared in front of the Capsule Corp. He walked inside, unnoticed, and leaned against a wall, hiding in the shadows. "I don't understand," Pikkon stated. "Goku is strong, but the four of us should be able to handle him without any problems. So, why don't we just find him and attack? Once he's gone, the other two should be no problem." "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!! Goku has increased his power greatly since you two last fought," Piccolo replied. "Trust me, Goku is too much for us to handle at this time." "I couldn't agree with you more, Piccolo." Everyone except Adaku and Pikkon froze when they heard that voice. Piccolo stood staring into nowhere as fear swept through his body. He turned around and saw Goku walking out of the shadows. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Goku asked slyly. "It looks like some sort of counter strike. Eh, King Kai." He walks up to Adaku, staring him right in the eyes. He then turns to King Kai while saying, "Cat got your tounge, teacher. You, of all people. If you weren't already dead, I'd break your neck." Goku now had an almost psychotic tone to his voice. He walked over to the remaining Z-Fighters and smiled at them. Chichi exited the room she had been crying in and saw her husband. Her tears of sorrow turned into tears of joy as she ran to Goku. "GOKU!! I new it was just a misunderstanding!" She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Goku stood still and then looked down at his wife. "You ..." he said sympatheticly, almost like his old self. Everyone gasped with hope as they thought the sight of his wife would bring him back to normal. Only one person seemed to notice how tightly his hands were clenched. Then that evil smile appeared on his face again. "...Are my next victim." He pulled his fist back and threw it at his wife. She looked at him, mortified, and then calmly closed her eyes. The punch was within an inch of her face and then there was nothing. Goku looked around to see what had just happened. To his left was Adaku, holding Chichi in his arms, looking at Goku with disdain. "You should either fight or leave, you monster." Angrily, Goku looked as if he was preparing to strike, but he then straightened himself and focused on King Kai. "I have more pressing matters to attend to, but trust me, you haven't seen the last of me yet. And You," he said, looking at Adaku, "You and I will meet each other again. I guarantee it." Goku placed his fingers on his head and teleported away. The Z-Fighters let out a sigh of relief when he left. "Well," King Kai said, breaking the silence, "That was sure intense."
  25. Dragonball Omega Episode 15: Reinforcements Arrive Gohan flew across the blue sky. He looked down at the vast forest, wondering how long this search would take. He flew past the outskirts of the forest and saw a small village. "Perfect," he thought. "Maybe one of the villagers knows where this thing is." Gohan landed in the center of town and called out to the villagers. They slowly began showing up until everyone was outside, standing around Gohan. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I am on a journey. I am looking for an onyx pyramid with three red lines on it. Have any of you seen this item?" Everyone in the crowd shook their head as they had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. Gohan sighed, "It's very important. I must know where it is." "I'm sorry, sonny." an old man responded, "You see, we're just simple people. We don't have any idea what the heck you're looking for." Gohan frowned while crossing his arms and said, "FINE!! If that?s the way you want it, then none of you are any use to me!!" He floated up about a hundred feet into the air, looking down at the village. Gohan extended his left arm and opened his palm, gathering energy for an attack. The villagers became uneasy when they saw that the man was flying. Gohan screamed as he released the energy wave. When it connected, a gigantic explosion occurred, releasing a shockwave that decimated the entire village. Nothing was left when the dust cleared. Gohan scoffed at the weakness of the villagers and left for the next village, hoping that they would be more helpful. ---------- Krillen, Tien, Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta, and Dende were landing at the Capsule Corporation when they sensed the blast caused by Gohan. Piccolo frowned as he thought about his friend performing such a violent act. "He's not supposed to be like this!!" Piccolo thought as he clenched his right fist. "He was the most good-hearted individual I've ever known ... But now,... he's nothing but a monster." Piccolo continued to show his anger as he gritted his teeth. Then something unexpected happened. Vegeta walked up to Piccolo and placed his hand on his shoulder. Piccolo saw this and looked suprisingly at the saiyan prince. Vegeta gave the Namek a sympathetic smile, patted him on the shoulder, and walked into the main Capsule building. Piccolo, along with everyone else, stood speechless, gawking at Vegeta as he walked away. "Man, this is getting really weird. Does anyone know what's up with Vegeta?" Krillen asked. "I'm not sure, Krillen," replied Trunks. "He's been acting kind of weird for a while, but not this bad. It's like he's not himself." "You're right Trunks," Piccolo thought to himself. "He seems to be acting more like ... Goku." Piccolo shrugged it off and turned to the other fighters, "Let's go inside," Piccolo suggested. "We need to prepare for the trip to New Namek." The others nodded in agreement and all of the fighters walked into the main building. Before they entered, a tremendous power entered the area. The fighters braced themselves, but were relieved to find out that it was Ubuu. He joined them as they proceeded into the building. Inside, Everyone was waiting for the returning warriors. As the six men entered the cargo bay, the others, who had been waiting patiently, greeted them. Bulma looked at her son and ran to him, "I'm so glad you're not hurt. I was so worried about you." As soon as she spoke she realized that Chichi was behind her. Chichi sobbed quietly to herself until Yamcha put his arm around her shoulder and took her to the next room. "She's been crying all day, but she has a lot to cry about." Master Roshi said as he walked up to the six fighters. There was a brief moment of silence until Roshi spoke again, "So, what's the plan?" Suddenly, King Kai materialized in front of everyone. After a few moments, his three fighters appeared directly behind him. The Z-Fighters looked at their reinforcements, wondering if they were strong enough. Pikkon walked forward to stand in front of Piccolo. "I've heard a lot about you Piccolo. I'm Pikkon and this is Adaku and Baus. Adaku and I will assist you in defending this planet. Baus will be the one that accompanies the others to New Namek." Piccolo grinned at Pikkon. "Something tells me that you and I will get along just fine, Pikkon." Bulma stared at the newly arrived fighters, speechless, until King Kai approached her, "You are Bulma, correct?" "Oh, yes sir." "Good, is the ship ready?" "Yes it is. I've made some special modifications after I finished preping it. The trip should only take a few days now." "Excellent, Bulma." King Kai then cleared his throat and everyone grew silent. "The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate our efforts into two fronts. Please hold all questions until I'm finished. The first team will travel to New Namek and contact Guru. He will assist you in canceling out the wish. Vegeta, Trunks, Tien, and Baus will be traveling to New Namek. The second team will try to keep the saiyan trio from finding the Third Juricak Pyramid. The pyramids are keys for the Gate of Juracik, and one of them is on Earth. If it is opened, then an unstoppable evil will be unleashed on our universe for ten thousand years, so your job is extremely important. Now, any questions?" "What the heck is all this Juricak stuff?!?!" Krillen asked nervously. "A long time ago, the universe was plagued by darkness," explained King Kai. "A society called the Magstadt Empire ruled during this time with a iron fist. Hope was non-existent at this time in the universe. That is, until people began to control their spiritual energy. Through this, the Kai's were first formed. Together, with the help of a brave warrior named Jonhua Juricak, we were able to seal up the Magstadt Empire in a different dimension, behind the Gate of Juricak, which got it's name because Jonhua valiently sacrificed his own life to ensure that they were trapped forever. The four keys for the gate were placed in four different planets in the Four Quadrants. Mientus already has the key from the West Quadrant and the East Quadrant. That is why we must stop him now. If he opens the gate, darkness will reign for another ten thousand years. Any other questions?" "If the gate was open, couldn't we just fight the Magstadt?" Piccolo asked. "No, Piccolo, the Magstadt are a dark spiritual race that can invade your body and take over your will," King Kai answered. "Their dark ways would infect generations for eons until the spirits of light could begin to resist their influence." Everyone stared at King Kai for a minute, speechless from what they had just heard. Vegeta then broke the silence. "How long will they be able to stay?" Vegeta asked, pointing to the new fighters. "When Kakarot returned years ago, he was only given one day." "These fighters have been given free passage by the Grand Kai." King Kai replied. "They will be able to fight as long as they can or until it is over." Baus looked at the all of the Z-Fighters, attempting to determine their strengths. Then, she glanced at Tien. Her jaw dropped as she focused on him. Tien noticed that the beautiful warrior was staring at him and began to feel uneasy. "Ummm, hello?" Tien asked. "You!" Baus said, pointing at Tien, "You're a Zantout, are you not?" "Huh?" "You look like you are a Zantoutian, a race from the South Quadrant. If you are, then you must have incredible power." Tien blushed and the frowned, "No... I'm nothing compared to the saiyans. Human's just can't increase their power as easily as they can." "Well, we have a couple of days to train before we arrive at New Namek. By then I'll be sure to show you what you are truely capable of doing. Okay?" "Umm, sure!?" Tien said, blushing again. Vegeta cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Bulma, is the ship ready for departure?" "Yes, Vegeta. Everything has been taken care of." "Good, we must leave now. Trunks, Tien, and Baus, say your goodbyes, we leave for New Namek." Vegeta walks over to the fighters who will remain on Earth. "Piccolo, Ubuu, Adaku, and Pikkon. Good luck to all of you." "Same to you Vegeta." Piccolo answered. Vegeta nodded and walked over to Bulma who was saying goodbye to Trunks. Trunks finished his goodbyes and waited by the ship. "Bulma, I will see you soon. Be sure that you get that other ship ready as soon as possible. Sorry, I was a little hard on it while I was training." Bulma began crying and threw here arms around her husband. "Be careful Vegeta. I don't want to lose you like Chichi lost Goku." Vegeta embraced his wife for a minute and then softly pushed her away. He smiled at her as he boarded the ship, followed by the others. The four warriors secured themselves for take-off and readied the ship. Everyone else left the bay and moved to the control room. There, they watched as the ship took off and began its journey to New Namek.
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