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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim awoke to the sun streaming onto his eyelids, a practice that annoyed him at the best of times. Raeven not being there didn't help this situation's chances at being the best of times. He stood up slowly, deciding his first course of action would be to find his clothes. That done, the second course of action was to find Raeven. Or to leave her to her own devices, and deal with certain other things. But that could probably wait for a while. He crossed the threshhold and went left, a high ceilinged, wide, flat floored hut in mind. It actually took him a while to remember where it was... He found it in short order, empty as expected. He stepped inside and immediately over to one wall, the one that held his secondary stock of weapons. He selected a pair of shang gaos, and started a light kata. The movements, graceful through long practice, helped clear his mind, and let him think through the situation he was in with far more clarity than normal. He was in trouble. This creature had come into his life, corrupted his solitude, disturbed the precarious balance he managed to maintain with this place, and most of all, gotten inside his personal feelings. He was in trouble, but he didn't care. That was the crux.[/font][/color][/I]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Don't know exactly why I heard about this, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Name: Vyrim Rae: returned Bio: Died quite a long time ago, and hasn't really regretted it. Anything else isn't really relevant, and I have no idea what you're talking about anyway.[/font][/color]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Flynn Thomas Arthur Mitchell Age: 15 and less than happy with most people my age... DOB: 15 September 1987 Location: Highfields, QLD, Australia One Word: Either blase, or perhaps just "eldritch". Occupation: Very, very little. Color: Black Food: Pizza, though I eat very very little of anything as it is. Beverage: Water. Alter Ego: Eric Draven... Dream Job: Biochemist, book reviewer Self-Proclaimed: Goth Ethnicity: Irish (Celtic), Scandanavian, Chinese and English. Extracurricular: Not much that's actually through school. Hobby: Tae Kwon Do, music, Raven, books. Dessert: Meh. Musician: Warren Zevon or J. Mascis. Yeah...that's right. Warren Zevon. Group: The Tea Party Mac or PC? Mac for the OS. PC for the availability of software... Nics: Harlequin. Blog: I'll think about it Home Page: Not worth the time Religion: Athiestic existential nihilistic nyctophilic eremophile! Taste the pain *****! Book: Anything by Janny Wurts or Anne Rice, or Blood Ritual by Frances Gordon. Collections: No. Stay away from me. Sport: Tae Kwon Do? Won't Eat: A hell of a lot of things. Particularly cheese cake. TV Show: Life Support. Words to live by: After everything now this.... Or better yet, charcoal lighter fluid and a match ought to fix this. Or the good old "Sociopathic apathy: I'd kill you if I cared" Addicted to: Raven Comic: None. Movie: The Crow, Dark City, Donnie Darko. ...They say you shouldn't reveal your real name and such online. But really, is anyone sad enough to hunt down someone like me?[/font][/color]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim looked down at her, his breathing laboured, hesitant, and slowly getting heavier. The staff hit the deck and clattered unnoticed away. Vyrim reached out and stroked her face and she looked up, then suddenly stood up. Impulsively, he picked her up and carried her inside, kissing her neck and tracing her bare stomach, slowly moving downwards, tracing its way down her thigh. She shivered, and he ran his fingers down the side of her leg, and back upwards, tracing over her ***, causing her to suddenly gasp. He layed her down on the makeshift bed, kissing the side of her face, running his fingers up and down her stomach. She suddenly grabbed his head, kissed him fervently, wrapped her other arm around him, and did the same with her legs. Vyrim gasped, and suddenly collapsed. Raeven's only response was a wicked smile, as she arranged Vyrim in a position of repose and lay beside him, making sure to stay quite close to him.[/font][/color][/I]
  5. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Ancient Force: Diablos Power: Gravity Attack: (I'll get around to it) Incarnation: Ciiahn Gender: Male Supposed age: 21 Trade: Ninja (Throw) Weapon: Claws Appereance: Six foot tall, slender, wears a black dobuk. Eyes are grey, as is most of his skin. He blackens his lips and the area around his eyes. Hair is just past his shoulders, and raven black.[/font][/color]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim leapt to his feet upon hearing the crack, hoping it wasn't Raeven. Raeven was in good form, weaving the bo through her hands, snaking it out to strike the thing again and again. From a horizontal primary spin, she came across with a sideslash, slightly above the creature's head height. It folded its top set of arms backwards, and Vyrim took the opportunity. He leapt forward, grabbing the arms and lifting his leg, slamming his knee into the creature's spine. He pulled back sharply and snapped both arms, then dropped it to the ground. Raeven slid forward, slamming the butt of the staff into the creature's throat. It gurgled, then died. Vyrim dragged the thing off the edge, and nearly followed it as Raeven's arms shot around him from behind. He turned in her embrace, and gasped at the beauty of the magnficent creature that had encaptured him.[/font][/color][/I]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven decided that this was probably the time to actually do something. The dragon, drooping and not really that responsive, was in no position to react as Raven, in typical reckless style, ran up the thing's tail, leapt over the spines that guarded its neck, and landed between its eyes. The dragon shook its head slightly, nearly dislodging Raven. He grabbed onto an outcrop of scale and held on, swinging back onto its snout. The dargon's wagonwheel sized eyes were in front of him. He threw his dagger into the air, and caught it by the blade. He stabbed the skull shaped pommel into one of those great eyes, the dagger aurating the air around it an inky blackness. The lifeforce, an etheric energy as opposed to what Alastuin had stolen, flowed into him, and he leapt off. He hit the ground and let the stolen lifeforce absorb the shock. [/I] Raven: Well, we have a dehydrated, necrolysing, half blind dragon. Anyone feel like just leaving it to walk into a few mountains?[/font][/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]I can take it one further, Pressure. I saw a documentary (Dateline, I think) a few years ago about a boy & a girl who were affiliated with a certain type of the Biblical religion (can't remember what it was) who had made the vow to never [i]touch[/i] each other until they were married. They always sat at least a foot and a half (I'm estimating here) apart so they wouldn't accidentally touch. Their once-a-week dates were chaperoned. I couldn't believe it! At first I was like "dear God!" But then the footage of their wedding was shown. They were so blissfully in love & held hands the whole time after the ceremony. Just the act of holding hands was made so special because of their vow. It was the sweetest thing, and at the end I envied them. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=gothic][color=crimson]Ever see that movie The Girl In The Sneakers? I actually haven't, but from what I've read, it's set in Iran, and basically the plot is that a teenage girl and a teenage male walk through a park together, then get thrown in jail because they were unchaperoned. Apparently it's based on a true story. Sweet, maybe in some cases. But not neccessarily.[/font][/color]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven, who was still a good twenty metres behind everyone else, slipped outwards and sidled along, the dragon deciding that roaring at people and generally making an idiot of itself would be preferable to actually biting someone. As Raven came up behind it though, he found it out was also partial to tail lashing. Raven, knocked down but not out, was far less than happy.[/I] Raven: Yeah? Well **** you! [I]The dragon stopped mid lash, mid roar. No one here was really an expert at reading reptillian features, but the consensus would have been that it looked surprised. It turned around, outraged that someone would act like that towards it. It slammed a claw down, which Raven easily avoided. It lunged forward, jaws slamming together.[/I] Raven: This is everyone else's cue to do something to it while it's not looking, by the way. [I]His dagger spinning into his hands, Raven dove forward darting in under a huge talon and stabbing his dagger in under the edge of a foot wide scale. Sending a burst of negative energy through the blade, he ripped the scale off, and darted back out, holding the makeshift shield in his left hand. The dragon roared, and sent a fireball flying towards Raven. The shield came up, and the fire, unable to penetrate such protection, fizzled out.[/I] Raven: Didn't see that one coming, did you?[/font][/color]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven's respone was soft, and no one except him heard it. He was a good twenty metres behind everyone else, so that wasn't surprising.[/I] Raven: Everything my dear. [I]He sighed, and trudged after the disparate group, noting the glance Capernicus shot at her, then back at him. He flatly raised an eyebrow in response, and made sure to keep well behind all of them.[/font][/color][/I]
  11. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Whatever was outside wasn't happy. Ignoring his unclad state, more concerned about his unarmed state, Vyrim went to investigate, though it was incredibly hard to tear himself away from the goddess that inhabited his bed. He felt Raeven's eyes on him, and smiled softly, a last hint of mirth before he stepped outside. He supposed the extra moonlight would actually make him look better. And then, he would be giving her a show... A tall, spindly apelike creature, with the features of a rat, stood outside, screaming at him. A difficult thing to kill, mainly because of its spider like arms. There were six of them, not including the protusions it stood upon, and they hinged backwards rather than forwards, allowing to make horribly powerful crushing strikes and side swings. And lean backwards in a very annoying way. Infuriated, and more than eager to get this out of the way, he took to the air, twisting sideways and coming in with a right leg sidekick. Before his foot and left the creature's torso, his left leg came in with another side kick. The creature moved with the blow, unfazed. Not having any resistance to push off, Vyrim landed basically on top of the thing, bearing it to the ground. From this position, with nowhere to move its arms, it was vulnerable. He simply started punching the thing, hoping that it would stay down. Of course, it didn't, throwing him off, and nearly over the edge. This would be annoying.[/font][/color][/I]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven, conversely, stared at Alastuin. He had a sudden idea, and automatically acted on it. He cut the life, momentarily, from her legs.[/I] Raven: Good thing you didn't try. If you couldn't even fall that far... [I]Alastuin got up, rubbing her legs to return the feeling. The others didn't even stop, they simply kept walking. Raven stopped and companionably helped her up. He expected her to try and trip him, but she failed somewhat. He steadied her as she overbalanced, wrapping his arms fully around her.[/I] Raven: Interesting choice of actions. [I]He let her go half a second before she moved, and stepped back, but got an elbow to the ribs anyway.[/I] Raven: You win some, you lose some.[/font][/color]
  13. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim suddenly surged upwards, kissing her with more intensity. Initially surprised, Raeven responded in kind. She shivered with how much he wanted her, thought she wasn't quite sure what he wanted. Suddenly, she found herself lying on her back, his mouth no longer pressed to her. She gasped, and let out a small whimper of longing, that quickly turned into a moan, his lips closed over his neck, his tongue slowly tracing its way over her soft skin. It was different to kissing, but still incredible. His mouth lingered, but not for too long, tracing down her neck, touching her collarbone, then jumping down to her stomach. All of a sudden, he was kissing bare skin, as intervening cloth was swept away. She gasped, and grabbed his head, instinctively knowing what she wanted. She pulled his head upwards, his tongue hesitantly flicking out to touch her breast, his hand coming up to stroke her stomach. She gasped again, and pulled his head down, and he latched onto her more firmly.[/font][/color][/I]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]The scaffolding had a ladder on the inside, and Raven wasted no time in climbing it. Upon reaching the top, he immediately investigated the small hut-like structure. It was spare, a window on each wall with a small bench to sit on underneath each one. A table in the centre, dusty except for a single square. Probably for maps. Alastuin joined him, annoyed that there was nothing interesting, asiding the view. They looked out at the stone structure. It wasn't very interesting, or clear, at this range. Raven got bored quickly, and looked downwards. His following remark was....suggestive.[/I] Raven: That's quite a fall. [I]Alastuin looked at him in something akin to consternation.[/font][/color][/I]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Vyrim: Love my dear. An overwhelming affection, a newfound sense of purpose that illuminates all facets of life in a concatenation of happiness. Something that gives everything meaning, something that makes life worth living no matter what. Raeven: Like...winning a fight? Vyrim: Much more intense my dear, and much more varied. Love permeates everything, and you don't need to do anything to inspire it, or feel it. It comes naturally. Raeven: I don't understand. Vyrim: You will. Just remember, Love isn't physical. [I]He reached up and gently pulled her head down, kissing her neck softly. She moaned again, softer, but more intense, this time.[/font][/color][/I]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]I stood up slowly, not quite certain what the ****er wanted. He had the bald head, and uncertain look, of someone who'd just awoken. And like some, he didn't look happy. Especially about being naked. And he looked like he was going to take it out on me. Dumbass. He stumbled forward, still uncertain and probably half blind. As his pretty damn futile swing showed. I stepped back, bending down and picking up a long piece of metal pipe. A single, somewhat more effective swing, and the idiot fell over. I walked away, shaking my head. People were stupid. And life was hard. Ah well.[/font][/color][/I]
  17. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven, with his long stride, caught up to Alastuin in only a few easy paces, before pointedly shortening his strides.[/I] Raven: Interesting top. [I]Alastuin made a note of ignoring him, assuming it to be another innuendo, or perhaps an insult.[/I] Raven: No really, I'm serious. Would I be able to borrow it sometime? [I]That got him an incredulous look.[/I] Raven: Score one to my side.[/font][/color]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Vyrim: No, not tired. Content, happy. Raeven: Happy? Vyrim: Everything's beautiful, everything's fine. Raeven: Is something wrong? Vyrim: Come here and I'll show you how little anything is wrong... [I]She was slightly uncertain, and more than slightly scared, but she moved closer anyway. He took her back into his arms, wrapping them tightly around her. He marvelled at her eyes and face for a moment, then rejoined his lips to hers. He slowly inched his tongue forward, sliding in between her lips in almost ...welcome? He traced the inside of her mouth, causing her to let out a soft sound he could almost swear was a giggle. He smiled at her, and kissed her again. Softly, but with passion. It was her turn to let out a moan, this one in almost surprise. He pulled back a moment, muttering something before kissing her again.[/I] Vyrim: You have a lot to learn. My love.[/font][/color]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Raven: Down. [I]The reason for this unhelpful comment was not apparent until Alastuin found herself lying on the ground, looking up at Raven's smiling face. She glared at him, an effect slightly ruined by the sun in her eyes. Raven freed his boots of the constraining earth, shaking dust all over her. He immediately apologised, somewhat profusely, and was nice enough to help her up and brush her off. She immediately ran her hands over her back, certain he had put something nasty down her shirt. No such luck. Raven watched her soberly, as she eventually settled down, glaring at him suspiciously.[/I] Raven: You know, this would be a much more enjoyable trip if you would just loosen up...in relation to me. [I]Alastuin's eyes opened in indignation at the innuendo. Raven smiled mockingly, and bowed. Alastuin chose to ignore him.[/font][/color][/I]
  20. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raeven suddenly rolled over, facing him with sudden...anxiety? She looked at him in deadly seriousness, and there was no small amount of confusion in her myriad eyes. She seemed lost. Her hand slowly came up, and lingered in the space between their faces for an agonising, too long moment. At last it settled, hesitantly coming to rest on the side of Vyrim's face. It sat there, motionless, Raeven looking at him in almost desperation. He smiled gently, and her fingertips slowly drifted over his skin. His smile relaxed slightly, his eyes closing ever so little. As content as she had seen him so far. With growing confidence, she stroked his face, staring into his half-open eyes. He shifted slightly, and she withdrew her hand, startled. He grinned at her, in joyous amusement. He wrapped an arm around her, and drew her closer to him. One hand came up to stroke her soft skin, marvelling at the velvet under them. The other slowly ministrated the skin on her back, causing her to shiver. She looked up slowly, almost frightened. She opened her mouth to speak, lips caressing the air in something that could not be denied. Before she could even expel the air from her lungs in that almost husky half-breath that preceeded her tintillating speech, his lips met hers, meeting in a hesitant ecstasy.[/font][/color][/I]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim unthinkingly wrapped his arms around her, comforting her as she wept. She settled down quickly, merely lying in his arms for a while. Confused, he sat motionless, probably overly still. She didn't seem to notice, drifting back into sleep again, or at least appearing to. He had a feeling she'd wake up again once the next lot of meat was cooked. Which would probably be very soon. Until then.. He slowly lowered himself down, being careful not to disturb her. He lay motionless behind her, with her snuggling up against his chest. He was sharply aware of how nice her hair smelt.[/I] Vyrim: So are you...Painfully so it seems. [I]Raeven, if she was awake, didn't respond.[/font][/color][/I]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim looked up, startled. Normally the ichor they exuded was green...that wasn't them. He sighed, leaping up and grabbing a rafter. Using the momentum, he swung himself up, kicking a section of roof out. As he started to fall, he caught the roof with his boots, the spikes failing to pierce the thick leather. He pulled himself up by those boots, anyway, standing on the spikes without a hint of lost balance. Of course, having a connection with air helped... He walked slowly, cautiously over to the bleeding Raeven, picking her up gently, and walking over to the side of the roof, jumping to the platform rather than the hole. He'd have to fix or find that soon... He landed easily, Raeven letting out a slight moan of pain. The spikes weren't long, about a centimetre long, and no vital part of her body was pierced. Everything above the shoulders appeared to be fine in fact. Vyrim set her down, and started doctoring her, a change really. He was tempted to think she had it coming...[/font][/color][/I]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Raven decided that if it came down to either Sakura's little menagerie of the willing or the recalcitrant Alastuin...He'd take his chances with the pernicious little minx. Alastuin, of course... He walked off after her, finding her standing facing away, arms folded. He walked up to her, folding his arms across her shoulders and putting his head on one side, quite close to her ear.[/I] Raven: So, what brings you here this fine morn? [I]When the expected elbow to the stomach didn't come, Raven relaxed his stomach muscles. Then she stomped his instep. He bit off a curse, and didn't move.[/I] Raven: Ah, but it shall take more than such a grevious blow to deter me from your eyes fair maid. [I]He was greeted with a glimpse of those eyes as it were, framed by a quite high eyebrow. Her incredulous expression lasted a second or so, then reset into general antipathy.[/I] Raven: Ah well, I tried.[/font][/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i] [B][color=purple][size=1]For some reason.. That just strikes me as something Harlequin would enjoy.. As for "practice".. He doesn't need any.. o_O; He's an amazing kisser.. -goes weak in the knees- Yet.. He sometimes suprises me as he tries to deep throat me with his tongue.. Where as.. I've been labeled as a tease.. Because I barely flick his tongue with mine on occasion.. This results in a softer, more intimate kiss, and rarely do the people around us.. Ever realize that a tongue was even inserted into either mouth.. :angel: I'm a good girl after all..[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=gothic][color=crimson]We tried that a few times....It ended up in a kiss somewhat "worse" (and I use the term very, very lightly, and not from our point of view) than we normally ever would have experienced in public. Ah well, we didn't complain too much. As for the girl comment....hey, whatever lights your fire. We're pretty open minded, you know.[/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim absently flexed the muscles in the forearm, wondering exactly why she liked it. He decided to ignore it for now, the implications not being something he'd dwell on comfortably. He walked outside, taking a quick glance out to determine how usual it was. Not the usual menagerie of creatures, but savage nevertheless. Just wait till breeding season/s.... He walked past the enraptured Raeven, intending to get some more food. When he came back with another side of meat, she was still sitting there, though only a decimated husk of the creature in question remained. [/I] Vyrim: Ahem. ... Vyrim: Ahem. ... [I]He gave up, and simply started cooking the meat. She'd be in in a minute he assumed. If nothing else, he simply through the piece of meat out to her. She'd get the point.[/font][/color][/I]
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