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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Feeling the ache in his back, Raven fought the urge to do something about it via those around him. It would probably get messy if he did. Especially with Capernicous. That was enough as it was... Someone shook him slightly, murmering in his name in a low tone. He opened his eyes and growled something under his breath. The sunlight needed work. Much of it negative in nature. He heard a muttered comment from someone else about the weather, and agreed in a somewhat shortnatured tone. The girl above him, Sakura he worked out through his clearing eyesight, muttered something about getting that reaction a lot. Raven looked around, noting the other's weren't in much better shape, at least mentally. Alastuin was glaring at just about everything. Raven caught her eye, and glared back, just to work out some of the tension.[/I] Alastuin: Well? Raven: I'm complaining about the heat. Alastuin: I'll give you that. Raven: Grudgingly.[/font][/color]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Vyrim: I advise you to let go. [I]For a strange instant, Raeven thought he was talking to the bug creature. Then she realised what he meant, rolling away from the creature. As soon as she was clear, the creature bore forward, pushing Vyrim back. Vyrim went easily, giving ground. It kicked him once, going for the kneecap. He leapt, avoiding the kick and allowing the creature to push him back further. As they neared the door, Vyrim's skin fired with blue lightning, that shot into the creature. It spasmed once, and Vyrim used the sudden lack of resistance to throw the thing outside, over the edge. It hit the ground with a satisfying crunch. Vyrim checked anyway, letting off a few bolts to make sure. It didn't do anything more than an involuntary twitch. He walked back inside, more concerned with whether Raeven was hurt. She appeared to be fine.[/I] Raeven: I assume that happens often? Vyrim: All the time. Letting gravity do the work is much easier than actually killing them. It's just difficult when they can fly. It takes a little shock to prompt them into dying. Raeven: So this is easy for you? Vyrim: Doing that? Fighting the thing was easy. The electricity was a fair bit more difficult. Listening to the creature go away is hard. Raeven: What? Vyrim: You'll see. I advise you not to go out there though. [I]There was a sickening crack, like someone had stepped on a bettle. Then a few more sounds, many of them wet...[/font][/color][/I]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Flynn Age: 15 Height: 5"9 Eye color: Blue/grey/green. Hair color: Black Life Bio inside the Matrix: I was a highschool student with not enough motivation to match what ability I had. I never studied, and acheived reasonable marks anyway. I never really thought I'd do anything with my life anyway, so I never really tried. My only real interests were Tae Kwon Do and my girlfriend. Time of awakening: A few months now, long enough for my hair to grow back decently. Equipment: I've been scavenging for a while now, and has picked up some semi decent stuff. A pair of black cotton jeans, slightly faded. A black t-shirt with a white flash design on the back, and a pair of black boots. Nothing in good condition, but it's all sturdy.[/font][/color]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I wasn't referring to quality, but more longwindedness. I have no problem with the quality. I was under the impression I was kind of an unoffical member anyway....But I'm willing to take "the final step".[/font][/color]
  5. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Hehehehe....You're all still a bunch'a newbies at heart at times. Trust me, you think this ending was long winded, go take a look at Latham Adytum. By the way, ignoring John's epligoue is one thing, trying to keep Lacroix in one place is another. I owe Canada alright, but probably for The Tea Party and The Crash Test Dummies. Eh. I'll give it to you anyway. So anyway, when are you all getting back into rping? This place has been boring without you all.[/font][/color]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim returned sometime later, after his daily rounds of making large nasty things go away. When he found Raeven in a heap on the floor, he was somewhat concerned, but a quick check revealed she was merely unconscious. He'd work on why later. He picked her up and layed her on the bed, noting the smile on her face. She made a slight noise as he set her down, almost a scraping. Then something struck him hard from behind. He stumbled forward, nearly tripping over Raeven's inert body. Currently unarmed, he spun anyway, to find himself facing one of the rarer creatures of the place. Somewhat insectoid, it was only about five feet tall, with clear membraneous wings protruding out of a chitinous carapace. It was black and green, long green lines down its flanks. The idea of warnings on frogs suddenly jumped into Vyrim's mind. The things arms, all three of them, had a hard, calloused edge that would easily break bone. A long winding tail whipped around behind it. Vyrim needed a weapon. He inched back, running into Raeven's body again. His heel hit something slightly harder than he expected, and he remembered Raeven appropriating some of his weapons. Without taking his eyes off the creature, he reached down, fumbled around for a while, and pulled out a long dagger. Raeven's eyes opened, wide with indignation. She struck out without thinking, hitting Vyrim's legs. Vyrim fell, fending off a wild strike from the creature. Raeven finally noticed, and threw Vyrim off her. Vyrim hit the wall, wondering exactly how this could happen to him.[/font][/color][/I]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Dreaming of fighting? What was she talking about....oh. Vyrim understood, and decided that that kind of behaviour would be the kind of thing he would likely do something about if he ever came across. If he could get the location of this palace out of her eventually, perhaps he'd pay them a small visit, and show them how a druidic member of his race could get very, very annoyed. And nasty. For now though... Raeven shifted slightly, and Vyrim gasped. She was freezing, and the blankets didn't seem to be helping. He rolled her onto her side, facing away from him, and moved in close behind her, wrapping his arms against the safe point of her stomach. He let fire run through him, slowly warming himself and the bed around them. She slowly started to lose her deathly chill. When he moved back slightly, she even moved backwards to remain close to him. She started shaking, and not from the cold. Suddenly, she rolled over, instinctively wrapping her arms around him, and weeping into his shoulder. He held her tightly, absently running his fingers over her scarred back. How strange that she should be so rough, and his skin abnormally smooth. He thought nothing of her body as she pressed against him, only of her grief. Her back warmed under his flame touched fingers, ands he slowly quietened. He pulled his head away from hers slightly, looking into her eyes. One hand came up, and he lightly brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek. Her eyes widened slightly, she obviously had no idea what he was doing. She became even more confused when he gave her a slight smile and whispered for her to go to sleep. He leant forward, and lightly touched his black lips to her pale skin. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and lost, then they slowly closed, as she went into a deep, normal sleep, her arms tightly around his torso.[/font][/color][/I]
  8. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Despite his earlier alien behaviour, Vyrim's reaction to her aggressive behaviour was something she could relate to. His hands shot up in a strange openhanded stance, one that held his left hand extended, elbow only slightly bent, his right hand palm upwards just under his left pectoral muscle. Without moving his hands, he drew his legs up and pushed himself to his feet, his eyes never leaving hers. His stance was low, easy and confident. He was obviously skilled in hand to hand combat. Surely he was no match for a trained Raikishi. Raeven sprang forward, her nails scything for his eyes. Vyrim's feet didn't even twitch. His left hand angled in downwards, deflecting her strike, then folded back up in a backslap that caught her across the face. Surprised at his sudden speed, she missed him sliding forward, the ball of his right palm striking the centre of her collarbone. It was a move that bought space, not damage, and Raeven knew it, and knew Vyrim knew she knew it.[/I] Vyrim: I'll not hurt you, unless you force me to. [I]Raeven shook her head, uncertain. Vyrim took a small step forward, hands lowering. Raeven took it wrong, and kicked out, following it up with two fast strikes to the chest. Disabling on a normal opponent, merely annoying on one as practiced as Vyrim. He fell back, pushing his fingers into pressure points on his muscles to undo the paralysation she threatened them with. She snarled at him, and lunged again. This time, Vyrim was more than ready. His left arm pulled back, right crossing over it, then deflecting up. He caught her wrist and twisted her around, catching her other wrist with his left hand. He pushed her hard against the wall, pressing his body up against hers to eliminate any possible leverage she could gain. He stood there a long moment, breathely heavily in anger more then exhaustion, acutely aware of her. And again, he knew she knew just how away of her she was. At last he stepped back, releasing her hands. She spun, moving to attack him, only to find him standing there with his arms folded behind his back, head bowed slightly. She hesitated, thinking it a ploy, and feinted. Vyrim didn't move. She grew a little bolder, and slashed at his face with her nails. It raked a bloody swathe along his cheek. Asiding the slight movement of his head, he didn't react. Raeven stepped back, confused. Vyrim looked up, and caught her eyes.[/I] Vyrim: I will not hurt you. [I]He turned, walked over to her pallet, and picked up the blanket, throwing it over his shoulder. She made a small, hesitant noise of thanks, and he waited a minute or two before turning around. He sat down on one of the chairs, face in his hand.[/I] Vyrim: I apologise.[/font][/color]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim looked at her, settling down slightly, eyes moving over her exposed skin. Memory moving over the exposed skin he had seen previously... He cut that thought off, slightly uncomfortable with thinking about her body while she slept, and he sat there staring at her. It slipped back into his head anyway, and not just for the strange scars. He sat silent and brooding for a few minutes, then jumped to his feet, trying to clear his head through action. He walked outside onto the platform, leaping over the gap and following one of the walkways down to one of his storerooms, that held several pallets. He dragged one up, keeping an eye out for assorted creatures the entire time. A few wandered past, two glared up at him, but none of them could reach the high walkway, and they knew better than to try. When he returned, Raeven was still asleep. He lofted the pallet across the chasm, and followed easily. When he took the pallet inside, he made sure to lay it as far from the other one as he could. Even so, the gap was still very small. Vyrim sighed at that and lay down, facing away from the sleeping Raeven with steadfast determination, and made himself lapse quickly into sleep, not difficult considering the morning, his wound, and the previous night. His dreams were pleasant, but not exactly quiet.[/font][/color][/i]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Illustrational purposes only my dear Mnemolth. Of course you can't kiss for that long in normal circumstances in public. But that only applies in public.[/font][/color] [quote][I]Originally posted by Mnemolth[/I] I'll believe that when I see it[/quote] [font=gothic][color=crimson]Why Mnemmy, I never knew you felt that way about us...And I would never have thought you the kind that liked to watch.[/font][/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic] - professional kissers ALWAYS know who is within range of vision [/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'd think that about covered it actually. And as for the rest of that post....hubwa?[/font][/color]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim nodded, and let the matter rest. He sank down on the floot, sprawled out really, unconcerned. The wound didn't appear to be bothering him much at all. Raeven was looking at the wall, but didn't appear to be seeing it. She looked pained, and not by anything physical. Vyrim decided that leaving the matter alone until she chose to talk about it was the best course of action. He waited a few minutes before breaking the silence.[/I] Vyrim: When I was a druid, we marked our progress through several things. Either the creatures we could defeat single handedly, the creatures we could dominate, the elements we could control, or life force we could manipulate. Unfortunately for the last one, certain people got a little...enthusiastic about manipulating other people's life force in varous ways. A lot of those other people being less than willing females who suddenly had a change of heart. [I]Raeven gave a questioning look. Vyrim shook his head, and raised his hand, fingers splayed. He brought them together, then splayed them again. This time a stream of crackling silver lightning linked them at each knuckle.[/I] Vyrim: Elements were my speciality. I was very specialised too. Which, unfortunately, led to a certain disagreement with the people who decided life force was fun to play with. A very hot and cold argument, one could say. It lead to a portion of the Great Tree suffering a fair bit of fire damage. Of course, the Archdruids were happy that I'd gotten rid of the miscreants, but burning the tree was unforgivable. It was their fault anyway. I just took the fall. Actually, they did fall as I remember. But that was a little more physical. We also had warnings, as a side not. Those who fought beasts wore necklaces of teeth and claw, one ambitious fellow I knew had a belt made of basilisk skin. As I remember, he used to punch people, and people fell over. But, he couldn't unflex his fingers for some strange reason.... Those who dominated creatures tended to be accompanied by them, which lead to some interesting fights. I saw a battle between a dire tiger and a naga once. Very interesting. Those of us who played with elements often had some kind of elemental ornament. Mine was this... [I]Vyrim closed his eyes a second, and his long hair stood on end. He opened his eyes, and black lightning crackled up between the strands, moving upwards then disappating, reforming near his skull. It also danced over his skin, shooting from one body part to another if they got to close.[/I] Vyrim: Impressive, no. I remember this dwarf who had a great connection with the earth. He was also, being a dwarf, quite short. He used to have the earth form stilts for him as he walked. So basically he walked along quite normally, and the earth rose up underneath him like liquid, then seamlessly slid back down behind him, without ever displacing anything. Right up until a half-elf jester who happened to be staying with us was doing some acrobatics, and performed a backflip. Our dwarf tried it, and would have succeeded, but as his feet came up over his head, two columns of earth came up, and his entire body was somehow squashed between those columns and his boots. The boots were later thrown off the side of the Great Tree, where they still sit, on top of a two several hundred metre pillars of earth. They were thrown off as a prank, and the archdruids left them there as a reminder of how stupid certain actions could be. Raeven: And those who manipulated life force? Vyrim: Simple. They walked into a room and suddenly you found yourself standing up an bowing. They all did it, and thought themselves incredibly funny and original each time. Except for this one archdruid, who reputedly walked into a class, and suddenly all the students were engaged in....making up. None of them ever admitted it of course, but the archdruid was heard to have commented on spring flowers a few too many times in relation to his class for it to be coincidence. Raeven: I thought druidism was aobut serenity and unity with nature? Vyrim: Sure, maybe once we're all roaring drunk. Druidism is really about mastering oneself through mastery of outside life, somehow. Don't ask me how it works, but apparently it does. The students there were as concerned with power struggles, social politics and pranks than as with mastery, but it turned out that the archdruids were inevitably better at pranks than they were. Then they taught the tricks used, and that's how the students were instructed. It was basically a very large school of how to annoy other people. It worked surprisingly well.[/font][/color]
  13. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]She started as the black pendant clattered on to the floor, Vyrim following it a second later. His brigandine was in his hand, his tunic off, a strip pressed to his stomach, where dark blood was showing. Very dark blood. But that was probably natural. His weaponry wasn't evident, and he appeared less than happy, muttering something about how the bastards didn't do that after they had the ransor in them for a second time. It wasn't obvious which bastards he was talking about, or even if aforementioned bastard was a singular entity or multiple. He sat down, throwing his brigandine into the corner, and dropping most of his tunic, throwing the first strip into the corner after his brigandine, pressing a fresh piece against the wound. He sat for a long moment, apparently willing to wait the wound out. Raeven stood up, making sure to keep the blanket with her. Vyrim noticed, took in her clothing lying on the ground, and raised an eyebrow, looking perfectly unconcerned. She opened her mouth to speak, and he pointed at the amoire. She rooted around in it a while before finding the bandages. She walked over and knelt down in front of him, gently but firmly removing the hands he had pressed against his stomach. The wound was not large, only three inches long, but appeared quite deep. It looked like it was a claw mark of some sort, though why only one claw would be there was unknown. The blood was a deep, deep grey, the flesh luminescent metallic silver, like his skin in daylight. Given the circumstances, Raven couldn't really tell if there was any putrification, but there no was swelling around the edges of the wound, so she assumed it clean. She efficiently doctored and bandaged him, much to his surprise. When she was finished, the bandages tied off tightly, he felt them amount before giving her a smile of gratitude. His first words though, were nothing of the sort.[/I] Vyrim: You left didn't you. Raeven: Yes. I am no prisoner here though. Vyrim: Good thing I decided to continue the whole circuit rather than stop when I got this. [I]There was a moment of awkward silence.[/I] Vyrim: You have my thanks. Raeven: You don't sound used to saying that. Vyrim: I've lived here alone for decades. What do you expect? The few visitors I've had normally end up thanking me. So, where exactly did you go? Raeven: I appropriated some of your weapons. Vyrim: I should have known you'd use something a little more exotic than a sword and dagger. Don't worry about it, I have plenty to spare. Raeven: I wasn't intending to. So, what exactly happened to you? Vyrim: Well. I was in the process of chasing assorted little beasties out of one of the larger caves when a creature known as a Stirge decided to show up. [I]En masse[/I]. A stirge is a blood sucking insect, just one the size of a large bird. While I was in the process of dealing with them, another little friend of mine decided to show up. At least it scared all the stirges away. They only live in the caves by the way, so don't worry about them suddenly flying in at night. Anyway, this little friend of mine is a creature known as a vagrith. It's basically a very large mixture of a cat and a rhino. The sword I was using to beat off small annoying insects bounced right off it. So I did a bit of running away, and refound my ransor, which was stuck in another beast at the time. Took me a while to get out. Anyway, the vagrith was charging towards me, I had the ransor on the ground, the butt over a hole. As it got close, I stepped on the butt, the ransor went up, the creature went onto the ransor, the ransor dug into the ground....You think the thing is dead. But it backs off, leaving the ransor and a few major organs behind. And goes for me again. So I pick the pike up, and stab it again, this time in the heart. It wrenches sideways, the snaps its head back, doing that. Then it has the grace to die. Thankfully, after that, there were only a few pit traps to deal with, and most of the things caught couldn't climb.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim stood up, and drew out a piece of meat, spitted on a dagger. He handed it to Raeven, who sniffed it again suspiciously, touching her tongue to it and yelping when it was slightly too hot. Vyrim shook his head, drew out another piece of meat on another dagger that came from gods know where, and bit straight into it, not flinching in the slightest. Raeven glared at him, and determinedly bit into her portion, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing. She looked at it in surprise.[/I] Raeven: It's....good. Vyrim: Also neccessary. People tend to somewhat die when they don't eat meat. So I don't know how you pulled it off. Raeven: I am a Raikishi Warrior... Vyrim: Yeah yeah, I know. Doesn't mean you can ignore certain mortal neccessities though. And you get a lot of them from meat. [I]Raeven was silent, and quite busy eating. Vyrim finished quickly, Raeven savoured her. He stood up again, seeming to have this strange need to keep busy and moving at nearly all times. He paced around, absently picking up his longbow and testing the draw several times. Daggers appeared, were inspected, and promptly disappeared again. He walked over to the window, peering out guardedly before he put his head out, scanning the still dark forest. There was less sound of activity, but that wasn't really indicative of anything. When your prey could see you coming, you had to sneak up on them. At night time you simply walked up behind them. Raeven at last finished her meal and lay back, seemingly unwilling to get up yet. Vyrim noticed, and told her he'd be back in five or ten minutes, and ducked outside. When he at last came back, he threw a sword, a smaller horse bow, a quiver of arrows and two long daggers onto the ground.[/I] Vyrim: I have some things to attend to, traps to check, caves to clear out and what not, that are basically required to keep certain creatures underwraps. Raeven: Hunting them down surely isn't the best way to cull the population. Vyrim: That's not why I do it. The trapped creatures and the ones I chase out of the caves are basically the easy food source for certain others, which means those certain others don't go looking as hard. [I]His voice was grim. Raeven noticed he's slipped a black leather brigandine on ontop of retreiving the weapons. He reached in under his tunic, drawing out an obsidian pendant.[/I] Vyrim: If this doesn't get thrown through the door first, kill anything that comes in. No matter who or what it appears to be. [I]With that he strode outside, stopping outside the door to pick up what appeared to be a ransor, a ten foot long, nastily barbed pike, and strap a few other weapons to his back. He sailed over the gap just as easily, a warning not to leave floating back to Raeven, then he was gone.[/font][/color][/I]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim walked in the door, assorted weapons suddenly loosening themselves in their sheathes, though none fell to his hands yet. Raeven was awake, though not showing it. The fact that her eyes suddenly closed was pretty indicative.[/I] Vyrim: I don't mutter incriminating secrets about myself while I work, so you can either give up the charade or actually go to sleep. [I]Raeven's eyes opened slowly, her pupils a normal size. She sat up, shifting back until she leant against the wall. She eyed him curiosuly for a moment, then seemed to remember where she was. Vyrim sat down on the chair where he had spent most of the night, simply watching the window. Quite often a neccessary action, a few of the arenae, among others, occasionally got a litle bold. Especially when he had a "guest". This time he had simply been brooding though. Another thing that was quite often neccessary. In the few grey hours before dawn, he had gotten up, and done some very intensive stretching, before venturing out, down to his larder, making sure he had supplies. He hadn't drawn blood yet today, but he'd seen signs that multiple creatures were more than mildly interested with the surrounding area. He brought up some strange meat, most likely from one of the inhabitants of this place, and had it cooking in a small stone fireplace in the corner. Noting her look, Vyrim qualified.[/I] Vyrim: I needed something to cook in, and some of the creatures don't like smoke much. There's more than enough for three or four, so you can eat as much as you like. Raeven: What is it? Vyrim: Remember that thing I showed you last night? Raeven: You'd eat that? Vryim: This is it's larger cousin. [I]Raeven stretched, and slowly got up. Vyrim ducked back outside, and came back in holding a weathered, finely crafted longbow, strung, with a quiver of very long arrows. He pulled one out, exhibiting the huge broadheads on them.[/I] Vyrim: It took four of these to the chest, but it has provided food for the past month.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson]That's because poetry and I really don't mix. Trust me, my submission this round will be very, very bad. Eh. I'll live. And I'm probably more spited than you LA anyway. I swear though, what I do write is going to be pretty messed up.[/font][/color]
  17. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Hmmm. I'm certain the fact that Raven and I are the main participants in two player rpgs had [i]nothing[/i] to do with the fact that Cloricus doesn't like them. We don't use a PBE system because it gets inconvenient very fast. These things get very long, and storage and whatnot is a pain in the ***. It's much easier to do over a thread. As for cutting out other users...Go take a look at most of the rpgs in the forum right now, and you'll find something along the lines of "The people chosen to participate are:", and there's never been a problem with that. If people really want to rp with Raiha, Raven or I, then they can go to the effort of starting a decent enough story that we sign up. If James, Charles or any of the moderators believe our two player rpgs would be more appropriate in the Literature section, then they can be moved. Doesn't really matter which forum they're in to me. And yes La, the one between Raiha and I did come about because our "Oh why not" spar became a little unsparlike, both in size and content.[/font][/color]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim turned to the small amoire he had sitting in the corner, and drew out several heavy blankets. He easily picked Raeven up, laying her down on a straw pallet that was surprisingly comfortable, wrapping her in the blankets. She settled down almost immediately, her eyes closing slightly, though her pupils remained dilated. She rolled over, curling up into a tight ball, her face shielded. Life hadn't been kind. But then, who's life had been. Vyrim sat back down, leaning back in the chair and stretching his legs out, absently pulling out a black bladed, exotic dagger and cleaning his naturally black fingernails, even more absently watching his acquisition. She shuddered slighly in her sleep, but didn't wake. He thought over his larder, a few hundred metres south of here in a deep, icy cave. More than enough food for two. He had a feeling she would be staying for a while, considering her present circumstances and situation. He rose, stretching to his full height, pushing his arms up until his knuckles brushed the ceiling. He threw the dagger, impaling some hapless night insect with a sickening crack. He walked slowly over to the window, leaning on the makeshift sill, absently knocking a spider nearly a foot acros off its perch nearby. The creature spread its legs, flaps of skin letting it glide easily down to earth, where it attempted to scuttle off into the bush. A long, strangely pink tongue flicked out of the bush, and the spider was gone. A slight shifting sound was the only sound the bush made, then it too was gone. Shuffling off into the night, just like every other creature here. One of the largest beasts he'd found so far bellowed, a spine chilling scream, off in the distance. The forest was situated in a remote valley, and started up the side of one of the mountains that ringed it. Up that mountain, the larger, more dangerous creatures congregated. Vyrim had been there twice, and wasn't inclined to repeat the experience.[/font][/color][/I]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Vyrim: The reason I "nabbed" you as you put it is because if I hadn't, you would now be dead. [I]Raeven raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing him. He sighed, and took hold of her arm, raising her to her feet. He took her outside, and pointed at a certain darker patch on the ground. He absently reached out and snapped off a fair sized stick, and threw it. The patch grunted, unfurling into a rather large mammalian beast.[/I] Vyrim: That's an ursine species, somewhat larger than your average grizzly bear, and a lot more intelligent. It can kill a human, or a grizzly, for that matter, with a single blow. Those claws that you can't see right now are harder than stone, and more than two inches long. When it stands on its hind legs, the creature is over ten feet tall. Raeven: I think I could have killed it, had, say, my magic been left intact? Vyrim: That creature is the main food source around here... [I]He didn't say anymore, merely threw another stick, this one slightly larger. The huge creature let out a bellowing roar that shook the trees, and shambled off into the night. Vyrim shook his head. A few seconds later there was a deep whimpering sound, that cut off almost immediately.[/I] Vyrim: They're intelligent, but not that intelligent. Thankfully, only two of the species around here are tree dwellers by choice, though a few others can and will climb given provocation. The two natural species live much higher up, and don't venture down very often. The highest point in my little structure is 74 metres off the ground. These beasts go down to 100 metres above the ground at the most. The ones that will climb trees aren't as large as our recently deceased friend, but are nastier in many other ways. I don't want them up here, which is why I had to get you away from any possible detection. Raeven: Why don't they chase you up here? [I]Vyrim grimaced, and lifted his tunic. Tracing his stomach was a long scar, visible as a black line against his luminescent grey skin.[/I] Vyrim: They do. Just not often. [I]He silently led her back inside, giving the room a quick but thorough scan.[/I] Vyrim: You wanted an introduction. My name is Vyrim to all purposes. The rest of my name is somewhat impronouncable by any not of my race. I am a dristyrtk, a subterranean race of humanoids that tends to be quite brutal in its dealings with outsiders. I came to the surface an odd two centuries ago, we're long lived by the way, and spent the first half as a druid. Was eventually exiled from the sect for reasons I won't get into now. I wandered around for a decade or so, and ended up here, because of the nature of the place, I suppose the remoteness, and the fact that visits are very rare and I have very effective guards, makes me like it. I'm basically a ranger now. So basically, you're with an demi-human being of a race known for brutality, who has been exiled from an honourable sect, lives in the middle of the darkest forest known that just happens to be filled with horrors, and has almost complete control over you. So hey, I guess the only question left is how has your day been?[/font][/color]
  20. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vyrim tapped her on the shoulder, sighing as she jumped and spun, yelping. They all did that. He lunged forward, pushing her hard against a tree and silencing her, before she could call down unwanted attention. Flighty, these newcomers were.[/I] Vyrim: Unless you want something a lot more unpleasant than me doing this for a much different reason, I recommend the noise be kept to a minimum. [I]His liquid, smooth voice, strangely harmonic, but set in a strained whisper, must have conveyed a certain sense of neccessity. The woman quieted instantly, attaining a statuesque stillness that was more leashed potential than fear. She was obviously the kind of person who could take care of herself out here, just didn't know she needed to. Happened very rarely, that option. Vyrim stepped back, hands spread in case she jumped him. She did nothing of the sort, her eyes glinting in the moonlight as she calmly looked him over. He grinned wryly and beckoned her to follow him. Moving to one of the easiest spots to access his "house", he fed her up, then leapt up himself. He lead her down one of the branching pathways, the route more than familiar to him by now. One of the few sheltered places, a small hut, appeared, on a tree of its own, with a metre wide platform around it. He motioned for her to jump the gap, only two metres or so. She did easily, and more to the point, confidently. Vyrim followed with long practiced grace. He bowed ironically, and gestured her into the rude structure. He sat at one of the two chairs, rough hewn collections of sticks really.[/I] Vyrim: You really need an explanation of what's out here.[/font][/color]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Goals and fun eh...Kissing is fun my friend. Kissing is [I]very[/I] fun... Still I can understand being "grossed out" by it all. My sister was when Raven and I started, after all.[/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Well, I tend to visit everyday, and a few months back it would have been a big thing to miss a day, but that was when the Adventure and Battle arenas actually moved. Now if I miss a day, it doesn't even register. Ah well. So yes, I visit quite often, and spend most of my time in the two aforementioned areas. As for my longest visit...several hours easily, from nine PM to sometime relatively early in the morning, starting to get daylight on a few occasions, but I wasn't exactly doing a lot while I was there. I'd disagree with Liam though. Otaku hasn't gone downhill. It's just not going anywhere....[/font][/color]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson]LA's links give a pretty good approximation of what's going on. ....AH! Mac OS avatar! Go mac users![/font][/color]
  24. [font=gothic][color=crimson]My god, this derelict thing...Now why would I do that....I'm no good at advising...[/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'll admit, I've been cold towards the occasional newbie, but not without provocation. But then, when I was a newbie, I was one hell of a wackjob, so I can't really take any moral highground here. But generally, I'd think any newbie who is dissatisfied with the treatment they receive is probably the kind that just annoys people anyway.[/font][/color]
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