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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali folded his arms and burst into uproarious laughter, one eyebrow cocked.[/I] Rali: Though you certainly wouldn't be willing to prove that. Shalistrae: Not this soon my pet. Rali: Ah well. I suppose raven's tend to become familars, after all. [I]He leapt up, catching the branch she currently resided on. With a single sinuous motion resembling a sailor's slither, he shot himself onto it. The branch rocked ever so slightly, but that was it. He stood, finding his balance easily. Stretching languidly, he looked at her through the dim light.[/I] Rali: And tell me this. Why the sudden interest in such a birdlike perch. Is this perhaps your new lair, where you have sewn your silken trap?[/font][/color]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]As Rali walked off, his limp settled, as it always did once he got warmed up. He walked with barely a hitch, and his posture was perfectly straight. The pain was also gone. Which left his senses free for other things. Like the enraged female walking up behind him. She grabbed his shoulder. Rali was pretty sure she intended to swing him around to face her, and he wasn't willing to give her that opportunity. As soon as her hand touched his left shoulder, his right hand came up. His thumb slipped under her hand, and he grabbed and twisted. His thumb interlocked with hers, and he applied pressure. The end result was her on her knees, her arm straight behind her. Rali had her hand in an exquisitely painful position, thumb being pressed against her own wrist, while her hand was twisted almost to the point of breaking. He held for a second, then let go. She stood, rubbing her wrist when she thought he wasn't looking.[/I] Shalistrae: Barqu'ino. Rali: I'm afraid so. Shalistrae: No match for a decent spell. Rali: Of course not. [I]The wry capitulation put her on edge. He smiled slightly, bowed like a courtier, and turned, beckoning for her to continue. Shalistrae did nothing, so Rali shrugged and started walking himself.[/font][/color][/I]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Mmmm...saves having to make up an annoying history at least. Name: Rali Kreigyr Age: 21 Appearence: Six foot tall, slender as a rake. Shoulder length black hair that falls to his temples. Features are fair, but very, very cold. Hawkish, thin nose. Dark grey eyes, with black flecks. Certain genetic implants have given him the effect of permanently appearing to have black eye make up, grey face make up, and black lipstick. Wears a tight black shirt, long sleeved, and leather pants. Black combat boots. Also wears a black choker, with a small jade crucifix on it. Abilities: Enhanced speed/agility.[/font][/color]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson]*Severe shuddering in corner* Egads....Nw I'm really scared. Regression to childhood to the nth degree. I don't remember ever being that bad. But then, I take it a different way.[/font][/color]
  5. The Harlequin


    [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Alright then Juu, I'll break down and ask. Do you want me to do something with this, or did you have something in mind?[/font][/color]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]As Shalistrae's voice rose slightly, the man sneered again. Chances are, he was warded against spells. He didn't seem to warded against daggers though. He slumped, a long knife buried hilt deep in his temple.[/I] Rali: I'd apologise, but I don't care. [I]It wasn't too certain whether he directed the comment at the dead man, or the annoyed Shalistrae. He ignored both anyway, watching instead the other patrons start screaming about the vengeance of the Five.[/I] Rali: You know, it occurs to me that we had best leave. Ryan: Why? Rali: Because otherwise this mob will turn us in, probably forcibly, in appeasement. [I]That said, Rali dragged himself up and walked out. He did stop to pick up his knife though.[/font][/color][/I]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali slept for a while, curling up in a defensive position instinctively. When a knock on the door sounded, he nearly hit the roof. He cautiously opened it, pistol held just out of sight. A female face smiled politely, but boredly, at him.[/I] "Room service! Do you need anything" Rali: Ah...no, I'm right... "Okay!" [I]She walked away. Rali closed the door and slumped against it. Adrenalin ran its course through him. He noted the simple physical reactions were still there. It seemed that emotions didn't play a part in that kind of thing. Rali laughed harshly, though he felt no amusement. It just seemed that somewhere, in the back of his mind, that a normal person would have done that kind of thing. He could have turned himself in, and been a hell of a specimen to study. All sorts of things about how much part emotions plays in life. Rali considered going back to sleep. Instead, he turned, walked out the door and only just remembered to hide the gun. He walked out of the small place without saying a word. He fully intended to get lost in this place. And maybe find himself again.[/font][/color][/I]
  8. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali watched the altercation with amusement. Like hell. As Nepenthe walked past, he came silently up behind her. He leant over her shoulder, and whispered softly in her ear.[/I] Rali: Ah my dear, how unfortunate that the Yatherine and your precious Loloth do not command as much sway here as you have been lead to believe. [I]She whirled on him, angry. Her teeth bared like fangs. He smiled darkly, eyes swirling with energy.[/I] Rali: A raven is not the connection to the spiritual realm for nothing. Nepenthe: You wouldn't dare tempt their wrath. Rali: Ah, my lost cathartic friend, I so already have. [I]His soft, breathy voice brought a slight smile to her face. His dark eyes held her a moment longer, then he disappeared.[/font][/color][/I]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm assuming we don't have to know anything about whatever it is this is based on. If we do, just say so, and I'll slip out sideways. And I'd better be able to use my lythanoid. [B]Name[/B]: Rali Kreigyr [B]Age[/B]: 19 [B]Affiliation[/B]: Loner. I suppose you could call it chaotic neutral. [B]Bio/Appearance[/B]:A lythanoid is a demon-like creature raised in the bowels of the earth. Six foot tall, but incredibly slender. Bat-like wings, with four arms, each tipped with a set of four claws. The reptillian head is set on an abnormally flexible neck. In fact, a lythanoid's entire body is abnormally flexible. This is because lythanoid's possess no bone structure at all. Instead, the possess specialised muscles, incredibly hard, yet still supple. Thus, while lythanoid's possess the obvious advantages of having no bones, they are unfortunately vulnerable to any piercing kind of damage. If these specialised muscles, called scyeiphs in the lythanoid's native tongue, are severed, the relevant portion of anatomy seizes up, becoming completely immobile. The scyeiphs however also make lythanoids physically powerful. When a lythanoid dies, the normal procedure is the complete decay of the body, leaving no trace whatsoever. Certain alchemists, mages, and athe usual lot of insane scientists have considered the lythanoid's unusual body structure a matter of interest, and have attempted to study them. Lythanoid's being somewhat adverse to this, the normal recourse is to kill the specimen. This however, leads to a limited time for study. So, a certain alchemist, by the name of Vi Duku, came up with an idea. He captured several lythanoids, and attempted to suck the life out of all of them. He reasoned that, in undeath, and thus domination, the body would not only remain intact, it would also be bidable. To do this, and avoid the slow decay that afflicted the normal zombie, he had each lythanoid bitten by a vampyre. His premise however, was somewhat flawed. The lythanoid religion is one of darkness. A race of nyctophiles. When a lythanoid dies, the spiritual process is one of return to darkness. They become shadows. Normal, inert, unliving shadows. In the Unlife however, the shadow is alive. And three dimensional. And aware. And less than happy... Rali was the first Lythanoid to be captured and subjected to the process. He was also the last. He had been captured by Vi Duku's minions. He killed most of them on the way out. He attempted to return to his people, but was shunned. Not for being a shadow, but for being undead. Rali stayed on the surface, becoming a mercenary/murder/basic criminal. [B]Weapons[/B]: Mainly hand to hand, with sets of nasty claws. Carries a few daggers of assorted types. For...personal reasons... [B]Special[/B]: Lythanoids being what they are, subterranean beasts, quite often found in volcanoes, heat, fire and such have no effect. Mainly because a lythanoid's internal temperature is normally hotter than your average furnace.[/font][/color]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali stalked into a small motel. Already, he was feeling a lot better. He knew he carried a certain presence as well. At least, he looked like a different type of freak to the one he actually was. Which would serve perfectly. The man at the counter looked at him a second, quailed as Rali narrowed his eyes, and slapped a key on the counter, muttering a price. Rali dropped some money, not quite sure how much. The man gave some back though. The trenchcoat was a good find. A pistol, not sure of the make, and a large amount of money, had been inside. He remembered the training he had done, before they'd stepped up the dosage to the point where he had had the reaction. The gun was more of a hinderance than a help. He walked into the room, throwing himself onto the bed. He stared at the ceiling. That seemed to be getting to be a bad habit. This ceiling he could see at least. And there wasn't going to be another doorway of painful light. He was of two minds about that though. Pain defined existance. Existance was all he had. All he had was pain.[/font][/color][/I]
  11. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Rali: Oh joy. Under a minute and it's already a male/female division. [I]Everyone, including those not involved, looked at him like they had no idea what he was talking about. Assuming dry sarcasm was lost on this lot, he got up, moved a chair into the corner, and sat in it. Scowling. Shalistrae shot him a disdainful looked. Ryan looked confused. Laitina and Misha ignored him. Just the way he liked it. Ryan talked a litte. Rali couldn't hear him. The others weren't volunteering information. Rali ordered another amontillado, mixing it with a little juniper. Tasted great for some reason. He looked around. No one was paying the slightest attention to him. He sank lower, eyes narrowing to slits. He sipped his drinks, revelling in the obscurity.[/font][/color][/I]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali hunkered down beside the trail, watching all who passed. A strange group, this latest one. His shadowy visage darkened even more, and he rose silently, gracefully. He followed along, pushing through the flock that surrounded them. One of them disappeared inside. An altercation occured between the arachnid girl, and one of the males. Rali stepped forward, laying a hand on each of their shoulders. Both turned, startled. The spider girl hissed at him. He smiled, and clicked his teeth back. Though he did drop his hands.[/I] Rali: Ravens eat spiders my dear. Now, I would recommend leaving any hostilities lie. Or at least, take them else where. Ranhorn: And who are you, to tell me what to do in this place? Rali: The person that is currently holding a knife to your kidney. [I]Ranhorn swore, and looked down. Nepenthe laughed coldly. Rali smiled enigmatically. Nepenthe looked down. An identical knife, an ataghan, stood at her side as well. Vicious curved blades, suitable for both slashing and stabbing. The dagger equivalent of a scimitar really.[/I] Rali: I live here for the moment. Tear it up after I'm gone. [I]He stepped back, watching them both carefully.][/I] OOC: Sorry, but I had to get involved somehow.[/font][/color]
  13. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]As Starlet watched, a shooting star shot across the horizon. A sad, small smile dropped across her face. Not even the stars were permanent. Everything was transient. Emotion. Life. Friends. What was she, to defy that balance? Permanence would bring destruction. The smiled deepened, and the sadness spilled glistening into her eyes. Sighing, she hopped down. As she had every night so far. But this time was different. She didn't return to her quarters. She walked away. Into the night. Alone. Like so many others before her, Starlet walked into darkness. And these days, so few came out.[/I] OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'm kind of pressed for time right now.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Mainly because he couldn't recognise one. Mainly because he had to ask what colour they were. That's right. Asking what colour a banana is.[/font][/color]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson]After I posted that, I closed the window, and saw the word "iSwipe" on a folder, right in front of me. Less than happy.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Rali slowly came down the stairs, his game leg thumping slightly as he dropped it from step to step. The strange sound drew attention, to which Rali hissed in annoyance. When he reached the floor, breathing heavily from the pain, the people were still staring at him. He dragged himself over to Ryan, glaring at him flatly.[/I] Rali: You're late. [I]Ryan looked slightly confused. He had never met Rali before, and the strange warrior was somewhat unsettling.[/I] Ryan: I'm sorry, do I know you? Rali: No, but you know a few old friends of mine. Mercenaries mainly. When one of them mentioned someone would be coming to take a shot at the Five, I turned up. And you're late. Ryan: How do you know that it's me? Rali: Because you lot are the only people here who aren't regulars, and you're as uncomfortable as an on-fire weasal. [I]Ryan contemplated exactly what a burning weasal would be like. Rali just sat down, taking a long drink of amontillado.[/font][/color][/I]
  17. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Now that just makes me shudder... Profusely. Personally, I'd like to have a secret admirer. Just to annoy them when I deduced who they were, and gave them a scathing rebuke...[/font][/color]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Gods, I blink once and I miss 50 odd posts and several disemboweling threats. Damn... IC: [I]Rali awoke in darkness. It didn't faze him. Darkness, every day, for what little memory he had left, was standard fare. He tried to rise and, as always, was restrained from doing so. He coughed, and shuddered. They coursed through his veins, tore him apart. He could feel the muscles shifting under his skin, stretched as it was, it wasn't hard. The muscles slowly started to tear, and his breath came out in a long drawn out hiss. The pain was no longer a knew thing, but each time, the sensation was different. He prayed that this day would be the day his heart would be the muscles that exploded in an internal fountain of blood and gore. Oh, he didn't mind the pain. It was all he had left. But the lack of freedom was something he would never abide. He was denied release. His agony continued, and he used it as the only thing that marked him as still alive. As always, it subsided slowly, jumping up again every now and again in sharp waves. When at last it was gone, and he floated in the void of nothingness that was his life in this darkness, he tried to watch the ceiling, but he wasn't sure if there was one. Not yet. It was too soon. Time passed. More time than he was used to. Everday, the routine had not varied. The rectangle of light appeared, and forms entered, and it started again. Five times a day, without variation. But today seemed different. Nothing had happened for a long time. Then...at last. The light. The forms. But there was only one? What was happening... Rali fought down the idea that something was changing. The form advanced slowly, uncertainly.[/I] "I have to do this alone? Damn it, how am I meant to restrain him?" [I]A voice outside offered curt order. The straps holding Rali's arms and legs were undone. He curled up, as he had always done before. The needle was placed against his skin... And he rolled, spun, and shot his hand up. The man gurgled as his throat was ripped out. The needle clattered to the floor. The man outside yelled a question. Rali stood up, pain shooting through him as ruptured muscles rebelled. He dragged himself outside, viciously clubbing the man outside with his fists until he fell. Rali fell against the wall of his cell, breathing heavily. He looked around, but saw nothing but stark white light, reflections that hurt his unused eyes. He got up, and staggered along blindly. Still, he heard nothing. Then a shout, from far away. He wandered blindly for a long time. Still, he ran into no one. Then...two large doors. He broke into a horrible, shambling gait, almost bestial in nature, and burst through them. Shouts erupted all around him. Something hot and sharp pierced him, but he kept moving. He dropped to all fours, snarling. As he ran, his vision cleared. Adrenalin ran through him, speeding his reaction. The men that leapt at him were thrown off. The large metal fence before him, made of stiff wire links, was no impediment. He climbed it unhesitatingly, howling as another bullet pierced his back. From the top he spun over and fell, landing heavily on the ground. Immediately he was up, and running off at a pace his pursuers couldn't match. He ran without thinking. At last, something opened up around him. People. Buildings. Fast moving cars. He stood up, blinking. Life. Normal life. Memories of it came flooding back. He knew everything he had known about the world. But nothing, nothing about himself. He was empty. A void. And he had a strange feeling that was a good thing. He strode into the city, ignoring the startled looks he was given. Emaciated, naked, everything scars and bloody welt shown in full profile. He started walking through smaller streets, avoiding the larger press of people. Signs were all around him, in languages that teased the edges of his mind. At last he stopped, and stared at one of them. Slowly, it transformed into something he could read. A clothing store of some kind. He walked inside, and surrounded by darkness. He started, thinking his endless cycle had begun again. Soft lights illuminated the area though. His was simply surrounded by black clothing. A man, dressed in what surely had come from this store, and with numerous piercings, asked if he could help. Rali stepped up to him,and headbutted him, hard. The man fell, unconscious. Rali quickly picked up a tight black shirt, and black pants. Casting around, he dug up some heavy duty black boots, and black leather gloves. Then something caught his eye. A trenchcoat, hanging on a peg on a wall. Rali tried it on, it fit perfectly. He strode back outside, wondering what exactly life would hold for now.[/font][/color][/I]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm voting for Shy. I just like his post for some reason. And I think the ending has...opportunities.[/font][/color]
  20. The Harlequin


    [font=gothic][color=crimson]Rali: I'm not surprised. Let me guess, one of my dear, dear brothers? Or perhaps my sweet mother? Celestine: It's someone important. Come on, we can't talk here. [I]Celestine took his shoulder, intending to lead him off. Before she could put the slightest pressure, his opposite hand had come up, grabbed her, twisted off, and his other arm had come down on her now outstretched elbow. Just shy of snapping it like a twig.[/I] Rali: You will not lay hands on me. You will not attempt to dissuade me with secrecy. You will tell me what is going on. Now. [I]Celesitine kicked him in the shins, and wrenched her arms free. He stepped back and folded his arms, unfazed, unhurt.[/I] Celestine: If you want to know the truth, I don't know who he killed. Rali: Alright then. Let's go. [I]They took Celestine's vehicle, leaving Rali's in the alleyway. No one would even think of stealing it. Not in this district, not next to this nightclub. Being a sensation at the Crescent Moon had its upsides. Rali said nothing during the trip. Though he did stare down a few louts who made some suggestive comments. Instead, he cut holes through Celestine with his eyes. She tried not to shiver, but his gaze was disconcerting. She wondered how she could tell through the sunglasses. They arrived at the compound, Celestine hurrying out and inside. Rali followed at a laconic saunter, glaring at anyone who bothered to look at him for more than a second. He was ushered into some office. He wasn't sure who's. Celestine was still in attendance, along with some one he didn't recognise. And the bastard who had once dared to call himself his father. Five minutes later, Rali was being held by seven grunts, breathing hard, but no longer struggling. Rali's father was unconscious.[/font][/color][/I]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Well, I'll leave Seph to Raiha for now, and concentrate on the apparently forgotten Vincent. IC: [I]He watched as the Highwind flew over him. Windswept through his hair, and under his cloak was that strange half smile, bitter, resignedly sad. Vincent knew his place. More to the point, he had chosen it. Others would deal with the problems at hand. As always, he was left alone to grapple inner demons. This time though, the demons weren't so internal. Chaos was with him again, watching the others fly away.[/I] Chaos: They've abandoned and betrayed you. All of them. They gave you nothing. [I]Vincent sighed, but didn't turn away. They stood side by side, almost companionably.[/I] Vincent: You are free. What more do you desire from me? Chaos: I desire your acceptance. Your gratitude! The realisation that I did everything for you, when others left you lying in an icy coffin! Vincent: Ah, it wasn't you that dragged me out of that blessed nightmare. Chaos: But I kept you alive! I kept you whole. You couldn't have coped without me! You weren't prepared to deal with the real world. Vincent: I've gotten by without you many, many times. And you only gain control when I allow you. Chaos: Ah, but let us take a visit to the past. Let us see how true that was. Vincent: Let's not, and say we did. Chaos: Uncharacteristicly flippant of you,my old, old friend. Vincent: Don't tempt me into a denial. Chaos: You aren't willing to accept everything yet? No matter. We'll leave it to another time. Vincent: There will be no other time. Tell me then, who are these friends you have visited on me? [I]The demon chuckled, and turned Vincent to face him.[/I] Chaos: Ah, Oblivion. I would think him a fitting companion to you. Vincent: And the other? [I]Chaos made a low rumbling sound, and looked uncomfortably.[/I] Chaos: That one...was not of my devising. I wished not for his presence. Vincent: Ah, the great Chaos, defeated a second time. Chaos: A second time? Vincent: Sephiroth refused you, didn't he? Chaos: What! Vincent: Ah, but's its so ironic. That much angst comes from one source with you. The desire to possess. And who better suited to it then the now known to be alive Sephiroth? Chaos: So, you're more intelligent than you look. Do you know the rest of the sordid little details? That betrayal of one of the fools you surround yourself with? Vincent: No actually. Care to enlighten me? Chaos: Who else to tempt one such as Sephiroth than one such as her? Vincent: Her...Lethe. Chaos: Yes. Vincent: She seemed the type. Chaos: And you? What path will you now take? Vincent: The path that rids me of you. And I think that in that regard, Sephiroth and I would be mutual allies... [I]Chaos threw his head back and laughed. Vincent said nothing, and the demon slowly quieted.[/I] Vincent: At least, it would not be hard to get him to destroy you for me.[/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Please don't. Mine was shocking, well below anything I'd hoped for. Especially the way I ended it. Major "I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do to go myself out of this one" style thing. So make it strange. Mnemolth: I wrote that way intentionally. I'm developing Lacroix. He's not meant to know, thus interact, with people yet, because he's yet to go through a few revelations I'm planning. You know, average stuff about him not being as much as a bastard as he sets himself up as. And the "jargon" as you put it is just the way I write. Hell, it's the way I speak. Anyway, I will get involved with the other characters, but only in the uncertain, disjointed way that suits Lacroix. Besides, I'm acting under the impression this is a long term thing, so I'll have lots of time.[/font][/color]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Alright, alright, I'll waste a post on escaping. Demonoid wench...[/font][/color]
  24. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Funny? I think it's sadly, bitterly accurate. Not that I really care, I just don't find it funny.[/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Humiliate someone? You mean like the way Raven had the long stemmed rose delivered in CLP last year, and I ended up stabbing Shaun Simons in the eye with it? That was most amusing... Well, considering that I can be an absolute god with anything female should I put my mind to it, I tend not to mind Valentine's Day. Though I object to the prinicple behind it. I'm quite serious....I may be a bastard, but I'm apparently a likable one. I blame my facility with language. Compliments work. I don't care who says otherwise.[/font][/color]
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