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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Things like this are always better! Death to all small fluffy animals, preferably by sacrafice to debased voodoo gods![/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I don't have much problem with sleeping. I usually get good hours... none. I sleep as little as is humanly possible. Which is normally three of four hours a day, at most. I do fine on tests, whenever they are. That's right everyone, give up sleeping! And food! And water! I've done all three, and I'm kind of okay...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Right then. I can't really post the orders, because I don't have them on me. But I know what the one I'm using is. I'll get them later.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Hell, I'm waiting for the damn series to come out on DVD. And why is everyone calling it Lythathian or whatever? It's Leviathan people, Leviathan! Character Sheet: Slave Name: Lacroix s'Xalerian Age: 27 cycles. Speices: Drider Description: (Attachment. Stands about 7 feet at the shoulder) waers: Bracers. That's about it. Bio: Taken for a slave because of his species' agility and strength. Considered an ideal slave by many creatures. Lacroix didn't really mind, he hated his home planet, and his own species. Occupation abode ship: General worker, somewhat of an enforcement agency... Anything else about charcter: Clinically insane.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Flynn Thomas Arthur Mitchell. No, neither of the middle two are saints names or any annoyance like that. They both come from my great grandfathers, which ever ones of them. I think the fact that my father has no middle name is the reason I have two.... Anyway, Flynn is Irish, if anyone knows what it means, please tell me, not that I care much. Mitchell doesn't seem to mean much, other than I'm related to quite a lot of hicks, none of which I particularly like...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]First one of these I've seen. I was actually waiting for it... Tell me, what about the Knights of Takhisis? If not, that's fine, but if so, I'll edit this post. And if you want all the orders of the Knights Of Takhisis, I've got them lying around somewhere. Name: Lacroix s'Xalerian Age: 27 Species: Draconian Sub-species: Sivak Order: None really... considering the information given. Weapons: Sword named Alithiel. Armor: Light chain mail. Hair: None. Eyes: Black. Alignment: Chaotic neutral.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Henry: Electricity might not harm you directly, but we'll see how you like this. [I]Henry showered out a blast of electricity, not at the kraken, but the lake itself. The water immediately charged, electrocuting all the life in the lake. Ths sensitive mouth of the kraken was also effecting. With an unholy cry of pain, the kraken shot out of the water, hauling itself onto dry land. Henry just laughed.[/I] Henry: Yeah I'll see you in hell to. Now, we either kill it, or ignore it. Either way, it's dead.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Hmmm... An rpg I can't play as an insane gothic elf.... should be interesting.... Name: Sinistrad Color: Black, with a silver muzzle and back. Has the Sight?: Yes Name of Bird Companion: Zephyr (Raven) Bio: Sinistrad is a packless wolf with no particular respect for anyone, or anything. His particular specialty is running off packs from ranges. Suffered a small affliction of rabies when he was young, but he somehow survived. He came out of the ordeal introverted, insane and Sighted.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I haven't read them for a while, but I'm pretty sure it mentions how to do that in the FAQ...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Egad, this would have to be the eighth time around for that query. Actually, I seem to remember it being mentioned that it would probably come around with v6. *Looks meaningfully at James*[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I have between 700 and 800 cds. That's right [I]cds[/I]. Full ones. Anyone want to work out how many songs that would average out as? (Upwards of 10 000 if anyone is really interested) Basically, my father works for a newpaper, that does cd reviews. We tend to get between 5 and 20 cds a week. I've only got around 350 mp3s though.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I can't stand either of them, nor tell them apart. And for that, I blame my local radio station that I typically listen to, Triple J. They'd play one, then the other. Twenty minutes later, a different song by each band, and so on. By now, I thoroughly sick of them. I don't even like that kind of music anyway....[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Twice in one day. Sinistrad was feeling most proud of himself. 364 casualties, including 31 ALED deaths. Sinistrad crouched lower, as he took refuge behind several overturned crates. The alley he skulked through was typical, filled with human refuse, and the makeshift dwellings of the unfortunate that seemed to infest every pitiful mortal city. Sinistrad sneered at the sleeping homeless form across from him. A pity time and circumstances prohbited another killing. Sinistrad was aware that several Hunters had been dispatched. He remained unconcerned however. He was far from the latest explosion site, and had shown a little more discretion in leaving. The streets around him were more or less empty. Sinistrad strode along as if he was unaware there even had been explosions. A carefree manner fooled people far more than any contrived story. He stopped abruptly however, when he reached the outer limits of the city. There were several ALED vehicle patrols circling the area. Without a good reason for leaving the area, the reason for his presence there, and why the fact that he carried a weapon firing uraniam slugs and a sword were completely unrelated to the bomber, he was in trouble. A contrived story was starting to sound better and better.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Henry's eyes narrowed, then he stepped in with preternatural speed. His broadsword swept across one of the Artemis characters engaged in the furious duel, decapitating the body instantly. The head exploded outwards in a splatter of slime and ichor. Artemis turned to Henry.[/I] Artemis: How did you know which one to attack? [I]Henry pointed to the creatures boots.[/I] Henry: Residue dirt, from when it scraped its way in here. [I]Henry flicked his fingers. An inferno leapt from his hand, immolating the creature instantly. As the ashes floated at the still open door, Henry sheathed his sword, and waved nonchalantly at the others.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]What about Bugenhagen? Perhaps one of those guys who plays Santa down at malls during Christmas.... Oh, and I may be wrong here, I usually am, but would not the best person for Vincent be that guy from The Crow?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]The Harlequin comes from back before Raven and I got together, and were simply playing mind games with each other. I was in the midst of manipulating her into thinking assorted things about me (some call it lying I believe), and I mentioned the word. She started calling me a "funny little dancing man" from then on, and it kind of stuck. I use the Eldritch Harlequin because I like the word eldritch, and on MSN or whatever, I'm quite partial to the immortal name: "Throw me that lemon, I'll spit on your dog" I believe that also had something to do with a bizarre conversation between Raven and I...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: If I didn't play solitary characters, I'd ask why nobody ever remembers I exist.... And I really have no idea what the hell all this is about, so someone just correct me if I make in mistakes that wildly contrast with this particular world or anything. Or if I can't get away with just this post. IC: [I]From his vantage point several hundred metres this way, Sinistrad had no trouble hearing the explosion. Or the resulting screams. His eyes darkened to black for a moment, before returning to their ethereal blue. He strode away from the blast, attracting no particular attention in the chaos. He never did. He was not particularly unusual, asiding the exotic armour design. He smiled grimly through his visor, his longsword hung across his back, his Armalite cannon at his hip. Neither of his hands strayed far from his weapons. Arrogant, but never foolish, Sinistrad walked away from his latest attack as fast as he could. It was not until he was on the outskirts of the city that the soldiers caught up with him. Several people, heavily armed, appeared out of nowhere around him. The soldier most likely to be the leader stepped in front of Sinistrad, who stood, arms folded behind his back.[/I] Soldier: I don't know who you are, or what model, but you're definately in for it. Disarm, now. [I]Sinistrad absently hooked his cannon into his hand and spun it up. The sudden motion caused levelled weapons to jump slightly, as startled soldiers caught themselves just shy of firing.[/I] Sinistrad: This is an Armalite. You have any idea what it does to someone like you? [I]Before he had finished speaking, he swept the cannon to the side, blasting a radius of death. Uranium slugs drove through flesh that may as well have been unprotected at sonic speeds. Bone and muscle tore and burst in primal agony. Blood splattered several seconds are the shots rang out. The bodies were in mutliple pieces, vital functions labouring to a halt. The only person standing was the one who had originally challenged Sinistrad.[/I] Sinistrad: Still want to put it down? [I]Before the shocked human could react, Sinistrad's sword traced an elaborate design in the air, before darting down into the hapless man's sternum. The sword, coated in a layer of dark matter, split through armour and flesh like it wasn't there. Which it wasn't after contact with anti-matter. Carefully, Sinistrad returned the sword to its special sheath. What was literally a wand of obliteration was not to be trifled with. Sinistrad looked around, and left the area. He headed off towards his mountain eyrie, already planning his next attack. The civilisation that had created and abandoned him would suffer.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Just adding to the woe and tragedy, or slight annoyance of some other people, whatever takes your fancy, any posting done by me will be somewhat sparse for a while. My internet is dying, or going through a mid-life crisis. You know, one of those big existential quandries. I could help it through it, but it's not accepting me as a councillor...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Sinistrad: Alright, that's it. You know what I'm going to do? Get myself a bottle of whiskey, Joe Patrimeti, Lee Marvin, Sam Pekinforth, go down to Texas, till I got a chance to say.... [I]Sinistrad broke off as he rounded the last curve. From what he could see, there were several forms moving around.[/I] Sinistrad: Here we go again. Another disgusting excuse for an existance. Filled with other sentient beings. Of all the gods-cursed, misbegotten luck.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Oh joy, the big creepy creature post is mine... And EFK, that last line there was the cheesiest thing I have ever seen you write. I'm sorry, but you really are a lot better than that. IC: [I]Henry, being somewhat typically disdainful of the annoying human tasks of eating, sleeping, drinking etc, was quickly up from the table, and, disdaining the pathetic enobeltion of human prejudices and fears that commonly gets called morality and manners (OOC: So I'm opinionated. An athiestic existential nihilist is allowed to be, hell, meant to be!), was pacing up and down when the door banged opened. His reflexive dart for his sword and muskets was hampered by the fact that they were several feet away right then. The door banged closed, and stayed closed.[/I] Artemis: When did you get paranoid? Henry: When people started trying to kill me again. Artmeis: How do you manage to pull off blase and paranoid in under a minute? Henry: It's a gift. [I]The door opened again. This time however, it decided to do so by ignoring the fact that it had hinges. Henry turned again, lightning arcing between his fingers. A large, bubulous lump sat just outside. Henry looked at it a long moment, before walking over and looking up.[/I] Henry (as sarcastically as is humanly possible): Alright, we've got a mutated lump crawling around on our doorstep. It appears to be sprouting large nasty weapons, and more limbs than I do irrational prejudices, which says a bit. What do we do? [I]In answer to his own question, Henry let the levin bolts he was creating dissapate in concatenation of sparks. He stalked over to the chair that held his weapons. While Artemis attacked whatever the hell the creature was, Henry picked the chair up with one hand, and shook his weapons off. He caught them one-handed, and then spun, throwing the chair at the viscous surface of the engaged creature. The chair was semi-inside it when it stopped moving. Henry sighed, and sent two bullets towards it, before stalking in with his longsword.[/I] OOC: Sorry, but the whole chair thing was too good to resist. I promise, I'll replace the chair![/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: I go away for a few days, and it falls down around everyone's ears.... Normally it's my actually being involved that causes that to happen.... IC: [I]Lacroix strode off into the darkness, ignoring the cowering forms that huddled around the open square. His cloaked enveloped him, and the darkness concealed his swift movements away. By the time these pathetic humans got over their irrational fear of a single vampyre, which probably wasn't all that irrational, all things considered, Lacroix would be far from here. As usual, he would disappear into his own world. He started off the path to Meridian, already forming the persona his next masquerade would entail.[/I] OOC: Sorry people, but my internet connection has decided that spontaneous non-existence is the way to go.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix's first words were, somewhat typically really, "Of all the gods cursed misbegotten luck." He arose from his unmarked grave, and looked around. No one, and nothing, in sight. He ran his hands over his arms, and drew his cloak around his shoulders. What cloak? He'd never had a cloak before... Come to think of it, what the hell was he doing here at all? Rising out of a grave... Then it all came back to him. Death, judgement, and now this. At least he was not who he was, in name or person. He looked himself over. He was well equiped for whatever came along. Twin scimitars hung at his belt, and a graven black sword was slung in a baldric over his back. He slowly drew it, the harmonic ring as it slid free sending shivers down his spine. This was in no way an ordinary blade. In etched runes along the hilt, was the word "Alithiel". It was a most bizarre blade. The handle was nearly a foot long, and had no tanged guard of any kind. The blade was only slightly longer than the handle, and was viciously curved. An excellent weapon, provided one was skilled with something along the lines of a jo staff. Which Sinistrad was... Sinistrad sighed, and set off towards the gap in the mountains. From what he remembered, most of the others would be in the middle of the valley.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix strode off the dais with a typically annoyed expression. His lyranthe hung over his shoulder, his took a single glance at the outraged man in front of him.[/I] Lacroix: You got what you wanted. Man: I ask you to play, and you devise a satire to sting all my guests to perdition! Who are you, to cruelly manipulate fate as such! Lacroix: Prey you never know. [I]The man suddenly shook once, and went limp. His skin seemed to shimmer for a second, and then lightened abruptly, as blood traced swift arcs through veins, to explode out the neck. The gaping wounds poured blood in an uncanny stream that flew towards Lacroix's mouth. He smiled grimly, as blood flooded into his body. When it was finished, he turned to the guests, and licked his blood stained teeth once. That was all it took. They fled screaming. Lacroix turned, and strode out the door.[/I] Lacroix: For just once, why can't people except that I really don't like them?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix drew his Desert Eagle 0.45s, dancing the barrels over his knuckles as on would a knife.[/I] Lacroix: I'm more concerned about rampant boredom than anything else here. Raellyra: Try getting seasick. Lacroix: And lose myself a chance to gloat? Surely, I would never live that down.... Raellyra: Oh shut up. [I]Lacroix laughed to himself and took his customary spot near the bow. He looked out, and turned.[/I] Lacroix: Worry not, my malaised friends! Salvation hath come, in the form of New England! Syae: Bloody traditionalist.... Lacroix: I've never respected anything, much less some stuffy old tradition. Pain in the ***. Syae: How do you live with yourself? [I]Lacroix deliberated the answer for a while, and when it came, it was typically cryptic, if that's hte right word...[/I] Lacroix: You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna get myself a 1956 Cadillac El Dorado convertible. Hot pink! With whaleskin hubcaps, and all leather cow interior and big brown baby seal eyes for headlights. Yeah! And I'm gonna drive around, at 115 miles per hour, getting one mile per gallon, sucking down quarter-pounder cheese burgers from MacDonalds in those old fashioned, non-biodegradable styrofoam containers, and when I'm done sucking down those greaseball burgers, I'm going to wipe my mouth on the American flag, and then I'm gonna toss those styrofoam containers right out the side, and there ain't a god damn thing anyone can do about it! You know why... [I]Bang! The expected projectile finally hit him....[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Personally, I think you're all crazy.... The fact that my rpgs are all basically the same thing should at least [I]start[/I] to dissuade you from that good rpger style comment. I think Kool Aid got it most right, vocabulary. I'm good at that.... Anyway, for anyone who's wondering about the point of this post, I'm just here to say; "Mnemolth, I [I]will[/I] find out where you live one day.". 32nd time....[/font][/color]