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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=crimson]As a little survey thing, to answer a question put to me a while back, how many people here actually listen to and like gothic style music? That includes genres such as darkwave and shoegazer as well. If you really hate it, or have never heard of it, please do me a favour and don't tell me about it.[/font][/color]
Art is there anything good about appleworks?
The Harlequin replied to Genkai's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I think you missed something Vegitto4. Macs don't have exe files. One of the many reasons they are better than pcs. It's possible the characters are located somewhere in the coding, a release mechanism etc. So if you have a fair bit of time, and understand code, you could go through it with resedit or resorceror, but that's unlikely to work. If you are pirating it, the best bet would be to dig up a registration code off the internet, or get a friend who has a registered version to lend it.[/font][/color] -
Art What does everyone think of my first cutout style banner?
The Harlequin replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I love that background. What's this alternate thing you people speak of? Not to mention bouncing back and forth?[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Great painting. My opinion is that the name should be something along the lines of "trauma".[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I'd say the ability to create and pull off individual tenstrings would be better than juggling. We all know how to block the basic tenstrings with every character, but it's just great to absolutely flatten some idiot who's just started to work out what he's doing and thinks he so damn good, with a combo he's never sen before that does in excess of 150 damage. Juggling's pretty easy once you get the hang of the game mechanics.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Not very inventive Mist. How about these: 1. Evicerate him. With a cheese grater. 2. Shove him headfirst into a barrel full of leeches. 3. Strap a cage of starving rats to his stomach, and score his flesh. 4. Hang him up by the shoulder blades. 5. Stake him out, dipped in honey, over an anthill. That's just for starters to. Not wanting to reveal all my tricks...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I'd disagree. I read LOTR when I was eight, and I loved it. I've read it at least twenty times since. Finnish translation you say? You got lucky. You don't have to stop yourself from bursting out laughing everytime you read his name. Fjodor would make more sense though, assuming that the bererkers are of a somewhat Scandanavian stock. 17th time...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix immediately retired for the night, unwilling to engage in further conversation. The emotional vortexs around him were not his problem just yet, he was sure the assorted problems the others faced could be dealt with without his intervention. Besides, he was still wary of commiting himself too deeply to other people. As such, he forced himself to sleep immediately.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]The threat to his companion crystallised Lacroix's thoughts. Possession was not to be borne. Lacroix knew he could counter it, but it would require some delicate balances. He rose up, casting off his dilemma. Ilythiirtar still struggled against the wraith's twisting influence, and held out mightly. Lacroix lowered his defences, stringing a chain of almost sulphuric wards across his mind, and drew both Ilythiirtar and the wraith in. Ilythiirtar was filtered out by the sigils. The wraith was not. Thwarted, it turned its malice on Lacroix. Lacroix resisted the urge to cauterise the wraith out. Should the wraith latch onto his aura coils, destroying it would leave him irrepairably damaged. He hoped Ilythiirtar had not tried to attack the wraith. An unnatural perversion, such wraiths were masters of time and space, and constrained by neither. By tied into Lacroix's mind, the wraith could not slip back and attack across time, before Lacroix had his defences up. Lacroix whirled his thought patterns in a vortext wrought of discipline and contempt. He knew wraiths. He knew that their bent of possession would not stand up to his tactics. The wraith attempted to grapple, eager to consume his entire being. Lacroix, manipulating it skillfully, twisted away like water. The wraith attempted to catch the winding aura strands, latching in ever so slightly. Lacroix continued to twirl his thought patterns, twisting them around into a cage that collapsed on the wraith with a scream like steel and fire. Caught by the mind it had tried to possess, the wraith coudl do nothing as it was slowly leeched away, becoming one with Lacroix.[/I] Lacroix: I love doing that to them. Really, really pisses them off. Now, why did you follow me?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]People, people. Revenge Of Shinobi came out on the Sega Megadrive II originally. Come to think of it, I think I still have it lying around somehere... God that's sad. Great game for its time though. It would be interesting to see a newly made version.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Hwoarang tends to be underrated I've found, because all the button mashing newbies tend to use him. Then end up doing nothing but motion switch for half the fight... If all you're doing is sidestepping and throwing, you have a long way to go I must say.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix woke around midnight, haunted by the usual dreams that plagued his existence. He knew why they happened, he knew he could stop them. He chose not to. They gave him an insight into his own soul, and into the twisted mechanics of the world. He rose up, picking up his scimitars and returning to the parapets. A nightly ritual at times, he faced the moon, and wondered if it was all worth it. As usual, he decided it was.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien was nearly asleep, Spyder a comforting warmth in his arms, when the door resounded under heaving knocking. He called out, and Cathos walked in. He looked pretty messed up. Davien gently laid Spyder down, and walked out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.[/I] Davien: Are you alright? What the hell happened? Cathos: Well, I was leaving, but my train somewhat... died. Davien: Ouch. When did you get out of hospital? Cathos: Just then. Don't suppose you've got another place to sleep around here? Davien: You've been here before remember. Cathos: Oh. Ahem. Davien: Yes, Spyder's sleeping with me. Cathos: Oh. Sorry. I'll be asleep then. Heavily. Very heavily. You sly old dog... Davien: Oh shut up. [I]Cathos laughs and walks out. Davien returns to his room, lying down beside his love and again wrapping his arms around her, drifting slowly into sleep.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: No, I don't know why I ressurected this either. Something to do I guess. IC:[I]Setsuna just shakes his head and shimmers, disappeared. Davien spins, leaping off the side of the mountain. After halting his fall somewhat a hell of a way down, he searchs after the others again. He opens his mind, searching. Kain appears, in his demon form. Davien sends out a questing though, locating him. He jumps up and runs after him, hoping Anathema will be there. She is. He approaches her and inquires about the wound. She seems alright, but in pain. He concentrates his energy in his hands, laying them upon her wound. Some of the darkness drains out of it. He staggers back, weakened. She nods once and they continue on.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Davien: Oh to hell with this. Kral Thraxx, let us go. [I]The assassin and companion drake stalk in, ignoring the quarrels fired their way. Davien's twin viper whirled through the air, flickering motion traced in bloody light. They reached the shattered gatee, crossed the barbican, and were quickly inside the sally port. This would not be difficult.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I hate to tell you this GSB, but those instances you mentioned weren't exactly anything to do with materia. Cut scenes and such don't involve materia. If you'd read most of the plot, you'd understand (perhaps, it took me several times through to work it out) what Sephiroth was doing. You know, your level comments are on of the things that really annoy me. Why do people get hung up on level? Who gives a damn? It's how strong the creature/player etc in question is that matters.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]What's it worth to you Mist? And this is an asylum. Trust me. I was clinically insane for a year and a half, and I can tell you this is a very crazy place.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Ahem. It actually depends on how oxygenated the blood is. It alternates between crimson and dark red, so I'm afraid youre both right. Really though, what were you trying to sever, an artery or a vein? Great banner. I would have put a line or two more of text in, but I always have these three line stanzas.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Chinese fantasy? I've got a book lying around, by Ricardo Pinto, but I haven't read it yet. I'm pretty sure it's Chinese fantasy. Anybody read it? And it is so Fyodor. There is no J in it, anywhere. Most of my books I get from the library, but our library often has to order them from another library. I've read my way through mine several times. But yes, you should definately acquire Anne Rice. And Liam, anything based on Wizards Of The Coast is a hell of a lot better than a Warhammer author. Trust me. I've read a number of Warhammer books, Drachenfels etc (By the way, anybody know who wrote that?), and they were nowhere near as good as Forgotten Realms or the Magic: The Gathering books. 16th time...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Dragonheart? Very bad taste there EFK. IC:[I]Lacroix retreated off slightly, unwilling or unable to be part of the aftermath. He wasn't sure himself. The encounter with Erus had unbalanced him somewhat. He needed time to think, to reaffirm his lost sense of identity. He needed to fight down the memories and emotions that now raged through him. He needed to be alone. He knew that, caught up in each other, the others would be unlikely to notice should he slip off. The only ones likely to, Eve, with her strange displays off affection that were [B]really[/B] starting to unnerve him, and Ilythiirtar, with his perception, were absent, and Alriy seemed somewhat occupied. Lacroix wandered back, to the sanctum of the mage he had killed earlier. He seemed called back there. Perhaps the dark-aspected bracers he had obtained stirred the darkness in his soul, and keened a shrill cry in his mind. He needed comfortable surroundings, and the cathedral, with its amazing gothic construction, atmosphere and decor, wuold be perfect. He was quickly there, easily retracing his way through the maze. The pentagram had faded, stains of blood all that remained. He sat on the mage's "throne", an ornate, highbacked chair carved with serpents and drakes, and stilled himself for the conflict ahead. Almost immediately, the torches flickered and died, and a spectral howl filled the air.[/font][/color][/I]
Writing Transcribed clash of uncertainties
The Harlequin replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]What is with you? You are way too modest! You are a great writer, don't give me that "I'm not too good at it" crap. You ask anybody here. Trust me, that's damn good stuff. I'll start a thread next time I get around to writing something... [/font][/color] -
Writing Transcribed clash of uncertainties
The Harlequin replied to Phantom's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I wasn't saying it was good to boost your ego Phantom. I agree fervently. And what's even more fun than delirious is full on deranged. A.k.a. Raven and I, or perhap conversation between Jesus Chicken, I and a friend of ours. They're those conversations you just know where messed up, but you can't remember a word of them... But yeah, your poetry is excellent. Some of the better stuff I've ever read actually. You could quite easily publish a book with some of your pieces you know.[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Please don't tell me we need to know something about GTA3 for this to make sense. And this time difference thing is messing with my head... Oh well. IC:[I]Lacroix continued along the street, pondering the recent attack. The SRS had never gone that far before, and had indeed been somewhat profitable at times. They tended to keep the other gangs away, in the hope they could recruit Lacroix. Not that he'd ever give them a straight answer. He'd had trouble with all the gangs at times, he'd never been one to acquiesce easily. They always seemed to expect him to though. Even after he gut their members several times over. But the SRS had always avoided tangling with him, aside from the ...employment offers. Lacroix's only real concern over the situation was that the Scientists had becomes hostile because they didn't need his services anymore. And if they hadn't gotten someone from an international level, that meant one of Lacroix's old friends was in town. One that would have to be hung up with a meat hook by the ankles. Either that, or they had a bioterrorist/chemist like himself, and merely wanted to remove someone who knew most of their contacts by sight, and a few by real or assumed names. Lacroix's only real course of action was to find out what was going on. Which meant getting on good terms with the SRS. Which would be hard to do. Lacroix couldn't pretend to be cowed, they knew him better than that. So it would require a very rare set of circumstances for the right situation to come up. The right opening int he conversation. Something to give him a lever, something to get him in. He was reluctant to commit himself to any group, even if only superficially. The principle of the thing really, but still. But this time, it was neccessary.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Velcome to ze Desolation Jesus. Is that meant to be Genevieve? Anyway, on track. Time to give this a little direction. IC:[I]Lacroix measured his old friend, unsure as to what the reaction would be. Lacroix had never known what people had though of his running off, what, somewhat close to 40 years ago, perhaps a little longer. He hadn't cared for a while either. But now other concerns superceded his own doubts and self-loathing. Damn existentialism... Lacroix stepped forward, cutting the newcomer off.[/I] Lacroix: Don't worry about it for now. Names can be found out later, and past is something to be shared by choice. We have more important things to talk about. Everybody here is aware that the Mire is stirring? Sending out its aberrated, twisted beings to again torment the world? [I]Everybody nodded, even to the last bit. They all knew the history.[/I] Lacroix: Alright then. This has happened over the last month, in case I haven't told you yet. The Mire is starting small, but the creatures it spawns will grow bigger, and nastier. The main problem is this. We don't know why. The second biggest problem is that we don't know how to stop it, and the third problem is that the assorted governments, are as yet unaware of the fact, or refuse to believe it. The humans and orcs don't believe, the elves don't know, and the Dhruigals, well... who knows what they think. I have a feeling they know though. And that they will be far more sympathetic to our cause. So the first order of business is to get ourselves to Bektis Ko. The Druigal elders will be able to tell us things even I don't know about the Mire, and will listen to us. They may be able to prevail upon the other governments to listen. Now, where were we? Ganshed: That's the most I've ever heard you speak at once. Lacroix: I know. I'l have to cut down. Anyway, back to you. [I]They look back to the newcomer, finally allowing him to introduce himself.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Someone's getting an iron rod in a painful place...[/font][/color]