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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: That second one doesn't seem to work. The first one however, is excellent. Just add in black hair, and a hooded cloak, and that is perfectly what I had in mind. Would you particularly object if I used that as a character pic in future?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm afraid I'll have to be one of the bad guys. Far more fun. Name: Lacroix Vukodlak Race: Dark Elf Gender: Male Age: 217 Height: 6 ft Weight: Unknown Eye Color: Black Hair Color: Black Bio: Lacroix is an exiled dark elf. Slightly deranged, and more than willing to kill to further whatever purpose he decides he likes at the moment. Never acts in a rational way. Intelligent, yet he hides it behind misdirection. He would prefer to guide a conversation rather than hold one. He is militantly solitary and pessimistic. Scroll: Dark Ice Spells: 1.Soul Lance: Shoots a stream of death energy at a being. Their own soul rends them apart. 2. Soul Charge: The Damned Souls of the world create a vortext that momentarily destroys all life, then resurrects everything except the target. Not user friendly. Many, many side effects, to a lot of things. -Equipment/Gear- Weapon: Twin reaper knives. The diamantine blades trail a miasma of darkness, testament to their grim purpose and enchantments. Armor: Mithril Chainmail Gloves: Spirit Claws. Basically leather guantletes, traced in runes. Boots: Panther boots. Allow the wearer to walk silently over any terrain. Some extra traction as well. Partner: Black raven named Raiett.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]They reach the blackened ruin. The blighted structure is already swarming with creatures. They crouch down in the forest before the surrounding open land.[/I] Kredion: Seems you were pretty pissed. Davien: I had reason to be. What now? Alastuin: Well, breaking in seemed to work last time... Davien: I'm not up for that again. Alastuin: Are you alright? Davien: Ah, a sincere note of concern is detected, ringing in my ears like a bell. Kral Thraxx: Save it. First, we have some things to take care of.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: If that is all it takes to make someone's stomach turn... This should be very fun. Oh, and how I look? Check my avatar... IC:[I]Lacroix reared his horse, rather absurdly named Valerin, considering its restive nature, but Lacroix was like that somtimes, besides Eve's unicorn and enquired just what was the problem.[/I] Lacroix: There is a reason for this? Eve: Dark gnomes. Lacroix: How many? Eve: Enough to cover the beach. Lacroix: Interesting. Are we running or fighting? [I]His tone makes it rather obvious which he prefers.[/I] Eve: We'll see what everyone else thinks. [I]Lacroix shies his horse away. Eve laughs softly as she looks at the others. She could just hear Lacroix muttering something about democracy under his breath.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]All I can say is that, while I in no way have anything against any lifestyle choice you may make, I still think you like plates too much. But hell, some people just swing that way. And chaotic amorals do have more fun...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix ignored the fight, the singing of his soul chord increasing. He slowly approached the burrow, and before anyone could react, leapt in. The darkness enveloped him. A comforting, reclusive feeling. His element. Lacroix crawled through the confined space, crawling down and ahead, for several minutes before coming into a large cavern. Torches lit the cave brightly. It smelt of pitch, as if well tended. The fires however, where incandescent. Too bright to be natural. The earth as moist, smooth. Two obelisks stood before him. Carved with ancient runes, they waited. The knew. The passing of time affected them not, and they heeded it only by choice. Possessed of almost sentient intelligence, the guardian pillars sought their match. The bones and grey dust strewn around them, shown faintly by torchlight, testified to their power to remove those found wanting. The questioning thoughts encountered Lacroix, and stuck fast. The pillars, old as time and far wiser, imparted their assurance to him. Their staid energies resonated, the heartrock of the very earth one with Lacroix's flesh and blood soul. Lacroix, humbled by his encounter, focused his gaze on the pillars. Between them, in the sheet of darkness he attributed to lack of light, a scintillating light appeared. A vortex, traced in patterns of silver, black and purple called to him. He entered it... ...and was suddenly somewhere else. An ancient, dusty smell pervaded. Darkness abounded. Lacroix ran his hands behind him. The wall felt solid. Nowhere to go but forward. Lacroix held his hand out to the sides, encountering walls immediately. One hand intercepting a ring of metal. He reached up, and took the torch out of it's ring. He held it between his kness, striking blades together. The dry wood caught, illuminating the area around him. In the dim light, the walls glowed silver, runes engraved in flowing patterns that seemed to relfect Lacroix's being. He strode forward. The narrow passage opened into a wide room, and he stopped to take it in. It was dominated by an altar. Made of basalt, it was cracked by time and attrition. It carried a miasma of old blood around it, and upon Lacroix's closer inspection, many of the cracks turned out to be runnels of blood. He smiled, perfectly at home with the macarbre. He liked it... In the center of the altar, the glow of his torch was...drawn in. An absortion of light existed. Lacroix's soul thrummed. The relic he had been sent to find. He approached the altar, and gazed upon its center... Minutes later he reappeared, the others looking at him as if he were crazy. Then they saw his eyes. Turned almost fully black, they appeared like moonlight on water as he turned his head. He gaze long at each of them, weighing their souls with newfound depth and intuition. His perception caused an ache within him, his raptor gaze sparing him nothing from those around him. He didn't want to know, yet he had no choice.[/I] Lacroix: I have the relic. Alriy: Where? [I]Lacroix smiled, and opened his cloak. An aura of darkness surrounded his neck. He held his hand over it, closing it into a fist. Through his dark flesh, a bright silver glow could be seen, outlinding a pendant. Shaped like an orb, the pendant was traced in silver lightning, almost indiscernable against the already silver glare. Lacroix closed his cloak, the enveloping blackness re-enfolding him.[/I] Lacroix: Well then. What now?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Attempt number 4 at getting a decent rpg going... Here goes nothing. IC:[I]Lacroix jumped cautiously down from the tree he perched in. The sound that had flagged his attention persisted. He stalked silently through the Mire, alert to attack from the very landscape. Lacroix reaches one of the many pits, scored into the earth like wounds. The Mire was a forsaken place, unforgiven and unforgiving. But it had been uninhabited for aeons. The dark pool in front of him bubbled slightly. This was not unusual however. Sometimes Lacroix wondered if the entire swamp was set on a sulphuric vent. Lacroix broke of part of one of the twisted trees, slicing it lengthwise before gripping it fully. In this place, trees could bite back. Lacroix carefullly stirred the water. Immediately, a roiling, heaving mass appeared, and a thin form shot out of the water with a shrill scream. Lacroix brought his other hand up sharply. The reaper knife he carried speared into whatever had leapt at him. It was revealed to be a karth eel. Lacroix shook the beast off his knife. An abberation of the more common animal, karth eels were fanged, and quite often clawed. They acted with uncanny intelligence, often attacking in concert. They killed for mere rapacity. The thrill of blood, the tangle of fang, claw and body the very sinew of life. The legged eel flopped around, the last vestiges of life fading. Lacroix bent down and sliced the spined head open. This was a new mutation. Scaled body, about two inches thick, stretching two metres. Spines ribbing the back, fangs nearly half its mouth size, and six feet, each with four claws. Lacroix carefully removed the venom sac. He balance it on the side of his knife, and then carefully dropped it. A clear liquid propelled itself outward from the burst sac, causing a hiss to emanate from whatever it contacted. Lacroix jumped backwards. Cierl-ankeshed toxin appeared only in spawnings. The deadliest venom known, the vicious compound could be absorbed even through the slightest skin contact. It caused a wasting of the nerves, a firestorm of agony consuming the victim. Quite often, in the week or more it took to kill the victim, cierl-ankeshed toxin would drive the recipient made. Lacroix shuddered a sigh of relief. He was very lucky to be alive. He set off, vowing to map out the latest abberant creatures that had infested the only place he could call home, and boded ill for the world at large. Lacroix's inner quandry was more pressing. Should he give warning to those outside? Should he let his home be destroyed? Lacroix knew that the Dhruigals, in particular, would not let the world be destroyed again. Lacroix, while more than ready and willing to face the monsters in the swamp around him, agonised over running into any other sentient beings. Especially if they were those he may once have known. Unless... His love was still alive. Somewhere. Should he find her again... Or she find him...[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: He'll live. Perhaps. IC:[I]As Hunter started to strike up a conversation, Lacroix was saved by Elysan jumping in and answering whatever he had said. At his happiest while in the background, observing the interplay of life and people around him, Lacroix smiled and wondered at where his life was heading. The expresion played strange on his face, so rarely seen on any of his kind, and very rarely on him at all. A strange, slight uptruning of his lips, so easily construed as melancholia. But perhaps that all happiness ever was. An enjoyable form of melancholia. Lacroix was started out of reverie by a posed question.[/I] Hunter: So Lacroix, what do you intend to do once this is all over? [I]Lacroix sat back and mused it over.[/I] Lacroix: Hmm. Once this little duplicitous, undignified, farcious, debaclous travesy is all over? I really don't know. Go back to the vagabond's life I suppose. I've always been a vagrant. I'll adjust back to it fairly quickly. Serena: You could come back here. [I]Lacroix thought about it. A home. Some place he would not be chased out of. A place where he could claim something as his own. A home. The very word sang unfamiliar on his lips and heart. The smile widened, as Lacroix contemplated the life before him. Suddenly, the coming adventure was no longer a diverson, but something to complete.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Nice weapon. Hell is earth then. Interesting. IC:[I]Lacroix wondered why it really mattered when they left. To a realm of immortals, time was pretty much immaterial. Unless these sentimental bastards held some kind of concern for those still alive. But didn't they want those alive to join them in heaven? Lacroix reverted into old habits, blending into the background. His discreet habits tended to counfound more openminded people, his solitary nature being misconstrued as lonliness. Whatever came along, Lacroix was ready for it. Emotionally, he couldn't be any other way.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][quote]So basicly LionHeart is prettty much powerful. [/quote] Amazing! Strange that the rest of us didn't notice that.... Level 5 moves aren't that annoying, as long as one person has death on st defense. And preferably revive as well. The magic you are thinking of is meltdown. Lionheart comes up about 10% of the time for some reason. Blasting Zone is the most common. Probably has something to do with luck.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Not at all. RPG is probably started by the time this is read.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I've found that summoning Doomtrain tends to make Ruby Dragons fiarly easy, it's just when they start off with Breath that pisses me off. If you're talking about chimeras, they're easy. I use blind rather than sleep. Things like T-Rexaurs, Blue Dragons, Chimeras tend to get a lot easier then. Besides, all I'm doing now is running around leveling up my three off characters, the ones I actually use are all level 100, so nothing is hard.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Quiet fool... that's sensitive information...ahem.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Hey, I got in first. And Phantom, you think that's good, try Ravenstorture and I... IC:[I]As the balrog's soul disintergrated, the echoing waves sent out from such a destruction crossed even the bounds of unconsciousness. Trained to a mage's discipline, Lacroix settled what faculties he could, and engaged a psyche drain from the outpouring energy. The balrog's soul, driven by a lifetime of malice and darkness, is a steady fuel of energy to one who knows how to channel it. As lifeforce goes, Lacroix was quickly brimming with an almost dangerous level. More than enough to channel into healing anyway. Lacroix steeled himself for the pain, and enacted the spell. When he awoke, he was in unfamiliar surroundings. His equipment was beside him. He get up, armed himself, and walked out. An inn. Lacroix retreated back to his room, resolving to leave in a somewhat...less noticeable fashion. He still didn't know exactly what he was doing here, and his companions were not in evidence.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I have only one question Phantom. How is it unfortunate that it is effective against hordes of orcs? Nice to see I didn't get any at least. Also nice to see I'm not the only one with "not user friendly. Not those in proximity to user friendly" magic. Anyway. This rpg starts sometime between now and Sunday, sorry for nothing more definite. The people in are, well, everyone. And Ravestorture when she signs up. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]DnD, Forgotten Realms, it's all Wizards Of The Coast. We'll do something about that then. IC:[I]Lacroix eventually notices Hunter's inert form, and quickly finds his wounds to be near mortal.[/I] Lacroix: Damn it. You have my permission to scream. This is really going to hurt. [I]Lacroix closes his eyes and holds his hands out. A spinning ball of black energy appears between his hands. Questing tendrils arc out, latching onto both Hunter and Lacroix. Both writhe in unimaginable agony. Those around them stare, transfixed. Eventually, Lacroix collapses. Hunter, his wounds healed, rose unsteadily to his feet. Hunter knelt down beside the drow, turning his over. Lacroix seemed merely unconscious, but his breathing was merely no existent.[/I] Hunter: The idiot! He sacraficed life energy into healing. Rather neat trick though... [I]Lacroix eyes flutter open, and he smiles wanly.[/I] Lacroix: I'll ab alright soon. [I]Lacroix reaches up to his face and pulls the tumbled mass of his black hair down. Along one temple is a streak of white. He curses faintly, then collapses back into unconsciousness.[/I] Hunter: Vanity? Lacroix. Very unexpected...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I was speaking figuratively. Yes, I know summoning it will increase compatibility. I know I can get a lot of LuvLuv Gs with the Chubby Chocobo. That's why I was asking if there was anything else. Assuming you get Lionheart every time you Renzokuken. Which you tend not to. Or if I was really into wasting time, I could cycle through Selphie's limit breaks and wait till I get the end. But no, I stick with something a little easier, and a little surer.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix: I think we all did. Serena: It's true. Lacroix: Ah. That would explain some things. Serena: I'm sorry. Lacroix: For being drow? Or for not mentioning it earlier? Don't worry, I understand either motivation. [I]The hint of bitternes in Lacroix's words does not go unnoticed. However, it is not directed at Serena.[/I] Serena: For not mentioning it earlier. My heritage is something I would not betray. Lacroix: Well then. That's settled. [I]Lacroix looks around once, before bursting into laughter.[/I] Lacroix: Unique kind of place, I must say. Raistlin, how much wine do we have left? Raistlin: I don't know. Lacroix: Well, drinks all round then. [I]Lacroix stands up, and slams his hand down on the table for attention. All the other patrons slowly turn and look at him, the silence being punctuated by a few snores.[/I] Lacroix: Right then people. I have an announcement. You're all crazy. Thank you for your time. [I]Lacroix sits down, takes up a flagon, and tosses it down. The other patrons turn back around, fully convinced that this drow has already had a little too much to drink.[/I] Lacroix: For some reason, I feel a lot better. Elysan: It's the wine. Lacroix: No it's not. This is the, what now Raistlin? [I]Raistlin manages to drag himself up and slur the word "third" before collapsing under the table. Lacroix pokes him a few times, and then leaves him.[/I] Lacroix: Alright then. How about some civilised conversation for once.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Well well well. Welcome to the fold. And EFK, you read too much Forgotten Realms. But then, so do I.. IC:[I]Unfortunately, trying to freeze the fires of hell has yet to work. Within minutes, the balrog had melted the ice. The enraged beast roared and turned to face its tormentors. Two black flashes crossed its vision, and it spun, searching. Lacroix suddenly appeared, and sliced through the beast. The balrog's eyes opened wide, and it spin and attacked. This time, in desperation. Again, it was distracted by two black flashes. It swiped, but was unable to strike whatever they were. And Lacroix delivered another punishing blow to the stomach. With Twinkle, again. The beast roared. This time, in fear. Runeth, bearing Elysan, backed off slightly, wondering what was harming he beast. Then the dragon noticed the wisps of steam trailing from Twinkle's blade. Lacroix ducked a ravaging fist, spinning and leaping backwards so he came down behind the beast. The next thing seen was Twinkle exploding through the balrog. The balrog sagged slightly. The detonated in an explosive fireball. The fireshards flew nearly an inch, before halting, seemingly, in mid air. Lacroix stepped forward, Twinkle outstreched. The fire seemed to quench and a hiss of steam filled the air.[/I] Lacroix: Ice element blade. The balrog was a creature of fire, but it's fire could not be quenched by ice alone. This blade was forged to deal death to demons of fire. It protects the wielder from fire, among other things. [I]Lacroix suddenly laughs and looks at his blade.[/I] Lacroix: And that's about all the damn thing is good for! Aside from being slightly sharper and stronger, and glowing, all it ever does it protect from fire. Really. You'd think, as a drow, I'd be able to scrounge up a decent weapon. I mean, really, drow enchant every weapon they make. Better then any other race alive. But what do I go find? Seriously. Not that I'd want anything else, but still... [I]Lacroix looks up. Runeth has long since left. He looks around, the mutters a phrase under his breath. He raises his arm, and two ravens come to settle on it.[/I] Lacroix: Raiett, Alastuin, my thanks as always. [I]The ravens look at him, heads cocked slightly in uncanny understanding. They fly off, their ghostly passage making neither sound nor shadow. Lacroix sighs slightly, then decides to find the others.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Put yourself up as some strange abomination perhaps. But don't make up races. Makes things difficult. And keep the spells in character. I'll wait for one or two more, then make a decision. I'm expecting at least Phantom to sign up at some point.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]If "pro" is the opposite to "con" what is the opposite of progress? No matter what we do though, no matter what fuels we research, something will be harmed. It's not really a situation we can win. Even something like solar power. Where do you put the panels? On some animal's habitat? There has to be a level of compromise, a decision. The filthy rich bastards aren't the problem. It's the fact that they are let flourish. 6th time...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Ah, if only Ravenstorture were here... Oh well. I'll live. AND NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN SUCH FOOLISHNESS EITHER! At least, not to such a degree... oh alright damn it. Phantom, you read too much Melanie Rawn, and Hunter... you're just ambitious. That's my rant for the day/week done. Apologies now that it's over. IC:[I]Lacroix sighed and stood up. He walked out along the branch, his dancer's agility allowing him to navigate until it was thinner than his feet. He turned, a troubled look on his face.[/I] Lacroix: As you say. You would not flinch. Perhaps that is part of what I fear. That, should anything happene to those I would name friend, companion, ally, I would feel nothing. My emotions, when I feel them, make little sense as it is. How would they fare under such stress? Worse still. While in a normal being, it might be shrugged off. But in a drow? The cold, manipulative, conniving race, that is [I]known to foster false friendships for gain?[/I] Could I face the possible accusations inherent in such a situation. [I]Distracted, and less then happy about it, Eve looks up. She walks out to where Lacroix stands, balances herself in front of him. And promptly pushes him off the tree. After a few muffled thuds, Lacroix reappears. He climbs back up the tree, walking back out to Eve. [/I] Lacroix: I'm assuming there was a reason for that. Eve: Good to see you have come to your senses. We are your friends, whether you like it or not. We don't weigh everything action you make to see if you are an imposter. We trust you. And if we have to kick your *** to make you see sense next time, we'll do so! So don't start moping again. [I]Lacroix looks at her, astonished. Then he bursts out laughing. Eve, bewildered, inquires as to what is so amusing.[/I] Lacroix: You've managed to pass my entire life's high point off as moping. Masterful. Really wrecked the melodrama of it all. Given that, how can I fail to call you friend. Eve: Thank you. My friend. [I]Lacroix wipes the tears that are the last remnants of his mirth away. Then his eyes narrow. He leans forwards and trips Eve, catching her by the ankle at the last moment. He wavers a little, but easily regains balance.[/I] Lacroix: And if you ever throw me off a tree again...! [I]Lacroix jumps down and catches Eve. Eve stands up looks at him a moment, and kicks him rather hard before running off to find Ilythiirtar. Lacroix stands a moment, unsure. Then decides that perhaps it is time his sense of humour was no longer so...understated.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Not sure if this fits, but I just wouldn't feel right playing it any other way. This is refreshingly opposite to my For Lo! If Death Should Have A Face rpg. Gives me a sense of perspective at least... [I]The tortured drow ran on. The wound in his side bled profusely, weakening him by the minute. Worse, it led the tracking dogs onwards. The pain blurred Lacroix's mind. Thoughts, memories, feelings ran amok through his mind. In his derangement, Lacroix suddenly found he had boxed himself in. The cave ahead seemed the only refuge available. Lacroix stumbled in, only to note at the last minute a fire was lit part way in. Nine feet tall, and barrelwide, the ogre bulked massive compared to the lithe drow. With a toothy grin, the ogre grabbed its club to claim its supper. Lacroix staggered, leanign against the cave wall for support. The ogre walked in, smashing at Lacroix's head. But the drow had already moved. Lacroix ducked and spun, both reaper knives coming out of their sheathes as he rose. And straight into the ogre's heart and throat. Exhausted, Lacroix dragged himself further into the cave, hoping the ogre's scent would deter the dogs. His hope was in vain. Within minutes, the crowd of peasants that had been chasing him turned up, the twisted mage at their fore. The mage smiled, then cast a rippling incantation. The peasants, who had merely been trying to kill an assassin, and a dark elf to boot, shied away. A scintillating shimmer appeared, then congealed into a demon. Not a large one, but enough. Lacroix wearily got to his feet. His stood, poised, outlined blood red in the fire light. His feet were apart, knives in ritual pose, the diamantine blades flickering in the fire light. The demon laughed and advanced. Very soon, it had devoured the drow completely. Lacroix awoke to a strange place. Ethereal, uncanny. Lacroix checked himself over. He had his weapons, and his wounds were gone. He got up, and looked full into the face of a being he had never thought existed. The sheer aura of the being could only mean one thing.[/I] Lacroix: So you're God. [I]God merely inclined his head, and informed Lacroix that he had been chosen for a special quest. Or tried to. It's pretty hard to inform someone of anything when they're trying to hit you in the face... After being forcibly subdued, Lacroix eagerly went along with the plan. There was still a mage out there, with a familiar demon that needed...disposing of... And if he didn't fit in with the rather astranged group around him, well, that was nothing new.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Egad Jesus, not that yes lets crap again. IC:[I]Lacroix and Raistlin wandered almost aimlessly until they proceeded to find the tavern. After a single glance at each other, they walked inside. Walking up the the bar, they brought most of it. After a few minutes of rather steady drinking, Raistlin ale and Lacroix light wine, neither enough to get drunk, and little enough that should they decide to, they'd have enough lying around, Raistlin looks over and sees Hunter.[/I] Raistlin: Hey! It's that other sly old dog! [I]Raistlin rises to his feet and ambles over to Hunter. Albeitly somewhat unsteadly. Raistlin sits/falls next to him and starts nudging him.[/I] Raistlin: How was Elysan eh you sly old dog? Hunter: What? Lacroix: I know. I don't get it either. [I]At Lacroix's silent approach, Hunter whips around. His eyes narrow, and looks at loss for words. Lacroix seats himself and a "normal" (ahem, relative terms) conversation ensues between Raistlin and Lacroix. Several times, Hunter looks on the verge of saying something, but keeps quiet. He also spends a large amount of time glaring at Lacroix. Lacroix notes it, its probable cause, and pays no attention.[/I] OOC: The hole is still there. Mwahahahaha! Sorry...[/font][/color]