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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Sorry people, been away for the last week. "Mister personality"! What the hell! I think not my lost cathartic friend. IC:[I]Vukodlak, not intending to apply for leave, not intending to go back to Gold Saucer at all, was more direct than Darken.[/I] Vukodlak: Do as you will. I, however, am disappearing. [I]Vukodlak walks off, leaving the others to make their own way.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Being the usual sneaky bastard he is, Lacroix continues to follow the ragtag group, wondering what drinking had to do with anything. It probably didn't matter. Unless the chance for an assassination came up... Lacroix faded away, teleporting back to his quarters, an abandoned castle. The briar around the ruin had been supplemented with roses, died black and grown to abnormal size. The thorns were at least a foot long, and the stems as thick as tre trunk, and harder than old oak. One would have to be able to fly to get inside. Lacroix shrugged his scimitars off his belt, sitting down on his bed. The darkness around himfailed to faze him. Set in a mountain range, the castle was always in darkness, even when the sun appeared high ahead, due to some anomaly Lacroix had yet to determine. The fortress had once been property of some rich bandit lord and his army. Taking a liking to it, Lacroix had killed all 40 occupants, before disposing of the bodies off a nearby cliff. He didn't bother cleaning up the blood, and the place had developed a charnal reek. Lacroix lay down, deciding to get some rest before returning to the group of warriors.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Hunter, try being a dark elf next time. It gets you out of all this annoying relationship stuff. Although, if you've ever read an rpg I'm in with Ravenstorture... [I]Lacroix, despite the open welcome, was ill at ease. He was unable to sleep, a common affliction for him, yet it was something more this time. Rising, he silently opens his door and glides down the hall. Reaching the outer door, he finds it locked. He reaches into his cloak and pulls out two thin iron picks. Within thirty seconds, he has the first tumbler out of the way. While struggling with the second, he is startled by footsteps behind him. Lacroix, unwilling to be seen, uses his native abilities to fade away, becoming almost invisible. Looking around, he sees Hunter's mother walking down the hall. As she comes to the end, she glances at the lockpick still in the door and than throws a scathing glance at Lacroix.[/I] Serena: If you wanted to leave, you could have asked. [I]Lacroix sighs ruefully, dropping his concealing aura. He retreives his lockpicks before replying in a wry voice.[/I] Lacroix: Actually, I couldn't have. Everybody had gone to bed. Serena: That's irrelevant. I wouldn't have minded. Lacroix: And I was supposed to have known that? Serena: Not really. Why did you want to leave? [I]This question, phrased in a fast, direct tone, and right on the heels of an inane comment, takes Lacroix by surprise. After an instant, he regains his equilibrium, and counters.[/I] Lacroix: How were you able to see me? Serena: We had a drow stay here remember. Lacroix: Ah. [I]There is a long minute of silence. Lacroix merely stares into Serena's eyes, distracting her from repeating her question. After a long minute, she tears her eyes away.[/I] Serena: Why were you trying to leave? Lacroix: I couldn't sleep. I assume this town would have something resembling a tavern. Serena: I took you for one of more refined habits. Lacroix: Oh, worry not, I disdain taverns and drinking. But they are good places for information. Serena: What did you want to know? Lacroix: Basically, I need a library. [I]Serena, rather startled, blinks a few times before answering.[/I] Serena: There's one here. You could have used it. [I]There is a long shocked silence. The expression of outrage on Lacroix's face is almost priceless. Serena looks at him a moment, before bursting out into laughter.[/I] Lacroix: Of course I couldn't! That would be terribly impolite. An offense to one who had welcomed me into their home. For whatever reason. [I]Lacroix's last words are tinged by a slight catch in his voice. Serena looks up sharply, all traces of mirth gone.[/I] Serena: So that's it. You wanted to know if the lack of prejudice was merely due to my son's presence. [I]Lacroix bows mockingly.[/I] Lacroix: Very good. Yes, that was my secondary aim. Another reason to enter a tavern. The truth comes more freely from drunken subjects, who ay be cowed when sober. Serena: How dare you suspect us! [I]Lacroix leans against the wall and sighs bitterly.[/I] Lacroix: Why should I not? You have never lived a drow's life. You don't know what one if forced to live with. You live in your sheltered elf city, among the blessed race, in a position of nobility. Have you any knowledge of hardship? Have you ever been the target of a mob of drunken peasants armed with torches and cruel knives? [I]Lacroix pulls his hood back fully, then removes his cloak. The scars that trace his arms, and other revealed patches of skin wind an intricate web of blackness over his raven skin. Serena steps back, almost horrified.[/I] Serena: My past, or lack of it, is not yet a concern of yours. You asked for a library, come then. [I]She sweeps imperiously off. Shaken by his own vehemence, Lacroix trails along after her. They reach an ornate oak door. It is opened to reveal cases upon cases of books. Lacroix walks slowly in, seating himself at one of the tables. The candle light plays around his face, dying his countenance bloody red.[/I] Serena: Help yourself. [I]Lacroix examies the bookshelves from where he is sitting. He quickly finds titles of interest. One in particular catches his eyes. A book on the athiestic existentialist philosophies. He walks over and draws it slowly off the shelf, pacing back and forth as he reads. After a few minutes of incessant walking, Serena stands full in his path. Lacroix stops and looks at her in puzzlement. Serena tips the book up, and, noting his choice, is quickly acquires a pleased smile.[/I] Serena: A favourite of my own! [I]She leads Lacroix over to one of the tables, laying the book down in front of them. They read long into the night, not touching, but sitting very close together, their low voices often breaking into soft laughter as they converse, and their conversation ranges from their habits, likes and dislikes, to their views on the world, politics, to philosophy, to their pasts. Both are equally surprised to find a like spirit in the other. The books are quickly forgotten in light of conversation. Dawn finds them, as does a rather shocked servant, with Lacroix asleep leaned against the table, Serena nestled up against him. At the loud "ahem", issued, both start awake and jump away from each other. Serena stalkes out, while Lacroix looks at the servant with an amused expression.[/I] Servant: And would sir like anything else this morning? Lacroix: Believe me, it's not what you think. Servant: Perhaps. I recommend nonetheless, that sir leaves promptly. [I]Lacroix laughs, stands, bows ironicall, and saunters out, waiting for the others to rise, and wondering what little escapades they all got up to.[/I] OOC: Sorry Hunter, just had to dig the hole a little deeper for you. Life is weird.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: A little late perhaps. Nevertheless, no real loss to anyone else. IC:[I]Lacroix rose from his inadequate shelter to the harsh light of another foul dawn. The sun struck his head like a hammer, forcing him to overshadow his face with his darkened hood. His mood was as flat and stark as the desert he inhabited. The creatures there did not bother him. The solitude was his preference. The emptiness reflected his soul. This place suited him, but it was time to move on. Soundlessly, Lacroix gathered up his meagre possessions. He set off east, towards the more civilised area of the elvish continent. The journey would be long, the hardship a toiling drain on his tortured body. He considered the odds of surviving outside his element. The outside world, he had turned his back on. His rejection had not even been noticed. Was he ready to face another sentient being? Could he live in a regular society. He had too long been the creature of instinct, the primeval hunter. He bowed to no law, and knew no morals. If ever he had had civilised habits, they had long since disappeared. Not that he was in any way a barbarian. He was merely unaccustomed to polite society. If not for his habit of talking to himself, he would have forgotten how. He no longer could read the subtle interplay of political power at a glance. He no longer knew if they even existed anymore. Lacroix wondered why he cared. What he hoped to find. This was his place, the only place htat had ever accepted him. Or was it? So much of his life had been lost? The scars coating his body a mere imprint of the damage to his psyche. But was not that exactly what he was after? A new challenge. Lacroix's curiousity quickened along with his pace. He could be out of the desert quickly, and almost immediately find out what he had missed in the countless years of his sojourn. He checked his scimitars in their sheathes, confident of his ability to deal with the trouble that would surely be thrown at him.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Christ. I go away for a week, and look what I come back to. And people call me insane. IC:[I]Davien pondered the gargoyle's message. He was wary of the dark one, he had been since their last meeting. Davien had been to hell. Unwittingly. He had made it back. Crazed and nearly dead. But he had survived. Many denizens of the lower planes had not. Davien smiled in the darkness, a wolfish grin rowed with teeth.[/I] Davien: Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: The beast returns. He comes fromt he west, the vestiges of sunlight disappearing in a concatation of sparks, as his nightblack form swallows the horizons. I'm back. And you are all out of your heads. And I have no idea what the hell is going on. So correct me if I make a mistake. IC:[I]As Lacroix and Ilythiirtar get up to leave, Lacroix fades out of step with his companion, motioning for him to go on ahead. He deliberated of his next course of action. Ilythiirtar had many gifts. His Elemental Surge was powerful. Yet still, it was weak compared to the drow powers. But could Lacroix tell him that? Could Ilythiirtar accept that some abilities must remain hidden? That he could not access them without being destroyed, or at best corrupted? Lacroix was also troubled by his praise. His surprise at the power of a non drow had perhaps pushed him too far. Ilythiirtar was very good, but would he perhaps become overconfident? Lacroix had many tricks yet to teach him, yet much of what he could learn could only come from experience. Lacroix sighed, and phased into step with Ilythiirtar.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Not so sure about the Holy part, but still. Wouldn't be the same otherwise. Name: Lacroix Vukodlak Age:22 Sex:Male Class: Assassin, what else. Height:6 ft. Weight: 75 kgs Hair: Shoulder length, inky black. Eyes: A raven, swirling black colour. Personality:Introverted, pessimistic, tends to be solitary and unfriendly. Philosophical, an athiestic existentialist. Extreme Physical Attribute(EPA): Incredible agility and speed, making him a vortex of blades in battle. Spells: Soul Lance Soul Charge (I'll explain what these do during the rpg) Class Abilities: Poison weapon Stealth/concealment Assassination (Explain later) Equipment: Right Hand:Reaper knife Left Hand: Reaper knife (These are basically handles held horizontally, with a blade extending out from either side, curving inwards. a shaft runs down the forearm to mid length. At the end of the shaft is a barbed hook for, backhanded blows or elbows. One of the blades is serrated, the one on the outside) Body:Mythril Chainmail Legs:Boots of Apollo Head: Coif of Souls Special:Runic Tear (An onyx teardrop, embedded in his chest, right over his heart.)[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: People, just thought I'd inform those of you who don't know/care or both at I'll be disappearing for a week.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: This will be my last post for a while people. I'll be away for the next week. IC:[I]Lacroix kept silent, keeping watch on Alriy. Offhandedly wondering how scimitar training would affect a thinner bladed Shasmir. And why Alriy kept glancing back. Noticing Hunter get caught up in laughter at some exchange between Ilythiirtar and Eve, and noting that they had thrown a glance or two back at him, Lacroix decided that a) He didn't want to know, and b)this was the perfect chance to talk to Alriy. He inconspicuously dropped back, waiting a few moments before speaking.[/I] Lacroix: What's following you?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix sighs and starts off, resigned to more travelling. Although not a person to settle down for long, this was still annoying him. As he walked, he went over everything he knew about Cthar. Which amounted to basically nothing.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]If you really want to do Wutai, it's easiest to hold off a bit. Leviathan isn't really that good a summon, and when you get to it there's no chance of being able to teach Yuffie her limit break anyway. Unless you've wasted a lot of time. If you hold off until she has her other limit breaks, and the Pagoda is of use, than it's absolutely easy. Just equip two times cut, and added status linked with Contain. Takes basically everything out. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]If it's going to be affected by sleep, chances are it will be affected by the more useful ones. If you really want a decent junction, use drain. Preferably on Squall. If you're doing max damage, which you should be by that point, than you fully heal yourself everytime you hit something. Just don't run into any undead.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I've never found Odin good for any boss fights. The intervening fights between acquiring him and getting even Kjata, before anything else, aren't really difficult at all. The only thing I found Odin good for was taking care of those damn judge things in the Mansion. The materia keeper is pretty easy, I'd say. Just use Enemy Skill, and keep casting Trine back at him. It takes less MP, and over all it's more useful.[/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic][I]Davien sighs, and starts to advance on the undead. The first of the revenants fall beneath his blades like wheat, and the second topples soon after, felled by a series of swift and direct kicks. Davien leaps and spin, slicing circularly downwards as he lands, taking out two more zombies with his twin viper. Evelyn runs in and joins the fight.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix thought back to the legend that had been drilled into him so long ago. That Nilothakir's Tower, that which was once the seat of the High Mages of the world, what had been the residence of every great leader since time immemorial, housed the great artifact of Vengence itself. Dedicated to purpose, the weapon revenged slights on its own, whether real or imagined. A dangerous weapon to hold, and a dangerous weilder to be friend or foe to.[/I] Lacroix: Yes, I remember. Though the possible corruption worries me. Hunter: Nilothakir has no such power, despite his magical prowess. Lacroix: True. He may still try. The weapons we recover may be what all falls back on. We must be prepared. Hunter: Then we had best educate Ilythiirtar well. [I]At this, a sound few have ever heard rings through the trees. Lacroix's laughter, a light, positive sound at odds with his manner.[/I] Lacroix: And we're such tired, scarred old veterans. [I]Hunter looked startled for a moment, before also laughing.[/I] Hunter: Ironic, isn't it.[/font][/color]
Art Another banner, to fill my time
The Harlequin replied to The Harlequin's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]When was the last time one of my banners made sense? I'll admit the text is hard to read, but nothing else blended in well.[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Basically, you either use the limit breaks alot, or kill alot of enemies. Or perhaps there's a quota of both you have to fill. I know it involves those two, I'm just not sure if it's one or both. To get Limit Level 4, you have to find character specific items.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]To teach the drow arts of manouverability, stealth, agility and cunning to an outsider? One not of the drow race? Lacroix had, even that day, turned his back on the drow race, yet was this too much. Lacroix walked on troubled, his typical introversion an aid in this situation. The problem resounded in his head. Ilythiirtar had potential, more potential than he had seen in anybody on the surface so far. And he was a steadfast warrior. Willing to learn. Perhaps Lacroix could aid the world by doing more than taking out those that opposed him, and incidentally opposed the forces of good. The spectrum of possibilities assulted him. Years later, established as a mentor. God, he'd live on to educate their children, should they have them. Perhaps that is how he could repay their trust. The drow arts were invaluable. Much of the arts were unusable to those of any other race, even other elves. But still, Ilythiirtar... an excellent candidate. In the second resolution, Lacroix decided that he would indeed indoctrinate Ilythiirtar in the ways of the drow. Lacroix could also reveal the skills the assasins used. More invaluable attributes. Drow assasins were unmatched in speed, agility and stealth. And Lacroix had yet to find one who had bested him. Ilythiirtar would benefit greatly. He would quickly become a force to be reckoned with.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix followed along, not taking part in conversation. Wondering at why Eve had asked. Surely it was obvious? He was not to be depended on. Drow? An ally? Admittedly, he was an unusual drow, but why the heartfelt inquiry? Lacroix thought it over, wondering why he cared. Was her eally ready to fully renounce the last of his drow heritage? Did ever really want to go back to the Underdark? Lacroix was not sure if that last step, that last action, of finally calling someone else friend, would irrevocably distance him from his own kind. The drow. Those that had left him to die. Those that had left him an insane, wasted wreck. Those without honour, pity, mercy, companionship. A razor-edge existence. A constant battle for survival. But wasn't that what Lacroix lived for? Spent his time honing his instincts, his skills, against? He lived for the life and death thrill, after all. But didn't he have that here? Or was it worse here? The constant persecution, being reviled merely on race where ever he went. Would he call someone on the surface, would he call someone at all, ever, friend? Why, of course, he mutters in a low voice. He was sure Elsyan picked it up, too.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Alright, alright. I don't know I bother really. Still, the feedback is nice. That's not to be construed as a hint either, under any circumstances.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien, amazed at the being he held in his arms, merely held her tightly a minute before answering.[/I] Davien: I love you too. Cathos has gone, I know not where. Are you alright? Spyder: I am now. [I]Davien kisses her hard. Spyder sighs, and nestles into his arms.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Blind is better against T-Rexaurs. But then, there's always death.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Alright, everybody wants to lynch everybody else. We've established that. Personally, I don't care what everybody does, just stop arguing here about it. [I]Tyron fires a bolt of electricity, which is again deflected by Tristam. Lacroix, in a surprise move, leaps full over the demon, spinning in the air, slicing downwards with his scimitars as he lands. Parrying a blow from an unknown quarter, Lacroix ripostes and nearly takes the head off Tyron. He then rolls backwards. As his back hits the ground, he uses the ground as a springboard, diving forward, kicking Valen int he face.[/I] Lacroix: Bring it on people.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien heard the noise, and walked over to the window, ripping the boards off. Below was Spyder, collapsed on the ground. Without further though, Davien leapt out the window, landing easily. Taking her in his arms, he takes her up to his apartment though the lobby. He lays hers down on the bed, closing the door softly behind him.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I gave him those theories, but did you inquite where I got them from? No, you decided to disprove them. I never said I could disprove or prove whether you the universe was infinte, I was presenting a theory. Remember my comments on logic? As soon as the word infinity was mentioned, logic goes out the window. And infinity is referring to limitless more than never ending. The word ending implies that it started. When it comes to infinity, it's not something that started and will not end, it's something that is, will be, and is not bound by limits of any kind. Point 2. Again, offering a theory. Do not try and disprove me on a theoretical basis. Point 3. Does it matter when it repeats itself, only that it does. If it does not repeat itself, it merely ends, then it does not matter, because the whole idea goes out the window. Point 4. These dimension would be having the same effects now that they would be at any other time, so any extrapolations made on current data would be applicable to the current theory. Point 5. The idea of infinity makes everything speculation, as you've pointed out. However, in a realm where everything is speculation, speculate. Of course I can't prove that it is infinite, I know that as well as you do. But I can give the most likely series of events, as the best proof we've got. Point 6. We're not even talking about numbers here, we're talking about a concept. If infinity were a number, it wouldn't really be infinite. It merely is. And we can deal with the concept, although we can't visualise it. Now, I probably don't understand all this all well as you do, but again, I ask, did you bother to check my source? Achilles in The Quantam Universe, A Definitive History Of Infinity. A book written on the subject of infinity, when applied to the universe. Written by someone who has been researching the topic their entire lives. Most of that was theory, but it was scientifically backed-up theory.[/font][/color]