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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson]If only Gunge Lance did a decent amount of damage. However, I've cast Odin and had Steel Bladed Sword come up. It just missed. So there's more than one factor there. Fat Chocobo is meant to come up 1/16th of the time. In theory. In reality, it rarely ever comes up. Probably about half those odds.[/font][/color]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Harlequin slows, waiting for Spyder to catch up, after getting in sight of the river. A murky, polluted, overgrown affair, the river winds its way across the city walls, before meandering across the blasted lands, until it reaches another jungle. Ignoring the hissing and rising tentacles, Harlequin starts to fashion a raft. He absently slices down with his twin viper, severing a grasping appendage from some aquatic beast. The beast withdraws, it's blood diluted in the water. Instantly, the water turns to a frothing mass of appendages, blood, organs, howls and strange creatures. After a minute, all is silent, a fully stripped skeleton of some immense monster floating to the surface.[/font][/color][/I]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix stood motionless, as the others walked forward. Raistlin notices, and stops.[/I] Raistlin: You coming? Lacroix: You expect me to walk into a populated area? Raistlin: Oh. Right. Why not just kep your hood up. Lacroix: Because no man can keep his head covered in the Royal Palace remember. Respect for the King and all. I will remain outside, you peopel can go and find out what is going on. See you when the King is finished with you. [I]Lacroix retreats off into the trees, disappearing immediately, as only one with elven grace can do. Setting up a small camp well out of sight of the city, he waits for the others to return.[/font][/color][/I]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson]What are you thinking of Valen? Ozma? Vile Island? The legendary synthesis, Hades, is in Memoria. After fighting Kraken, go through to the screen where Quina thinks he's swimming. Run around behind the coral shelf, and press the accept button for a while, until you get told to leave, I think. Then pick don't leave. It's been awhile since I played it. You have to fight him immediately, you can't leave then come back, so make sure you're at full health.[/font][/color]
  5. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: We are shameless, shameless scavengers are we not... IC:[I]Lacroix sat with the group, still wary. It was rare to have people accept him without trying to kill him. Any drow would have felt the same. Most drow though, would have tried to kill those around him. Lacroix stayed silent, until one word came to his attention. Nilothakir.[/I] Lacroix: Nilothakir? Why do I have this feeling I know this person? Hunter: You haven't heard of Nilothakir? The tyrannical mage? It's rumoured he even has contacts with your kind, and that they fear him. If that give you any idea of what kind of perosn he is. Lacroix: Human mage, contacts with my kind... AHHH [I]Lacroix suddenly doubles over, clutching his head. They all look startled, except Hunter.[/I] Hunter: Wrong words. Something to do with his past. He'll come out of it in a minute or so. [I]True to his words, Lacroix recovers. When he raises his head, his eyes are burning with two emotions. Hatred and gratitude.[/I] Lacroix: Him. He had me exiled. He is the reason I was forced to leave Underdark. So I don't know whether to hate him or thank him. Hunter: Hate him. Lacroix: Yes, I do. My scimitar, was lost to him. Hunter: Let me guess, enchanted. Lacroix: Of course. All drow weaponry is enchanted. As is all armour. Such as this. [I]Lacroix points to his chain mail, vambraces and anklets.[/I] Lacroix: The bracers and the anklets make me faster, the chain mail is always silent and supple. My scimitar however was a weapon of major enchantment. Hunter: Why is Nilothakir trying to rid the world of enchanted weapons? Lacroix: Self preservation. [I]The deathly quiet tone this is uttered in sends a shiver down ths surrounding patron's spines, and even manages to chill Hunter's friends a bit.[/font][/color][/I]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Sorry I'm a little late people. IC:[I]Among the trees, a single figure stood unobserved. Elven born and taught stealth allowed him to remain. Walking silently in, he approached, finding only two people awake. Standing silently behind, just out of ear shot, he observes them closely before making any noise. They turn, slightly startled. The female elf is the first to speak.[/I] Elf: Who are you? Why do you approach like a thief in the night? You are certainly dressed slow. [I]Resigned to the probable reaction, Lacroix does not answer. Instead, he lowers his hood. The bright moon does nothing to hide his raven black skin and hair. The two are even more surprised. Drow are very nearly the most despised race around. Only hellspawn are hated more, and quite often mistakenly. Drow were far worse. Lacroix approached slowly.[/I] Lacroix: I have no wish to harm any of you. Elf: We'll be the judges of that.[/font][/color]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]The door opened again, this time quietly. A figure, cowled and hooded, tried to walk in unobtrusively, but was immediately accosted by a group of drunk adolescents. The brashest walks up and yells at him.[/I] Adolescent: What the -hic- hell you doing walking round like that? People thin-hic-k you're a dark elf or something. [I]One of his friends, even more drunk, staggers up, and says loudly "I bet he is". Laughingly, he tries to pull Lacroix's hood off. Lacroix shies away, but is grabbed by three more drunkards. They pull his hood back and gasp. The first drunk gasps, all traces of intoxication gone.[/I] Man: He is a dark elf! Kill him! [I]Lacroix leaps away, his cloak all that is left in the hands of his former captors. His scimitars appear, tracing intricate patterns in the air faster than the eye can see. Someone at the other end of the tavern throws a knife. Lacroix instantly snaps a scimitar up. The blade is deflected off. Unfortunately, the blade hits an innocent bystander. Already in an ugly mood, the crowd turns on the drow. Weapons appear in hands, and the barkeeper pulls out a number of large meat axes. Lacroix backs into a corner, dodging away as more knives fly. One sticks in his chainmail like a dart. Realising not even he can take this many, he leaps and grabs the rafters pulling himself up.[/font][/color][/I]
  8. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'd like to point out that the "Big Crunch" theory has recently been disproven. There is an opposite to gravity, rather imaginatively called antigravity. Three guesses what it does. So the universe could not contract to a point small enough to make that viable. I put that theory in just as an example of things that could not be explained, before Cloricus deciding that it could be. Time would be expected to reverse. Time and space are two sides to one thing. They are related the way electricity and magentism are. You could not have one without the other. Which disproves and linear time notions religions are so fond of ocming up with...[/font][/color]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix reclined outside the tunnel, wondering what his next target would be. Due to the current spate of murders, he could interrogate people without attracting attention. Lacroix is suddenly alert, as he hears the sound of footsteps down the tunnel behind him. Leaping into the air, he lands on a small ledge above the tunnel roof, unseen by those running out. As they get out, they look around, and all start speaking at once.[/I] Man1: We've got to go find the killer! Man2: We should find the King Man3: What about this Lacroix guy? [I]As soon as he hears his name, Lacroix leaps down, drawing his scimitars. The three spin, surprised.[/I] Lacroix: You people want something? [I]One of them immediately draws a katana and attacks him. Lacroix parries,then ripostes, the curve of the blade allowing him to thrust at the man's throat. The man jumps back.[/I] Lacroix: I see. Fare thee well then. [I]The other two draw weapons, but before they can advance, Lacroix pulls out a small package and throws it to the ground. The smokebomb explodes, leaving them disorientated and choking. When the smoke clears, Lacroix is gone. They find only a small pieace of paper. On it is a single sentence, written in stylised writing. "Welcome to the desolation".[/font][/color][/I]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: What was that sprite's name? The one in Soujourn? I know someone here has read it... [I]Watching them destroy his army, Lacroix sat back and did nothing. When they had finished their slaughter, he started clapping. Slowly and mockingly. They spun to face him, readying their assortd weapons. Lacroix stood up, and bowed flamboyantly.[/I] Lacroix: So you're not as pathetic as I thought you all to be. Well people, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Galag Trav. He is a Wind Warrior. I see no recognition. Good. Fare thee well then. [I]Lacroix bows again, sweeping his hand low as if taking off an imaginary hat. While moving, he thumbs the trigger to a device given to him. A shimmering appears, and while he fades away, another creature appear. An 8 foot tall humanoid, insubstantial, with four arms. Each arm holds a sabre. One of the more powerful undead creatures, this particular Wind Warrior commanded the forces of fire and could manipulate life force. A formidable foe. Lacroix laughed ironically as he imagined the destruction it would cause.[/font][/color][/I]
  11. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Seeing the doubt on Darken's face, Vukodlak smiled inwardly. He knew the reaction he would get. He got up, and ran towards the cave mouth, yelling for the others to follow. They look in amazement at each other, before running after him. They find him standing, scimitars poised, in front of the corpse of a Gi Warrior.[/I] Vukodlak: Coming? There had better be at least one of those beasts we were warned about in here.[/font][/color]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix was interrupted again, by a knock. He called out shortly for the person to enter. A servant quietly opened the door, bowed respectfully, and informed Lacroix that the Queen summoned him. Lacroix muttered in irritation, then swept past the servant toward the throne room. Reaching the gigantic double doors, Lacroix waits impatiently to be announced. Stalking, he bows low before the Queen, before inquiring as to why he was summoned.[/I] Lacroix: Your Majesty? Queen: There have been reports of Black Dragons in the Third Dimension, Lacroix. Lacroix: What do you suppose we do Your Majesty? Queen: That's whay I'm asking you. [I]Putting on a show of great concern, while inwardly cursing whatever fool had betrayed his presence, Lacroix starts to pace back and forth.[/I] Lacroix: How reliable were the sightings? How many cases? What were the dragons doing during these sightings? [I]The Queen motions to a man standing beside the throne.[/I] Queen: Lesar here will tell you more. [I]Lacroix and Lesar walk out of the throne room. Lacroix leads Lesar to his quarters, opening the door and walking in. As soon as the door swings shut behind Lesar, Lacroix spins and throws a hand out, lighting soundlessly blasting him to ash. Lacroix pulls a dagger from under his robe, slashing himself across the face with it. Walking back to the throne room, he informs the Queen that Lesar had tried to kill him, and must have been an agent for the black dragons. The Queen looks hard at her advisor, then dismisses him.[/font][/color][/I]
  13. [font=gothic][color=crimson]A state of infinite speed might as well be at rest though. If something was moving at infinite speed, then it would pass through through all points in the universe at once. So it wouldn't really be moving at all, it would be everywhere.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Excellent idea. The artistic people might even be able to put a few personal touches onto their models as to better reflect their character.[/font][/color]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Look, unless you are actually starting an RPG on these boards, which I saw no hint of, put this in the PC Gaming forum. If you had bothered to learn the rules, you wouldn't have this problem. Delete this thread afterwards, for convenience.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson]A)You triple posted. B) Your posts are not really relevant to this forum. C) You're posts are not exactly coherent. I recommend you fix the assorted errors up before one of the mods has to for you. A free piece of advice, my lost cathartic friend.[/font][/color]
  17. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: When has any rpg I have been in gotten anywhere? You know that I like to drag them out. IC:[I]Lacroix leapt into the fray, his scimitars arcing up, the light glinting off them, before slicing down in a vicious X. A werewolf tumbled to the ground, sliced out of mid-leap. Lacroix rolled forward under the body before it hit the ground, kicking out with his feet and striking the next surprised werewolf in the chest. Regaining his footing, Lacroix finished in with a single thrust. Hunter decapitated one behind him, and Raistlin knocked one out. The battle was joined.[/font][/color][/I]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson]The pictures were actually the easiest part. Simply changed a few layer options. The ocean ripple simply came out well because it was the last thing I did to the background layer.[/font][/color]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Yes, although there were quite a few more steps to it.[/font][/color]
  20. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Harlequin quickly catches up with Spyder, and they continue their swift pace through the night, driven by concern for Athen. They reach the edge of the vegetated area, slowing slightly to avoid the branches laid out in their path. Strange shadowy forms flit from tree to tre around them, yet Spyderand Harlequin heed them not. They are forced to duck into a small hollow in the undergrowth, as a larger than normal form hears their passing and decides to investigate. Embracing fiercely during the respite, they are quickly forced by other creatures to flee their hiding place. They continue on, the scent of the river drifting slowly into focus.[/font][/color][/I]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson]The wordplay was intentional, the shattered pristine designating that that what was once pure was shattered, left broken all over the ground. And yes, this was done on photoshop.[/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Well, right now it's merely you and I. I'll leave off posting for a while. I think it's about time The Unholy Newt posted really. Considering he's meant to decide what happens.[/font][/color]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix felt the contact, and spun mazed defenses through his mind, wishing to spare Hunter the experience. Hunter persisted, ignoring the growing agony being emitted from Lacroix's mind. At last he broke through Lacroix's last protection, laboured as he was fighting back the insanity. The whirlwind engulfed Hunter, flashing images, thoughts and emotions in front of him. Pain resounded through them all. The darker sides of Lacroix leapt to the fore, wolves slavering to be free. Hunter could feel Lacroix confounding the darkest parts of his mind, but Hunter was forced to face the other parts alone. All the pain, suffering, general negative emotions resounding though Lacroix's soul struck a chord, echoing around Hunter in the landscape of Lacroix's mind. They took on shadowy forms, ready to beguile and entrap should he make a misstep. Hunter brought them in, circled them with wards, returning them to quiescence. Lacroix manages to keep the twisted, tortured part of his mind under control, returning to to an envisioned locked box, with the word "Pandora" enscribed in blood across it. They both regain consciousness, Lacroix normal, though his eyes remain changed.[/I] Raistlin: Are you two alright? Lacroix: Yes. Although, it was a close thing. Hunter helped immensely. Hunter: You held some of yourself back, did you not. Lacroix: I had to. There was no way you could have come out of that sane. And, one last thing. Hunter: Yes? Lacroix: I'd prefer if you kept what you saw private. Hunter: As you wish. [I]Ther resume their journey, Hunter falling into step with Elysan, although he occasionally casts thoughtful glances back at Lacroix.[/font][/color][/I]
  24. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix: Pray, venture not into thine misty past, not into mine. Thy healing spell would writhe beyond thy control, and ye would run, lest ye die. Hunter: What? Lacroix: I've had it tried. The mage was left mad. The part of my brain that is locked off is somehow separate to me, and still alive. It was driven mad by it's isolation, and when probed, it latched onto the mage and sucked him in. That part of me is fully insane, and nothing I would release on the world around me. The mage's mind now resides within my head, and he will NOT SHUT UP! [I]Lacroix starts to shake, shivering as if with cold or fear. He starts muttering long, discontinued sentences under his breath. His eyes roll back in his head, the whites, undergoing a startling transformation. They shimmer, taking on the look of moonlight of shattered water. He falls to the ground, convulsing wildly. Raistlin runs up, concerned.[/I] Raistlin: You asked him about his past, didn't you? Hunter: What could trigger this kind of reaction? Raistlin: Something you pray you never encounter. Any insane person you've ever met has no problem compared to Lacroix's other mind. Hunter: What can we do? Raistlin: Wait. He will come out of it. Although, keep a weapon ready. He may not be himself. [I]Raistlin utters nothing after this dire prediction, instead focusing on Lacroix's tormented face, with the startling eyes prominent.[/font][/color][/I]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Upon hearing the drow's name, Lacroix visibly relaxes.[/I] Lacroix: Ferlana is a crazy scholar. He goes around studying whatever he wants, and no drow dares do anything about it, because he brings the information back to them eventually. However, he has no knowledge to warfare or tactics, so would be no hope in planning an invasion. Unless they interrogated him. Hunter: I hope so. Lacroix: The name Nilothakir is also known to me, though I cannot remember from where. Part of my past that is locked away most likely.[/font][/color]
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