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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Spelling. Try it some time. You may be surprised at how it turns out. And I don't know that the "mother" reference really needed to be put in there, it detracts from the quality of the poem.[/font][/color]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix: You're right. Never heard of him. So it was your father's influence that protected the drow during his stay? Hunter: Probably. Why are you so interested in this drow? A former companion? Lacroix: How old was he? Hunter: No older than you are now. Lacroix: I am the first person to leave any drow city in over three centuries. If that drow was there, he was not a renegade. Hunter: Then what? Lacroix: He could have been anything. A merchant, assasin, spy. There where no plans for a surface raid when I was exiled, but thay may have changed. Hunter: You mean! Lacroix: Nothing definate. But it's possible.[/font][/color]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm not really sure if this is any good or not, I suppose it depends on opinion. So, what opinion do people here have on it?[/font][/color]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]This time, unwilling to be deterred, Raistlin repeats the question. Lacroix strikes up conversation with Hunter in an effort to avoid his scrutiny.[/I] Lacroix: Where did your father find a drow that would not only let you live, but teach you anything? Hunter: My father never told me, and was unwilling to speak of the drow after he had left. I suspect however he was a renegade, such as yourself, and my father had helped him in the past. [I]Lacroix narrowed his eyes at that. There had been no renegades from drow civilisation for almost three centuries now. Their names were kept in special rolls, targets for Lloth's justice. He himself had perused them before leaving. There was no way any drow that had escaped so long ago could still be alive.[/I] Lacroix: I think your father is more than he seemed to be. Hunter: You knew him? Lacroix: I may have, but it is unlikely.[/font][/color]
  5. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Lacroix Age: 217 Race: Drow Class: Assasin Height: 6 ft Weight: 75 kg Eye color: Blue Hair Color: Black Short Bio: To him: No memory of his past, he only knows that he is able to fight, and carries a lot of vicious scars. Slightly deranged. Real bio: Lacroix was left to die in the Underdark by a priestess of Lloth, for heresy. He somehow made it to the surface, and was attacked by a mob of angry villagers. He has no memory of the next few decades. Spells: Levitation, faerie fire (normal drow spells), psychokinesis Abilities: Increased speed and agility Weakness: Holy magic Strong against: Unholy magic, any magic that seeks to disrupt the mind or soul. Equipment: Twin scimitars, mithril chain mail, vambraces, black clothing (all he ever wears), Future weapon: Magical scimitar "Twinkle" (anybody who reads enough Forgotten Realms will know who I'm going off), a scimitar that lights up when hostile beings are nearby, and is wickedly sharp and almost impervious to all damage. Nilothakir's intervention: Nilothakir visited Lacroix's city and made the accusation of heresy against him. It was due to Nilothakir that Lacroix was exiled to the Underdark. Lacroix has no real knowledge of who Nilothakir is, but if they encounter each other, Lacroix will instantly recognise him. Lacroix's drow weaponry melted at the touch of the sun when he came to the surface. He then waylaid a passing soldier, killing him easily even when unarmed, due to his martial arts skills. ________________________________ Lacroix: Your will Matron Malice? Malice: Our...esteemed friend here has some rather interesting things to say about you. [I]Lacroix looks around but sees no one. Then he feels a hand on his shoulder, like the grim, icy touch of death itself. He whirls, hands going to scimitars. The man behind him simply laughs, and speaks in a strange hissing tone.[/I] Man: You will have no need of them. Yet. Malice: Lacroix. Do you worship Lloth? [I]Lacroix starts to affirm, but finds his tongue caught, as if swollen. Malice casts a glance of triumph at the man.[/I] Malice: You were right. Lacroix, for you heresy, you will be left to die in the Underdark. [I]Lacroix sees the world shimmer around him, scintillating colours forming a panorama of reflections around him. He awakes, in a large cave, still with his weapons and armour, but nothing else. He struggles to his feet, and starts off. After several years of solitary existence, Lacroix finds a tunnel with a light at the end. He follows it, and is immediately blinded by the harsh light of the sun. When he regains his sight, after nearly three days, he finds his magical scimitar Twinkle a smoking ruin. Taking up the wrecked weapon, he stows it in his pack, confident he can have it reforged, and reimbued.[/font][/color][/I]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Considering it's all inversed, I'm thinking he would actually be around 9 feet tall... [I]After a few moments of idle conversation, Raistlin realises that Lacroix is being even more recalcitrant than usual, and gives up. After a few minutes of silence, Lacroix surprised him by volunteering information.[/I] Lacroix: Those wolves were summoned beasts, not from this realm. Or the next. Raistlin: Then why do they worry you? Lacroix: Magic carries a signature to one of my race. We've learnt to identify it, over our long and bloody past. And I recognised that. Raistlin: Who? [I]Lacroix does not answer, merely stares off, as if transfixed by some distant point.[/font][/color][/I]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lackey? Me? Oh well. Bring it on people.[/font][/color]
  8. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: God forbid, Caramon? And then there's Tas... IC:Lacroix: You seem to be mistaken. I am not a mercenary. How could I be? I have worked here and there as an assasin though. But no, I could not control it. Hunter: Surely you have the willpower. Lacroix: Of course. Yet, something like that, added to my already corrupt drow nature? Impossible. I am fully able to fight down my urges towards tyranny and cruelty, yet lycanthropy as well? I doubt it. You'll probably find the advanatges worth it though. Increased senses, and probably slight regeneration. Hunter: How'd you learn so much about lycanthropy? Lacroix: I've put some of my time here to good use. I'm actually a quite proficient scholar. My area of choice was the creatures that inhabit this world. Hunter: Then why were you so worried when the werewolves were approaching? Lacroix: They were not true werewolves. They were harbringers. [I]With that, Lacroix lapses into silence, unwilling to say more.[/font][/color][/I]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix reclined in his quarters, confident all was going to plan. His treaty with the black dragons was reached. They were not only allies, he was also in perfect control of them should the negotiations fall through. He smiled, revealing vicious teeth filed to points. A servant knocked on the door, and opened it immediately. Lacorix stood and turned, fixing the servant with a steady glare.[/I] Lacroix: And what the hell are you doing? [I]The servant does not answer, merely advances on Lacroix. Remembering his training, Lacroix recognises this man as an assasin. Laughing, he yells "I think not", and flips in the air, coming down behind the startled assasin, who draws a dagger. Before he can spin around however, Lacroix rips his neck open with his teeth, savouring the blood.[/I] Lacroix: Fool.[/font][/color]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson]name: Lacroix age: 24 alliance: Evil Weapons: Twin scimitars, twin viper magic ellemental: Soul Bio: Lacroix has no memory of his past, he is only aware that he knows how to fight, and has some very nasty scars. Appearences: See attachment. personality: Dark and introverted. Dislikes company. Pessimistic, despressed, cynical, with an ironic sense of humour. magic: Life tap, Convert Soul, Soul Charge (I'll explain what these do during the story)[/font][/color]
  11. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Char-Number: 26 Name: Lacroix Vukodlak Age: 234 Location: Wasteland in the Auril Desert Bio\History: Lacroix lived a complacent life until he was 53 years old. Reivers destroyed his family home, and brutually murdered his parents. Lacroix survived barely, the flames and the attackers leaving him physically scarred, and slightly deranged. Lacroix wandered the world for 160 years, not knowing who he was, what he was, or what his past was. Then, upon awaking, his mind was suddenly flooded with images. The attack, crawling away from the flaming wreck, his parents' blood staining his hands. Wondering where he had been, he searched his mind further, and found nothing. The 160 year gap where he was lost and insane is unknown to him. He is aware there was a large period of time, but he has no knowledge of it. When he started to remember things, Lacroix realised a few things about himself were different. He had skills he had certainly no learned in childhood. He could fight extremely well, both with weapons and martial arts styles, and he was extremely acrobatic. Lacroix now wishes to find out what happened to him during the large gap in his life, and to find out just who he is. Personality: Lacroix is a dark, introverted soul, with mental problems that still occasionally haunt him. He is almost miltantly pessimistic, with a depressed and cynical outlook on life. He finds company often oppressive, and prefer a solitary existence. He rarely speaks other than to make a point or to tell people to leave him alone, although he has been heard to hold long, rambling discourses with himself, despite his existentialistic beliefs. Weapons: Twin scimitars, set of throwing stars. Items: A small hunting knife for skinning, a small tent. Lacroix prefers to live off the land, and travel light. Black Magik Spells: Static discharge (basically ionizing the air around him, a shield against any metal missles), Life tap (drains the life force of opponents. If the opponent is particularly strongwilled, this spell has no effect. If the opponent is undead, this spell is likely to harm Lacroix) Abilities: Assasination: One of the skills Lacroix learned was assasination. Due to his increased knowledge of deadly arts, he is able to perform acts such as poisoning weapons, or killing without being noticed. Weapon Arts: Lacroix is trained to perfection in twin weapon fighting. He blends acrobatics and martial arts into his combat, quite often discarding his weapons in favour of disarming his opponent and using his weapon against him, or some other such trick. Lacroix is loathe to use his throwing stars in combat, he reserves them mainly for hunting beasts too swift for him to run down.[/font][/color]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Davien: Alright, you two do that. Setsuna's mine. Anathema: That's not safe. Davien: Or, you two could have him firing energy at you while trying to lug Kain around. Anathema: Be careful. Davien: Always. [I]Davien runs off, at greater speed than would have been evident considering his earlier behaviour. Reaching the summit, he confronts the about to leave Setsuna.[/I] Davien: You are not going anywhere.[/font][/color]
  13. [color=crimson][font=gothic]OOC: Think of it this way. If Raistlin is suddenly 6 ft 2, how big would Sturm and Tanis be? 4 ft tall? IC:[I]When they awake, Lacroix remembers a remark Hunter made the previous night.[/I] Lacroix: You called me a pure elf? Hunter: Yes. You are a full drow aren't you? Lacroix: Of course. However, the last time a drow was called pure... Hunter: Perhaps a bad choice of words. Lacroix: Very. I'm almost insulted. Raistlin: Weren't you sleeping? Lacroix: Drow don't sleep. We enter a waking reverie. We are fully conscious, yet resting. Raistlin: Lucky you. [I]Lacroix gets up and packs his equipment up, ready to be off almost immediately.[/I] Raistlin: Aren't you going to eat anything? Lacroix: Not if I can help it.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vukodlak enters the second vehicle, closely followed by the other two. To forestall any arguments, he immediately starts it up and leaves.[/I] Vukodlak: We've got a bit of time on our hands you know. How about a little circle work on the way to Cosmo Canyon? Kabuki: I wouldn't have expected to hear that from you? Vukodlak: Neither would I. That's why I didn't say it. Kabuki: Yes you did. Vukodlak: I know, but I'm going to pretend I don't. [I]In his argument, Vukodlak failed to realise that the vehicle was on autopilot, and moving. After Darken had rather smugly alerted him to that fact, Vukodlak sighed and started ripping the dashboard up.[/I] Kabuki: What are you doing? [I]Vukodlak says nothing, but eventually manages to hotwire the vehicle.[/I] Vukodlak: I don't like other people deciding where I'm going. Kabuki: We're going to Cosmo Canyon remember. Vukodlak: I know that. It's a principle.[/font][/color]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix: Irrelevant. Raistlin: How is who he is irrelevant? Lacroix: Because looking at his current habits, he appears to be a less than a congenial companion. Hunter: And you aren't? Lacroix: Of course, I'm even worse than him. I just get the urge to speak every now and again. Gives me the chance to manipulate people. Drow past time. Raistlin: And are you trying to manipulate us? Lacroix: No, but I could be, and could just be telling you this in furthering of my design. Figure: Why don't I just tell you who I am? Lacroix: I don't know. Because we're all going to die. Hunter/Raistlin: It's coming! Lacroix: No it's not, that's just a phrase of mine. Raistlin: I agree with our mysterious companion here. Just tell us who you are. And Lacroix, shut up.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix: That's what I'm worried about. I'm a drow, I've seen and experienced things the rest of you could never imagine, and this is starting to concern me. So whatever it is, it's not good. And about Elsyan. If she tried to choose me, I'd evicerate her with a cheesegrater. [I]Hunter starts to draw his sword, outraged, but Lacroix stops him with a vicelike grip.[/I] Lacroix: As I said. I'm a drow. My race is one of the most hated, despised and feared. If she was with me, she would be exposed to some things I imagine you would rather her not exposed to. Such as a lifetime of running, hiding and fighting. Alone. That's what I get. Besides, I have no desire for company. Female or otherwise. If I ever had a heart for such feelings, it died long ago. Hunter: I understand. Lacroix: Not yet, but you will. If you'll excuse me. [I]Wary of the coming encounter, Lacroix draws his scimitars, tracing intricate patterns in the air.[/font][/color][/I]
  17. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lacroix (murmers to Raistlin): I'd say she's neither, just a catalyst. Raistlin: What? Lacroix: Simple. You two are going to be fighting of her, she's going to think the entire thing is childish, get pissed off at you both, and start spending time with me because she'll think I'm the only mature one here. You two will get jealous, then frustrated as I rebuff her, and tell her in plain terms that I don't like company that much. On top of that, I'll be making needling comments to all concerned the entire way though. Raistlin: You have too much time on your hands. Lacroix: I know. Now shut up, I'm trying to pay attention to whatever is focusing on us.[/font][/color]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: I can't wait to see the reaction that sparks. [I]Despite the lack of any abnormalities, Lacroix remained ill at ease. Whether just from ingrained defensiveness when around other people, or though the instinct that warned him of impending danger, he was not yet sure. Fox and Elsyan seemed deep in coversation, no threat there. Raistlin was unlikely to bear him any animosity. Lacroix started scanning the forest, certain something was about to happen.[/I] (OOC: Yes, The Unholy Newt, that's a clear invitation!)[/font][/color]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix discreetly drops back to talk with Raistlin. And to hand over the money.[/I] Lacroix: I'll win the next one. Raistlin: Want a bet on that? Lacroix: After just losing? I think not. Interesting reaction though. Raistlin: Who's? Lacroix: Hers. I really don't care about Hunter's. Raistlin: A case of mutual animosity? Lacroix: A reponse to prejudice. The fact that she wasn't really concerned by my race is a telling one however. Raistlin: Oh? And what, exactly, does it tell? Lacroix: I don't know yet, but I intend to find out. Raistlin: I'd say Hunter won't like that. Lacroix: Nothing like that you imbecile. Raistlin: Sure. Whatever. You know you get around. Lacroix: Oh shut up.[/font][/color]
  20. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Lucky you. I'm doing it the hard way and learning off the net. I could find a lot of people to play with, I just don't know what I'm doing.[/font][/color]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Vukodlak: Either that or try being a little less antagonising. Darken: What? Vukodlak: I heard you, and you know it. Now, we are leaving, and I do not care what anyone else says about the matter. Kabuki: Uh, we're meant to leave now. Vukodlak: I'll admit that makes it a little less fun. [I]They board the tram, settling down for a hopefully uneventful trip. Unfortunately, it was uneventful. Getting off at the collection of hovels generally known as North Corel, Vukodlak wastes no time in leaving the mess, wanting to be off as soon as possible.[/I][/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix looked on in amusement at their latest acquisition. He murmed softly to Raistlin.[/I] Lacroix: Come on the slap. Raistlin: I think you'll be out of luck. Lacroix: Do you know what the word 'wager' means? Raistlin: You're on. How much? Lacroix: 10 gold coins. Raistlin: You're confident. Lacroix: So.[/font][/color]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Cloricus, I assure you, no one wants to know, and we've probably heard it all before anyway. I've seen worse remember.[/font][/color]
  24. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'd disagree with the notion that it is wrong to have sex before marriage, or before a certain age. Everybody should be allowed to make their own decisions, as long as they are aware of the consequences. Laws like that are put in place because of teenage pregnancy and STDs. If those, and a few other, risks are avoided safely, it should be whenever the person feels ready to have sex, preferably in a stable relationship.[/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix disdains rummaging through orcish trash, and had no use for money. Instead he stands talking quietly to Raistlin.[/I] Raistlin: That one is going to problematic. Do you get that reaction a lot? Lacroix: All the time. People just look at my skin and make their judgements. Speaking of that, why are you so open minded? Raistlin: Not open-minded, vicious minded. I respect your kind. Lacroix: You're a rare person then. [I]The others finish scrounging, and they start off for the castle again.[/font][/color][/I]
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