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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Darken: So, what are we doing? Vukodlak: Simple. When Team One realises that the one's we are after need help, we run in and get to create a lot of carnage. They gave us some grenades for that purpose. Darken: Anywhere I can get some? [I]Vukodlak gives him his.[/I] Vukodlak: I prefer to do things by hand. By knife is neccessary. Time to leave. [I]They follow Ryan and Pheobe to the ropeway, Vukodlak looking less than pleased at this most likely annoying addition to an already annoying team, which is part of an already annoying mission, to an annoying place.[/font][/color][/I]
  2. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Then you believe virginity to be a phyiscal rather than mental state?[/font][/color]
  3. [font=gothic][color=crimson]How do you define losing your virginity though? Simply as an orgasm. That's about as far from the truth as is possible.[/font][/color]
  4. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: It's a plague I tell you. So many people having computer problems... IC:[I]Lacroix continued through the rocky gorge, coming out to a verdant valley. The soft moonlight touched a pristine lake off to a shattered panorama. The area was surrounded by high cliffs, the explanation for why such a pardise could exist without human intervention.[/I] Lacroix: Ah, that such should exist without being despoiled. [I]Sighing, Lacroix walks into the valley, even his cold soul enchanted by the beauty around him. When he reaches the centre, he gasps in surprise. A spring bubbles to the surface, through a circle of stone about 12 feet wide, interlaced with thin stone bridges. The water welling up has been eating away at the weak points in the rock, leaving a strange design traced in stone.[/I] ???: And you are? [I]Lacroix spins, his hands going to his scimitars. Looking around, he sees nothing in the darkness.[/I][/font][/color]
  5. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Fear thee not people, I'll play the evil here! Character Sheet: Type: Advisor (Nothign else is ever any fun) Name: Lacroix Age: 32 (young, no) Description: 6 ft tall, with shoulder length inky black hair. His Robes of State are jet black, and he wears a hooded black cloak that does not hinder his movements. His face is always done up in gothic makeup, and his body asiding the face and hands is covered in scars. Magic abilities: Pyschokinesis, electrokinesis, pyrokinesis (basically I can control matter, electricity and fire mentally) How do you control: The runes of control are engraved on vambraces that are magically affixed to Lacroix's arms, and cannot be removed. Why: Lacroix is driven to destroy the Third Dimension by the shadows of his twisted past. His parents were brutually murdered, in front of him, in a sickening religious ceremony when he was 7. He was tortured and left to die. Left scarred and slightly deranged, he grew up to be a assasin until he was 21, upon which point he entered the Queen's court, his natural cunning, intelligence and lack of scruples, combined with what he learnt as an assasin, quickly gaining him power and favour. Despite his magical and indoorish nature, Lacroix has retained much of his skill from when he was an assasin, although he rarely uses it.[/font][/color]
  6. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Lacroix Race: Drow Age: 215 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Description: 6ft tall, even more slender than is typical of elves. His hair is shoulder length, and inky black. He always wears black, and his face is done up in gothic makeup. His always wears a hooded cloak that does not hinder his movements. Nearly all of his body, excluding face and hands, is covered in scars. Anyone who has known him long enough to catch an accidental glimpse of them knows enough not to ask. Bio: Lacroix was left to die at an early age, but was taken in by a naive family of High Elves who thought he could be converted. Lacroix learnt all he could from them, before murdering them. He then started to travel and, shocked at the resentment directed at his race, was forced to learn how to fight. He did so, his speciality becoming two weapon fighting. He became a trained assasin, and continued so until he was 196 years old. He was brutually attacked by a rampant mob of drunken peasants, and left covered in scars, and slightly deranged. He was also left with no memory of his life before the attack. Strong Attribute: Agility Average Attribute: Dexterity Weak Attribute: Charisma (He's a dark elf, what do you expect) Class: Assasin Spells/Abilities: Dual Strike, offhand parry, acrobatics Equipment: Twin scimitars, vambraces, small crossbow that is only ever used for hunting, tent.[/font][/color]
  7. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vukodlak was distracted by from his three way argument with Kabuki and Ryan by yet another altercation. Walking up behind one of the combatants, the one holding the two swords, he picked up his left leg, ducking under and spinning, sweeping the man's second leg out from under him, and spinning him. The result of which being that the hot-head came down hard on his back, with Vukodlak's scimitars striking out to the wrists, knocking both weapons away. The other combatant throws him a grateful glance before retrieving his sword and leaving.[/I] Vukodlak: There are easy ways to do things you know. [I]Enraged, the man leapt to his feet, striking at Vukodlak's head with his katana. Vukodlak used the curve of his blade to loop around his, the point of his sword hooking into the katana's guard. A twist and a wrench disarmed him.[/I] Vukodlak: Don't fight when you're angry. Gets you killed. I assume you'll want to finish this, but I don't have time right now. So I'll have to drag you along. If nothing else, you'll get Kabuki talking to someone else. Coming? [I]With a last inquiring glance, Vukodlak sheathes his scimitars and walks back over to where Kabuki and Ryan are still arguing.[/I] Vukodlak: Where the hell is Pheobe? We really should get out of here now.[/font][/color]
  8. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm not sure if I've ever opined this, but I will now. This philosohpy should be adopted world-wide, a creed to outlast all others. This belief exemplifies what existence should be like. The eternal piece of wisdom "Chaotic amorals have more fun". That's right. They do, and I pity the rest of you.[/font][/color]
  9. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Lacroix and Raistlin (OOC: Since when was Raistlin 6"2 by the way?) exchange glances, mutual savage grins appearing on their faces. Lacroix shields Raistlin with his body, attracting the orcs attention. They circle in, thinking one of the two to be an easy mark. When they are in range, Lacroix steps aside, and it is only then that the orcs notice the murmering coming from behind him, as Raistlin finishes casting Ray Of Frost, Lacroix weaving his way into the melee immediately after the discharge, his twin scimitars arcing into the throats and tendons of the orcs that survived. He finishes one off with a looping cut to the throat, riposting and spinning his blade in his hand to stab an orc behind him in the head, dagger style, his second scimitar coming up and slicing the beast's head off as he completes the spin. Dropping back into guard position, he observes the fray to be well under control.[/font][/color][/I]
  10. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Still can't make informative starting posts, can you. [I]Lacroix stares at the man, wondering why he bothered coming here at all. A journey of 3000 miles, 4500 kilometres, is not something undertaken lightly or easily. Still, the pay was better, and it was more interesting. Sighing, Lacroix walks out, mentally preparing himself for the rigours of travel in a world hostile to those of his race.[/I] Lacroix: Here we go again.[/font][/color]
  11. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I've always named my Chocobos Zephyr, the ones I use anyway.[/font][/color]
  12. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vukodlak gets to the Ropeway station unimpeded, and decides that that is a good enough sign to leave. The fact that he is a member of the CC mission team, and his steady glare, convinces the officer there that Kabuki and Vukodlak don't really need to pay. Vukodlak is about to board the tram when there is a small disturbance at the other end of the station. Ryan comes running over.[/I] Ryan: What are you doing? Vukodlak: Did they tell us to leave? Ryan: No. So why are you- Vukodlak: -Did they tell us to stay? Ryan: No. But that doesn't change the fact that you - Vukodlak: -Exactly. I'm not going anywhere, really. I'm just leaving here. Ryan: What? Vukodlak: Just think about it long enough for me to leave. Was there anything else?[/font][/color]
  13. [font=gothic][color=crimson]1 or 2 AM is not late... And you're not pathetic because of that. But I'm sure if I knew you I'd be able to make something appropriate up.[/font][/color]
  14. [font=gothic][color=crimson]You must have lied alot Raven. Either to the test or to me... And Jesus Chicken, you know that isn't true.[/font][/color]
  15. [font=gothic][color=crimson]How much do you have Cloricus? I'll chip in a few hundred. And they'd probably use humans anyway, after the first few trials, simply in case of glitches, or the computers deciding they want to take over the world.[/font][/color]
  16. [font=gothic][color=crimson]I doubt a 15+ rating would do anything. I'm 14, and I got 41%.[/font][/color]
  17. [font=gpthic][color=crimson][I]Seeing Pheobe and Ryan leave, Vukodlak decides to follow, generally anyway, until departure.[/I] Kabuki: Are they providing transport? Vukodlak: They'd better. I'm not walking to Cosmo Canyon. Kabuki: And if they don't give you a choice? Vukodlak: We'll see. I doubt we're going to learn anything else here. Let's go. The sooner we get to Cosmo Canyon, the sooner we can get out. Kabuki: Well, Team One would have to be in position first you know. Vukodlak: So? If we're there early, we'd be better prepared to deal with eventualities. [I]Vukodlak walks off, in search of someone he can get a mode of transport out of.[/I][[/font][/color]
  18. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: I'll get around to it. And when was the last time I ever decided I'd pay attention to a hint? [I]After walking a while, Zaltazar poses a question.[/I] Zaltazar: We are killing some warlock right? Rogan: Yes. Zaltazar: The location of this warlock is? Rogan: Somewhere to the east. Zaltazar: As I thought. Why are we going north? Rogan: Not sure. [I]Zaltazar swears under his breath and changes direction, walking off. After about two hours, Zaltazar decides that it would be convenient if he bothered to check a) if the others had followed him, and b) if there was any shelter around that did not involve caves with rockworms and nagas in them. Thankfully, the answer to both questions was yes. Still not bothering to speak or explain himself, Zaltazar sets up a tent, walks inside and goes to sleep. The others stop and look at it for a while, considering it was only twilight.[/I] Zaltazar: Do as you will, I'm getting some sleep. [I]The others set up their respective shelters, and are undisturbed until about midnight. They all awake, seemingly for no reason. Each has the feeling that something was about to happen. A strange snuffling sound echoed around the silent campsite, not even the sound of drawn breath interrupting the otherwise still night. Abruptly, the snuffling stops, and the world bursts into flame around them. Stumbling out, they find several trolls running off into the night, the stand of trees they camped in blazing around them, a deadly conflagration. Coughing, they run out of the trees, stopping only to grab packs and weapons.[/I] Zaltazar: This is starting to get on my nerves. I'm gonna kill the bastard. Alastuin: Just don't walk off this time. Zaltazar: Oh alright.[/font][/color]
  19. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Or get burned after the first day out of frustration. Besides, too many people play home rules, which manages to render a lot of the handbook redundant.[/font][/color]
  20. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Lacroix Type of Creature: Dark Elven Assasin Weapons or Items: Twin scimitars with intricate runes carved on the blades, twin viper. Description: About 6 ft, Lacroix is a typically slender elf that always wears concealing black clothes. Those who have ever seen the skin aside from his face and hands know it to be covered in vicious scars. Anyone who has seen them knows him well enough not to ask. He has raven black hair that falls to his shoulders, and his face is done up in gothic makeup. Approximate age: Unknown (he was attacked when very young, and left mentally and phyiscally scarred, leaving him slightly deranged, with no memory of the next few decades/centuries. He has memory of three hundred years.) Special Abilities: Agility, speed. As an assasin, Lacroix trained in a form of martial arts that focused on speed and agility, and his natural abilites are increased by vambraces and anklets he wears.[/font][/color]
  21. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien stares at the place Spyder's body recently inhabited.[/I] Davien: Not good. Not good at all. Cathos: Is she dead? Davien: I would hope not. Cathos: Are you alright? Davien: I'll be fine. I don't think she's dead, just...disappeared. Cathos: Then why are we still here. [I]They walk off, Davien casting frequent glances backwards.[/I][/font][/color]
  22. [font=gothic][color=crimson]Ahem. Speaking of governments... The latest idea of the Mothman is that it is actually a government mind control experiment. Some people went back to research Point Pleasant, before the movie was made, and found some interesting discoveries. They received several visits from men clad in black suits telling them to leave, and received several phone calls saying the same thing. When the phone was tapped, the calls originated in the same house the people were in.[/font][/color]
  23. [font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Once again, I have to run in and salvage some things for you all. Egad. [I]Zaltazar looks at them from his position on the ground, disgusted.[/I] Zaltazar: Get down here, all of you. Now. [I]Looking sheepish, they get down and walk over to him, glaring at him as they find out he had already finished off the wine.[/I] Zaltazar: Shall we? [I]They walk off, leaving the inn and its misbegotten inhabitants behind them. Very soon they are in the midst of a gnarled, stunted forest.[/I] Zaltazar: Finally, a nice change of scenery. And I didn't just say nice...[/font][/color]
  24. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Vukdolak stands stock still a moment before moving out, casting a contemptuous glance at Kabuki, who had followed him out.[/I] Vukodlak: Who's damn fool idea was that? Squad leader! Me? And if I get called Stavis again... Kabuki: I'll take it. What's wrong with your last name? Vukodlak: I didn't say I was going to give it up. As much as I dislike being in positions of authority, I dislike having other people order me around more. And as for my name, propriety. Kabuki: At least you believe being in charge is a responsibility, not a right. Vukodlak: If I thought that, I would have had someone kill me a long time ago. Damn bureaucrats. Kabuki: What have you got against bureaucrats? Vukodlak: I forget right now. But they annoy me. So, when do we leave?[/font][/color]
  25. [font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien sighs, before starting down the valley, the snow drenched slopes making footing trecherous.[/I] Davien: I don't suppose there is an easier way to this? Anathema: Of course not. [I]They reach the first exposed point of the river, and Davien brightens considerably. With a short, wild smile for Anathema, he pulls his cloak off and lays it on the smooth ice. A recent wind has stripped the river bare, leaving it like a highway. Stepping back, he leaps forward on to the cloak, sending it careening down the ice, sliding madly with the twist of the river. He can hear Anathema following swiftly. As he reaches the bottom of the valley, he leaps up and grabs a tree branch, swinging himself up onto it, picking his cloak up with his feet. Reaching down, he grabs Anathema's outstretched hand firmly and hoists her up.[/I] Davien: I knew there had to be an easier way. Anathema: Quit gloating. Shall we go? [I]They leap out of the tree on to the snow, their landing muffled enough as not to alert anybody around. They start to trudge up the mountain, Davien wondering why exactly he is bothering to hide at all. Realising that it is concern for Anathema, he sighs again.[/I] Anathema: What? Davien: I just realised why I'm doing this. Anathema: Oh? Davien: It's not important. How steep does this cliff get?[/font][/color]
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