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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I used to hate life, but now I have a reason to live so I'm getting used to it. And Cloricus, that was pathetic. And Jesus Chicken I'm more worried about the "Excruciating. That's a big word for a two year old" joke, which I will not repeat here for the sake of decency and the younger members of this board.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Kral Thraxx and Davien quickly finish off the defenseless goblins, and return to find Kredion and Jalenaalone fighting the demon. The others are encased in a protective shield of some sort. Kral Thraxx flies in, Davien slicing the the demon from behind, slicing off the already damaged wing. Trell spins, his claws slicing at Kral Thraxx, but Davien lowers his viper halberd(think FF VII people), deflecting the blow. Kral Thraxx flies higher with a backbeat of his wings, which also serves to knock Trell of balance, allowing Kredion to severely damage the creature. Davien aims his weapon, and the runes glow fiercely. A tingle fills the air, as everyone and Davien's hair stands on end. The discharge is channeled through the metallic blade, the bolt of lightning arcing in to leave Trell a smoking ruin.[/I] Davien: So be it. [I]Kral Thraxx lands, Davien easily sliding off his back. They return to their normal form, and confront th others.[/I] Kredion: I never knew you were a drake rider. I thought they were wiped out by the Conclave aeons ago anyway. Davien: Most of my kind were. A few however survived. Alastuin: Drake riders? You mean people who just ride around on drakes? Davien: No. We are symbiotic. We are one mind. I am not strictly speaking human, nor is Kral Thraxx strictly speaking a drake. We are faster, stronger, with powers they do not possess. Alastuin: And this Conclave? Davien: A group of magi who wished to destroy us. Alastuin: Why? [I]Davien looks distant, a look of ancient pain tinged with guilt staining his countenance. He replies in an equally distant voice, as if caught up in something far beyond what the rest of them have ever expereinced.[/I] Davien: Because, before the Dracocytherians were annihilated, we were the scourge of this world. We ruled it, we nearly destroyed it in our folly. [I]Davien and Kral Thraxx leave, not really expecting the others to follow. Alastuin in particular looked betrayed and shocked.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Then there is your baby jokes... How about people's inherent bigotry, cheesecake, those who perform debased voodoo rites on fish, the juxtaposition of monkeys and fish, mobile phones, the stuff James's banner talks about, tourists. And animals that make loud sounds. And those little green things peopl on meals when you buy them at restaurants, and restaurants themselves. And shopping malls. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]You know what my answer to that would be. Let's see... We've got... sports, outdoors, sunlight, any other bright light, people with a low intelligence level, physical activities, popular society, your average stereotypical teenager (just as a sidenote, has anyone noticed that in trying to be original, most teenagers conform tot he very stereotypes they try to attack?), the human race as a whole (the damage we've done to what really should have remained a lifeless rock in the first place), religion (any religion, any at all), the fact that food is neccessary to the human race, Cloricus, the movie industry, anybody who appears on television on a regular basis (asiding a few), public events, family gatherings, uniforms of any kind (you were right Jesus Chicken, clothes are a parasite!), the fashion industry, any other industry... that's enough for now. But believe me, there are a lot more. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]How many times do I have to settle that? I mean, I've had to explain myself to people who seem to be going out of their way to misunderstand me. For christ's sake, this is starting to annoy me. I believe war is a waste of life. I believe the manner in which this particular war was conducted wasted life. While I believe life is an aberration of time and space, I still respect others' rights to it. I swear, I am going to hang someone up by the shoulder blades in a minute. And as for being Australian, I am probably the least patriotic, most apathetic, person in this country. If our country was invaded, I would fight, but not for my sake. For the sake of the few people I care about. But if they had been killed, I would accept it. It means nothing to me. I really don't care what your opinion of me is, but on the other hand I really couldn't be bothered re-reading what has been said about me several times over again. I don't care how contentious you find me. Anyway, now that my little rant is over... Personally, the fact the women did not serve with the ANZACS was a good thing. At that time, they had no training, there was no force of women set up. While men who had no training signed up, women were less qualified. (And before anyone so much as THINKS about calling me sexist, hear me out.) Women are typically less aggressive than men. We'd all concede that? Good. They, in that time, were typically less fit and suited to the rigours that war would impose on them with men. Now however, is a different story. Now, they are trained, and are the equal of men in that field. I'm all for equality, but that they didn't serve with the ANZACS was a very good decision.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Hicks. Rednecks. You know the drill. And straw wrappers. And tofu! AND... wait, blood pressure, calm down.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]A shadow blacker than night. A shapeless form in the darkness, that which lurks at the edge of perception. The one who is with you when you are born, and longs to be with you as you die. The well of suffering that exists. The tortured, twisted being that resides in the darkness of the soul. The experiment abandoned by it's masters.[/I] Vukodlak: Why all this introspection? I know what I am. No others need to. No others need to know I exist. The last, perhaps only of my kind. A wreck, a quivering mass of nerves. The extent of damage in my mind and soul far outweighs the physical. Why do I profess what I am? Voice: Your isolation has driven you mad I see. Vukodlak: Who are you? You know me? [I]A thin, robed figure steps in front of the tortured Mymridion. Vukodlak's black eyes cloud, becoming as a broken reflection of the moon on water. He knows this one. Above all others. Above even himself.[/I] Vukodlak: You dare face me! After all you and your ilk have done to me! Magi: We created you. You are ours. You owe us life. Vukodlak: You abandoned me. You left me to die. You left me with no memory of my life. Magi: You had no life before us. Vukodlak: You should have been indoctrinated into the modern world. I am at least 3000 years old. I remember less than a third of it. Magi: You have been deceived. [I]Vukodlak's eyes narrow, his mouth opens slightly. His scimitars appear in his hands as if by magic.[/I] Magi: You seek to anger me. Unwise. [I]Vukodlak's scimitars dart forward, as he backbeats his wings, sending him straight up into the air. The magi ducks the scimitars, sending a ball of pure force at the Mymridion. Vukodlaks replies in turn, the acid shooting from his maw leaving the magi a bubbling pool of blood.[/I] Vukodlak: Enough. This is no longer my place. [I]Resigned, Vukodlak flies off into the night, in search of novocaine for the soul.[/I][/font][/color]
RPG For lo! If death should have a face...
The Harlequin replied to The Harlequin's topic in Theater
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Vukodlak: That it does. Yet, I ask you this. Who sent the bat demons? Valeigh: Well, normally we'd be the ones sending them to this realm. Vukodlak: Exactly. Anathema: We'll deal with it later. If you two will excuse me a minute. [I]She walks out, while Vukodlak and Valeigh start gathering weapons. A few minutes later, a noise is heard from outside. Looking out, Vukodlak sees Anathema landing a helicopter. Sighing, he starts to bring out their assembled arsenal.[/I] Vukodlak: Alright, let's catch up with the others, then off to the nearest major city.[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC:Jalena? Where'd that/she/he/it come from? [I]Sighing to himself, Davien advances on the demon. The demon immediately flies into the air, hovering several feet above the ground.[/I] Trell: Pathetic fools! Davien: I love it when they do that. [I]Again, Davien pulls out his crossbow. This time, with one arm, firing before he's even fully raised it. The bolt takes the demon in the left wing, punching a foot wide hole through it.[/I] Davien: Now. Where were we. [I]Davien leaps into the air, flipping over the demon's head, spinning his twin viper as he does so, forcing Trell to duck away.[/I] Trell: Siano desrak malus! [I]Out of nowhere, an ogre appears. Kral Thraxx however, quiet contemptuously bites it's head off. Trell looks most incensed.[/I] Trell: I didn't really count on that happening... [I]While his is speaking however, a change is undergoing in Davien and Kral Thraxx. Kral Thraxx's body becomes more sinuous, while the muscles under his scales ripple and become taut, and a slight indentation forms on his shoulders. Davien's aspect shifts, becoming darker, sinister. Kral Thraxx lands beside him, and waits. Davien leaps on to his back, and Kral Thaxx effortlessly lifts him into the air. Davien's twin viper changes, one of the blades disappearing, the other lengthening. The shaft turns black, and becomes entraced with silver runes.[/I] Davien: Again a drake rider is loose. Welcome to my world. [I]From Kral Thraxx's maw comes a baw of pure heat, landing just next to Trell. In desperation, the demon summons a host of goblins. Kral Thraxx flies in, and Davien from his back attacks them, lightning glinting off his halberd. The goblins scatter, Kral Thraxx flying after them, leaving the others to deal with Trell.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]So, American is justified in the killing of innocents, due to their cause, but the Taliban isn't, that's what you're saying. To the Taliban and their ilk, America is as corrupted and evil as the Taliban is to us. The difference is intent then. They meant to kill innocents, America didn't. That's the only real difference, and intent means nothing. So there is no difference.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Sorry cloricus, we went over that already.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I didn't say that, I said you've all come riht out and said I'm insane and unreasonable. Now, I may be, but it's still not nice to come right out and say it.[/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic][I]Davien walks for a while, before realising the others aren't following. Unsurprised, and even more unconcerned, he retreats off into the trees, wishing to be done with this whole thing. He'd contact Alastuin later and... He is interrupted by Kral Thraxx's arrival.[/I] Kral Thraxx: I got bored, so I came to see what you were doing. There was too much going on their, not enough peace for though. Alastuin annoyed, Kredion considering killing her, Amy and Socks... Davien (Interrupted): Kredion thinking of killing Alastuin? Kral Thraxx: Ye... [I]Davien doesn't even hear the drake as he sprints back down the trail. The drake flies along, silently. Reaching the others, Davien runs in, and before Kredion even knows he's there, grabs him by the neck and throws him against a tree. Davien has his weapon point against Kredion's throat before he can recover.[/I] Davien: Perhaps you would like to explain yourself? [I]Davien is momentarily distracted by Krall Thraxx.[/I] Kral Thraxx: This is not good. He had the blade to her throat. Davien: If she dies, I will hang you up by the shoulder blades, and rats will eat you from the inside out. Kredion:I think not. Alastuin: Neither do I. I have some more interesting ideas. [I]Davien relaxes his weapon, hugging Alastuin, who is alright, once before turning back to Kredion.[/I] Davien: Again, are you going to explain yourself?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]First unreasonable, now insane. Why is everyone so undiplomatic?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]What would we do without the Mountain Dew buzz... When's this starting?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]That may just be the most absurb thing I've ever read. It's undead. It's doesn't have flesh, in the first place, and it doesn't breath fire in the second.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Because, Cloricus, these people didn't even have the opportunity to defend themselves or avoid it.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]After half an hour of... ahem, getting more acquainted with each other... they are interrupted by a knock. After some frantic shuffling, the door is opened, and Enron and Rogan outside are surprised by their companion's state.[/I] Zaltazar: Was there something? Rogan: Come on, we're getting out of here. Zaltazar: When? Rogan: Now. Zaltazar: Ah, my lost cathartic friend, this had better be worth it. Rogan: What's your problem? Oh, by the way, we can't find Alastuin. [I]There is a loud cough from inside the room. Enron and Rogan look at each other uncomfortably.[/I] Enron: Oh. Um, sorry. But really, it's time to leave. [I]Alastuin walks out, pausing to apprehend Zaltazar's arm, dragging him along with her. Enron and Rogan follow along nervously.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Alastuin: Where did you go? Zaltazar: Nowhere really. I was on the roof. Alastuin: Why were you there? Zaltazar: I was proving that idiot innkeeper wrong. We can get out of here, it will just take a while. Alastuin: What's the problem though? I mean, you look outside and see a normal landscape. [I]Zaltazar sighs, and pulls out a throwing dagger. Walking over to the window, he throws it out. After about 30 metres, it just falls. Like it ran into a wall.[/I] Zaltazar: That's an illusion. I caught a few snatches of conversation last night, and this place is caught under a timetrap. It's always Beltane here. That coupled with the sheer amount of ethanol consumed, well, you canunderstand why nobody leaves. Alastuin: So how do we get out of here? Zaltazar: I'm not sure yet. I have a feeling I'll stay a while first. Alastuin: Why? [I]Zaltazar looks meaningfully at the bed.[/I] Alastuin: Oh. Yes. That. Ahem. Zaltazar: I thought it would be something like that.[/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic]Kral Thraxx: If it only a reflection of what is around it, then that means that you're only reflecting light particles back and forth, kind of like a visionary echolation. Now, certain substances don't reflect light, and some even absorb it. Is that too broken down with magik? Alastuin: Yes. Kral Thraxx: And you have to fine tune the perceptiveness, or you wouldn't get anything at all. Amy: Why not? Kral Thraxx: Simple. The atoms in the air would reflect the beams back immediately. Alastuin: But none of the things you've suggested are happening. So quit complaining. Kral Thraxx: I'm not complaining, I'm coming to a conclusion. You aren't really scrying at all. What your doing is remote view, a different process. You were just taught that it was scrying, and you were taught a different method. So, you've been wasting your time scrying. [I]That established, Kral Thraxx flies off after Davien.[/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson][I]Davien thinks over it for a while, and realises the flaw.[/I] Davien: So, you compress one dimension, so you can scry through another. So, that means that you get every in 2 dimensions, which is no help. Alastuin: No, everything comes up normal. Davien: Well, in that case, part of your scrying energy has slipped into each dimsension, which means your ownly partly scrying each one, thus, your scryings are not to be trusted. Alastuin: You can be very annoying you know. Davien: I try. Besides, scrying another dimsension wouldn't work, because scrying looks at possibilities, not certainties. So really, you're scrying what may be out there. How many times have you done this? Alastuin: Well.... Davien: As I thought! If you'll excuse me, oh master scryer, I'll leave you to your work and trust me own scrying. [I]Davien whistles, and Raiett again flies down. Davien asks him to find out how far they have to go, and Raiett flies off. Davien turns, looking satisfied, bows, and leaves.[/I][/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic][I]Locked in stasis, Davien does his best to glare at Kral Thraxx, while Amy incants. As before, strange runes appear on the assorted people's head. Davien's attempted glare turns to an attempted look of surprise as Kral Thraxx's scales also become adorned with the runes. Then the runes fade.[/I] Alastuin: Perhaps we should leave them there anyway. Kral Thraxx: As you wish. [I]Raiett flies down and swoops oer Davien, covering Davien's face with his wings. When he removes them, Davien is again able to move.[/I] Davien: Not amusing people.[/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic]Perhaps I should have mentioned that I'd like remotely intelligent replies...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]NAME: Vukodlak Stavis AGE: 22 WEAPON: Twin Scimitars BIO: Vukodlak Stavis was born, abandoned, and left to die. He was taken in by a family of assasins. Knowing no other life, they educated Vukodlak in their dark craft. Vukodlak left them when he was 15, after suffering severe mental problems that stil occasionly haunt him. APPEARENCE: 6 ft tall, with inky black shoulder length hair. Vukodlak is slender, although it is hard to tell due to his concealing black clothing that in no way hinders his movement. SKILLS: Agility, knowledge of assasination techniques (poisons etc) PERSONALITY: Dark, silent, melancholy. ITEMS: None. (Prefers to rely on his own means)[/font][/color]
[quote][I]Originally posted by ProudClod[/I] Call me crazy, but the best games console era had to be the time of the snes and the sega megadrive. Why, you ask? Simple. These were some of the first games consoles to have been released in the world, and almost every game released was 100% original, because they were the first of their kind.[/quote] [font=gothic][color=crimson]Quite obviously you never encountered a commodore 64 or an Atari... Not the best gaming systems around, no matter how originaly the games.[/color][/font]