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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[color=crimson][font=gothic]I was talking to Aries.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Anyone who has seen this most excellent movie will know that it is based on a true story. To satisfy a curiousity, does anyone happen to have anymore information on any other reported sightings of the Mothman?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Ahem, shinobi is an ancient Japanese ninja sect... [I]Davien retreats to his room, meditating on his fight with Setsuna. Had it been such a good idea to reveal himself? Surely, the explanation given would have allayed some fears, but he as sure at least some of them would have seen thought what appeared to him a such a pitiful excuse. He remembered why he took his mortal guise, and was not reassured. A demon escaped from the pits of hell, a tormented being in search of water to quench the conflagration in his soul. He'd never found it. Nothing physical can soothe an invisible, ethereal fire. Nothing more had mattered. Death, meant nothing. Yet, Davien still had a purpose. Give him a while and he might even remember what is was...[/I] Davien was interrupted from his melancholy musing by the sound of someone running their hands along the wall as they walked. Not wishing to explain himself this night, he gets up to bolt the door.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Silencer Name: Lacroix Vukodlak Age: 22 Height: 6 ft Description: Shoulder length raven black hair. Vukodlak always wears black, and conceals himself with a hooded cloak that does not hinder movement. His face when seen, is always done up in gothic makeup. Nothing about his past is known, even to him. Weapon: Twin scimitars, automatic pistol.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Why do I always get portrayed as the unreasonable one here? And Gotenks, what did you mean by "kids backpedalling"? Anyway. Gotenks, if you read some earlier posts, you'd have read that yes, I too believe it is wrong, yet I also believe that it's worth it if a lesson is learned. Bin Laden, in his mind, had every right to retaliate. If you look at it his way, September 11 was perfectly acceptable. Not because he is a vicious minded evil bastard, but because he feels the injustices against his people warranted such retaliation. The same way that people feel about September 11, and the War On Terrorism.[/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic]OOC: It's just more fun this way. Davien: How many times have you said that in the past however long? 30 perhaps? Kredion: Well perhaps you should listen to me. Or get another shuriken in the back. Davien: Why not hit me in the face this time? Kredion: As you wish. [I]Kredion pulls out another shuriken, and takes aim, his target the gap just above Davien's ear. Always an intimidating shot. He throws the shuriken, and Davien does not move. Instead, a black form flashes in front of them, and a few seconds later, Raiett drops the shuriken at Kredion's feet.[/I] Davien: Shall we go then?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Wouldn't worry about it, we'll keep the rpg alive. And as for sick minded, it's all in the wrist...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]It's in the phrasing. I don't like repeating myself, so I change the way I say it. Every now and again I slip up and it comes out differently. Sorry. Anyway... cohesive no. In existence yes. A force doesn't have to be cohesive. Hell, fanatics are rarely cohesive. They don't have to be, in fact it's better if they're not. If they were, they'd start comparing notes, realise whatever they were part of was dangerous, futile and ultimately boring.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]The group that ultimately called itself the Taliban was around during the war, it just hadn't named itself as such. It quite obviously was not in power at that time, I never claimed it was. Once the war started, neither side could back down from it. That was the worst part about it. Each party had invested a bit too much in it. I'm trying to justify those attacks, I'm trying to present them as a hopefully effective object lesson. And no object lesson is ever justifiable, so I'm not contradict myself by saying the attacks were right. I don't believe they were right, or good, or just, but I believe as long as something is learned from them. they have served a useful purpose. Damn, I'm starting to sound optimistic here...[/font][/color]
Writing Feelings from the twisted insecure being that is my heart. .
The Harlequin replied to liamc2's topic in Creative Works
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I agree wholeheartedly. Mention it next time my lost cathartic friend, and wait for the screams to echo around the school...[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I'll concede I may have made a contextual error when I said power struggle. Afghanistan was a pawn. The USA goaded Russia into making a move. They strengthened their military, and made a pronouncement that they would help other countries resist incursions by the Russians. They basically asked the Russians to attack someone. The USA never openly supported the Taliban, but they did arm and fund them, fully aware of Taliban dogma. [/font][/color]
[color=crimson][font=gothic]That's my point. The entire invasion of Afghanistan and the subsequent defense by the USA was merely a power struggle between Capitalism and Communism. Russia wanted to know how far the USA would go to protect it's interest, in relation to the USA's military actions during that period. And the USA had supported the Taliban during their "friendly occupation" of the country as it was.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Sorry James. The fact that history is allowed to repeat itself proves my point. Once getting to a certain point in his career, every leader starts to believe that he has done for his country than his predecessors, and ceases to learn from their predecessors mistakes. Human nature.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]When the Americans sided against the Russians, they trained Bin Laden and his like, and then let the country be ravaged. They expended the lives of countless Afghans, all in their power struggle against Russia. If America hadn't been so cold-bloodedly manipulative, September 11 wouldn't haev happened, the Taliban wouldn't have been terrorising their citizens for the past however many years, and I wouldn't have 9 out of 10 people on my back about my glacial nature. And as for how I can be so empty of sympathy... well... let's just say that it takes a certain amount of coffee, jug of wine, loaf of bread, and < occupant >.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Spyder: There is a nightclub left anywhere in this place we haven't razed yet? Davien: Why neccessarily a nightclub? Why not something a little more fun? Spyder: Oh? What else is there round here that's fun to burn? Davien: I always like a good fire. Spyder: Pyromaniac like the rest of us. So what did you have in mind? Davien: An orphanage... [I]Cathos and Spyder just stare at him for a while. Got them there, didn't he![/I][/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Name: Vukodlak Stavis Age: Unknown, even to him Race:Mymridion (even money says at least one person is going to want to know what the hell this is!) Sire or birth: Unknown Attacks: Acid breath, certain natural magics. Looks: A mymridion is a bipedal drake. They have a thin, sinuous body, with the usual tail, wings, claws etc. Their front claws have evolved into taloned hands, so they walk only on their back legs when they are not flying. They breath a type of acid instead of fire. They're also more intelligent than normal drakes, and possess the powers of rational thought and speech. Bio: Vukodlak Stavis, unknown to him, was attacked by a cabal of magi wishing to study his race sometime during his second millenium of life. He was left with his black scales covered in some kind of light absorbing substance, leaving him a shadow upon the world. He has no memory of that time, or anything before it. He hunts for his missing past, and the blood of anything that happens to be aggravating him.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I too take great satisfaction in the fact that Bin Laden is America's creation. They got what was coming to them, and this had damn well better teach them that their national interests are secondary in other countries.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Davien: I wouldn't worry. He'll come back. Amy: Are you sure? Davien: Positive. Amy: But how do you know? Davien: Watch and learn. [I]From under his cloak, Davien pulls a fair sized crossbow. Climbing a nearby tree, he takes aim at the disappearing figure of Kredion. He fires not a quarell however, but a bolt with a heavy lead ball. The projectile knocks Kredion out of the air. Davien jumps out of the tree.[/I] Davien: He'll come walking back soon.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Unholy Newt, you should know me well enough by now to realise that I never use a conventional meaning for anything if I can possibly help it. And as for where this thread is going... well, the twisted realm of Cloricus, Jesus Chicken, Ravenstorture and I having an argument I suppose.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Inkeeper, I want this plot to stay, wait, I'm OOC, sorry people... Alright then people. This is how to twist a storyline. Zaltazar: Well, we could do with a room. Or better yet two. Enron: Or better yet three. Innkeeper: Three rooms. Alright, that's 12 silver imperials. Zaltazar: That's outright theivery! Innkeeper: So? You're crazy if you think you get out of this for free just because the warlock dumped you into my inn. Alastuin: What! The warlock dumped us here! Innkeeper: Yeah. The warlock and us folks round here got this little agreement. We don't bother him, and he can get rid of annoyances like your here selves by dumping them in my inn. It gets me here some business, and the warlock is free to go kill them all other people. Zaltazar: Rednecks. I'm in an inn full of rednecks. Innkeeper: Your in an inn? Why, that sounds mighty strange to me boy. Zaltazar: That's it. I'm gone. Innkeeper: I don't think so. [I]Zaltazar turns to leave, only to realise there isn't a door.[/I] Innkeeper: You don't leave until you pay your board fees. Zaltazar: This warlock and I are going to have words about this. Innkeeper: Well, you can speak with him if ya like, but I don't think he'll be changing price none. He'll be by later if you'd like a little chat. Zaltazar: Good. [I]With a sigh, Zaltazar hands over the money, and a door materialises in one of the walls.[/I] Innkeeper: I've seen that so many times, and it still don't some natural to me. [I]Zaltazar stalks pasts him out the door, appearing in the strangest common room. It is at least a mile across, and contains just about every life form on the planet. Nearby, a purple clad octopus like creatures, that Zaltazar recognises as an Ilthilid introduces himself as the juxtaposition of monkeys and fish, and asks him where the chicken bones are.[/I] Zaltazar: What? The Juxtaposition Of Monkeys And Fish: It's this box I used to carry around, filled with chicken bones. At least, I think it was, I was never really sure. Zaltazar: Why didn't you open it? The Juxtaposition Of Monkeys And Fish: Me? Open a box like that? You must be joking! If people ever thought Pandora's Box was bad, what's a box full of chicken bones going to do to them! Innkeeper: I don't rightly know why, but it seems that after some time here people all seem to be a little unright in the head ya know. Zaltazar: I'll blame it on the accent. Innkeeper: Now look here! Zaltazar: Just shut up. And give me a room. Innkeeper: I don't care for your tone boy! [I]Zaltazar whirls on the innkeeper, his hand snaking out and taking the innkeeper by the throat. In a dangerously quiet voice, he repeats his request. Again, the innkeeper protests, and this time, Zaltazar spins and throws him into the crowd. Stalking after him, Zaltazar stands over him, and places a foot on his windpipe. The innkeeper hurriedly points to a small staircase. Zaltazar walks off.[/I] Innkeeper: I don't know what he wanted. We ain't had nobody like that come in here for well nigh twenty years now, and we ain't had people wanting to use the rooms for even longer. I'll be. [I]Bemused by the assorted life forms, Enron and Rogan start to mix with them, being startled by the profusion of apes, dragons, drakes, mymridions, wyrms, wyverns, goblins, orcs, trolls, ogres, nagas, nagazishnis, krakens, gryphons, minotaurs, centaurs, elves of all types, dwarves, kobolds, leprechauns, pixies, faeries, sidhe, angels, demons, devils, wraiths, ghosts, spirits, haunts, apparitions, poltergeists, giants, necromancers, diviners, enchanters, sorcerors, wizards, bards, poets, kalundais, chimeras, firbolgs, fomorians, winter wolves, lycanthropes, shadow stalkers, draconians, mermen, cyclopsi, battle mages, debased voodoo priests, knights, paladins, peddlers, basilisks, golems, gargoyles, hellhorns, zombies, revenants, vampyres, ghouls, ghasts, shades, spectres, banshees, lich, lichnee, arch lich, eye tyrants, maulgrym, mimics,mutations, mandrakes, rakshaskas, leshii, skeletons, elementals, sprites, efreets, afreets, imps, templars,colossuses, animated curaisses, skulker, skalds, mummies, cockatrices, wendigos, grendels, cultists, dinosaurs, pegasi, asperii, troglodytes, arenae, druids, clerics, conjurers, exorcists, alchemists, half-breeds, mechanical inventions, behemoths, mammoths, geomancers, seers, sages, witches, possessed, wights, succubi, incubi, vanati, unicorns, sirens, hybrids, wild beasts, etc (OOC: Sorry, I couldn't do anymore, no time), and are quickly lost in the crowd. Alastuin sighs, and follows Zaltazar up stairs. She finds him in the first room with a heavy bolt on the door, pacing back and forth. He looks up with scantly disguised irritation, which softens as he sees her. He does not however, stop pacing. Alastuin walks in and sits down on the bed, watching him walk back and forth for a while[/I] Alastuin: What's with you. [I]Zaltazar does not reply, but instead walks over and bolts the door. He then walks back over and sits next to Alastuin, placing an arm around her.[/I] Zaltazar: Nothing I guess. I'm just annoyed at that whole thing. What are Enron an Rogan doing? Alastuin: You saw the crowd out there. I'd say say they're trying to find something that can speak their language. [I]Zaltazar sighs, and lies back on the bed, looking up at Alastuin.[/I] Zaltazar: By the way, do you want this room? It's the only one with a lock. Alastuin: Good. [I]Alastuin uncerimoniously kicks Zaltazar off the bed, pulls the covers back, and gets in.[/I] Alastuin: Warm. I'm rather tired, so I think I'll sleep for a while. [I]Zaltazar again sighs, and starts to walk out.[/I] Alastuin: Where are you going? Zaltazar: I thought you were tired. Alastuin: Not that tired. [I]Zaltazar attempts to break the record for the most number of sighs in a short period of time, before walking back over and sitting on the edge of the bed. Alastuin pulls him down besides her, blowing out the candle and leaving them in darkness.[/I][/color][/font]
Gaming Has anyone ever amde a perfect file on any Final Fantasy games?
The Harlequin replied to Spikey's topic in Noosphere
[font=gothic][color=crimson]Pefect file on VII, VIII and IX. Emerald's attacks aren'tr eally a problem if you have something like a Mystile or Final Attack/Mastered Phoenix. [/color][/font] -
[font=gothic][color=crimson]300 000 gil. Not that much really, but on the other hand, I'm willing to bet tents are cheaper. If you really want something to do, compile a monster database. Should keep you occupied for a long while. And HP-MP switch is the most useless materia in the game![/color][/font]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]OOC: Well, that helps. [I]After a period of intense kissing, Alastuin's hands start to roam around under Zaltazar's shirt. Startled, he pulls back.[/I] Zaltazar: How far is this going? Alastuin: As far as you want it to. Or perhaps a little further than that. Zaltazar: I'd be willing to go at least as far as you would, but is this really the best time or place? Alastuin: Quit complaining. Zaltazar: I'm serious. Personally, i say we get out of this cave and go find an inn or something. Alastuin: Why an inn? [I]Zaltazar looks at her steadily for a while before she gets the point. She lowers her eyes slightly, blushing.[/I] Zaltazar: As I thought.[/color][/font]
[font=gothic][color=crimson]I'm telling you people, Vicy.[/font][/color]