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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[font=gothic][color=indigo]DigiFan, double posting is against the rules. Please do not do it again.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Originalimp, I don't know what the hell you're doing, but you should certainly no better. This thread, whatever the hell it is, had better get back on track pretty quickly, and you know exactly to what specifications I mean that.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo][I]Kattarin watched with a detached, clinical amusement, as the vampyre stroked the face of its would be victim, so confident, they were. They had a lot of fun underestimating humans, she'd noticed. The predator slowly let his mouth caress the side of his victim's face, a rather nubil young girl, probably a secretary. Just to add even more to the whole cliche element so joyously present in the entire thing. The alleyway was dark and deserted. it was late at night though with a bright moon.... ..And like the avenging angel, Kattarin stalked up behind the pair, who seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, they probably were, but that was irrelevant. Kattarin let her glaive spin with silken, practiced ease into her dexterous fingers, and placed the tip against the one of the vampyre's kidneys. He stiffened, and stepped slowly away, turning as he did so. Not a bad specimen, if Kattarin did say so herself. Tall, nearly six foot eight, she imagined, and amazingly well built for your average mortal, vampyric or otherwise. Dressed in straight black, with sleeves that seemed so ragged they displayed his forearms, though were in fact styled that way. The tatoos on his inner forearm showed through, appearing like claw marks, a parallel series of lines, complete with broken skin detail and all. Quite realistic, Kattarin was almost tempted to believe they were real, and given by some kind of lycanthrope. The fact that they were perfectly smooth gave them away though. The vampyre, realising he was being admired, absently stretched, a slight smile on his face, confident he had truly dazzled her. Langurously, he started to move forward, only to stop cold as the glaive point found the throat, and drew a single droplet. Kattarin comment was delivered in a tone acrimonious enough to make the creature wince.[/i] Kattarin: You're not that good, in either respect. [I]A voice behind her hissed something to the contrary, and she spun, glaive arcing upwards in a trajectory that left it embedded in the new vampyre's throat, upwards into the brain. Kattarin jerked it free and spun back to the first, somewhat more threatening blood-sucker, only to find him holding a third vampyre at arms length with seemingly no difficulty, then suddenly snap the beast's neck. Kattarin dropped back into stance, her glaive pointed. The first vampyre, however, simply knelt down and inspected the bodies, pulling out two dark amulets of some design Kattarin couldn't make out. Then he sighed.[/i] "Here we go again" [I]Kattarin stepped back and returned her weapon to its shoulder sling.[/i] Kattarin: What was that to mean, and why were you also attacked? "Same answer to both questions. Kain's back, and I didn't like him the first time around, and I don't like him any more now." Kattarin: Rogue blood-drinker, are we then? "Of course. You think I got like this by being complacent and surrounded by countless other vampyres? [I]Eyeing his very impressive musculature, Kattarin wasn't inclined to disagree. She was about to add more when furtive footsteps again echoed behind her. Several shining eyes greeted her as she spun. She swore, and went to draw her glaive, only to find both hand and neck trapped in a hideously strong hand. Kattarin swore again at her complacency, but rather than bite down, the vampyre turned and ran, Kattarin's weight no burden at all to him. He set her down a phenomenal distance away, and actually inside a room. A rather well furnished room. Kattarin took the nearest chair, and folded her arms, glaring at her apparent "saviour".[/font][/color][/i]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]OOC: Bleh, I tells ye Liam. I have no idea what my character is doing, so I'm going to take a walk in the apparently near-by woods. IC: [i]Quin, disdaining sleeping as a pure and simple waste of time he could most likely spend more valubly being awake (which was a rather moot point, depending on one's opinion at the time, not to mention the circumstances). For someone who didn't get bored though, and wasn't in the mood for temporary oblivion, a bout of much prefered solitude seemed to be well in order. Of course, he had no particular trouble slipping off. Or finding a place far enough out of the way, quite a considerable distance out of the way in fact, enough that he was unlikely to be disturbed. Granted, it was only an hour and a half's walk from everyone else, but that was enough to put him back in a forest, and he prefered that, despite apparent or realised dangers, than to being stuck in a tent or whatnot with a large number of people that would most likely aggravate him. For now, he was sitting on a stump. It was not a very nice stump though. It had the distinction of being a truly massive stump, higher than his head, and large enough so that he could lie down inside its arcs should he choose to, but it was semi rotton, and when one says sitting on the stump, one actually means inside the massive hunk of dead lignin, leaning against a wall. Which, as was already stated, was not particularly nice. Quin let out a sound that would have been a sigh, had it not been a simple exhalation. He'd been in this stump like object for quite a while now, and he new that in less welcomeingly dark like places, it would be getting light rather soon. And considering he technically wasn't supposed to simply disappear (despite a history that could be discussed at a later date), he assumed it would be best if he made a return. Of course, what use his return would be was another matter. Quin left the circle of the stump, turning to give it a thoughtful kick... ...Sick of inhaling the fragments thrown into the air by the collapsing piece of rotton wood, he quickened his pace.[/font][/color][/I]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Let's get back to the rpg shall we people? If you want to yell at each other, PM it.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Actually Double B Diago, paragraphs of at least five lines are required, and if there's only one of them, it's really pushing it.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Originalimp, you know why this has been closed. I'm leaving the recruitment open so you can improve it, but you can recreate this thread once you've gotten the sign ups.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well, rpgs tend to start off in the recruitment forum, with a backstory and a list of what potential signs ups need to have in order to sign up for the rpg. Then you can create the thread here. So, why don't you go do that, then recreate this? Otherwise, you won't get anyone else with a decent character involved in this.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]There is no backstory or anything, so thread closed. Please, Dynete, read my "Reminders" thread, and follow the pointers outlined within.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Yes.....Christina Ricci and Johhny Depp were truly born for gothic roles....Pirates of the Carribean notwithstanding..... But yes, Sleepy Hollow is one of my all-time favourite movies. I think the only problem with the entire thing was (asiding the thing Piro mentioned - peroxide bad!) that the plot tried to twist quite a bit at the end and actually failed. It made sense, it just wasn't as interesting as it could have been. Other than that...mmm....darkness and death and other such quixotic (in my case) stuff.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well, quite obviously we have two new people here.... Well people, it turns out that rpgs don't exactly work the way you've tried to make it. They tend to start in the Recruitment Forum, and tend to have a backstory, and a list of what potential sign ups need to have. After several people have expressed interest through a sign up, then you start a thread in this forum, that is the actual story itself. As well, I'm afraid double posting is against the rules. For more information on rpging, I recommend (actually, I kind of require it) that you both read my "Reminders" thread, which can be found at the top of both this and the Recruitment forum. Thank you.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]The other version of the thread basically explains why these are closed...[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]It's so nice that you're in agreement with me Aoshi Shinimori. SailorStar, you have the honour of claiming the prime responsibility, as well. Lift your game, quite soon.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well, being crazy gothic style person, I'm quite fond of Rammstein. I guess my favourites would have to be Sonne, and Feuer Frei. The other reason they're cool is because their guitarist once double-tracked a guitar piece twenty-six times....[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well, I personally think the V6.5 skin is the best we've ever had....But my colour tastes were never vernacular.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]A few of these posts are really getting to the point where they're too short, particularly yours, (Sic) Shape. Could we please remedy that people?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]NashvilleDream, I believe I've had to tell you before about post quality. Please comply with the forum rules.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]And for an rpg, it isn't much.... People, I'm sure some of you are aware that rpgs tend to have plotlines, and back stories. I release there is a small one here, but it's not really enough to be the starting point for a good rpg. As well, I'd request that people improve the qualities of their sign ups, mainly in the form of actually writing a few paragraphs, which I believe is specified [u][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29600]here[/url][/u]. Thank you.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well, you're obviously new here. I suppose a bit of explanation is in order. When you start an rpg, it comes with a plotline, a backstory, and a list of what potential sign ups need to include. What you have made here, a seemingly combat oriented thread, would most likely belong in the Battle Arena, which is dedicated to sparring. I hope that clears things up.[/font][/color]
Sign Up Midnight Races(adult language/maybe content)
The Harlequin replied to Revelation's topic in Theater
[font=gothic][color=indigo]You know, that's really not a problem at all. It was, I'm afraid, getting there anyway.[/font][/color] -
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Well people, I'm afraid that basically contentless (relevant contents, that is) posts are considered spam in this forum. Can we please avoid them in future? I'm all for posting relevant stuff, but a lot of this stuff really isn't. And in the case of sign-ups, can we all actually post information about the character, regardless of who it is, and not just say "I'll be ...".[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Ahem, SailorStar? Allow me to refer you to my previous post in this rpg. That, I'm afraid, doesn't cut it. [/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]A few of these posts have been starting to really push the boundaries of acceptable people. Let's patch that up, what say?[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo]Now, this might be strange, but I would have thought it would have been in everyone's best interests to actually read the thread I put up about the rules. I did mention that I wouldn't accept the fact that it wasn't read as an excuse, I believe. So, to put it bluntly, if you want to know why this was closed, simply read the thread you should have already.[/font][/color]
[font=gothic][color=indigo][i]Kattarin let her skeletal arm drop, from where she had risen it out to reach for some strange, potentially immaterial object. She had brushed those pristine bones that formed most of her apparent body against whatever it was, but the arcane nerves that allowed motion did not extend to sensation. Whether the softest silk or fire, she felt nothing. Except for her face, where some semblance of life, some undecaying, perhaps immortal, flesh remained, obstinately clinging to her shattered, oft-destroyed form. The relative immortality bestowed on her didn't allow her to rejuventate anything further, but at least she had what she had. The rest of her body....How had that been lost? A mere skeletal form, wrapped in a simple brown cloak remained, and that was all. The skin, the tissue, the muscle, all gone. Disappeared. Kattarin wasn't particularly concerned. There was an active brain there, that was enough for a being like her. She turned away from whatever vague object had caught her momentary attention, refocusing on her more general surroundings. A dark cave, a small brook running through a forest just outside, thin moonlight weaving through branches. Isolated, apparently. She couldn't actively remember the last few weeks, perhaps her faculties were finally leaving her. Perhaps she'd end up a mindless, predatory husk. She looked to the sword, a massive, oddly-shaped blade, that now and usually residing in her right hand, and wondered how much blood that weapon would come to spill before it too was lost, and sharp skeletal fingers became her only weapons. Why was she alone this time? Had she not found...something. Someone to accept her perhaps, take her in. It mattered not, but the thread of time was occasionally of passing interest. It was a matter of principle, you understand. Not that many did, not anymore.[/font][/color][/i]