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Everything posted by The Harlequin
Ah. Yes, the slander is very much appreciated. The Dalai Lama's visist itself is not the point, more the fact that John Howard immediately ran over to China to placate their government.
Anything in particular you want me to clarify? That last line was a cynical joke about some of our Prime Minister's recent actions, such as how he handled the Dali Lama's visist...
"Welcome all, to your new abode for eternity. Now, although we have lots of time, I'll go through this quickly. Hell is not what you think. Hell is the wilderness congealed from degenerate imaginations, yes, but it is not a place of evil. The real evil lies above." Not what you expected of the first day of your afterlife... It seems you have been lied to. Hell is an outpost, a bastion before the might of Heaven. God has been absorbed by his own power and righteousness. He seeks now only to destroy what is less holy than him, and to punish all those who dared to live less than to his perfect standards. All that keeps him in check, the twisted, nightmarish place you see before you. And the thriving community that inhabits it. And who plays the devil? Christ of course. Cast out by his father for his mercy. Repelled by the lord's arrogance, the collective souls of the multiverse have a plan. They will send a small, select group into Heaven. God will be stopped. This may even require a re-crossing of the veil. Batter down the gates, take up the arch angel's gage. Not much, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'll start it if I get six people. Humans only. If you want to be a demon, just have it as a physical characteristic. And no magic. Name: Vukodlak Stravis Age when died: 22 Time in Hell: Immemorial (so you can be from any era of time) Position in former life: Assasin (can I have at least one priest to make things interesting?) Position in Hell: Quartermaster, law enforcement. Short bio of life/death: Vukodlak was one of the first souls to go to hell, and the oldest remaining. In life, during a time before civilisation, he lived as a killer, murdering for pay, as such. In hell, he quickly gained respect, becoming Quartermaster of the stores, as well as controlling Hell's law enforcement. He volunteered immediately for the expedition. He and the arch angels have an age old emnity to settle. Appearance (May contain certain non-human characteristics): 6 ft, slender, ahoulder length black hair, always wears black. Concealed with a hooded cloak. Retractable bat-like wings, long katar-like claws coming from the wrists. Equipment: Twin scimitars. Bladed quarterstaff. Assorted knives, from stilleto to kris knife.
Name: Vukodlak Age: 22 Height: 6 ft Weight: 100 lbs Appearance: Dressed always in black, shoulder length silver (not white, silver) hair let fall free. Always wears hooded, concealing cloak that does not restrict movement. Face done up in gothic make up. Personality: Normally silent, almost entirely emotionless. Background: After his parents were killed at an early age, Vukodlak taught himself to fight, and showed proficiency at several martial arts. His specialty was taking on those larger and stronger than he, combining redirection of momentum with incredible agility. More importantly, he taught himself to kill. He ended up being a very proficient poisoner. After finding out that demons killed his parents, he set out on the cliche revenge quest. Fighting Style[s]: Hakke Sho, Hikka Ken, Tae Kwon Do, Judo amalgamation. Weapons: Twin scimitars, twin viper, kris knife.
[I]While Spyder armed herself, Harlequin did likewise. His choices however, consisted entirely of blades. Twin scimitars at his waist, a katana and a heavy crossbow on his back. Under his cloak, he concealed a pistol crossbow, and a variety of kris knives. His pack contained quivers. And it was all lightweight. Considering Rico and Valeigh's weapon preferences, he brought out a variety of automatic pistols and some ornate blades to offer them. He'd have to restock this place later.[/I]
OOC: We're just increasing the storyline. I was more envisioning it as rather blasted land. With some typical dark, forbidding, twisted jungles, for interest.
Kredion: Davien, you know what i'm going to ask. [I]Davien sighs, pushes Alastuin behind him, preparing for a fight.[/I] Davien: And you, my lost cathartic friend, know just as well that I'm not going to answer you. You have nothing that can make me answer. You have nothing.
Refugees shot? I somehow think not. Not with current international laws. Nobody gets away with that. If you are a refugee, you can leave the country no matter what. If they had protested and left earlier, they would not have had to rely on luck.
Harlequin: Unless you two have objections? [I]He looks pointedly at Rico and Valeigh. Neither of them signal any problem.[/I] Harlequin: Then people, I welcome you all to my den of iniquity. [I]Harleqquin leads them down a twisting series of alleys, often traversing broken down buildings. Stopping outside a particularly unremarkable alley, he leads them down it, stopping to pull aside some crates, exposing the typical trapdoor.[/I] Valeigh: How cliche. [I]Harlequin flashes her a grin before descending and lighting a match, careful to keep the glow hidden. Once everyone is inside, he slides a heavy door across the opening. [/I] Harlequin: Now that we have a little further safety, shall we get down to business. [I]Harlequin walks into another room, coming out with an armload of weapons.[/I] Harlequin: Some like to give me a hand with the rest of them?
It doesn't matter whether they tell the full story or not. What matters is that they're still going to continue as they are. They've drawn the Western World too deeply into their War Against Terror, to halt it all now. Nothing will ever change, nothing ever does.
Yes, I am aware of the usual military practice of sealing borders. But consider the terrain we are talking about here. We have had troops scouring the place for however long now, and they are still turning up people. Do you really think a smaller force could possibly police the entire border, as well as keep control of the cities that might happen to object to a government that outlaws music. And you do not need a VISA, if you are a refugee. Anybody leaving the country like that is, technically, a refugee. And what does it matter about VISA's in Egypt anyway? Nationaly policy, when the country is independant, is not dictated by foreign nations, aside from in Australia...
[quote] [I]Originally posted by Ravenstorture[/I] Did the us army corps stop and think of that before they went and slaughtered all the INNOCENT victims in the middle east, who also had hopes and dreams? How many people died in 9/11? Triple it. That is the number of innocent people that have been killed in the "War Against Terrorism." Their dreams were probably different to those of the americans, though - they would have been wishing for clean water, rain, political stability, or at least safty. Perhaps some of them may have been wishing to be major league baseball players, or for true love, or for enough income to support their families, but then again they could be wishing that their families hadn't been torn up by a US machine gun because they "got in the way." [/quote] And how many of these unfortunates fully condoned the rule of the corrupt power they were under the control of? Make no mistake, I know that the major percentage of people disliked the Taliban rule, but most of those who disliked it where out of the country, or attempting to leave it. It was those who wished Taliban rule to continue that stayed. And as for those who disliked it, that is as much a crime, for not doing something about it. Do you think that if there had been pleas for foreign aid against the Taliban, that it would have been refused by America, or anwhere else? Especially in light of the Taliban's Al-Queda connections, and indeed, their endorsement of the terrorist activites they commited. Personally, I believe both America and the Taliban got what was coming to them, and since it's their own fault, I have no pity for either of them. How bad does that make me?
Who does the seeing? You're placing this on a religious basis, that contradicts what religion told us. Very little ground for that I'm afraid.
OOC: Yeah, I deleted, obviously. [I]When Athen didn't come out, and there was no sound of screaming, Harlequin went in after him, giving the others a look that plainly told them not to follow. A minute later, they all hear a loud "****!" resound from inside. Harlequin walks back out, and starts going through his pack, pulling out a clean cloth, bandages, antiseptics etc. Spyder looked at him in alarm.[/I] Harlequin: Don't worry, he'll be fine, it's not as bad as it looks at first. [I]Harlequin walks back in, his face set. Half an hour he walks back out, with Athen leaning on his shoulder. He smiles wanly.[/I] Athen: Alright, let's go. [I]Harlequin looks at him in disgust.[/I]
OOC: You can use my character if nothing else comes up, just please try to keep my style constant. Or better, use Cathos. He's secondary.
OOC: I can't remember if I put this stuff in my sign up or not, so don't chide me about it. [I]As the continue to walk, Dallas engages Vukodlak in conversation.[/I] Dallas: When you said most elves, did you mean that dark elves don't? Vukodlak: Kind of. We do, it just wouldn't have worked in this situation. Dallas: Why not? And what is it? Vukodlak: Well, do you know why dark elves are considered so evil? Dallas: Something to do with the life of the victim. Vukodlak: Not life, life force. We manipulate the life force of beings, whether just removing it, absorbing it, or controlling it to do all sorts of things. However, it would not have worked on that demon. That's why the beast wouldn't be injured by normal means. [I]Dallas absorbs this in silence, for some reason finding the information useful. They walk on, wary.[/I]
[I]Alerted by the noise, Davien ran up towards the conflict, coming at Setsuna from behind, as he engaged Kain. Slashing with his twin viper, Davien tripped him, only to have Setsuna roll backwards and kick him the stomach. Davien fell, also rolling back to his feet, as Kain distracted Setsuna. Realising that that battle would go better without his interference, Davien attacks the vampyres, in a series of short slicing circles that aimed more to main than kill. Very quickly, there was a trail of groaning vampyres behind him.[/I]
Alastuin: Why? Davien: I don't like being startled like that. Alastuin: You mean by physical contact? Davien: Yes. Alastuin: Well, if you know about it, it's not startling. [I]Again, Alastuin puts her hands on Davien's shoulders, and stares into his eyes. Davien holds her gaze a moment, and drops it, turning, still in her grasp, and sighing bitterly. Behind him, Alastuin smiles to herself, in a decidedly self-satisfied manner.[/I]
Davien: The others not coming? [I]Alastuin starts, her spider jumping down as her hand shakes. She glares at him.[/I] Alastuin: How should I know? They seem to have been held up. Davien: Well, they can look after themselves. We have a more important problem. Alastuin: Oh? Davien: How to fill in the intervening gap. [I]Alastuin turns and looks penetratingly at him.[/I] Alastuin: For someone who professes to hate me, you seem not to mind being alone with me. Davien: We all lie a lot. Alastuin: You know I'm the closest thing to a friend you're going to get in this particular group? Davien: And you think I should try and cultive that? Alastuin: Depends on what you mean by that. Davien: oh god. Don't start that again. You know exactly what I mean. I should try to reduce your hostilty towards me. Alastuin: Hostility towards you? Me?
Zaltazar: Because of the nagas. If I go in there, I'll have to kill a lot of them. And I don't want to do that. Alastuin: Soft-heartedness? From you? Zaltazar: Not really. They're a useful ally. Expediency really. [I]Zaltazar sighs, and walks into the labyrinth, quickly losing the others in the complicated series of turns and passages. He has a feeling he knows how this place works.[/I]
[I]Realising the he had a few minutes before the others turned up, Davien sighed and started to clamber up the branches. When he reached just below Alastuin, he walks out over one of the thicker branches and leaps up, pulling himself up so that he is level with her.[/I] Davien: How's the view? Alastuin: Not bad. [I]Davien looks around, noting that the forest is far more extensive than he originally thought. [/I] Davien: Do you actually like climbing trees? Because you really ignored the obvious here. Alastuin: Oh? Davien: Raiett. Alastuin: I don't really mind. Why did you waste your energy coming up here, other than your yearning for my company? Davien: That is really offensive. Alastuin: Glad you liked it. So? Davien: I wanted to see for myself. Alastuin: Don't trust me? Davien: I don't trust anyone. Not even that damn bird I spend so much time following around. I would have though you would have understood that. [I]For a long moment Alastuin is silent, before quickly climbing down the tree. Davien takes one last glance around, before merely leaping out, landing easily.[/I] Alastuin: Well, no end in sight. So we wait, and make a group decision. Davien: Have fun. [I]Davien ascends the tree again, leaping from branch to branch more than climbing.[/I]
[quote] [I]Originally posted by Jamvis[/I] God says we were here to experience life love hate and other things [/quote] You're assuming that, even if God did create the universe (my belief that god does not exist is only personal opinion, I'm not trying to change anyone else's beliefs), he created as anything other than entertainment. And, you're assuming that God is something other than an entity dreamed up to control the masses.
Zaltazar: Lots, and lots, and lots of nagazishni. Alastuin: You have this really paranoia about them don't you? Zaltazar: You ever run into one? Alastuin: No... Zaltazar: I thought not. Besides, remember how I'm out to kill them all? If I say I'm afraid of them, and over emphasise how dangerous they are, who ever I am with decides to drag me into a situation where a lot of them are going to die. Basically, I'm manipulating the lot of you, and it's working. Alastuin: But it just lost all effect. Zaltazar: Not at all. Now you'll go out of your way to show that you won't, and end up thinking I'm manipulating you even more, than you won't know what to do. Alastuin: You're very annoying at times. So what is really at the centre of the labyrinth? Zaltazar: How should I know? I'm moderately interested though. The only guess I could make would be that it would be something sacred to the dwarves. Which is usually very interesting...
Davien: Of course, I probably wouldn't knife you in the back, so you had a fair amount of leeway. Alastuin: Why not? Davien: I have some more interesting methods at hand. Alastuin: I imagine you do. Davien: So how long do you think this debacle will go on before everyone realises that no one here particularly likes each other and that there is no point to this? Alastuin: You really believe that? Davien: Which bit, the first or second? Alastuin: Both. Davien: Well, I know the first part is basically constant, I'm not so sure about the second part. But I have no objection to the current status quo. Alastuin: Never mind the job opportunities that would spring up for one such as you in the wake of the chaos that would ensue should we succeed... [I]Davien's eyes narrow slightly, and his face changes slightly. Perhaps it's meant to be some kind of expression.[/I] Davien: Very shrewd. I'll have to compare that. I hate extrapolating scenarios. By the way, how did we get stuck as scouts? Alastuin: You walked off, and I wanted reconciliation remember? Davien: Damn. I was hoping you had forgotten...
OOC: This could be hard to keep track of... [I]While the little...altercation between the Transylvanian wannabe and the rest of the group, Tani and Tarayavie walked up behind them. Vukodlak turns away from Von, and introduces them. In his most sarcastic tone...[/I] Vukodlak: Well people, it seems we have the [I]esteemed[/I]honour of meeting Dallas Von, who is renowned far and wide for his oh so incredible valour. Tani: I'm taking it you two aren't getting on. Vukodlak: Ah, we're getting on fine. I just get like that. Are we setting up camp, or moving on? Tani: May as well set up camp. The demons seem to die pretty well. Dallas: Certainly. They shall fall beneath my blade like grass. [I]Vukodlak turns and faces him, irritated.[/I] Vukodlak: Now you must admit, that was deliberate baiting. Dallas: And? Vukodlak: Of all the undignified, duplicitous, farcious, debaclous travesties I have ever encountered... Tani: Didn't we tell you to shut up last time you started something like that? Vukodlak: Yeah, but I need some vices. Dallas: So this little group is searching for the Light. At least you have the advantage of numbers. A rather odd collection though. A wolf hybrid, a thief, a dark elf assasin with a good demeanour... Vukodlak: Good? Good! I most certainly think not. I merely have some common interests with these people. Actually, I'm a delegate from my people. But don't ever confuse me with good. Tani: Shall we just set up camp and stop this waste of time?