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Everything posted by The Harlequin
Writing A Sonnet to My Shoe and some Fish
The Harlequin replied to Ravenstorture's topic in Creative Works
I love you too. Please don't tell me you want me to write one in return... -
[quote] [I]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/I] If life was meaningless, people like you would be dead.... why are you here? You must find SOME reason in living or you wouldn't be living anymore.... when you can answer that, maybe you'll find some meaning in life, even if it's just to one person... and that has the greatest meaning of all.[/quote] I am only living because I haven't gotten around to doing anything about that yet, and a certain curiousity. That is the only reason I have found besides Spyder yet, and curiousity is again only an opinion. What I'm saying is this. Does it matter if we are happy, sad, depressed, in constant pain, or anything else? Not really. It's just a mild thing, a few brain cells collecting impulses. It doesn't matter. It's all the same in the end. You live, you feel emotion, you die. Does it really matter which emotions in between you feel? Those with analytical minds don't even acknowledge emotion. They merely asses what they are feeling and then ignore it. Doesn't that show the emotions such as happiness are the fleeting results of an instinct set in place to keep the species alive, which is again pointless?
You really think doctors would play up a patient's health? When those doctors get paid more, when the patients are alive? Not to mention the increased government funding? If there were no patients, there would be no reason for the governments to fund the hospitals, putting the doctors out of work. How stupid do you think they are? Besides, the issue is that people get to decide for themselves, not the doctors. No one really cares whether the doctor thinks it is right or wrong. It is the patient that is important. The patient's decision is what matters. It doesn't matter if it is a mental or physical case. The doctor's opinion is irrelevant. As for schitzophrenia treatment, no, it does not always work. It didn't work for me, I got over it myself nearly a year after the treatment finished. Drugs, councilling, I got the works. But it didn't help. When you say that they aren't on the balance of life and death, you're saying that they should endure all the pain they feel, and live with it as long as they can, simply because you think that they shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions. That kind of bigotry is exactly what has prevented the end of suffering to so many people.
[I]While Kain and the others get re-acquainted and acquainted with the man respectively, Davien fades into the background and walks off, deciding that he really doesn't care what happens here. What's more, he wants to check out the vampyre population here.[/I]
Davien: Assuming I let you live long enough to use it. [I]Kredion starts to repeat his Demon Dance attack, but this, ready for it, Davien merely leans back and kicks him out of the air.[/I] Davien: As I believe I've told you before, you're too showy. Tight controlled attacks work better. Now, since your arrogance has managed to delay us somewhat, I believe I'll disappear. Do as you will. [I]Davien turns and walks off, uncaring if the others follow or not.[/I]
OOC: Well, nobody posted for a while, so I will. Sorry everyone. [I]Davien sighs in disgust, and stalks after her. Reaching her quickly, his hand darts in and grabs Raiett, pulling the disgruntled bird out. Without even pausing for thanks, the bird flies off.[/I] Davien: Ungrateful wretch. Alastuin: Do you really think that bird understands you? And how do you understand it? Davien: We are talking about a former familiar. Alastuin: Let me guess, spoils of war. Davien: Exactly. [I]Alastuin and Davien slow down as the others run after them. It will be a long, annoying trip.[/I]
Spyder: Why not? Davien: Because some people judge you by who you are, not what you are. Spyder: If you say so. Davien: I do. What's really important now is the future, not recriminating over the past. [I]They lie in silence for a while. Daviens moves to close the window, but Spyder frantically stops him.[/I] Spyder: Please don't leave me. Don't go anywhere. Please stay. Davien:I was only going to close the window. Spyder: Why? Davien: Aren't you cold? I am. [I]Spyder lifts the bed spread up and lays it over him, before suddenly weeping again. Davien agains wraps his arms around her, and rocks her gently to sleep.[/I]
You're looking at too small a picture. You can save a million starving children in Africa, but who does that effect the world as a whole? You help people who are as blind to the pointlessness of life as we are. Or on a universal scale. Aside fromt he Extrapolatio theory, whether people die, build bridges, burn them, slaughter a thousand innocents, nothing really changes. The world still spins around, eventually to be consumed. The stars still haunt the emptiness with their songs. Nothing ever changes.
[I]Regretfull at his harsh tone, Davien kneels down next to her and takes him in her arms. After an initial resistance, she relents, with a storm of weeping on his shoulder. After a while, it dies down, and Spyder relaxes somewhat.[/I] Davien: Forgive me. I was unwarrantly harsh. Spyder: I shouldn't have come back. Davien: You had nowhere else to go? Spyder: No. And...I wanted to come here. To apologise. For everything. Davien: Apolgy accepted. Do you want to talk some more? Or are you tired?
Except for one thing. Doctors are able to administer compounds which kill painlessly. Many people when they kill themselves die a slow painful death. A very undignified death.
Davien: Whoever I want to be. I don't have a past. At least, not one I'll relate. Anathema: You can tell me. Davien: That is really cliche. [I]It is Anathema's turn to smile.[/I] Anathema: Well, tell me anyway. [I]Davien is silent a moment more, than relents.[/I] Davien: My parents were murdered by vampyres when I was 8. Went through a few years of acute mental disorders, before I got my lfie in order. I was a sneak thief for a while, but after stealing a knife at eleven, I started killing people for a living. Since then, I've been around a lot. Mostly studying. Anathema: About what? Davien: Vampyres. I actually considered allowing myself to get bitten, but I didn't like the odds. There was however, a blood transfusion or two... Anathema: That explains some things. Davien: So, who are you?
[I]Again, Davien is awoken by the sound of crying. He walks to the window, drags away he boltings, and leans out.[/I] Davien: Alright, just this once. [I]Again, Davien throws down a rope, and drags her up.[/I] Davien: Not what happened last time though. I know about you and Saethi.
OOC: Arikel, do you really think an rpg that turns out to be a booze party will really work? Sounds good though... Vukodlak: Aye. Now then, if ye be likin for a little drinkie, I can get ye yer hearts content. We big folk get us enough to drown a wee man like you. Shane: Now here be a man after me own heart. Vukodlak:Well then, shall we go indulge ourselves. Perhaps a little wager about who goes down first? Coming lass?
Zaltazar: No, we most certainly shan't. Those creatures were reporting to their masters. Which means we don't go that way. Considering how dark it gets, we'd be at a disadvantage to great. Nagas and their ilk can see in the dark though. Thus, we don't go that way. Every dravish city in the world has secret entrances though, in case of attack. Why don't we try to find this ones? [I]Zaltazar leads them off a corrider that runs from one of the branches of the tunnel the nagas went down, the larger one, as dwarvish cities are defended by misdirection as well as manpower.[/I]
[I]Zaltazar looks at the other two, smiling wryly.[/I] Zaltazar: I have a better idea. [I]Zaltazar yells something at the nagas, in an oddly submisive tone. The nagas suddenly look very worried and turn and run.[/I] Zaltazar: I told them we were slaves to the nagazishni. Which means we will have them after us. Rogan: So what are nagazishni? Zaltazar: Basically they're nagas, but with only two arms. They have an innate command of magic, and very nasty magic. Necromancy, combined with magics that manipulate life force. They tend to carry enchanted crossbows which drain the life from the target upon impact. Very nasty. Then t he dead turn into revenants. Oh, and they're comparitively invisible. They are only semi-corpreal, so physical hits don't hurt them much, on top of being almost impossible to see, especially in this kind of environment. Alastuin: Strange that one race should evolve to be so powerful. Zaltazar: They didn't evolve. They are the result of a cabal of mages, experimenting with some things they shouldn't have. Another reason I can talk to them. There is this cult dedicated to exterminating the nagazishni, and I'm part off it. The nagas don't actually like their masters, and most people agree with them. SO they were happy to take me in for a while once I explained to them what I was up to.The nagazishni taste good though, and I still know a few stew recipes I learnt during my stay... Anyway, you three just follow my lead. [I]With that, Zaltazar sprints silently after the nagas, engaging them from behind, killing two of them quickly, and agian appropriating the weapons. He seems to like them a lot...[/I]
IITP, which is weird. I'm pretty perceptive, so I don't know where that last one came from. Introverted 67 Intuitive 78 Thinking 100 Perceiving 42
Thank you for summing up what I have been trying to say. I do agree with you, I was putting things on a more general basis. On topic... Pain is not neccessarily mentally orientated. Physical pain is a signal something is being damaged. Mental pain is a sign something is wrong, not neccessarily that something is being damaged. At least, that's the definitations I was always given.
[I]Contrary to what he told Davien, Cathos does not immediately seek to leave the country. He just wanted Davien out of his hair for a while. Cathos fully intended to go after the slayer and her pet vampyres, knowing Davien would completely disregard their existance and their possible threat. And he wouldn't do much even if he knew. Most naive person Cathos knew in many ways, and furthermore, Cathos knew Davien would object to Cathos's solicitious behaviour.[/I]
How can life have meaning, when it was an accident in the first place? (Can we keep the religous debate out of it) Life was a mere collection of chemicls combining in the perfect conditions at the wrong place and time. It spawned all this. Why is there purpose to anything? There is no such thing as purpose, things merely exist.
[I]Hearing his car start up and drive away, Davien sighs. Cathos look at him, also sighs, and makes an admission.[/I] Cathos: Davien, I'm leaving. I'm going back to America. This is all out of my league. [I]Davien lets a long breath, looking slightly disappointed.[/I] Davien: Alright. [I]With no further words, Cathos walks out. Davien decides a period of seclusion is in order. Sighing again, he starts to rearrange his furniture, placing in positions that make it impossible to get into the apartment with anything smaller than a few sticks of dynamite. Retreating to his room, he does the same to the solitary window, barring it and covering it with several heavy cloaks. Settling on his bed, he resolves not to come out for a month or so. By that time, the situation should have resolved itself. The recent acquaintances he made should have found some other place of the world more interesting. And the slayer should have either forgotten he existed, or realised he posed no real threat to society at large, was in no way allied with any evil forces, he merely served his own ends. Which admittedly were quite often diabolical...[/I]
Vukodlak: Personally, I've always found a use for my copious amount of time. I tend to use it studying the world around me, particularly mortals. If I try, I can fit in well, as a dwarf. But, then, we all need to broaden our horizons. Tell me, what have you two found your lives to be filled with?
[I]At the first sound of trouble, Athen, Spyder and Harlequin immediately realised something was wrong. That was when the attacks started. Four misshapen beasts appeared seemingly from nowhere, seeming almost to be tormented by their own existence, they were merciless, savage creatures with a fanatic dedication to the belief that life was worthless. Thrusting the still slightly dazed Spyder behind them, Athen and Harlequin held the beast off for as long as they could, until they were forced to run, Harlequin sweeping up Spyder as he went past. Athen would at intervals turn and fire a few shots, but the beast's seemed to have been joined by others, and their numbers seemed not to diminish. After a frantic flight that left them all comparitively disorientated, they stopped, hearing no sign of the shambling gait the monsters walked with.[/I] Harlequin: Did anybody happen to see Rico and Valeigh?
Say we take it off depression. and put it on broader front. Neurosis, shizophrenia, bipola, etc? What then? What about chronic conditions? Do you think those people are just whiners? People who wouldn't know what's best for them? Whether it is that, or just depression, people always the right to make their own decisions. In that case, it's not about not letting them kill themselves, which they probably will if it is that bad anyway, it is about letting them die with grace. It's about preventing further pain. Trying to commit suicide and failing puts you in a worse state than you originally were. Which adds to the problem. Saying that people with mental problems are in no position to decide for themselves what is right or wrong for them is pure egotism.
I know you never said that, I was asking if you were really so hidebound on it only being applied to those with an incurable illness.
[quote] [I]Originally posted by James[/I] Anyway...I don't even know how we got sidetracked there...euthanasia really isn't the same as the general suicide that you see most of the time.[/quote] I asked if you would consider mental illness incurable. If someone is depressed, and it cannot be cured, do you think other people really have a right to decide that "No, that person doesn't want to die, we won't let them, they're just crazy". When it comes to mental illness, most people are uninformed bigots.