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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. OOC: Cloricus, if you're going to post, make it more than one sentence. Zaltazar: All it did was allow me to understand them. They already understand us. Enron: Is it still in effect? Zaltazar: Yes, so I can negotiate with them. Which we will probably have to do, considering the number they're likely to appear in. Rogan: So basically, we're screwed. Zaltazar: Not neccessarily. They may still be in hiding, or gone completely, The fact that we encountered a rock worm could mean either of those things. Alastuin: Oh joy. We're buried alive, walking into a situation we don't know anything about, and in an hour or so we'll have no source of light. We're all going to die. Zaltazar: I've never known anyone who sum it all up in such a commonplace tone...
  2. Zaltazar: You know, I've heard about this place. I should have recognised it immediately, but my mind as elsewhere. Alastuin: I'm not surprised. Zaltazar: Hmmm. No, you probably aren't. Anyway, as I was saying, or about to say, whichever depending on how distracted you people let me get, or something along those lines, this is an abandoned dwarvish city. Srak Durath. So, we are in a lot of trouble. Alastuin: Why? Zaltazar: Because of why it was abandoned. Alastuin: Quit being cryptic. What are you talking about? Zaltazar: A Hive. Rogan: You mean this place was abandoned because of a bunch of bugs... Zaltazar: No. Nagas. Which explans their presence here. On top of your average nagas, Hive's give birth to the Nagazishni. [I]OOC: I'll explain what they are some other time, don't bother me about it.[/I] Alastuin: Aren't they an entirely different race? Zaltazar: It's generally thought so, but no. Enron: How do you know so much about nagas? They won't talk to anybody outside their race, and no one understands their language anyway. Zaltazar: I spent some time with them a while back, using a handy little spell. Gives me all sorts of knowledge. I get on well with them really. Alastuin: You are just full of surprises. Anyway, shall we go? [I]The four set off in a random direction.[/I]
  3. [I]Seeing her confusion, and realising its source, Harlequin reassures the dazed Spyder.[/I] Harlequin: No, that's just Athen. Spyder: I should have known. Harlequin: How are you feeling? Spyder: Okay. Kind of, different though. Harlequin: Your auras are realigning. Spyder: Please don't start that right now. [I]Spyder tries to stand, but it gently restrained by harlequin.[/I] Harlequin: I wouldn't try that just yet. Spyder: Why not, I feel fine. [I]Harlequin sighs and lets her attempt to rise, ready to catch her. To his surprise, she rises easily, showing no signs of the vertigo that had plagued him.[/I] Harlequin: Do you want to talk about it? I have all sorts of questions...
  4. Athen: Oh my god. What now? Harlequin: We wait a day or so. Actually, I'm very interested to see how long it takes, and what exactly what happens May answer a few questions. [I]Harlequin climbs down and arranges Spyder's body, laying her head in his lap. He is obviously not going to move until she is reanimated.[/I]
  5. OOC: I'll let you write the battle scene this time. [I]After walking for some distance, Zaltazar hears hurried footsteps behind him. He stops and waits, readying his most acidic tone.[/I] Zaltazar: Alright, who took it upon themselves to follow me? I believe, I said to stay there. Alastuin: Who said I intended to listen? [I]Zaltazar throws his hands in the air, mutters "Women" under his breath and starts walking again. Alastuin catches up with him, and they walk in silence for a while[/I] Zaltazar: Why? Alastuin: Why what? Zaltazar: That's an annoying habit you've picked up somewhere. Why did you follow me? Alastuin: There are some thing I forgot to mention about this cave. Zaltazar: We just had a rock worm go through here. The only things about will be scavangers. And they're not hard to deal with. Alastuin: I'm sure. [I]With that, a strange hissing sound comes from ahead of them. Alastuin and Zaltazar step apart, each readying weapons.[/I] Alastuin: Scavangers you say? Zaltazar: Yes, even I am wrong some times. [I]With that, the naga attacks. Alastuin ducks one of its four arms, each of which is armed with a scimitar. Zaltazar steps out of range. The naga blocks the entire passageway with it's long reach, so there is nothing to do but try and kill it. Considering the phenomenal speed these beasts posses, it will not be easy.[/I] OOC: Oh fine. Be that way. Zaltazar deflects one of the naga's arms into the wall, forcing it to drop the scimitar. He steps back and throws his twin viper at he beast. While the naga dodges, he runs forward and picks up the scimitar, slicing another hand off as he does so, and appropriates that weapon as well. Forcing Alastuin behind him, he spins the weapons in intricate patterns faster than the eye can follow. The naga however, intercepts both weapons with its own, and strikes Zaltazar in the chest with its tail. As Zaltazar is knocked back, Alastuin steps forward and engages the monster, killing it easily. Zaltazar gets up. Zaltazar: Appreciated. They continue down the tunnel.
  6. [I]As soon as he hears the door close behind Spyder, Davien rouses himself from semi-feigned sleep and gets up, knowing he has to apologise to Cathos, if nothing else. To his surprise, the contrary natured bastard in question is sitting on a couch.[/I] Davien: How long have you been there? Cathos: Since I saw Spyder leave. Davien: Oh... And before that? Cathos: Here and there. Davien: I take it you're going to be evasive. Anyway, Spyder said something about you leaving for a week or so? Cathos: I said I'd find somewhere else to stay. Turns out, that somewhere else was in this very hotel. Davien: What an amazing coincidence... Cathos: Yes... Anyway. there's something I have to tell you. You don't want to hear it, I don't want to tell you, but I have this moral obligation... Davien: Morals? You? My god... Cathos: Damn it, this is important! Davien: if this is about Spyder and Saethi, I already know. Cathos: What? How? Davien: You think it was my name she screamed... Cathos: I don't want to know. Aren't you angry? I would have sworn you would have ripped the place apart... Davien: Not really. One can only wallow in self-pity for so long. Then onec has o go elsewhere. Just once in my life, I thought I'd be fully honest with someone. Now that it's over, I can easily respect her decision. [I]Cathos nods, uncaring about the implied slur that Davien is never honest with him. Any collective Davien uses tends not to include him.[/I]
  7. [quote] [I]Originally posted by James[/I] I mean, in my view, only those who are in great pain (which medicine can't remove) and who are dying from uncurable illness...and who are also sound of mind, so that they can decide their fate...those are the only circumstances where it would be acceptable. [/quote] One question. Who defines incurable illness? Does say, a cancer, that could be treated with radiation therapy that would leave a person scarred and sick the rest of their life count as uncurable? Or something like depression? Being a manic depressionist myself, as well as suffering a few other mental illnesses, and as someone who was driven to attempt suicide several times, I would have to state that there are cases where depression and other mental disorders are uncurable. Living with a mental disorder is far from easy, If you are lucky, you don't know anything is wrong. Otherwise, life is a constant torment. It can be in either situation, but it always is if you know something is wrong with you.
  8. [I]After avoiding several groups of vampyres, Davien and Yuugi hear the echoes of faint footsteps. They stop, alert.[/I] Davien: I've never known a vampyre to make noise like that. Yuugi: Listen. The steps are followed by a slight scraping. Davien: Which means? Yuugi: Someone is wounded. Davien: Then it wouldn't be vampyres. Can you tell where the echoes are coming from? I never learnt the trick to it. Yuugi: I think so. This way. [I]Davien and Yuugi set off in a new direction, Yuugi pausing to listen periodically.[/I]
  9. OOC: Ugamon, please make your posts clearer. And it's 2nd... Davien: To put things bluntly, I think not. Leaders are not good. Leaders deserve to be killed, strung up on a fence, and buried. No one likes leaders, no one pays attention to them.
  10. Vukodlak: And I'm Vukodlak, seeming we seem to be having such a merry gathering. [I]The two turn towards the sarcastic voice, and out comes one of the sidhe.[/I] Shane: Your a long way from home. Vukodlak: I don't have a home. Or least, not anymore... Shane: You're an outcast aren't you? Vukodlak: Aye.
  11. OOC: Anyway, what was that about? Zaltazar: Nor will any of us, for a while. [I]With that he nudges Alastuin awake, receiving a snarl and a slap to the ankle as punishment. Amused, he nudges her harder. She sits up, very annoyed.[/I] Alastuin: What the hell are you doing? Zaltazar:Saving your sorry, ungrateful life. Did you not hear a word I said before? Alastuin: Alright, alright. Why don't you just shut up with the "I told you so"s. [I]The others, already dry, watch as Alastuin unsuccessfully tries to stand as near to the fire as she can without burning herself.[/I] Alastuin: yes damn it I know what I'm doing. This is the best way I've ever seen to get dry. [I]True to her word, she is dry within several minutes, and starts to resume her interrupted nap, when another rumbling noise comes from the wall.[/I] Rogan: Aftershocks? Enron: It wasn't a natural quake. Why would there be aftershocks? Besides, it was over an hour ago. Surely we would have heard something earlier. Zaltazar:Personally, I recommend everyone back up against the walls as far as they can. Enron: Why? [I]Zaltazar points into the cave. A slight movement can be discerned in the far away darkness, and the tremors are increasing.[/I] Zaltazar: Rock worm. Considering how near we are to the surface, it's unlikely that it will approach, but if it's caught our scent... Enron: I've dealt with worse. Zaltazar: We all have. In this situation though, a rock worm attack would be fatal. [I]The tremors change tone, as the rock worm changes direction, swimming though solid rock like water. Zaltazar gathers his gear.[/I] Zaltazar: I'd appreciate it if someone kept the fire going, I'll need it to sight my way back. Rogan: Whee are you going? Zaltazar: I'm following it of course. Rock worm tunnels quite often abridge other, older passages, so we may find some very interesting places. However, we don't know, so I'll be back soon to tell you all. If I'm not back before the fire runs out, don't bother with me. [I]With that cliche dramatic statement, Zaltazar slips off into the cave, ears attuned to the pitch of the stone, listenign for movement.[/I]
  12. I'd have to say my sister. She's basically a ten year old with the mentality, and worse, the voice, of a five year old. Of course, there's not really much choice for me on who to pick there.
  13. Davien: Well, considering the circumstances, I am certainly not refusing. Do you want to? My love... Spyder: Isn't that obvious? I was serious by the way. Davien: So am I. There is however, one concern. Cathos. Spyder: Don't worry about him. He came back a few hours ago, and verbalised the fact that he wouldn't come back for a while. [I]"Well then", Davien murmers as he takes Spyder in his arms, "That's that out of the way.".[/I]
  14. [I]Davien starts, unaware of her state, considering his eyes are still not functioning properly.[/I] Davien: Would you like to explain to me why you aren't wearing anything? Spyder: Isn't it obvious? Davien: Considering your mannerisms, no. Spyder: You woke up with me next to you, I certainly didn't object to you putting your arm around me, and I'm not wearing anything. That tell you something? [I]Davien gapes in surprise. Spyder groans, and lays him back on the bed...[/I]
  15. Amy: Well. All those who have the mark are the Chosen Ones! Davien: You kept me busy for that? Amy: But, we're the ones who are going to destroy the Dark Lords! We're going to save the world! Davien: Oh god. That's just what I need. Some forsaken, indignified, duplicitous, debaclous, farcious travesy like this. Damn, I really have better things to do. [I]At that moment, Raiett flies in, startling the group, except for Alastuin and Kredion, who already know the bird.[/I] Davien: You're really pushing this time Raiett. [I]Davien sighs, and looks around as if wishing he were somewhere else.[/I] Davien: Alright, this damn bird tells me not only to believe you, but to go along with you. So, I guess I'll have to ignore the fact that I have earnt the emnity of several of you, and partake in whatever damnfool adventure some twisted mind dreamed up. When do we start?
  16. Davien: Have you noticed any pattern to this cave complex? Or has it just seemed random? The last thing we need right now is a labyrinth to run through. Like mice in a maze... Yuugi: We can handle anything we run into. Davien: Most probably, but we don't know what exactly Setsuna is up to. Besides, the others may need us. Yuugi: They can fend for themselves... Davien: Yes, but we are outnumbered as it is. We may need help. [I]With no further conversation, Davien and Yuugi set off silently down the tunnel, each alert in his own way.[/I]
  17. [I]Sighing as the inane group continued what could be taken as a conscription run, Vukodlak decides that anyone who destroys demons must be at least worth consulting. After watching the wolf hybrid since she had been alone, Vukodlak had decided that someone that determined had a good chance of succeeding, and the others that had joined her seemed to know what they were doing. And they seemed open to companions... Easily getting ahead of them, he stands in the middle of a crossroad, weapons ready, but not held threateningly. The group see him and slow.[/I] The wolf hybrid female: Who and what are you? [I]Vukodlak, used to more hostile greetings, is taken momentarily off guard. Quickly recovering, he takes a bow.[/I] Vukodlak: Vukodlak. As for what, well... I'm not a demon. From what I've seen of you people lately, we all seem to be in the same business. Tani: I'm Tani. You too search for the light? Vukodlak: Yes. My business dried up after the attacks began, and I had nothing better to do. Tani: Your business? You're doing this because you lost you job? Vukodlak: Yes. Besides, the reason I was working as an assasin was because I enjoyed it. This has so many more opportunities. [I]The group draw back, wary at the idea of getting to close to a paid killer. Enjoying their reaction, Vukodlak adds, "I'm also a dark elf". The group draw back even more, seeming to ignore the fact that they outnumbered him, and that he had no hostile intentions.[/I] Vukodlak: Don't worry, I have no reason to hurt any of you. Well then? Shall we go? And where are we going? And does it really matter, as along as we get to where we ultimately need to be? I mean, it's the result, not the steps... [I]This rambling diatribe continues as Vukoldak turns and continues down the road, walking slowly to allow the group to catch up with him. Very quickly, he is told quite firmly to shut up.[/I]
  18. [I]The group turns as Alastuin staggers back into the village. As she approaces them, Davien slides off her shoulder, rolls to his feet, and bows to her.[/I] Davien: Thank you for the ride. Anyway. Would one of you mind telling me what this [I]pressing[/I] interest with me is all about, other than perhaps unmitigated social justice? [I]Not receiving an answer, only a dark look from Kredion, Davien shifts his focus.[/I] Davien: No? Didn't think so. Well then, on to other matters. Tell me Kredion, are you ready to be welcomed back into the fold? [I]Kredion says nothing, only throwing another warning glare at Davien.[/I] Davien: You know, even after you lost, you didn't have to leave. It was only custom, not rule. Alastuin: What are you on about? Davien: Well people, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but considering my position I have a little leeway. Alright then. Assasins are not just individual people. We have a governing body, so to speak. It lays regulations down, who can be killed etc. Stops authorities getting too excited about our activities, and we can bribe them off if they do. It's a safety net, and one of the more powerful factions in the world. Now, we have this organisation in power, yet no way to express it. So what do they do? They hold a tournament. Major reward, a few missteps here and there etc. Now, I hope your following me so far, because this is where it takes a sharp turn left. On top of the thigns such as traversing pits and all that other adventure stuff, there was a melee at hte end. The last contest. Who did it fall down to? You guessed it. Me, and our mutual friend. Kredion: You bastard. You know you would have lost in a real fight. Davien: Why's that? [I]Kredion looks uncomfortable.[/I] Kredion: I didn't want to kill you. Davien: Now people, there you have why I am the best assasin around. My willingness to kill. Kredion and I never resolved who was better. It's been a long time coming. [I]With that, Davien starts to spin his twin viper in a continuous motion, stepping away from the others. Kredion too steps away, but draws no weapon. Davien stops, shrugs and relaxes.[/I] Davien: Fine then. We'll settle this some other time. Until then... [I]Davien turns to leave, but is restrained by Alastuin's hand on his arm. He gives her a questioning look.[/I] Davien: Must you persist?
  19. [quote] Cloricus is Australian (I think)...but most of his points so far are pretty invalid. And I don't know where his chip on the shoulder comes from. [/quote] He is. I know him. The chip on his shoulder comes from the fact that most people he knows think he's an idiot. And a certain natural arrogance. [quote]The fifty first state of America? That sounds like another example of American ignorance toward other countries.[/quote] You think that's bad? One quote from an average, well-educated American, was "You're from Australia huh? God, you speak pretty good English.". As for the fifty first state idea, personally I'd like to know why they'd want us as a state, considering that any of the Americans I have ever heard speaking, or spoken too, are comparitiely very poorly educated about Australia. Or is someone saying that Americans simply want more territory?
  20. Harlequin: And would you consider it worth it? Athen: I really don't know. Spyder? Spyder: I'm not sure either. Harlequin? [I]Harlequin waits a moment before answering.[/I] Harlequin: Yes. I'd consider it worth it even had the pollution not gone away. The New World is far more interesting than the shattered wreck we left behind. Athen: You make it sound like to we all travelled to another planet. Harlequin: In many ways we did. If you dragged somebody from the Old World here, to this time, and asked them where it was, they'd not have a clue. The world changed so much. Nothing is recognisable anymore. Not even ourselves... Spyder: You consider death worth it. Harlequin: Death was no big thing. Remember, there were so many times I longed for death. And I was so disappointed when it came. [I]Suddenly frustrated, Harlequin stands up and starts to pace, almost seeming to leave the other two.[/I] Harlequin: What does it matter. The past is done, the future is a cycle, and the present an illusion.
  21. [I]Laughing at their folly, Setsuna attacks, ordering the garrison to wait, wishing to savour the triumph personally. Bad move. Outnumbered, even one such as Setsuna as trouble avoiding the numerous attacks. As Davien and Yuugi flank to the opposite sides, Setsuna's defenses start to go frantic, as he had not counted on the speed of the two, nor on the straightforward skill of the others. Pressed more than he prefered, Setsuna retreated, commanding the waiting undead to attack. Snarling bestially, Setsuna retreats down a side passage.[/I]
  22. [I]Long before they reach the questionable safety of the hopefully uninhabited cave, it begins to rain. And hail. And there are lightning bolts jumping around like firecrackers. Very soon, everyone is miserably wet. They all start as a lightning bolt takes out a tree only a few feet from them. As if that were a signal, more bolts flash near them, and they are getting closer.[/I] Alastuin: We're going to have to run for it! [I]Running over the uneven ground, trying to keep thier footing in the wet conditions and fading light, the four quickly leave the lightning strikes behind. Reaching the cave, they immediately move a fair distance from the entrance. They look to the rear of the cave.[/I] Rogan: How far back did you explore this? Zaltazar: We didn't find an end to it, and we wen't back pretty far. [I]They all spin around when a deep rumbling comes from the entrance to the cave. The earth shakes, and more of those quicksilver shadows seen at the castle appear, shaking the roof. The entrance to the cave collapses, throwing them all to the ground. In a heap. After untangling each other, Alastuin immediately goes to the cave in, hoping it is merely an illusion. Not this time. They take stock of the situation.[/I] Zaltazar: Alright, this doesn't look good. The most important thing right now is a fire. Do we have any tinder? [I]Some murmers an assent.[/I] Zaltazar: Good. We're all tired, so we need to sleep. If we're all wet and freezing, chances are we'll all die. Rogan: Why's that? Zaltazar: Well, you know how the body shuts down slightly when sleeping? Rogan: Let me guess, it shuts down all the way. Zaltazar: Exactly, So, we get a fire started, dry out our clothes, get some sleep, and only then do we explore the cave.
  23. [I]Davien drops Alastuin's ankles and arranges her in a postion of repose.[/I] Davien: Damn you held out a while there... I was thinking that I was going to have to seriously injure you for a while there... Alastuin: Talking to yourself? [I]Alastuin's eyes snap open, taking Davien by surprise. Before he can react, Alastuin kicks him in the head, knocking him unconscious.[/I] Alastuin: I take a remark or two of mine back. So, I guess this means I won. Still... [I]Raiett flies in and lands on Davien's shoulder, looking menacingly at Alastuin. Alastuin quickly backs away, and sits down on a nearby stump, pondering what to do with the now inert body.[/I]
  24. Davien: Done. [I]Davien throws his twin viper sideways, leaving it impaled in a tree. Alastuin and Davien circle each other, each waiting for the minute tightening of the eyes before an attack. Davien throws a kick at Alastuin's head, but Alastuin throws it accros Davien's body, meaning to unbalance him. Davien however, pivots and brings his other foot round in an outer crescent, striking Alastuin in the side of the head. Even as he lands, Davien starts throwing quick jbs, never actually landing a hit, but keeping Alastuin off balance. Eventually, Davien mistimes a jab, and Alastuin grabs his hand and pulls him forward, flipping him over her shoulder. After receiving several stunning kicks tot he head, he manages to capture her foot and jerk her off balance. Rolling to his feet, Davien is immediately engaged with a flurry of punches, many of them striking. After a jab that went slightly too far, too fast, Davien goes on the offensive, ducking and turning around, then flipping backwards. As he lands he strikes Alastuin hard in the back with the ridge of his hand. She immediately regains her balance and spins round, striking him in the ribs with her elbow. Wrapping his arm around hers, Davien trips her and puts her in an armlock, that threatens to displace her shoulder. Desperate, Alastuin kicks him in the back from her face down position, sending him tumbling over her. The two roll to their feet, and again circle each other. This time, Alastuin attacks first, using her nails to stab at Davien's eye. Davien ducks under the attack, and palm slams her in the chin as she rises. She stumbles back, eyes glazed. Davien moves in quickly, sensing she is near to finished. Easily entrapping the frantic punch she throws at his head, he draws her arm up behind her back, and kicks her feet out from under her. Again grabbing her ankles, he starts to drag her again, reclaiming his twin viper on the way.[/I] Davien: You didn't really expect to win did you? I'll admit though, you did make it difficult for me. You're better than anyone I've run into for a long, long time. And you're probably the best person I've run into that's still alive. Oh never worry, I will kill you, but I'm going to make things very uncomfortable for you first. Besides, I have a few things to take care of in the village, and a hostage never hurts.
  25. [I]Reluctant to trust his luck to a forcefield, Davien steps forward enough to give himself room. As such, the vampyres attack him en masse. Holding his staff like a spear, hands reversed, he fends them off with short, vicious thrusting attacks. With a rising thrust, he kills the foremost, spinning and stabbing another one with the other blade, killing it to. as the vampyres back off slightly, wary, the others move to back Davien up. Davien smiles grimly, and strides forwards into the group. Even though he is hard pressed to parry each attack, every move he makes still flows into somethig else. Not once does his motion cease, testament to his reactions. With every move, a vampyre injured. Very soon. he has cut a path through them. He turns, and attacks them from the rear, more than occupied as they are by the others, who are decimating their forces. Even as Kain runs the last one through, it appears undaunted, and claws at him weakly in its death throes. Why are they so persistent.[/I]
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