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Everything posted by The Harlequin
[I]After letting her blunder aimlessly around for a while, Davien decides he should probably alert her to his presence. Walking up behind, he trips her and plcaes the point of his twin viper at her throat. She seems unsurprised.[/I] Alastuin: How did I know you were going to do something like that? Davien: Experience. Now, you remember my warning? Good. Not that it matters. Anyway... [I]Alastuin's eyes widen as she sees the muscles in Davien's arm tense, preparing for a fatal thrust. Her mouth forms a meaninless denial that breaks into an exclaimed explanation. A black streak flies into Davien startling him. Raiett. Davien looks for a long moment at the bird, before going on the verbal equivalent of nuclear war. After abuot ten minutes, he starts to repeat himself, and Alastuin intervenes.[/I] Alastuin: You'r really hopless at controlling anger, aren't you? [I]Davien breaks off mid-sentence and looks at her with a perfectly calm expression.[/I] Davien: Actually, I was never angry at all. I never get angry. Appearances are so important in my profession you know. If this wasn't so fun, I could have made a fortune as a actor. Alastuin: Right. Aren't you going to ask me why I followed you? [I]Davien looks at her for a moment, bewildered, then replies in a cherful tone.[/I] Davien: No. I'll just handicap you again and be on my way. [I]Again however, Raiett distracts Davien.[/I] Davien: If you say so. Are you really sure? [I]Raiett stares at Davien from a nearby branch, his steady gaze speaking volumes.[/I] Davien: Fine. Let's go then. If I have to kill him, I will. And I refuse to do this any of other way than the hard way. [I]Davien bends down and grabs Alastuin's ankles and starts to drag her back to village, despite her vociferous shouting.[/I]
Very interesting. Do you intend to write any other once you've gotten as far as you want with this one?
The problem with poems like this is that they affect people depending on their mood. Poignant, but perhaps only to me.
Considering the likely sheer influx of users, it's most likely that it will be put on a monthly basis. I don't suppose anyone heard how many months after every other country the pc version will come out in Australia?
[I]After a long silence randomly broken by the inane chatter of those behind him, Harlequin finally gathers himself to speak.[/I] Harlequin: You're an excellent liar you know. You almost had me convinced. Evelyn: I was serious. Harlequin: Do you really expect it to work now that I've realised what you're doing? Evelyn: You're impossible you know. Harlequin: So I'm told. Raistlin: Everybody, I just had a thought. Harlequin: My commendation. [I]Raistlin ignores the childish comment.[/I] Raistlin: Something has chased most of the scavangers off here. but we have yet to see any undead. They would have realised we were here by now, wouldn't they? [I]The others look disturbed as they continue on, glancing around as if expecting an attack constantly. Then, they get one. Rising up from ahead of them, casting shadows over their shocked faces, is a horror beyond what was thought to exists. A revenant dragon.[/I]
[I]As dusk deepens into night, Davien awakens to the feel of soft breath caressing his cheek. Glancing over, he is almost unsurprised to see Spyder asleep next to him. Shifting slightly, he wraps an arm around her, holding her close, poised to let go should she wake up. To his surprise, she does wake up, but merely moves closer to him, draping her arm over him.[/I] Spyder: So, where are we going to trash tonight? Davien: We messed up the only decent nightclub last time. Spyder: I know a few places...
Why Raven, the very suggestion that you think I would say anything shocks me to the core. On topic... I'd have to say the remake would be much better than the original. While I have nothing against most of the Ratpack, certain members... I'm sure someone could guess who.
Hmm. Watching Victor Paul Home Shopping, at least I think that was it, for one product, there were 7 "but wait, there's more! (in voice that so drips with sincerity it has to be computer generated) style" add-ons. That ended costing more than the product itself.
Haha! Finally someone to back up my theory that Audiogalaxy is many, many times better than Napster.
The way I got around my father's dislike of online buying was to introduce him to something he liked enough to buy online. After that he didn't have any ground to stand on. In the end it was easier than actually convincing him it was safe.
[I]Stepping over a decomposing corpse, Harlequin is unsurprised by the lack of scavangers in the ruined village. The undead have probably been picking them off. The exception to this is the carrion birds. Their raucous screaming fills the air, occasionally interrupted by a higher squeal as a bird loses a fight of a choice morsel. Harlequin walks on, ignoring the ravens the fly undaunted at his face. He does however, impale one on the end of his twin viper. It was about to hit Evelyn in the back of the head.[/I] Harlequin: Watch your back damn it. Evelyn: You seem to like doing it for me. Harlequin: I'm not always there. Evelyn: For which I am profoundly grateful. [I]At that, Harlequin viciously strikes out, slicing the wing off a dirty vulture too intent on its sickly meal to retreat. Other than that, Harlequin ignores Evelyn's remark.[/I]
[I]Zaltazar sighs, and walks out after her. Once outside, he looks at her, sighs again, and forcibly removes her attention from the scintillating wall.[/I] Alastuin: What did you do that for? Zaltazar: It's time to leave. Rogan: We have a warlock to find. Zaltazar: No, my lost cathartic friend, we have much important things to do than that. Rogan: Oh? Zaltazar: Well, they might lead to that, but first we have to find out where to look, and more importantly, we need to find some place to set up camp. Where we won't be surprised in the middle of the night. And, there's that... [I]Zaltazar points to the approaching storm clouds. The roiling surface seems to take on shapes, demonic visages flickering on the edge of perception. Lightning traces intricate patterns from cloud to cloud. The storm is coming on fast, an obviously unnatural.[/I]
[I]Cathos arrives back at Davien's apartment, after spending a night in someone else's house. He doesn't really remember who's, but it seemed a good idea at the time. Apparently, a lot of very bad things must have seemed good ideas. Judging by the way his head felt. Carefully, opening the door, allowing no light in, Cathos glances in, and sees Davien's door shut. Good. He's out of the light then. Walking inside, and sitting in silence, resting his head, Cathos starts when, upon listening intently, he hears not one, but sets of breathing come from Davien's room. Walking over to the door, he tries the handle, finds it locked, and pulls out the key Davien gave him, hoping it's the right one. It is. Opening the door slightly, shading it with his cloak, he immediately notices Spyder's presence. Shes seems to be staring at him, he really can't tell. After a long moment, Spyder's concentration shifts back to Davien. Cathos nods once, and lets himself out, deciding to go find someone who might let him stay for a few days... a week at the most.[/I]
[I]Returning to bed, Davien makes sure his room is securely locked, and the windows bolted shut. No matter what she said, he wouldn't be surprised is she took a lot of pleasure in watching him burn under the long-forgotten sun. A Medieval vampyre really had no place in the modern world, but it is the fate of some to live longer then they should.[/I]
[I]Wondering how he gets involved with such strange people. Zaltazar concentrates on how to take down the guard tower. As they reach the edge of the forest, Zaltazat notices an area on the tower where the crenellation are higher than usual. Beckoning, he leads everyone a round to that side.[/I] Zaltazar: Alright, you three go around to the other side and get their attention. I'll scale the wall. [I]The others shrug, and start to yell at the tower. Zaltazar climbs the wall, finding all but imperceptible foothols in the almost sheer surface. When he gets to the top, he risks a quick glance over the battlements, and sees that no one mans the top of the tower. Climbing over, he edges up to the stairwell, only to find his companions standing in the courtyard. Sighing, he walks down to them.[/I] Zaltazar: Let me guess. The gate was unlocked. Alastuin: Not only unlocked, but open. [I]Zaltazar groans, and resolutely ignores the three grinning faces staring at him. Zaltazar then notices something strange about the wall. It's almost...rippling. Then, like quicksilver, the area where the gate had been is covered in molten stone. Stone that is seeping into the courtyard. Again, the deep shadow appears above them.[/I] Warlock: Pitiful fools! You made it too easy for me! [I]With another shimmer, the shadow eclispes them, as the roof too becomes a wall of scintillating stone.[/I]
Davien: Not strange. After all, demon's have more time to refine their emotions. Of course, most simply lose them... Spyder: You think I didn't? Davien: You just proved you didn't. Spyder: You think so? Davien: Do you really believe that you are completely emotionless? You're very presence here proves you aren't. Spyder: What makes you think it means anything? Davien: This is going to be one of those arguments that goes nowhere, isn't it. Anyway, there's a spare bed in there, it should be made up. Do me a favour and be careful in the morning. And don't worry about Cathos, he won't be coming back. [I]Davien walks into his room, firmly closing and locking the door behind him. Spyder hears furniture being dragged around. Quite obviously not in a trusting mood.[/I]
[I]After a startled silence, Spyder sees a rope thrown down. Sighing, she starts to climb, only to be pulled sharply up.[/I] Davien: Sorry about this. The receptionist will remember you, and I really don't need him on my back some more. [/I]Leading Spyder back into the apartment, he sprawls on one of the couches.[/I] Davien: So, did you want anything particular?
My cat attacks the Tv at times. There was a period where she would attack a certain news reporter on channel 10... On top of that, we have this tree in the yard that she runs up, backflips off, runs up agian, flips off again, etc...
[I]After tossing and turning for a while, Davien realises why he can't get to sleep. Dragging an old dusty bookshelf over to the window, he empties the contents into the alleyway. After a startled silence...[/I] Spyder: You have an excellent taste in literature... Davien: Must you? Don't you have anything else to do other than sit outside my window and keep me awake? Spyder: How am I keeping you awake? I'm not making a sound. Davien: You just are. I know you're out there. I can hear you thinking? Spyder: And what am I thinking? Davien: How should I know? Do you have to stay there? Spyder: It's as good as any other place. Davien: How do I put up with this? [I]Davien walks back into the apartment, yelling as he does "Please don't burn my books".[/I]
[I]Harlequin suddenly looks grim, and sighs.[/I] Harlequin: Buried. I didn't bother to bring it with me. Spyder: What! Harlequin: Death...alters...one's perception somewhat. All sorts of things change. I no longer believe that something a trivial as a blade really means anything. I'm not even sure if I care anymore whether Sellum is killed or not. Athen: How can you say that? Harlequin: Make no mistake, I still want the Lightbearers destroyed. But even if Sellum is eliminated, someone will take his place. The only way it can be ended is if the Lightbearers are destroyed to a man, and all traces of them scoured from the earth. Spyder: But there is no way we alone could acomplish that! Harlequin: I know. But that is something I would devote myself to. Not the death of a single man. Spyder: You've changed so much. I'm not sure I know you anymore. [I]Harlequin looks stricken. Spyder, quickly rephrases...by kissing him hard.[/I] Spyder: Worry not, my sensitive rock, I love you still. Harlequin: If you two decide to go after Sellum, doubt not that I will go with you. [I]The three sit in silence for a while, each consumed by their own thoughts.[/I]
Zaltazar: Well perhaps I should complain some more about there not being anything worthy to fight. Alastuin: Third times a charm... Zaltazar: That was only the first time? Alastuin: Well you'd better get started then. [I]Zaltazar grins, and starts to open his mouth to say something. However, he is quickly interrupted by Rogan.[/I] Rogan: Don't you dare. Zaltazar: Ah, my lost cathartic friend, you have no sense of fun. [I]The wyverns, decimated by the still fighting Enron, decide that a hasty retreat is in order, aside from a lone beast with an injured wing. Cornered, the wyvern snarls, lashing it's tail. The four, wearing wolfish grins, move in for the kill.[/I]
[I]Pulling up outside his hotel, Davien decides that it would be a symptom of the receptionist's incipient mortality if he went in by the front. Walking around to the back alley behind the hotel, he stops short when he sees Spyder staring up at his window. Restraining his urges to swear, he walks up behind her and grabs her shoulder, spinning her around.[/I] Davien: What the hell do you want now? [I]Startled, Spyder again disappears. [/I] Davien: God damn it. [I]Davien leaps up and grabs the sill, pulling himself into his apartment, resolving to get some sleep, and work on an apology.[/I]
[I]Seeing Athen jump out the window, The Harlequin calls out softly.[/I] Harlequin:Someone lock the door? [I]Athen looks up, sees Spyder's somnolent state, and climbs up softly.[/I] Athen: I assumed you two were busy. Otherwise I wouldn't have troubled myself with the window. [I]Harlequin takes off his cloak, bundling it up. Laying it beside him, he gently shifts Spyder's head off his lap. Athen looks on, unsurprised at Harlequin's tender concern. [/I] Athen: You're fraud you know Harlequin. [I]Harlequin looks at him, surprised.[/I] Harlequin: I'm not sure I understand that... Athen: You never show a shred of emotion around anyone else, yet you go out of your way to be gentle to her. Harlequin: You only just realised that? Athen: Well, no... The chance just hasn't come up to expose you before. Harlequin: Well, I do have a reputation to maintain, so I'd ask that you keep it quiet. Athen: I hate to tell you this, but it's really quite obvious. [I]Harlequin looks startled for a moment, then bursts into soft laughter. His mirth awakens Spyder, who again moves next to him and lays her head on his lap.[/I] Spyder: What are you to laughing at? Athen: We're discussing Harlequin's attempts at hiding emotion. Harlequin: Such as they are. [I]At his wry admission, Spyder too starts laughing. Very soon, they are all consumed with mirth.[/I]
OOC: I'm not allowed to be on fire, so I'm here, I'm in, etc. [I]Duckind under a lash from a wyvern's tail, Zaltazar slashes upward, cutting the poisonous sting off the end of the lashing appendage. One less thing to worry about. As Zaltazar rises, he spins in place, using the momentum to add force to his blow. Even like that, the scales on the dragon-kin's throat still deflect his weapon. Realising he is unable to penetrate the scaly hide, he instead thrusts to the eyes, blinding it on one side. Spinning to that side, Zaltazar leaps and rolls in the air, coming down on the beast's back. He thrusts down to one side, tearing the wing membrane. Ripping his twin viper out again, he continues the pivot and brings the other end into the wyvern's vulnerable spot, the back of the neck. His blow evers the spinal cord, dropping the reptile instantly. Balancing on the shoulders of the creature, Zaltazar looks around to see how everyone else fares.[/I]
[I]Zaltazar doesn't hesitate. He immediately jumps out and confronts the goblins, slicing two of them into smaller bits before they shake off their surprise. Easily parrying their clumsy strokes, he quickly kills another with a low slash. Laughing at the ease of it, Zaltazar is quickly consumed by bloodlust, indiscriminately slicing off limbs. The others quickly finish the remaining goblins off.[/I] Zaltazar: Ah, my lost cathartic friend, why do you worry about such things? We've yet to run into anything we can't handle. [I]Rather comically, they are suddenly cast into shadow by the form of a black dragon, with rider.[/I] Rider: So, you pitiful fools! You dare to defy me! Then die! [I]With an emanation of green light, the dragon disappears, and on the ground the 4 are suddenly surrounded by wyverns.[/I] Zaltazar: Damn I'm good.