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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. Name: Vukodlak Age: 567. (Weakness: Fire. Sidhe catch alight and burn horribly at the slightest flame. Race: Sidhe Magic: Lightning element Bio: Vukodlak is an outcast sidhe, flitting in and out of the mortal realm, often posing as a stunted mortal. As such, he knows quite a bit about humankind, more than is average for his race. Description: Vukodlak is one of the sidhe. The sidhe are closely realted to faeries, just bigger. They average 4 to 5 feet. Despite their larger height, they are still a typically lithe-limbed race, and physical strength is less than would be expected. They excel in stealth and cunning though.
  2. [I]Silently following Evelyn, Harlequin sighs at the number of men surrounding her, and strides in quickly. The first sign the men have that they are being attacked is a blade exploding out the chest of one of them, showering the others with blood. The blade withdraws, and the next thing the six men see is a black clad vortex spin at them, slicing three of them. Every hit takes out a vital tendon, leaving the three screaming, unable to move properly. Harlequin ducks a clumsy slash, coiling himself like a spring as he does so. Leaping up and spinning, he slices of the remaining ones across the throat. The last man takes one look at the expression on Harlequin's face and runs.[/I] Harlequin: Let's go. Evelyn: That's it? No "Are you okay?", kind of thing? Harlequin: Would you care that I cared? I thought not. Again, let us go.
  3. OOC: If everyone would excuse what apparently was my bout of, and I quote, "childishness", I guess there will haev to be a spate of post deletions.
  4. [I] After walking around for an hour or so, Cathos sighs, and sits down on a bench. Damn Davien's habit of wallowing in self-pity. While mentally complaining at his friend's bitterness towards the world, he is surprised by a rustle behind him. Jumping up and spinning around, he is surprised by Spyder and that kid walking out of the forest. Obvious what had just happened too, by the way they were acting. Cathos gets even more annoyed.[/I] Cathos: God damn it! You just had to didn't you? It's going to take years for me to get him over this one! For christ's sake! As if his towering resentment didn't have enough backing already! [I]Cathos stalks off swearing, leaving the two hopeless lovebirds to their own devices, devoutly vowing to make sure he never encounters either of them again.[/I]
  5. [I]Davien strides in, uncaring of the nead for stealth. His footsteps never make a noise anyway, and he really doesn't care whether he gets attacked or now. The only reason he's here at all is because walking into a large vampyre den is a good way to die. As he had so many times in the past, he damned his twisted sense of honour that wouldn't allow him to kill himself. Or perhaps it was determination. Either way, he wanted to die, but wouldn't allow himself to. He started to walk faster, his hands clenching on the shaft of his twin viper. This may just be it.[/I]
  6. Name: Vukodlak Age: 22 Race: Dark Elf Specialty: Stealth Weapon: Twin Viper, pistol crossbow Magic: No
  7. OOC: You'd have to know me to understand. And I had plently of provocation... [I]Contrary to his apparent intentions, Davien did not immediately disappear. He merely concealed himself. And was very glad he did. He realised now why Raiett had flown off. Not because he was getting angry, but because of Kredion's presence. Interesting to find the bastard still alive. He did still have a rather large price on his head, enough to tempt any assasin. Davien thought about it. He could end this now. Upon careful consideration, he decided against it. He was confident he could easily take on the small group with Kredion, but he was unsure how many people would come running. Slipping silenly off, Davien wonders just how dangerous things would get for him if Alastuin and Kredion aligned against him...[/I]
  8. Davien: And I want her to bleed to death. So if you try and interfere while I'm in sight, you'll suffer the same fate. Amy: You're cruel! Davien: I am worse than you could ever imagine. Now, I'm going to leave you all. Is anyone else asking to be serverly injured. No? Good. I'm going to leave now. I don't recommend any of you try to stop me. [I]Davien kneels down next to Alastuin. His pistol crossbow pointed at her throat.[/I] Davien: It doesn't matter what you've done. Reasons are nothing to me. [I]Reaching into a pocket, Davien pulls out a vial. He pours it on Alastuin's wound, and is greeted with renewed screams of agony.[/I] Amy: Strange healing potion, and even stranger that you should heal her. [I]Davien bows ironically.[/I] Davien: it wasn't a healing potion. Amy: What was it? Davien: A type of acid. [I]Amy looks aghast. Davien bows again and walks off into th forest, quickly disappearing.[/I]
  9. [I]After following Raiett through the forest for a while, Davien regains his bearings. Stumbling into a back alleyway, he notices a bit of a gathering. One of the members is Alastuin. One of the others looks pretty messed up.[/I] Alastuin: Davien. So happy you could join us. [I]Davien draws a deep breath, his face growing ominously still. His jaw clenches, and Raiett, reading the signs, flies off very quickly.[/I] Alastuin: Is something wrong? Davien: Alright! That does it! [I]Davien whips his pistol crossbow up, and fires three quick shots. Two of the land in the gap between Alastuin's ears and her head, and the parts her hairline. That done, Davien turns and stalks back into the forest. Swearing very loudly. Unperturbed, Alastuin starts to follow. When she gets too close however, Davien spins around, his twin viper slicing down low. Hooking it behind her kneecap, Davien trips her. Turning the staff a quater turn, he brings it up sharply, slicing the tendons in her foot. Alastuin screams in pain.[/I] Davien: You don't seem to understand. If I ever see you again. I will kill you.
  10. [I]Seeing that Hatha isn't going to go down easy, and that Spyder has disappeared, Davien decides to re-enter the fight. Pulling a wakizashi from under his coat, his steps forward and pivots, the circular return from his blow taking off the demon's head. He slumps to the floor.[/I] Cathos: Took you long enough. Davien: Whatever. Now, who the hell are you two. Mangus: I'm Mangus, my unconcious friend is Alpha. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd really better do something about this. [I]Mangus turns and start's to examine Alpha's injuries. They appear to be minor.[/I] Cathos: What happened to Spyder and that kid? Davien: She ran off with him. Cathos: Poor you. [I]Davien spins and places the point of his short sword at Cathos's throat.[/I] Cathos: Hit a nerve there didn't I? Davien: Whatever. Now, if she hasn't stolen my car again, I'm leaving. Here's some money, do as you will. [I]Davien stalks out, pausing to impale a passerby who looks at him too closely. He stops however, when he sees the police car outside.[/I] Police: Drop your weapon! [I]Davien rolls to the side, comes up with his back to the police, and backflips, landing behind the startled officer. His partner stares at the blade which suddenly protudes from the first officer's chest. Davien throws the corpse aside, steps forward, and grabs the other police officer by the throat. The man doesn't even have time to raise his weapon before Davien snaps his neck.[/I] (Back inside) Mangus: Who the hell is that murderer? Cathos: Someone I don't recommend you ever cross. Mangus: He certainly seemed to handle himself well in a fight... Cathos: Martial arts expert, fencing expert, quaterstaff fighting expert... He'd better have handled himself well. He has, however, very few scruples. As you saw... Mangus: I think Summer will get on with him just fine... [I]Recognising the name, Cathos starts laughing.[/I] Cathos: You're pathetic slayer had better watch her back. Even if she, by some miracle, managed to even injure Davien, she'd have to deal with me as well. Mangus: You're threatening us! Cathos: Bad move. You just revealed something you should have kept quiet. [I]Cathos and Mangus drop into combat stance, circling each other warily. Mangus is distracted however, by a groan from Alpha. When she looks up, Cathos is gone.[/I]
  11. OOC: Terran, you read too much Forgotten Realms. But then, so do I... [I]Glancing around, Davien notices that they have been flanked. Spinning around, he confronts another monsterous Drider. This one weilding twin axes. Leaping into the air Davien flips and turns, slicing a circle with his twin viper as he does so. The move effectively makes him a vertical spinning blade. The drider shies away, but Davien's spin still takes off an arm. Landing behind the drider, Davien ducks and turns, so the he is slightly to the side of the beast, and able to dodge the blow the beast throws as it turns around. As he completes the spin, he brings up his twin viper, slicing the drider's throat. Hearing a noice behind him, he rolls forward, coming up on his feet and spinning around, his weapon leveled. Behind him are two vampyres. Pulling out his pistol crossbow, he fires the full three-shot complement into the first one, and a series of circular attacks, takes the limbs off the second one. The battle seems to be going well. But why are drider in this part of the world?[/I]
  12. OOC: Raven, keep it in context. Zaltzar: If you say so. Alastuin: And I do. Zaltazar: You are one of the mots infuriating people I have ever met. Alastuin: But it's alright, everyone loves me anyway. Zaltazar: I wonder what this world be like without one more egotistical female... Alastuin: I didn't quite catch that. Zaltazar: It wasn't aimed at you. [I]Inside, the sounds indicate that Rogan and Enron are having to persuade the troll to share whatever it knows.[/I] Zaltazar: Damn it. There's faster way to do this. You coming? [I]Alastuin and Zaltazar walk off, leaving clear boot prints so Enron and Rogen can follow.[/I]
  13. OOC: Since we seem to have more than enough preparation posts, IlLL walk into the damn room, since no one else seems to want to. [I] Davien throws the door open, surprising the undead in the chamber within. Like grim death, he falters not as he strides in. Nor does his expression change as he swings his twin viper off his back, twirling it in offensive patterns. As the vampyres shake off their surprise and advance, Davien senses the others flanking him. At least they're eager. Davien's twin viper suddenly snaps from a circle to straight out in front of him, taking off the head of the vampyre who recently occupied the space. The follow up blow takes the arm off the next. He then pulls out his pistol crossbow, fending off a vampyre with intricate twists of the wrists. Firing a quarrel into the heart of another vampyre, Davien is certain that the others can take care of the rest, and drops back to allow them all a little fun.[/I]
  14. Harlequin: Why should it? Oh, by the way, I love you too. [I]Evelyn jumps back surprised, and yells "trout farms".[/I] Harlequin: First time I've ever gotten THAT reaction. Evelyn: God, for a minute I actually thought you were serious. [I]Evelyn starts up the trail towards the others, and, as such, misses the bittersweet, self-mocking smile Harlequin directs at her back. His broken sigh is too soft for her to hear.[/I] Harlequin: And all my demons are heaven sent. [I]Getting over his melancholia, Harlequin walks after Evelyn, his face again emotionless.[/I]
  15. [I]Unsurprised to see Alastuin duck out, Zaltazar sighs and attacks the nearest troll. Swinging his twin viper in a figure eight to hold the beast off, he fires two shots with his pistol crossbow. Both its eyes are eclipsed by a feathed shaft each. Leaving the now roaring animal to the others, he walks outside to help Alastuin. Blocking a clumsy swing with his twin viper, knocking the troll's arm across its body, Zaltazar uses the other end of his twin viper to slice the tendons in the troll's leg. Crippled, the troll sinks to one knee, groaning. It's agony is cut short however, when the other end is brought sharply down across it's throat. Advancing on the next troll, he tries the same trick. This troll, however, steps forward. Unperturbed, Zaltazar merely swept his twin viper back, tripping the troll. Not even bothering to kill the beast, he walks off. Leaving the others to mop up.[/I]
  16. ???: Isn't it obvious? Davien: It's obvious that you're either stupid or crazy... ???: Aren't you here? Davien: True. But I never pretended not to be crazy. I'm an assasin, so we're all crazy. ???: Which is why you disarmed me... Always kill them the easiest way possible. [I]Davien bows ironically.[/I] Davien: Exactly. Kain: Hey you two, cut the crap. We ARE outside a vampyre den you know. Davien: Amazing, I didn't notice. Now shut up before I have to do something nasty to you. [I]Davien turns back to the shadowy woman, leaving Kain fuming. The unknown woman looks aumsed.[/I] ???: I'm taking it a degree of ...animosity... exists between you too. Davien: No, just my impatience. Anyway, you have the pleasure of meeting Davien here. ???: Who him? I'm Anathema. And who are you? Davien: Actually, I'm Davien. He's Kain. Anathema: Then why did you phrase it so weirdly? Kain: God damn it! Must you two discuss grammer in our situation? [I]Kain shoves past them.[/I] OOC: Sorry my love. I'm jumping rpgs too fast here.
  17. [I]After rummaging around in the dead man's possesions for a while, Davien realises something. He has no idea where he is. This rare occurance makes him very annoyed.[/I] Davien: Damn it! Who do I blame. You? [I]He turns around and kicks the dead man.[/I] Davien: Well aren't you a great help? You could reply, but no. You just lie there some more. Wait...you're dead. Sorry... [I]He then turns to look at Raiett.[/I] Davien: Well? You lead me here. You do me a favour and guide me to the nearest town. [I]Raiett cocks his head to the side an glares at Davien. Davien sighs.[/I] Davien: Alright you damn bird. Name your price.
  18. [I]Having received answers, the four walk away, following the beaten track away from the hermit's hut. They set up camp some distance from the hut.[/I] Zaltazar: Don't you think that went down a little too easy? I mean, the first person you pulled aside lead us to someone who "knows everything". Nothing is ever easy, so this is making me more than a little suspicious. Rogan: What would the villagers have to gain by allying with the trolls, and whoever is behind the trolls? Alastuin: That's easy. Survival. Zaltazar: Exactly. [I]In the morning, they hear some strange sounds coming from back up the trail. A strange shuffling. They start back. They reach the hermit's hut. The door creaks open, the grating of steel on ground sounding ominously like the dirge of graveyard gates. No sound comes from inside. The four walk inside. The scene inside is gruesome. Strapped to a table with what appears to be his own belt, lies the hermit. Lumps of flesh are missing from his arms and legs, and blood is spattered everywhere. The marks look suspiciously like teeth. The companions stare at the sickening site, then jump backwards as the body moves. With a soft squelch, something emerges out of the body's still intact stomach. The head of a rat, it's abnormally long fangs encrusted with a black, oily substance. The hermit has obvoiusly been dead for sometime. And the expression on his face shows that he had been alive for a long time after the torture was inflicted on him.[/I] (From the still open door): We know you come back. We smart. [I]The four spin around, shocked to find their way blocked by the silhouettes of several trolls. Trolls that can talk...[/I]
  19. Davien: We'd have to wait for everyone else to finish up... And that might take a while. [I]The fight rages on. The kid, Cathos and that other vampyre seem to have worked out a system. By attacking the demon from all sides, they keep it off balance. But still, as demon's do, it's taking along time to give up/die.[/I]
  20. Kind of OOC: Zaltazar: Oh my God! Rogan's attempt to restore sanity to this rpg has triumphed! What can my lost cathartic friend thinking? Back to sanity... Zaltazar: So, why did a troll break into a populated area? Normally they're more cautious... Rogan: It almost seemed to be there for a purpose... It was after something. Zaltaar: More likely someone, my lost cathartic friend. You see how it paused for a moment and looked around? Rogan: You think a troll could be that intelligent? Zaltazar: Perhaps...
  21. OOC: Just join the fun. Anything goes, within normal social guidelines. (Yes, genocide is frowned upon)
  22. 1) Gender: Male 2) What do you believe in?: Evolutionism 3) Why? : Religion doesn't work. Faith requires belief, which requires choice, which requires doubt. Doubt and faith are opposing principles. 4) What is your religion ? Logic. _________________________________________________ 5) How strong are your religious beliefs ? Non-existent 6) Are you very familiar with any evolutionary theories ? Yes 7) Ethnic Background: A bit Celt/Norse cross, with a little Asian thrown in for good measure. Born/raised in Australia. Where have you lived most of your life ? Australia. __________________________________________________ ______________________ 9) Have you ever taken a course in modern biology ? Yes (Highschool only though) 10) Do you believe in God ? No
  23. [I]As Cathos encircles one of the demon's arms, twisting it behind it's back, Davien steps forward and roundhouse kicks it to the head, completing the spin and bringing his left leg up for an outer crescent. As soon as his leg is out of the way, Cathos releases the demon's arm, then puts it into a sleeper hold. Davien steps back, sure everyone else can finish him.[/I] Spyder: You have done this kind of thing before? Davien: A few times. Getting Cathos out of trouble mainly. That's actually how we met, now that I think on it... Spyder: Oh? Davien: He messed with some things he shouldn't have even knew existed. He summoned a very antagonistic bastard. The demon ended up controlling him. Then the demon took a fancy to certain ...possesions... of mine, so I decided to do something about him. Cathos was even grateful for a while. Spyder: You are the only person I have ever met who could stand there and tell stories while his best friend gets beaten up by a demon from hell... Davien: It's a vice I have. [I]Sighing, Davien strides back into the fight, grabbing the demon from behind by the throat and slamming him against a wall. He then walks back over to Spyder, complaining that Cathos should have been able to handle it.[/I]
  24. OOC: Yeah, and I'm 18, so I have a little leeway. [I]Hatha gets, shaking his head. Davien walks forward, throwing a cresent kick at Hatha's head. As the demon shies away, Davien leaps and kicks him in the head with the other foot. Hatha tries to punch Davien in hte head, only to have Davien block, circle his hand around the demon's arm, and flip him over his head. Walking back, he gives the others a shot.[/I] Davien: Ah, I've been waiting for this for years.
  25. [I]Zaltazar starts to get irritated.[/I] Zaltazar: God damn it! Enough script crap! Can't you realise that it's more fun if we ignore it? Isn't that right Rogan? [I]Rogan, who has just crawled out of a nearby atm, which hasn't been invented yet, so he had A LOT of trouble, doesn't answer. Going over to the atm, Zaltazar pokes at it, shouting "I won, I won" when poptarts fly out of it.[/I]
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