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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. OOC: By the way, aside from you me and my lost cathartic friend, who eles is in this? [I]The now purple sloth looks at Enron strangely, it's eyebrows turning into a very obscure species of fish, you know, the one Ovid made a poem on... Enron glares back, and his eyebrows also turn into a fish. The two fish pull out tophats and start hitting them with each other. Enron and Zaltazar walk off, leaving them to it.[/I] Zaltazar: You'd better hope your fish wins. You're going to look pretty strange without any eyebrows for the rest of your life. Enron: Not nearly as strange as you look without a nose. Zaltazar: Damn it! How did you know? [I]Zaltazar hops around for a while bemoaning his fate. He shuts up however, when his nose walks down the street and starts kicking him.[/I] Zaltazar: Damn it, you can't kick a man when he's down! Zaltazar's nose: I'm a nose. I'm YOUR nose. I can do whatever I like. Enron: You're a nose, how do you talk? [I]Startled by this piece of logic, Zaltazar's nose sets itself on fire. After the ash disappears, it reforms of Zaltazar's face, much to the astonishment of the nose that, after all, actually had been on his face the whole time. Enron and his now two-nosed companion continue walking.[/I]
  2. OOC: We're dominating the rpg, and we're messing with it. I really hope The Unholy newt doesn't mind. Zaltazar: Anyway, now that my name has been so well spelt... Enron interrupts: it had better be spelt well, it's your name. [I]Surprised at the sudden revelation, Zaltazar hops around on one leg for a while. Then starts stabbing locusts with his twin viper and flinging them at passers by. Then he gets hit by a falling sloth.[/I]
  3. Zaltazar: You're pathetic belief in a book you found on the street is very, very uninspiring. Enron: Shut up, the good parts coming on. Zaltazar: Whatever. I think I'll kill that guy. The one who wrote the script... [I]Suddenly, Enron and Zaltazar are surprised by a swarm of rabid, over-sized locusts flying out a crack in the concrete.[/I] Zaltazar: Here we go again. [I]Rogan runs in, surprised at the fact that there are a bunch of big bugs flying around.[/I] Zaltazar: Well, if it isn't my lost cathartic friend... Rogan: Stop calling me that!
  4. [I]As the dance floor empties, screaming people running around crazily. Davien realises that the unfortunate who got thrown through the wall was the kid that recognised Spyder.[/I] Davien: I assume you're going to do something about that? Spyder: I kind of have to. Davien: Responsibility, form you? Spyder: Be nice. [I]Spyder starts to stalk over to the kid, stopping when she realises that Davien is following her, and Cathos him.[/I] Spyder: What are you doing? [I]Davien walks on past her, his face grim.[/I] Davien: I recognise the bastard. He's a very old friend of mine. And we don't get on very well. [I]Davien reaches the kid, picks him up, and holds him steady. Looking at the demon, although it wasn't obvious what he was.[/I] Davien: So, we meet again. This time however... Demon: You think you and your pitiful friends are any match for me? Davien: Considering I alone was... [I]The demon starts to look uncertain as Spyder and Cathos take positions beside Davien. The kid struggles to his feet.[/I] Davien: We've been at this a long time, haven't we Hatha? Spyder: Hatha? Davien: I think our friend here has an obscure sense of humour. The word means "force". He seems to think it suits. Hatha: Well, shall we end it here. [I]Davien doesn't reply, but starts advancing on Hatha, dodging the fireballs the demons starts propelling at him. Spyder and Cathos start forward.[/I]
  5. [I]Zaltazar turns, irritated at the fact he was followed. He regards Enron coldly.[/I] Zaltazar: Then I tie him down, stick some boxes on him, and put some starving rats in the box. I'm sure he'll enjoy being eaten alive. Enron: You really don't like people, do you? Zaltazar: I'm an assasin. It's kind of neccessary that I don't. [I]Enron looks taken aback at Zaltazar's flat admission.[/I] Zaltazar: Surprised? You shouldn't be. Nothing else really suits me. Of course, you don't know me. Now, I recommend you too go elsewhere. [I]Zaltazar stalks off into the night, blending easily with the shadows.[/I]
  6. [I]Davien is unsurprised to find two more vampyres entering the nightclub. This seems to be one of those nights.[/I] Davien: We seem to have even more company. Spyder: Is that a hint that you want me to ditch you two? Davien: Damn it. When WILL you get the point? I do not dislike you. I am not hostile towards you. I do not want you to go away. Unless you hate me even more than I thought, there is really no need for such overt self-defensiveness. [I]Surprised by his vehemence, Cathos and Spyder stare at him. After a second or so, Davien gets annoyed at the heavy metal being played, and goes off to find whoever's decided what's played.[/I] Cathos: He knows the guy, so he'll have something decent put on. Maybe... [I]His predictions are born out when a voice announces "Alright peopel, time for a change. We're going to play some stuff that doesn't normally come up, but you won't object, will you?". Then, to everyone's surprise, the sound of a music box comes on. A loud "what the hell"echoes indisriminately. Then the song changes. Davien comes back, looking much more at ease.[/I] Davien: Lullaby, by the Tea Party. Lots of Tea Party going to be played tonight! Anyway, where were we? Cathos: You were trying to hit on Spyder in your own inept way... [I]Davien and Spyder turn and glare at him. He grins back. That goes on for quite some time.[/I]
  7. Zaltazar: Why? Let him die. That's my opinion. I'll tell you what. You up for a bit of a wager? Enron: Why not? Zaltazar: Alright, even stakes says my lost cathartic friend over there doesn't last a mintue. Enron: That's a gift, not a wager... Zaltazar: Oh well. [I]Zaltazar suddenly ducks, as the god damn troll throws a recently amputated arm at him. Annoyed by the blood that now covers him, Zaltazar gets up.[/I] Zaltazar: Alright, I was going to stay out of it, but that goes too far! Goodbye furry troll! [I]Zaltazar pulls out his pistol crossbow and fires three shots at the troll. One his it's left eye, the other two strike the throat. Zaltazar walks over to it, approaching from its now blind side. Swinging his twin viper in a circle, he thrusts it straight into the trolls throat, killing it instantly. Looking at his lost cathartic friend, who had standing behind the troll, waiting to attack it, he gets very, very annoyed.[/I] Zaltazar: God damn it. Do I have to do everything for you? If you had been doing your job, I would not be soaked in blood. Now, go away, before I have to do something more or less permanent to you. [I]Zaltazar levels his twin viper at the man with one hand, his pistol crossbow aimed with the other. Hearing a footstep behind him, Zaltazar risks a glance backwards, only to see Enron backing him up.[/I] Enron: You really should observe protocol you know. If you're going to sneak behind it, attack the damn thing. You have a lot of blood on your hands right now. Zaltazar: Hell, I have a lot of blood on my hands, but then, I got an arm chucked at me... [I]The bartender, who had been cowering behind the bar, finds that his courage has once again jumped into his lap, yells at them.[/I] Bartender: We'll have no brawling in here! Zaltazar: Strange, considering what just happened... Bartender: You god damn bastard! Get out of here now! [I]Faster than those around him can react, Zaltazar turns, and fires his pistol crossbow at the bartender. The bolt takes him in the heart. He slumps down, swearing weakly.[/I] Zaltazar: Alright. That's it, I'm out of here. [I]Zaltazar leaves, stepping over the troll, and the remains of all sorts of other people.[/I]
  8. You really have no idea do you, my lost cathartic friend? RPG section. This is sign up. Go start the story in the rpg section. Now, thine companions knowth that thou ist a good boy, and that thou wilst glady, for the pleasure of thine companions is paramouint to thee, improve the storyline a bit.
  9. That doesn't justify an Alice Cooper quote. On topic however. We don't finish this semester until June, so I applaud your luck.
  10. To my lost cathartic friend. Considering that's your rpg, which doth flower beyond expectation, is considering to be in a postition to start, perhaps thou wouldst go apart aways to consider some advice. Start the damn story yourself. It's your stoyline we're all following here.
  11. Ah, not as bad as my first(and only) attempt. Name Zaltazar Age 22 Eyes Steel grey Hair Black Height 6ft Twin Viper (get a quarterstaff and put blades on either end, so don't ask me again), pistol crossbow Zaltazar is an assasin with a tormented past. After watching his parents murdered at the age of 12, he started living on the streets, quickly learning that no one could be trusted. At the age of 15, two years after getting over severe mental problems, he took his first commision, although that was be no means the first person he had ever killed.
  12. [I]His attention drawn to the young man by his haste to leave, Cathos realises just what caused the kid to flee. Realising it might be better not to reveal his suspicions, he broaches the subject to Spyder obliquely.[/I] Cathos: You have that effect on men alot? Spyder: I don't know what you're talking about. [I]Her curt tone confirms some of his suspicions. She knows him.[/I] Cathos: Oh, so this is not just some random admirer? [I]With that remark, Davien becomes interested int he conversation. He noticed the adolescent, but didn't pay much attention to his behaviour.[/I] Davien: What are talking about? Cathos: I'm surprised you didn't notice Davien. The kid took one look at our bad-tempered friend here and bolted. Davien: Or maybe he just wanted to spare himself a conversation with her... Spyder: Excuse me? Davien: A small thing. You do have a rather sharp tongue, you know. Spyder: It's a vice I have. Cathos: So I noticed... Davien: I thought I noticed your noticing. Spyder: What's the supposed to mean? Davien: Are the subtleties of our conversation beyond you? Cathos: Hardly. Spyder: Damn it, why don't I just leave now. Davien: I'd prefer you didn't, but it's up to you. Spyder: Of course it's up to me. Why do you want me to stay around anyway? Revenge for trying to steal your car? Davien: If I was making some convulted plot to avenge your larcenous intentions, I'd be acting a lot more friendly towards you. Spyder: As opposed to this? Cathos: Doesn't that kind of stand to reason... Davien: To hell with this, let's go trash another nightclub. Spyder: That's the first intelligent thing I've heard you say. [I]They walk into the nightclub they've been standing in front of for the past five minutes, ready for some havoc.[/I]
  13. Probably, cloricus, because we are a race of degenerate, perverted, "fashion-critical" bigots with an exquisite sense of the appropriate. Yes, I like the show too.
  14. The Harlequin: If you say so. I however... Spyder: Damn it, don't start that again. Athen: Oh yes, I forgot about that. Valeigh: You have some kind of problem? Spyder: Harlequin is exquisitely prejudiced. Harlequin: That's the first time I've heard it decribed that way. Anyway, I don't need to sleep, so I'll watch. From OUTSIDE. [I]The Harlequin turns and quickly leaves the room before anyone can object. They all hear his light landing as he leaps on to the roof. And in all their hearts, their is one sincere question... 'why the hell does everyone here spend so much time on the roof of whatever place they are staying??? I mean, really....'[/I] Rico: So, what exactly is this prejudice you speak of? Athen: Remember how I said this was the house of a rather redneck family? Harlequin doesn't like renecks. Which is strange, considering half his family were back country yokels. Spyder: That's why he hates it, he has so much to live down. Rico: That's not prejudice, that's obsession... Spyder: So? At least we get a devoted sentry, without anyone who needs sleep losing it.
  15. Nicely developed. Why not. Name of Chara: Zaltazar Race: Wraith (sorry, but Zookie sounded too weird. it's the same thing though.) Warrior Type: Druid Shards: 1 Magic Type: Curses HP: 50 ATK: 20 LVL: 1
  16. [I]Wondering just how unalert these people are, Davien continues to follow along. They seem to be unaware of his presence, despite the fact that they easily seemed to pick up that the other stalker was there. Of course, he didn't pick up Davien's presence either... Davien thought it best that he continue to follow the strange assortment of individual's, considering their obvious prejudices against vampyre's... and their willingness to do something about it. Make no mistake though, Davien had nothing against vampyres, even though he killed every one of them he came across. He preferred them to human company, but some twisted measure of patriotism lurking somewhere in his dark soul decided he wanted what was best for his species. And collaterally, but more importantly, himself. As Davien contemplated this, he failed to notice that those he had been following had walked off. Sighing, he walks after them. Very quickly however, he gets suspicious. They seem to know they are being followed. Took them long enough. Walking into what he knows is a blind alley, Davien is unsurprised to hear a soft footfall behind him. Spinning around, he places his pistol crossbow to the throat of the long-haried man he saw in the bar, who, incidentally, had just been trying to put his sword tip against Davien's back.[/I] Davien: Really, that's not very nice. ???: Why are you following us. Davien: You seem like my kind of people. Considering your obvious dislike of bloodsuckers... ???: Well, considering you're outnumbered, you might want to consider finding some other people to stalk. Davien: I may be outnumbered, but are you so eager to die? I do hold the advantage here. ???: Perhaps. Davien: Besides, you and you're three friends are outclassed. Another voice behind Davien: You think yourself that good? Davien: Certainly not. But, if I really considered fighting, it would lend a slight psychological advantage. Anyway, shall we continue. [I]Davien walks out of the alley and back onto the course the four were previously on, leaving them to follow him.[/I]
  17. OOC: I can't reply, too close to my story line, and I don't think Spyder can get on the internet right now. Of course, if she could, we'd end up dominating the rpg some more, so don't complain too much. Just to settle concerns.
  18. [quote]Marijuana is NOT physically addictive, its like saying chocolate messes u up.[/quote] Actually, it is addictive, it just has lesser withdrawl effects. And chocolate can mess you up. Hell, oxygen messes you up.
  19. [I]The Harlequin, wathcing everyone disappears, decides to set himself on fire, signalling his desire to leave this rpg. If anyone noticed I was here and wondered why I didn't post for a while...[/I]
  20. [I]Watching the altercation from a table in the corner, Davien is profoundly unimpressed by the man's arrogant attitude. So he could kill a pathetic vampyre with nothing on its mind except bloodlust. He wondered what would have happened had the man been unarmed. Probably the man was just some brava ou to make a name for himself. That thought in mind, Davien shifted his pistol crossbow around so it was easier to reach. He had a feeling things were going to get interesting, should the man object to the stranger that had accosted him.[/I]
  21. Of course, that poem is supposing love is a mutual thing. The percentage when love's ugly veneer of a face is exposed to only on of the two people if frightening. And whether it lasts a long time or not, loves expression fades so quickly.
  22. Davien: Although, I'd like to know if whatever you did was permanent. Spyder: Not really...should heal in a few days. Davien: If I have to listen to that for a few days, I'll have to do something permanent to you. Spyder: Ha. Like to see you try. [I]Amused by Spyder's scorn, Davien flips a knife out of his sleeve, spinning it in intricate patterns, then dancing it over his knuckles. Spyder is unimpressed.[/I] Spyder: So you can move it around. I fail to see... [I]Spyder's words suddenly cut off as she finds the dagger hilt first down her throat. [/I] Davien: You were saying? [I]Spyder coughs the dagger out of her mouth. Davien is unsurprised to notice that the hilt is rapidly corroding.[/I] Spyder: I ought to kill you for that. Davien: You know, that would be a lot harder than you might think. Spyder: Oh, why is that? [I]Spyder suddenly notices Cathos has stopped screaming. This revelation being sparked by the fact he has just grabbed her hair, pulled her head back on layed a knife across her exposed throat. Davien draws out yet another one and traces it over her stomach.[/I] Davien: I could make it sporting... I just make a lateral incision here, and then pull some sharp turns. If you manage to hold all your organs in... well.... we'll work on the stakes later. [I]Suddenly both Cathos and Davien burst out laughing, and relax. Spyder straightens up, mortally affronted.[/I] Spyder: How many knives do you people carry? Cathos: You don't think we're going to tell you how and where we are armed do you? Davien: Anyway, I'd prefer it wasn't really neccessary for us to carve you up. Spyder: Assuming you live long enough to. Davien: Please, dispense with the threats. For some reason, I like you, so this antagonism is not really something enjoyable. Cathos: Never mind the way you and I act around each other. Davien: So what. We've known each too long. [I]Again, the people in the car are silent. Reaching the entrance to another nghtclub, they get out.[/I] Davien: So, you've decided to come with us, or are you leaving? Spyder: I'll hang around for a while. Maybe set you on fire, steal your car, get you addicted to heroin, you know, the usual. Cathos: Well, this should be interesting, if nothing else. Davien: I'm sure it will be more than that. Spyder: Did you have something in mind? [I]The three turn to enter the nightclub. Un-noticed for the moment, a young man watches them, for some reason intrigued.[/I]
  23. I'd definately plant a rowan tree. Or something alone the lines of ivy.
  24. [I]Fully certain now that the party was being followed, and rather sure they were walking into a trap, Harlequin decides he should probably warn them. Or maybe not... See how they reacted to surprise. Harlequin moves back onto the trail, but only get a short way up before running into Evelyn.[/I] Harlequin: Come on, we gotta watch this. Evelyn: Watch what? Harlequin: We're being followed, and we're probably walking into a trap. Evelyn: We have to warn the others! Harlequin: No, I think we should see how they react to surprise. Evelyn: You're an evil bastard. Harlequin: Yeah, so? We'll act as rear guard, so don't think we're all out abandoning them. So, why did you wait for me?
  25. [I]The occupants in the car sit in silence for a while, Davien concentrating on the road, Spyder on the dash, and the sound of the radio, and Cathos on the back of Spyder's head, sure she was going to try something. After a particularly boring set comes on, Davien reaches down and firmly turns the radio off.[/I] Davien: Now that I've pressed-ganged myself into driver service, are you going anywhere in particular? Spyder: I don't know. Maybe I'll just have you drive around for a while. Cathos: She gets nasty when someone upsets her plans, doesn't she? Davien: More... standoffish. Cathos: With a hint of.... Spyder: *Interrupts* Would you two stop talking as if I wasn't even here. Davien: I assumed that you weren't interested in conversation, given your response. Didn't you Cathos? Cathos: Well said. Davien: I've always had this way with words... Spyder: Would you two quite that! Davien: Whatever. Anyway, did you try to steal my car for any particular reason, or were you just annoyed at me for presuming to spend time in the same nightclub as you? Spyder: Why not the second one. Actually, it was more to do with your rash provoking of a fight. Cathos: I can't really see you objecting to fighting... Spyder: I don't. Davien: Ah, one of those "I don't care what you're doing, just about the idiotic way you're doing it" scenarios. Spyder: Exactly. Davien: So, again, where am I taking you? And two, Cathos, are we going anywhere afterwards? Cathos: Really Davien, you have no manners. You didn't even ask the lady if she'd like to go with us... Davien: Oh alright! Well, do you?
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