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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. I've done a fair bit of archery, and here's one little story. Anyway, going hunting with a friend of mine, we were going through this paddock with about knee high grass. We saw some movement, a flash of white, so we took a few pot shots at it. We hear this loud squelch. Then we here from this nearby stand of trees, "Coming ready or not". Turns out we'd just hit a rabbit though.
  2. "Why do I follow you around you damn bird"[I]echoes around the forest. Talking uncharacteristically loudly, Davien stalks along the path, complaining at his forsaken raven, who has perched on his shoulder. The raven replies something in its own language.[/I] Davien: Yeah, and the same of the egg that hatched you. [I]The raven flies up and begins to circle. At first Davien laughs, thinking he has offended it, but he quickly realises that Raiett is signaling the presence of other people in the forest.[/I] Davien: Alright, so you're useful. Don't let it go to your head. [I]Davien conceals himself in a nearby thicket, and waits for the passerby to appear. Soon, he hears the sound of a horse, approaching fast. Deciding he feels like having a little fun, Davien stretches a tangled vine across the path. As the rider gets closer, Davien notices how hard he's pushing the horse. As if he were running from something... Then he hits the vine. Davien walks up and nudges him, as the horse continues to run. Surprising, the man is still conscious.[/I] Davien: You really should watch where you're going. ???: Damn you! It will kill us both now! It's coming! [I]The man runs off, gibering madly. "Howling crazies", Davien grumbles, before pulling out his pistol crossbow and shooting the man in the neck. very quickly, the poisons on the bolt have done their work, and the man lies dead. Walking over to him, Davien starts going over the corpse, wondering if there's anything of value on him.[/I]
  3. [I]Davien and Cathos watch Spyder leave, unsurprised at her deception.[/I] Cathos: She stole your keys you know. Davien: I know. Cathos: Why'd you let her? Davien: You'll see. She's got a lot to learn about pickpocketing really. [I]Davien leads Cathos outside the bar, and gestures up the alleyway. Mid-way into the next street, is Davien's car.[/I] Davien: Auto engine cut out. She didn't steal the remote. Cathos: You're an evil bastard you know. Davien: Sure am. Now, shall we go reclaim my car, or would you rather walk home? [I]Cathos glares at him and starts walking towards the car. As they reach it, they see Spyder leaning on the door, glaring at them.[/I] Davien: Really, you must try harder next time. Well, we really must be going. Want a ride? [I]Davien and Cathos enter the car, Cathos getting in the back, stretching out. Davien tosses a questioning gesture towards the other door.[/I]
  4. Cloricus, how much would you really know of love?
  5. [I]Davien, startled by the sudden burst of light, very hard on the eyes, glances over, and starts in surprise. He and Cathos he quickly established that they'd beat up enough people, and most of the patrons were leaving them alone. Cathos notices his surprise.[/I] Cathos: What's up? Davien: See that demon over there? I had an altercation with her earlier... Cathos: And she's still alive? Very disappointed. Davien: Nothing like that. Cathos: Ah. She walked out on you. Davien; NO, it's not that either. Cathos: Well, what? Davien: I'll introduce you two, and you can get the details. She seems to dislike me intensely. Cathos: Well, she'll get on with me then. [I]Throwing Cathos a withering look, Davien gracefully picks his way through the fight, stopping here and there to kick a few people when they get to close to him. Getting through, he walks over and sits next to Spyder.[/I] Davien: Not the first stalker I've had, but probably the most interesting.
  6. (Well, this should be good) Reaching the nightclub, Davien and Cathos go immediately inside. Instantly assulted by the sounds of Siouxsie and the Banshees, Davien's mood lightens quickly.[/I] Davien: Now this is music! Cathos: I'll concede it's good. Davien: You're the only goth I know that doesn't like gothic music. Cathos: Davien, I'm the only goth you know period. Davien: So? [I]The nightclub abrubtly hushes, and everyone glances to the door. A group of people have arrived, and they dressed rather... well...typical. Not good.[/I] Man: What is that ****? This is really not cool! Man2: So what, it'll do. Let's liven this joint up a bit! [I]One of the other men in the group turns his gaze to Cathos and Davien.[/I] Man3: Well, seems we have a few queers on our hands. Cathos: What of it? Davien *whispers*: I thought you wanted to keep that quiet! Cathos: This fool annoys me. Man3: What's your problem!? [I]This disgruntled man strides over, and grabs Cathos by the throat. He abrubtly lets go however, when Davien punches him in the face. As he turns to attack Davien, Cathos spins him back around, pulling his head down and kneeing him in the face. The man slumps over, his companions stride in in umbrage, and the nightclub erupts in general pandemonium.[/I] Davien: Doesn't get better! Good music, a good brawl! Cathos: So why'd you go along with the gay line? God knows you're not... Davien: Because I didn't like the suckers either. [I]Laughing at how far they'd go to get a decent fight, Davien and Cathos start to involve heavy things like chairs and sharp things like broken bottles. Typical barroom brawl.[/I]
  7. Davien; Now, Cathos, we go haev some fun. Cathos: Who's idea of fun? Your's or mine? Davien: We'll see how things go. I know a few nightclubs... [I]Cathos groans, knowing where his friend's thoughts are going.[/I] Cathos: Not that Batcave place? That dunp where all those weirdos who never outgrew that goth phase hang out? Davein: You're a goth yourself... And anyway, the Batcave started the subculture, so what else would you expect. Cathos: Yeah, but I never grew into it, thus I could never have not outgrown it. Davien: That's pretty shaky logic... Cathos: So? When do we leave? Davien: You doing anything right now? Cathos: Quite obviously no. [I]Davien and Cathos leave by the door, Davien staring down the officious recpetionist. Upon reaching the hotel carpark, Cathos exclaims at the sight of Davien's car.[/I] Cathos: Damn, where'd you get money like that. I'll admit though, it is typically you. [I]Hopping into the sleek black sportscar, Davien and Cathos leave for a night of what would be in mostcircles mayhem, and in many circles illegal...[/I]
  8. Harlequin: Why Evelyn, I'm shocked. You really think me such a base tormentor? Evelyn: Yes. Harlequin: People always think the worst of me. I'm so misjudged. Evelyn: That's a really annoying habit you've picked up somewhere. Harlequin: That just makes it a whole lot more fun. Evelyn: Not for the rest of us. [I]Harlequin stops and raises his hands in a mollifying gesture. Evelyn keeps walking. Shrugging, Harlequin moves to the side of the road and conceals himself. For some reason he decides that they are being followed.[/I]
  9. Davien: Why the hell would I have a mark. I not the witch here. Alastuin: If I were you, I'd stop calling me a witch. Davien; Well, well, well. I seem to have hit a nerve here. Alastuin: Well. Witches and theives get on well together, so I think we'll do just fine. Davien: Alright, point taken. Sorry I called you a witch. Actually, I have nothing against healers. Alastuin: I'm sure that view is sharpened by the fact I'm holding the knife. [I]In a move too fast to react to, Davien disarms her, captures both her hands with his other arm, and places the knife to her throat. Pleasantly, he replies...[/I] Davien: Not at all. I know quite a bit about herbs. I'd have to considering my profession. I just can't resist the chance to needle people. Alastuin: Explains a few things. Such as your profession... Davien: Not really. That's just my prefered line of work. Nothing to do with habit. Alastuin: You like killing people? Davien: Of course. You think I would do this otherwise. [I]Alastuin looks slightly alarmed. Realising his sentiment came out wrong, and was misinterpreted, the misinterpretation backed up ny the fact he was still holding the knife to her throat, Davien flipped the knife and caught it by the blade, offering it back to Alastuin.[/I] Davien: Sorry, that didn't come out right. Alastuin: For a minute I thought you'd been hired by the villagers. Davien: They hate a healer that much? Alastuin: They think I'm a witch. Davien; I'd like introduce them to what a dark spirit really is... Alastuin: Then you know what witchcraft really is? Davien: Of course. In fact, I have contacts with quite a few witches. Alastuin: Of course. [I]The rabbit portioned, Alastuin hands one of the pieces to Davien. Before Alastuin starts eating however, she breaks off a small piece and lays it on the table. Her spider jumps down and starts on it.[/I] Davien: Strange appetite for a spider. Alastuin: And you have impeccable table manners for an assasin. Davien: I'm a killer, not uncivilised. [I]The rest of the meal is eaten in silence. Standing, Davien walks to the door.[/I] Davien: I thank you for the hospitality. Don't bother to try and find me come morning. [I]Swinging the door softly shut behind him, Davien walks off into the night. Alastuin hears him call to Raiett, and accuse the bird of all sorts of things to do with it probable parentage. She wonders what set him off...[/I]
  10. [I]Awaking, alert, Davien sits up, wondering why he left the candle burning. Then, of course, he realises he didn't have a candle burning. Silently getting up, he stalks into the next room, to find a long familiar face sitting at his table.[/I] Davien: Been a hell of a while since I saw you. ???: So? Davien: That's one way to put it... Why are you here? ???: I don't see you for 3 years, and then you ask me what the hell I'm doing? Davien: Damn it, Cathos, I was hoping someone had knocked your contrary nature out of you by now... Cathos: That bastard you liberated me from couldn't, why would anyone else be able to? [I]Both men remember back. Cathos was bound in submission to a minor demon, the price he paid for messing with dangerous secrets. Davien had destroyed the demon. He didn't like it's eyebrows... Ever since then. Cathos and Davien had been friends, albeit ones that argued a lot.[/I] Cathos: Besides, you wouldn't want me any other way? Davien: I'm not sure that came out right... Cathos: Probably not. Anyway, I do actually have a reason for visiting you. Davien: Other than the pleasure of my company? Cathos: Arrogant, aren't we tonight? Anyway, there's a slayer in town. [I]Davien draws a shocked breathe, surprised at the news.[/I] Cathos: Wouldn't worry too much though. She's young, and pretty inexperienced, by what I judge. Davien: Still... Cathos: Don't worry about it. I'll stay around, if it's okay. [I]Davien looks grateful, knowing that Cathos would watch him during the day time.[/I] Cathos: So, what are we doing now?
  11. [I]Davien was initially surprised by the interior of the house. It didn't seem to match the owner. Realising Alastuin was watching him, he stopped staring.[/I] Davien: Rabbit, am I right? Alastuin: Well...yes. Anyway, why did you return my money? A thief with conscience problems normally doesn't live to your age. Davien: I'm 22... Anyway, I'm not a thief. Unscrupulous, yes. Immoral, certainly. But not a thief. Alastuin: Whatever. [I]Bracing himself for the inevitable reaction, Davien crosses his arms, cocks an eyebrow, and in a deprecating tone...[/I] Davien: I'm an assasin. [I]To Davien's surprise, Alastuin didn't even start. To hide his surprise, and the fact that her reaction may have affected him, he starts talking again.[/I] Davien: So, when were you going to tell me why you wanted company, and why you had to pick me?
  12. Well cloricus, you can bet we all know who to blame. However, if you're going to post, keep it on topic.
  13. [I]Davien suddenly stops, irritated by Raiett's insistent cawing. Looking over, the contrary natured raven flies off, in the direction of another near by villiage, Mierrdale. What could the damn bird want there? Deciding that, when he thought about it, he'd probably rather follow Raiett's advice, the bird was smart, then go home, where he wasn't welcome anyway. Starting off, he reaches there just before dusk. Strangely, the raven flies off over a trail Davien has never bothered with. Following it, he hears movement, and conceals himself in shadow. Cautiously moving up to a clearing, Davien sees a small house, with dimly lit windows. From inside come some rather viperish curses. Davien starts in surprise as he recognises the voice as that of a rather aggravating schemer. Davien looks at Raiett in disgust. 'You have a sick sense of humour for a bird you know', receiving no reply, Davien sighs, and throws Alastuin's moneybag onto the mat, and walks off into the quickly gathering darkness, muttering about the duplicity of ravens and women. He doesn't even bother to set up a fire, feeling that going without a meal and warmth, neither of which mean anything to him, woudl be preferable to another run in with Alastuin.[/I]
  14. [I]Still amused by Evelyn's indignance, and secretly concerned by her predictions, Harlequin decided he should probably drop back, and make sure she wasn't wandering around on her own. Not that he didn't believe she could take care of herself... He could just never stand to miss a chance to needle her... And he'd been saving up a quite a few sardonic quips for this exactly situation.[/I]
  15. [quote]Correct on the first part, some parents do not care, they let them buy whatever they want. Correct on the second part also, its good that they have some restrictions like that, and the people at the gaming stores near me, let me buy whatever I want.... And its good that they have editted version for those parents who care about what their child[ren] are listening to, like my parents, they DID care, until I got older, now they really don't care as much because it wouldn't affect me, because when your young, your still developing an image, what you do, how you talk, what you talk about, how you dress, and other things. I myself am only 14, but I have choosen... I myself am a SKATER, ever since I was 8, listened to the music, dressed like them, and it just stuck, but I also listen to rap. I do have skater friends, but not many, because there are some FREAKY people that are supposely skaters but they are goths [I hate goths almost as much as I hate homosexuels]... I hang with the people that listen to rap, and the more I listened to their stuff, I liked it, and now I listen to both...Communist? I hate them too, but you seem different from the others, you speak like a Republican. So your one of the few, that I'm cool with [/quote] The thing is, you can never be sure how old someone has to be until they have "finished creating their image", if they ever do. Everybodies unique, so you just can't tell. Now, onto some other stuff. Why the hell are you bigoted against goths, and homosexuals? I'll admit to leaning towards the goth subculture, though I'm not homosexual. Still, I'd give a great deal to know why you don't like goths? What do you class as goth? What are you basing that on? How they dress? I really don't care if you're "cool with" me or not. And I'm not a Republican. I believe humankind should have a government at all. It's un-natural. It only comes out of a need to preserve a society, and we don't need societies. They only came about because primitive people needed safety in numbers, and a better chance to propogate.
  16. [I]Davien stopped in mid-stride, disgusted at himself. What the hell was he doing? Running after some annoying, manipulative b*tch to give her back her MONEY!? Hell, he was an assasin. He never pretended to be a law-abiding citizen. And he certainly had no intention of spitting on good fortune. Whistling a long blast, a signal to Raiett, Davien retraced his steps back to his campfire, and concealed the remains of it. Taking the opposite direction to Kendale, Davien decides to find some more interesting part of the world. God knows this was getting boring, and nobody seemed to want any else killed anymore. Not that he didn't have a few sidelines to fall back on... Struck by a sudden thought, Davien decides to return home.[/I]
  17. Davien: Oh yes. It's going to be [I]so[/I] important for you to know all my weaknesses, isn't it. Alastuin: Perhaps. Davien: Well. What are you doing? Alastuin: I don't know yet. I think I'll stay here for a while. Davien: Well do me a favour and tell me who you are.
  18. Have you missed everything just said?
  19. [I]The Harlequin easily finds the house on his second attempt, but finds it deserted. While rummaging through the house, he hears a rather heated argument from next door. Thankful that Spyder's voice is among them, he walks out and creeps into the next house. Seeing no Lightbearers around, he moves into the field of vision of Spyder, cutting her off in mid-tirade. Amazed by her sudden silence, the others turn and look. After a long moment, the silence is broken.[/I] Valeigh: What the hell do you tihnk you were doing, runnning off like that? The Harlequin: What the hell do you think you are doing, waiting around? It's far to dangerous. Valeigh: Blame Spyder. Athen: Does it matter? Let's go. [I]As the others leave, The Harlequin casts a reproving glance at Spyder.[/I] The Harlequin: You should have known better. Spyder: Shut up. You would have done the same if it had been me missing. The Harlequin: Not really... Spyder: What! The Harelquin: I would have looked for you on my own. Spyder: How typically you. [I]Spyder and The Harlequin follow the others out the door.[/I]
  20. [I]Wondering what had bothered to lead him into what was probably a trap, The Harlequin backed against one of the side walls, alert to any movement. Feigning a movement that indicated he was turning to leave, he was unsurprised to hear the faint sound of a footstep coming from behind him. Whirling back around, he threw his knife at where he approximated the sound to be. The soft sound of blade hitting flesh answered him. Laughing in contempt, The Harlequin bent over to regain his knife. As he knelt down, he received a stunning blow to the head. Annoyed, he turned around, to the surprise of the Lightbearers behind him.[/I] The Harlequin: Did you know you can't reduce a dead person to unconsciousness? Quite obviously you didn't. Lightbearer: There are 4 of us. You'll never get out of here ali... [I]The Lightbearer stops, interrupted by The Harlequin's laughter.[/I] The Harlequin: Did you not hear me, I'm not alive anyway. Lightbearer: No matter. We are here to take you to Sellum. We know about your heretical cult, and we know that you have connections to it. You would be a useful bargaining chip. The Harlequin: That's rich. [I]The Harlequin advances on the Lightbearers, spinning his knife into the chest of the rather talkative one. The watery gurgle emmited from his throat seemed to echo, and seemed to un-nerve the other Lightbearers. As they flanked out to encircle him, he dodged first left, then right, then left again, impaling his twin viper in the heart of the one on the left, but receiving a blow from behind that knocked him away from the body. And from his weapon.[/I] Lightbearer: Will you give up now? YOu have no chance, and this altercation will make your stay with us more... unpleasant. The Harlequin: High drama, low entertainment. [I] The Lightbearers advance on The Harlequin. Both thrust their staves at him. He manages to deflect one, but the other takes him in the stomach. Doubled over, he feels another hit land on his back. Falling, feigning unconsciousness, he hears the Lightbearers talking.[/I] Lightbearer: So you can knock them out. Well, we were told not to damage him to much. [I]The Harlequin almost starts, surprised at how much effort they have put into finding him. As he is rolled over, he springs his legs forward, striking one Lightbearer in the chest. He then rolls back and regains his twin viper. He thrusts it at the Lightbearer he kicked, taking him through the throat. Not bothering to withdraw the weapon, he kicks the final Lightbearer in the head, snapping his neck. Picking up his knife, he walks whistling out of the alley, confident he can re-find the house.[/I]
  21. [quote]The stuff in bold was funny. This board is anythign from free speech, just look at the post called Fighting, that poor kind must feel horrible now after transtic nerve made an idiot out off him, which was very unprofessional. But I dont want to start anytrouble or anything, so back on topic. I know how it is, I feel sorry for the kids who do not have parents that care, Definetly little kids should not listen to PA cds but I thyink 16 year olds should have enough of an understadnig to realize that you dont just kill people. Censorship-No Restrictions-Yes. Im glad kids are no longer able to by Mature games and PA cds even though that keeps me from buying them as well, My parents know I understand so they get them for me. this is how it should work. When you sdtart getting into Censorhip you start to move from democracy to fascism. [/quote] The thing about parents buying mature content objects is that some parents just don't understand/care. Saying that as soon as one starts censoring, one starts getting into fascism, is really rather bigoted. You think there is no censorship in democracy? Take for example, how many people vote? Everyone? No. It's a restriction placed so that the informed people are making decisions. Can you imagine a world where 5 year olds were voting? They'd vote for all sorts of blandishments that had nothing to do with national or international policy. There IS censorship in democracy, but it's certainly not a bad thing. (If anyone asks me if I'm a communist...)
  22. I'd have to say that I believe everything is possible. If this universe if as infinite as they all say it is, there would have to be some place, somewhere, where what we consider paranormal, is perfectly rational. Which brings up a debate is there really such a thing as paranormal at all, or is it just a word to describe events with a low probability of happening...
  23. [I]Awaking before dawn, as was hi custom, Davien silently climbed down and cautiously looked around. Alastuin was still asleep. The fire had burned down completely, a few stray embers like dragon eyes among the coals. Walking far enough away so that he would not awaken Alastuin, but still hear if she stirred, Davien perfomred his morning ritual[/I]kata[I]. A series of flowing attack routines designed to limber up the body. As he warmed, his patterns became more complex, and he added a few acrobatic movements in. As he brings it to a close, he hears the sound of sardonic clapping from the edge of the clearing. Alastuin, somehow having snuck up on him, stands leaning against a nearby tree.[/I] Davien: Was there something? Alastuin: Nothing at all...
  24. [I]Davien decides not to bother following her, but instead to take a walk. Ignoring the glances thrown his way by the assorted riff raff, Davien reaches a dark, wet park. Perfect. Stalking into the trees, Davien come across exactly what he is after. A solitary wanderer, the perfect prey. Sneaking up behind him, Davien muffles his shout with his hand, and shoots his fangs into his neck. Maoning with pleasure as the warm liquid soaked into his mouth, Davien breaks the man's neck with a twist, having drained him completely. Looking up at the beautiful weather around him, Davien decides he's had enough for a week or so. The possibilty of re-encountering Spyder also tempts him.[/I] Davien: Ah Spyder, for someone who dislikes me, you made yourself too easy to find the first time round, and you were far too open in my apartment. [I]Laughing to himself at the irony, that Spyder actually went back inside, Davien returns to his apartment via window, and takes to his bed to get some sleep.[/I]
  25. If the actor playing Trinity died, they probably would have revamped the storyline to something set a few years in the future, and put in that she had died a while back.
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