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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. [quote] Uh! I just have to say, ICP are not rockers. Mabey rappers/rockers. But they are not pure rock. Don't gat me wrong I like ICP, they are just not rock. Ok?[/quote] You're probably right. I didn't really say what I meant about them. I was referring more to influence. Now, you can not deny that they influenced a lot of early American rock bands, and still continue to do so. On another note though, some of their songs would be considered more rock than rap.
  2. You guys are lucky. It's not showing in Australia at all. Has it really gotten that bad?
  3. [quote]Because it's spilled all over the ground?[/quote] *Sighs* Name for me, if you will, the transitional states of matter, and how they change state. Back to topic: I'll admit freedom of speech is very important. Hell, isn't this forum about expressing opinions. But doesn't anyone think we need to moderate things like Eminem's lyrics according to the audience? I don't like the way I'm sounding here. The worst thing about censorship is that it desensitizes people to violence. Censorship IS violence!
  4. [I]Harlequin, wondering what the hell Spyder was on about, decided he really didn't feel like staying around here. Moving silently onto the next street, Harlequin resolved to spend his time doing something useful, and make sure there wasn't another attack. Hearing what sounded like footsteps, he starts stalking it. After about half and hour, he realises he's ended up in a box alleyway, and he has no idea where the house is from here...[/I]
  5. [I]Davien debates whether he should follow her, then proceeds to wonder why he cared enough to at all. Muttering to himself about the duplicity of demons, female demons and females in general, he wanders down stairs, only to be accosted by the receptionist[/I] Receptionist: What exactly did you do to your lady friend? She swept out of here like a cyclone. Davien: Hard to explain. Recpetionist: I'm calling the authorities. Davien: I doubt that. [I]Davien stares the man in the eye, and the receptionist quails and steps back. Quickly running back to his desk, he pushes a button, summoning hotel security. A large, well dressed man walks out, and takes Davien by the arm.[/I] Security: I'll have to ask you to leave. Davien: I think not. Security: Then we'll have to do this the hard way. [I]The hotel security starts to try and drag Davien out, only to find himself lying on the ground, with no knowledge of how he got there. Looking up, he finds Davien standing there, arms crossed, amused. He starts back up the stairs. Reaching his room, he slides open a window, and crawls out, easily leaping down to the street. Time for a feed. Who knows, he might even run into Spyder again.[/I] Davien: Why do I care?
  6. Spyder: You mean you usually have exiled demons seeing how worried you get when they get very close to you. Davien: Alright, that didn't come out right. And anyway, you aren't that close to me. Spyder: But you want me to be right? Davien: Now I know you're being sarcastic.
  7. [I]At about midnight, Davien is awakened by a soft sound outside his camp. He reaches silently out for his weapon, making no other sign he is no longer asleep. He hears footsteps cautiously come closer to him, and he feels a soft breathe on his cheek. Someone has bent down to examine him. Suddenly reaching up, he pulls the figure down on top of him, turning the mytery person over so they are face up, and placing a belt knife to their throat, his other hand coming up to muffle a scream.[/I] Davien: Looking for something? [I]The figure, now revealed to be female, shakes her head vigourously, still in shock. Davien drags into closer to the fire, and takes his hand off her mouth. To his surprise, she raises no outcry.[/I] Woman: My name is Alastuin. I was on my way to Kendale, but I saw the firelight, and wanted to see if anyone was awake. I mistimed my journey. Davien: And you made a mistake getting that close to me. Alastuin: Perhaps. Anyway, are you going to apolgise? [I]Davien looks at her in amazement.[/I] Davien: What, exactly, am I to apologise for? Alastuin: Touching me. Scaring me. Davien: You're lucky I didn't kill you. You would have made a nice snack for Raiett. [I]A sleek raven hops out of a nearby tree and perches on Davien's shoulder, eyeing Alastuin.[/I] Alastuin: We'll talk about it some other time. Right now, I'm getting some sleep. [I]Before Davien can object, she has gone over to his makeshift bed and fallen asleep in it. After cursing lividly, but softly for a while, Davien climbs the tree recently inhabited by Raiett, and falls asleep in the crook of two branches, wondering why Alastuin took it upon herself to stay around.[/I]
  8. [I]Noticing that Kune, Raistlin and the others have finished off the rest of the zombies, Harlequin turns around and bows ironically.[/I] Harlequin: You feeling tired today Evelyn? Evelyn: Not really... Harlequin: Strange, I didn't see you. We seemed to be doing most of the work. Evelyn: You didn't even notice my contribution. You think you killed all those zombies while surrounded. Harlequin: Damn.... [I]Ignoring the banter between Evelyn and Harlequin, the others continue on their way.[/I]
  9. Davien: And I'm pretty sure you're not going to tell me. Spyder: You're a smart boy, why don't you figure it out? Davien: I assume you're referring to the fact that I'm not going to ask you to leave? Spyder: Clever boy. Davien: That's starting to get irritating. Spyder: Sorry. Davien: Why, that's perfectly alright. [I]Spyder just looks at Davien oddly for a while, before getting up, walking over to him, and staring him in the eye.[/I] Spyder: Cut that out. [I]Davien steps back and bows ironically.[/I] Davien: As you wish. Spyder: Don't do that either. [I] Davien shrugs, and goes and sits down on one of the couches. Spyder follows him.[/I] Davien: What are you doing? Spyder: Seeing how scared you get. Davien: Here we go again...
  10. The Harlequin


    The problem with sword magic was that it required you to try and keep both Steiner and Vivi alive. Which could be difficult.
  11. [I]Spyder settles herself on a black draped chair, ignoring the clouds of dust. Davien does likewise, sitting just across from Spyder, just out of reach of a lunge.[/I] Spyder: Well, as you already seem to have divined, I'm not human. I'm not a vampyre either. Davien: Which leaves demon of sorts, right. Spyder: Oh, very good. Davien: Ouch. Spyder: And I thought I was good at sarcastic. Anyway, I'm a fire demon. Davien: And what are you doing here? Or is it one of those "secretive things"? Spyder: Nothing really. Davien: I knew it was one of thoes things. Well, as long as it doesn't involve or affect me I'm fine. Spyder: Really, I'm not here for anything. [I]Davien looks at her sardonically for a while. Spyder starts to feel uncomfortable.[/I] Spyder: Alright damn it! I was an exile. [I]Davien laughs uproariously[/I] Davien: Political matyr!! [I]Davien's laughter stops suddenly however, when the chair he's sitting on starts to smoke.[/I] Davien: Alright, alright, calm down. I'm sorry.[/I] Spyder: No you're not. Davien: No, really, I am. Anyway. Why were you exiled, or would you prefer not to talk about it? [I]Spyder in turn starts to look amused[/I] Spyder: "Fraternizing with the enemy", was the offical verdict. Davien: I really don't think that needs to go any further...
  12. [I]Davien, annoyed by the gathering darkness, decides he should start to set up camp. Careful to conceal it from the nearby village of Kendale, he lights a small cooking fire, and strings a tripwire around the clearing he is in. Listening intently, he hears nothing around him, so he settles in to a light sleep, with his weapons next to him, ready to be used quickly should the time come.[/I]
  13. *Why didn't you make it the same post?* [I]Harlequin continues to treat the battle as a joke, lazily avoiding the shambling zombies, and striking precise cuts in return. Very soon, his over-confidence gets the better of him, and he finds himself surrounded. Unperturbed, Harlequin ducks, and leaps up, while spinning his body and his twin viper around. His attack loses momentum after the first two hits, but the attackers have drawn off enough for him to regain ground. [/I]
  14. Very interesting. Name: Davien Age: 80 (about 20 in human terms) Race: Dark elf Class: Assasin Weapon: Twin Viper (get a quarterstaff and put a blade on either end), hand crossbow. Armor: Leather armour with steel discs riveted to it.
  15. ...must...take...eyes...off...screen...eyes...drying up..... I heard somewhere that they where making the third one at the same time. Someone like to confirm/deny that for me? (PLEASE confirm it)
  16. One other thing I forgot to mention people, is Slim Anus, an Eminem parody by Insane Clown Posse that has to heard to be believed.
  17. ICP. (Insane Clown Possie for all those uneducated, uncultured unfortunates out there.)The ORIGINAL Detroit Rockers. They shall forever be immmortalised, if for nothing else then for their many, many, Eminem parodies.
  18. [quote] Wow, I never thought this thread could get so dangerous.... Maybe I shouldn't of made it, I can delete the thread if you all want, to stop someone from getting flamed/banned... [/quote] I'm sure we can keep things civil. Besides, arguments are good for the blood. Keeps it from clotting.
  19. What you all seem to have forgottent hough, is that it's the atmosphere that's important in such a situation. And we all know dungeons have the best atmosphere there is. Of course, this is a personal opinion, and, as such, open to debate.
  20. [I]Harlequin looks at Raistlin in disgust, and moves over to dispose of his attacker, lopping it's head off with the first circle of his twin viper, and slicing off an arm with the second.[/I] Harlequin: Mages. No use at all. [I]Ignoring Raistlin's glare, Harlequin moves into the thick of the battle[/I]
  21. To put things bluntly, The Vampire: Ed, I doubt shooting him would be good enough. Just as a little trivia people, since Eminem came out, 13% of murders in my country have been attributed (in most cases by the murderer themselves, so no one start that "It's just stupid people saying that" crap, to his music. Personally, I think he should be evicerated, preferably with cheese grater, then left to soak in lemon juice for a while. Then stick a box on him, put rats in the box. As the rats slowly starve, they'll start to eat through his stomach. Interesting idea, no?
  22. Personally, I wouldn't be worried about the end of the world. I mean, we probably had it coming to us. Life is really an aberration of space. An unfortunate mixture of chemicals at the right place and time. And lets face it, we've messed this planet up pretty badly. So if the world did end, it would be our fault, and certainly what we deserve.
  23. [I]Reaching a rather opulent hotel, Davien leads Spyder up the stairs. He is obviously known there, the receptionist barely notices him, and several other clients shout comments and catcalls. Ignoring them, Davien reachs one of the doors and opens it. Inside, there is blackness. He walks in.[/I] Davien: Welcome to my den of iniquity. Spyder: If you say so. [I]Davien lights a candle, revealing a room, done in black with pentagrams traced over the roof, and on the floor, with assorted Tea Party, Fallen Tears, Gossamer style posters plastered all over the walls, along with page upon page of Neitzsche quotes.[/I] Spyder: Nice place. Davien: It serves. It suits. Spyder: Alright. What did you want to talk about. Davien: Nothing really. You're just the only non-human I've seen in a while that hasn't tried to kill me on sight. Spyder: How do you know I'm not going to stab you in the back? Davien: I don't. Anyway. So, who and what are you?
  24. Interesting. Why not. Name: Davien Age: 22 Appearance: 6 ft tall, thin, shoulder length inky black hair, always wears black, with hooded cloak, face done up in The Crow style make up. Personality: Normally silent, almost entirely emotionless. Magic User: No Weapon: Twin viper, truficate pistol crossbow.
  25. One really can never be signed up to enough rpgs. If I couldn't roleplay, I'd have to much time on my hands. name: Davien age: 22 village: Vagrant weapon: Twin Viper, hand crossbow. vehicle: ATV description: Shoulder length black hair, 6 ft tall, always wears black, with a hooded cloak. Face done up in The Crow style make up.
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