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The Harlequin

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Everything posted by The Harlequin

  1. Ah, people, none of you know who I am yet. Can we keep that straight. [I] Impressed by the ease at which the people had defeated their foes, Harlequin decides to tag along with whatever they were doing. He'd work out relative positions later.[/I]
  2. People, people. One day you should all introduce yourselves to the wonders of Weird Al Yankovic.
  3. [I]Davien knew he was being watched. He wasn't sure where from, or how friendly the watcher was. All he knew was that whoever had taken such an interest in him wasn't human. Looking around the crowded street, one figure was almost outlined by stillness in stark relief. A rather attractive woman, all dressed up. Looked typically gothic, yet with blood red hair. Interesting. Fully aware that she probably meant him harm, Davien unconcernedly walked over to her.[/I] Davien *with inquiringly cocked eyebrow*: Was there something? Woman: Should there have been? Davien: Why not? [I]Davien suddenly starts laughing, taking his newfound acquaintance aback[/I] Woman: You find this situation amusing? Davien: No, the line just struck me as familiar. I'm Davien. Woman: Spyder. You really think I deserve trust? Davien: Of course not. But then, no one does. I think I like you. Why don't we go find some more comfortable surroundings in which to talk? Spyder: I'm fine right here. Davien: Have it your way. [I]Shrugging, Davien walks off into the night. He only gets 5 or 6 metres however, when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Looking back, he sees Spyder.[/I] Spyder: Alright, but this had better be good.
  4. [I] Crouching on the rain slicked roof, Davien contemplates his next move. His last attack had gone horribly wrong, the intended victim leaving a rather large gash that had only just missed being fatal. Damn it. Now whoever it was was on to his existence. Fortunately, he had managed to injure his victim-turned-attacker enough that he wasn't followed. Shrugging, Davien leaps off into the darkness, resolving to keep a low profile until he knew what was going on.[/I]
  5. [I]Harlequin wanders aimlessly, not at all perturbed or depressed by the hostile, dreary leandscape. Helll, he prefers it. Hearing what sounds to be intelligent, or at least sentient, conversation above him, Harlequin glances up, noticing several people standing on the roof of a cathedral.[/I] Harlequin: Don't people have anything better to do. Unknown voice: Who said that? [I]Harlequin is taken aback, unaware the sound of his words had carried to those on the roof. Not knowing how many are up there, he contempletes seeking a more defensible position.[/I]
  6. Hell, there's probably no reason not to. Name: Davien Mutant Name: Harelquin Age: 22 Sex:Male Mutant Ability: Electrokinesis Bio: Davien was suspected of being a mutant at a very young age. Electrical appliances often malfunctioned around him, and sparks often jumped between him and anything metal. When it was confirmed, Davien was brutally attacked by some local. Davien, maddened by pain, drew in his power and shot a lightning bolt directly out of his hand, killing his attackers instantly. Short Description: Think The Crow, then add hooded cloak. Black of course.
  7. [I]Seeing Spyder's semiconcious state, The Harlequin channels what remains of his energy into healing her. Although it will not do much, it will make her fully alert enough to help herself. The Harlequin staggers, exhausted by the effort. Spyder rouses, looks around, and subsides back into The Harlequin's arms when she sees that there are no live Lightbearers around.[/I] The Harlequin: Everything ok? Rico: I'm not sure... [I]Athen, Spyder, Rico and The Harlequin all look at Valeigh. Though she appears to be calming down, her face is still tinted.[/I] The Harlequin: Well, what now?
  8. The Harlequin


    I'd much prefer to have say, Summoning, Elan and Blue Magic than just high attack strength. Especially if you intend to attack Ozma, with wanting to go through that chase the animal travesty.
  9. Not a clue about buffy, don't like it at all, just need another rpg to join. Class: Evil Name: Davien Age:18 character:Vampyre Personality: Nearly always silent, nearly always emotionless. Bio:A solitary creature, Davien was "indoctrinated" at a young age, and has since become an indiscriminate murderer/assasin. Appearance: 6 ft tall, inky black hair that falls to shoulders. Always wears long black clothing, face done up in The Crow style make up. Scars accross almost all parts of the body, asiding face.
  10. Hmmm. Bill Gates didn't just but that bastard off? Very much surprising.
  11. The Harlequin


    His attacks don't have enough variation, compared to all the other characters later on in the game. And his trance deserves to be tarred and featered...
  12. It depends on what strategy you use, and whether they put it into play in reaction to one of your moves.
  13. Exactly cloricus, he already has.
  14. It's a publicity stunt. Besides, such donations are tax deductible.
  15. [I]Seeing Spyder injured, The Harlequin, still weakened from his aura misalignment, sighs and increases his assult. Not even really bothering to attack anymore, The Harlequin sets his twin viper into a vicious figure eight that spins behind him, continuing the spin and repeating the pattern. Using his kris to ward off anything that slips his guard, The Harlequin fights his way over to Spyder, and quickly dismembers those attacking her. No longer content to merely kill, The Harlequin's vampyric visage darkens with bloodlust, and he changes his assults from killing, to maiming. Very soon, there are a number of vital organs hanging from both his twin viper and his knife.[/I]
  16. [I]The Harlequin's twin viper swept accross another Lightbearers face. The Harlequin had no doubt about the outcome of the battle, and it didn't particularly concern him anyway. Spyder seemed to be okay, and Athen was beside her. They could handle just about anything. Ducking another swipe, and spinning and slashing as he rose, The Harlequin severed the latest Lightbearer in two. He was starting to get bored. Not even bothering to use his weapon on the next one, he kicked him in the face, and then threw the inert body into the next one. The Harlequin started to disengage himself from the conflict, sure that there was a better way to do this. As soon as he had a clear space around him, The Harlequin channeled his energies into his aura's, and took on the aspect of a vampyre. Grabbing a nearby Lightbearer from behind, to Valeigh's, who had been fencing with him, surprise, The Harlequin buried his teeth in the hapless man's neck. As the burning, corrosive liquid rushed into him, The Harlequin redirected the force of the energy inherent in Lightbearer blood into his auras, with a little twist that drew the energy out of other nearby blood. He hoped it would not affect Valeigh, but as she was not a true Lightbearer, she should be safe. The Harlequin's plan worked, it drew the energy from the other Lightbearers. If they wanted to continue the conflict, they'd have to do so as ordinary people. [/I]
  17. In Australia, they've banned almost all guns. So we get other problems. Such as knives. It might not be all THAT common, but it's happened to me.
  18. I've had a mac for years now. You have no idea how glad I was to get a decent computer. If you're going to get a mac, you'l nedd to get an Imac at least. Keep lots of it open for conversion refits. They're a lot better than Windows, but you'll be stuffed finding software. Find a few freeware sites on the net and you're set though.
  19. [I]The Harlequin catches up to Athen, and taps him on the shoulder. Surprised, Athen spins round, his Sig Sauer resting against The Harlequin's forehead.[/I] The Harlequin*irritated*: Point that somewhere else damn it. Athen: Sorry. What are you doing here? The Harlequin: They blew up one of the stair wells remember. Athen: Yes. So what? The Harlequin: I thought you might appreciate having someone watch your back while you traverse it. Athen: You aren't coming down? The Harlequin: No. And you aren't staying down there. Athen *cocks eyebrow*: oh? The Harlequin: You know what Spyder's like. Eps is likely to run off, and she'll chase him. We aren't going to let that happen are we... [I]Athen looks annoyed[/I] The Harlequin: What did you have in mind anyway? Athen: Get the blade, get out. The Harlequin: Why so annoyed then? Athen: You didn't see that casing. It took two devastator slugs. The Harlequin: Hmmm. I'll give you a hand then. Athen: How are you going to do that? The Harlequin: You'll see. [I]Athen and The Harlequin head off into the darkness, neither particularly perturbed by the idea of negotiating a collapsed building in the inky blackness. Reaching the precipice that was once access to the lower level, Athen jumps down and rolls to the side, aiming his Sig Sauer intot he darkness. Getting no reaction, he beckons for The Harlequin to follow. Keeping his twin viper ready, The Harlequin lands beside Athen, and they head off towards the box. They stop suddenly though, when they realise there are six or seven Lightbearers around the box.[/I] The Harlequin: Not bad odds really... [I]With matching feral grins, Athen And The Harlequin take up flanking positions, each ready weapons for the initial assult[/I]
  20. The words flow together very nicely. An excellent subject too, situations considered.
  21. Eminem is nothing but a shallow, prejudiced, troubled loser who couldn't get himself started. He knows he's nothing. He know's he never will be. He know's his fans are nothing but rebellious teenagers trying to conform to an image, people with nothing better to do than try and make a scene. The kind of people who, when thinking, are merely rearranging their prejudices. He knows his image is a pathetic view of what he hopes is the real world. I hate his music, but Eminem himself, I almost feel sorry for. Almost...
  22. [I]The Harlequin looks at Athen in bewilderment for a while, before realising that Athen is unaware one of the stairwells has been destroyed.[/I] The Harlequin: He's going to need someone to watch his back while he navigates that ruined stair. Would you people object to making sure we aren't greeted with a bunch of Lightbearers when we get back up? [I]Without pausing for a reply, The Harlequin strides off after Athen, his kris concealed by his wrist[/I] Spyder: Damn it, I should be going to. [I]Rico and Valeigh restrain Spyder from following The Harlequin and Athen[/I] Rico: As he said, it would be better if we kept up here safe until they got back. [I]Spyder subsides, but when Rico and Valeigh let go of her, runs off after The Harlequin[/I] Spyder: My love and I still have an agreement! Eps: Well, we certainly have our work cut out for us. Or do we go after Sellum alone? [I]Valeigh and Rico turn to face Eps, who has realised that stalking off alone in a building full of Lightbearers is not the best idea.[/I] Valeigh: What I want to know, is what proof do we have that Sellum is here at all. He might not even be in the city. Rico: The number of Lightbearers here would suggest something's up. Valeigh: Yes, they could be after Athen, Spyder and The Harlequin. Remember the 'countersurgance cult' thing? Eps: Then this could all just be an elaborate trap...
  23. Zul Daan 17 Male Assasin Zul Daan's parents were killed by soldiers of the dark lords when he was ten. Since then he has lived alone, teaching himself to use the weapons of those he was paid to kill. 6ft tall, with raven black hair that falls to his shoulder. Always wears black, with a hooded cloak. The village of Zirach Zul Daan carries a twin viper, and a hand crossbow. He carries nothing else, as he is able to hunt extremely well, due to his almost supernatural stealth. Zul Daan always has a raven, Raiett, with him. The bird is able to find those who wish Zul Daan harm, or anything else he may require.
  24. [I]The Harlequin looks in contempt at Eps. As do Athen and Spyder...[/I] The Harlequin: Welcome to the real world. [I]Eps completes the healing and gets up, still limping slightly... glaring at The Harlequin[/I] The Harlequin: That had better be able to hold up. *looks around* Wasn't Athen with you? Athen: *walks out of side room* Thankfully. At least I wasn't down there. I saw the Lightbearers turn up. The Harlequin: We're trapped aren't we? Athen: Of course. Valeigh: Why the hell does it always have to end up this way? Spyder: Only way out if through then. The Harlequin: The best way out. Die fast or die slow. Welcome, people, to my world. [I]Shocked at The Harlequin's dire pronouncement, Spyder, Athen, Rico, Valeigh and Eps wait a long, uncomfortable moment before following The Harlequin up the next set of stairs[/I]
  25. The repetition of inbetween verses makes it sound like a song. Other than that, excellent.
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