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Everything posted by 8520

  1. Name: samuel Code name: FOX Dog tag Code: 007356 Weapeans: socom pistol, stinger,nikita, teleport Vehicle: very heavy assault tank Gender: male Race: human Bio: tall, dark and handsome Personality: cool specialty: bomb disposal
  2. team dynamic is sent off. they were deployed at 0823 to space on co-ordinates 11-21. they're heading for galaxy d3 to find a new home. continued in a few hours
  3. name: zanzibar age: 25 sex: male traing: computing skills skills: martial arts, swim i know how to use weapons!
  4. our world is under the threat of an asteroid storm. the best astronaught have been sent out to destroy most of the asteroids but was not able to reach back to earth. the colony have planned to go to a new galaxy for a new home. unfortunately there is a time limit (3moths) before earth is smashed into bits. we also need new astronaught A.S.A.P. they will be trained for space combats and conquering. take no prisoners and conquer for the live of earth. people are counting on you! new recruits join here! name: age: sex: traing: skills: all new recruits would be put into different groups with different skills in every person. its up to one of your group to save earth form oblivion. [i will put each of you with different training skills]
  5. code name: GHOST skills: swim, martial arts, a lot of gunS male training level:9.9 /10 :devil: :flaming: :mad: :demon: :mrt:
  6. metal gear solid project AIX this thread is made with alliances with chris00k mission briefing the millitary has been studying a new super weapon that shoots nuclear pulses instead or missiles. this black project was meant to be terminated when the radiation levels caused major toxicating to islands near the carribeans. we have been told that they have moved the studying base and started continuing this project. we have unknown infomation on how this weapon looks like or where in the base its being made. we just received a message telling us where the base is. we need new recruits for this mission ENTER code name: skills male/female training level: /10
  7. 8520

    Bad songs

    all kylie miniogue songs to me shouldnt even be released! the only thing why people might buy the cd/album is cos of the way she wears her clothes :mad: :eek: :( :tasty: :flaming: :butthead: :bawl: :excited: :demon:
  8. 8520


    rex, the commander of the ferrals devises a plan... eps meanwhile gets his weapons ready. the next day they went out to find the security of the place. goven, who was looking around in the security office saw rex and eps. he calles security and 3 guards came out. FIGHT! rex uses laser blaster - guard 1 was taken down. eps kicked guard 2 in the u know where guard 2 was on the floor. guard3 uses a famas rifle! rex: H:15/25 eps: H:9/25 rex got up and finish off the last guard
  9. 8520

    sector 11

    rex, the commander of the ferrals devises a plan... eps meanwhile gets his weapons ready. the next day they went out to find the security of the place.:worried: goven, who was looking around in the security office saw rex and eps. he calles security and 3 guards came out. FIGHT! rex uses laser blaster -:flaming: :mad: guard 1 was taken down. eps kicked guard 2 in the u know where:mad: :D guard 2 was on the floor. guard3 uses a famas rifle! rex: H:15/25 eps: H:9/25 rex got up and finish off the last guard
  10. 8520

    sector 11

    the year is 3020. the atmosphere on earth is unlivable. the government made an underground city to survive. they only let the rich people to enter the place. the others were left out to rot. the people who are left out have now become mutants with ugly faces. they are called ferrals. the ferrals are starting a war so they could also survive but the coperateds are not going to just let them win... to enter please state: name: age: ferrals/coperated health: /25 offence: /10 defence: /5 i will continue the story and the first to enter would be the leader of the ferrals/coperated
  11. Name: jj Age: 250 Apperance: bald cyborg Bio: mining droid Personaloty: friendly :eek: :mad: :ball: :flaming: :devil: :laugh: :blush: :blackeye: :demon: :mrt:
  12. 8520


    bomberman is the best!!! [color=indigo]Okay, this is complete spam. I'll let it go, since you're new and since the rules aren't up yet... But in the future, please don't post pointless messages like this... If you have questions about what is and isn't spam, you can PM me or another Moderator. - Desbreko[/color]
  13. 8520


    hey whats happening to the psx! some people still have them and its like its being forgotten! thats not fair...:flaming: i know the new consoles are way better but even the magazines are changing to the new consoles.:devil: :flaming: the only one there is left is OPM but that to xpensive (because of demo games it gives) :therock: :toothy: :drunk:
  14. I KNOW :) [size=2][color=blue]Watch out when making [I]really[/I] short posts. Basically, really small posts equal spam. Just a little tip for you as a poster here. Adding interesting thought is good, just putting up two words to acknowledge that you know something isn't really a positive thing.-Crazy White Boy[/size][/color]
  15. the xbox has gone done to £200 i wonder if the ps2 would go down even more (£100) i hope so...:excited: :wigout: :babble:
  16. how much do you think a gamecube would cost?! you would be surprised if i said £130!:eek: you would think it would be more expensive... i wonder how the graphics are... (dont blame me if i got the price wrong, it was from a bit in the mirror) :flaming: :devil: :laugh:
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