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Everything posted by DiscoSnorlax

  1. I have the demo version of Feet of Fury, does that count? It's a bummer that I can't play it with my pad, although I'm not sure if the problem is my Mad Catz Beat Pad, or my Total Control Plus 3-in-1 Super Converter... I hear the full version has better drivers though, so I'll have to see if that combo works with the full version when it arrives.
  2. [QUOTE=Jamvis]WHAT THE HELL is with tucking in your shirt? I'll tuck in my shirt when yu can show me a person that has ben somehow horribly mangled as a result of not having their shirt tucked in. ~Jammy[/QUOTE] Hmm, let's see... Machine shop worker and lathe operator come to mind quickly, and it probably wouldn't hurt if you were working with heavy pesticides, either. So yeah. Although at least a lathe operator has a valid reason to not wear a tie, although things like bracelets or rings can be a bad idea, too.
  3. [quote name='Zeta']Besides, wearing the shirt inside out is better than having to wear a white shirt with DCV in bold Orange letters on it. DCV stands for Dress Code Violation. So I think you got it pretty easy. ;-)[/quote] I wonder if you'd get in trouble for making a blatant imitation of that shirt and wearing it to school. You know, same letters but maybe a diferent font, or maybe a black shirt or maybe different colored letters but otherwise the same... you know, almost the same, but different enough to tell that it's obviously not the real thing... I would /so/ do that.
  4. Sometimes I like to put on 'Fuel' by Metallica, start up Diablo II with the music off and the sfx up a bit, and run around with my points-loaded-into-strength barbarian just wailing on everything in sight with my polearm. And with the amount of life I leech with all that damage, it doesn't really matter that my lousy dex makes me miss so much. :)
  5. I don't know if the japanese version ends like this, because I've only seen the US version, but I am, how shall we say, 'less than happy about' the ending to Digimon Season 2. Yes, I know, old history, but.. well, it's usually impossible to make me hold a grudge very long if at all, but sometimes... I'm going to stop typing now before I get myself into trouble, anyone who knows me probably knows my objections already as it is.
  6. For some reason I've always been a fan of ridiculously-oversized mallets, kinda like the one Amy Rose has, or the one with a big star on it in this GC game I played at the store once, the game had mario and Kirby and some other game characters. (alright, the game isn't anime, but it's still a good example of the weapon)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][FONT=arial]I could go as a Digimon character, whee....[/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, year before last I went as Matt from season 1... The only problem is that my brothers apparently don't appreciate being bashed upside the head with a full-size metal harmonica... (hey, they deserved it...) :p ...actually, if I had wanted to, I could have gone as Sora from sesaon 1 instead, except I think my brothers would have objected to that even more than they did about being bashed with the harmonica... (I do admit, that last costume idea is somewhat disturbing, seeing as how I am male...) :laugh:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]If I were a boy, I think that I would have the same basic personality, although I might not understand the nuances of nonverbal communication quite as well. In my experience, girls tend to be a lot better at picking up on body language and other subtleties.[/B][/QUOTE] Actually, there's all sorts of nuances to males' nonverbal communication. How do you think we tell the difference between the meanings of all those different grunting/growling sounds we make? :rolleyes:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zanarkand Abes [/i] [B]Where could you have been for soo long that you don't recognize anything?[/B][/QUOTE] You know, I'm not really sure... You can tell how long I've been gone simply by using the board search with my username in the user field and * in the searchterm field... I remember that alot of where I was was megchan's boards (or what's left of them) and occasionally even at the remains of the yamatoholics ezboard... (yes, ppl still go there). I actually go to the rainbowbrite.net message board too, but that's a whole different matter entirely.
  10. w00t! Someone I remember!! Yay! :toothy: who knows, maybe more ppl will remember me, even though it's been so long... (search for threads with posts by me in them, they're all ancient, lol)... I really gotta get active here again...
  11. oh, chat == unofficial, ok. man, I feel like a 486 someone dragged out of the closet and networked to a bunch of P4s I'm so behind on what's going on here... I hardly see any names that I recognise at all... Does [b]anyone[/b] here remember me??
  12. Man, this place is way different than I remember... Somehow I doubt anyone here remembers me :( If anyone has any clue who I am, tell me. I'd be interested in knowing. So what all have I missed during my long absence? Anything uber-important? Or just random stuff that would interest my slipping mind? Also, what's up with the chat? I tried going in, and not only did they start yelling at me and threatening me, but Nitros-TXB, DLL, sminty, and the others are all gone!! What's happening??? :huh: :bawl: :help:
  13. "Godzilla! What language!" -- Twin fairys of mothra island
  14. A remote with a very "Special" [eject] button.. Heeheehee.. Guess what it does!!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] rules 1.Do not talk to strangers. 2.Do not take candy from strangers. 3.For the love of God, if you are dumb enought o take candy from a stranger and lucky enough to walk away, DON'T EAT THE CANDY!!! 4.Do not stay outside after dark. 5.Don't run across the street! 6.Never go door to door! 7.Do not answer the door if you don't recognize the person ringing the bell. 8.People in masks are not to be trusted. 9.No, you may NOT wear your Power Ranger pajamas in public! [/QUOTE] Hmm.. Gonna break #1,2,3,4,5,6,8. Noone comes to our house because it's at the far edge of the wrong side of town, so 7 don't apply. And I'm not stupid enough to break #9.. Maybe I'll be either Matt or D_E (guess why!!:D )
  16. Get a flatbed scanner. Trust me. Try scanning a pic out of a book or off of something hard with a sheetfed scanner.. can't. And I hear the handheld ones are just a nightmare.. Also, try to get a program like textbridge for your scanner. Comes in VERY handy sometimes. That's my advices.
  17. ¿Hablas español? Just kidding.... I'm only in SpanishIII.
  18. Apparently whowever put together the script for [url]http://www.movezig.com/media/base.swf[/url] has a rather poor grasp of the english language. At least the spelling's ok.
  19. For some reason I seem to have the song (All star? I think..)(Whoever's singing along with the music&main singer is totally tone deaf and doesn't seem to know any of the words, though. Weird.) stuck in my head. Could be worse, I usually get japanese digimon music stuck in my head (i.e. Shinka de Guts, Dancing in the wind #2, etc.) Oh great. Now I have both that one song AND Dancing in the Wind #2 stuck in my head AT THE SAME TIME!!! What a disaster!
  20. Cait Sith ownz joo! He sounds fun. Plus, if his body is destroyed (smashed inside a temple, etc, etc..), he comes right back!
  21. Why can't everyone just get along? First the us gets terrorized, then everyone decides to blame someone else before whe know who did it, then people fight about that, then they argue about what to do about it, and soon get to arguing whether or not they're arguing. All the boards I go to are clogged up with this stuff. Come to think of it, people seem to fight a lot in general. Why? This makes no sense! [discosnorlax ko self and small plastic piyomon must finish post which explain the sudden lack of uppercase letters and the sudden poor grammar]
  22. Yes, the first one is a moogle. The second one, since text art isn't particularly detailed, I'll just say it's some type of black mage. (i.e. Vivi, Black Waltz, Black Mage). Fair enough?
  23. Guess what they are! 1. [code] o (ºoº) [/code] 2. [code] \ / \ ----- (º º) \---/ [/code]
  24. Lizard Man 7777 is my brother. Does anyone live close enough to Valparaiso, Indiana to know about this thing called the "Popcorn Fest"? I live in Valpo and I'm a base drummer in the VHS marching band. (That means I'll be in the parade too.)
  25. I don't see that many shows, the only one I can think of that I could pull off would be the D_E, (and does that come with maybe Yolei or Sora? :devil: :devil: ) If the char doesn't look right w/ glasses, I can't pull it off. I need glasses to see!:eek:
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