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Axxe: Ex-Xumon.....hold on whats happening? (A starnge force overwhelms him and he begins to glow.....)
Okay I changed the plot because that one was boring so here's the new one: 100,000,000 years ago, a highly advanced race of humans lived in peace on Earth. But one day, a mad man named Mavion Daloqua used a powerful black magic to disrupt the harmony of the world by corrupting the world with thoughts of greed, voilence, and coniving. And so the evil got so out of hand that the leaders of Earth created bio-mechanical mobile siuts which were all powered by the fighting energy of the pilot. Each one was designed and built by a man named Daven Lorva, and so the mechines were called "The Judges of Lorva." But it was believed that their would need to be a way so that only the original pilots would be able to use the Judges. So, each one was given one of the charms of Hyuto which not only gave the Judges their one spirit which made them hard to tame, but it gave them incredible fighting power which increased incredibly as the cituation became more dangerous. It is now the year 100 of Xen, a.k.a. the year 2321. The Judges have been discovered by a group of monk scientist, and they have now set out to find the newly chosen ones to bring to the world again. Who will be chosen to pilot the Judges and discover the secret of Hyuto's real power! Ok, here is what I need: Your Name: Age: Bio: Description: Your Judges's name:(it has to start with Judge) Description: Wepons, Special Attack:(you may have 4 wepons and 1 special attack) You have 100,000 points to spread over these attributes: Attack: Defense: Speed: Special Attack: Accuracy:
Desiree: Now your gonna get it! Tori: Yeah!! Orochimon: Master give me strength! Datamon: Shall I master? ???: Yes he is the perfect test subject.......Do it!!!! Orochimon: AAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Orochimon digivolve to........MEGIDRAMON!! Tori: How can he digivolve like that, and Orochimon doesn't digivolve to Megidramon any way! Desiree: Well that's Megidramon so time to get digital..... Demidevimon armor-digivolve! Tori: You too Patamon! Patamon&Demidevimon: We can't! Tori&Desiree: How come? Patamon: Because he's emiting dark energy which is draining us of our power to digivolve. Desiree: Uh-oh! Megidramon: Destroy.....DESTROY!!!... AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!(starts holding his abdomen in pain) what is happening(de-digivolves but doesn't look like Orochimon) Orochimon: What is happening? Desiree: What's wrong with him? I've never seen a digimon like him. Demidevimon: That's because he isn't anymore, now his data is scrambled so even if he was destroyed he wouldn't come back as a digi-egg. Desiree: Who did this to you? Orochimon: The Digimon Master of Darkness. Tori: Is he a digimon? Orochimon: He is the strongest digimon ever, he even controls a fleet of GrandKuwagumon. Desiree: So he is the one who helped destroy Leomon, where is he!! Orochimon:(slowly vanishes) Must destroy! Desiree: We have to find this master and destroy him!
Desiree:(crying) Yes I can... ???: Why are you crying? Desiree: Because I can't do anything, I'm not big enough to! ???: I can't either. Desiree: But your a digimon, you can do anything! ???: But I can't do things that other digimon can do....all I can do is shock people! Desiree: That's cool! All I can do is draw pictures. ???: I can't even do that! Desiree: Hey, you can shock and I can draw..so maybe we aren't so un-important after all! ???: My name is Elecmon! Desiree: My name is Desiree! Elecmon: Let's make a promise to never leave each other! Desiree: Okay, but what if we can't be together! Elecmon: Than always remeber.......remeber.......remeber! Desiree: What? Remeber! Old Woman: Your still holding yourself back! Desiree: Holding myself back.....but how can I forget Leomon.... _____________________________ " Excuses are the tools of incompetence, used to biuld great monuments of nothing." - dukeofshowdown
Desiree: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! ???: I caught you! Tori: Thanks! ???: I only did it so I could have fun destroying you Goblimon: Uh-oh! ???: I am Orochimon and you are in the land of despair! Desiree: What?(then he sees a little boy crying) what are you doing here? Little Boy: I just trying to find a friend! Desiree: Wait.....your me! But how can this be happening! Old Woman: What are you doing here boy? Your aren't old enough to be here! Little Boy: Yes I am I can do anything I want! Toir: What are you looking at? Old Woman: Your still holding on to something, holding yourself back from growing. So you'll never be more than a little boy! Desiree:(slams his fist to the ground) No.......NOOOOO!!!(begins crying) Tori: Desiree what is wrong........What?(begins having a dillusion of her own....) _____________________________ " It is better to be a good enemy than a bad friend. " - dukeofshowdown
Enough!!!!!!!! No more people can join all those who join after this message will be reported to a moderator!!! And for all of you WHO JUST JOINED PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE FIRST PAGE! _____________________________________ " Courage is not the oppisite of fear; courage is doing the right thing when the right thing isn't the easy thing to do." - dukeofshowdown
???: I am Deamon and I hvae come to destroy you!!! ???: Not if I can help it!! Terri: Who are you? ???: I am Gryphonmon and I can not let you harm these children!LEGENDARY BLADE!
Desiree: Goblimon dont let them get all the fun! Goblimon: Goblimon digivolve to............OGREMON!! Ogremon: Ogremon digivolve to............MUMMYMON!! Desiree: Lets get digital!
Desiree: We have to find Dracarnia........AAAAAHHHHH!!!(they all fall into a hole and are transported to a dark mountain region) Tori: Where are we? Desiree: I dont know but we better run! Lauren: Why? Goblimon: Because here comes WarMonzeamon! WarMonzaemon: I am one of the 4 Horsemon of Destruction and I am going to take you to the master! Goblimon: Oh boy what do we now? Gatomon: I say we take care of this over-stuffed teddy bear! Desiree, Tori, Lauren,: Right, DIGI-ARMOR-ENERGIZE!! Goblimon: Goblimon armor-digivole to.........HYOGAMON!! Gatomon: Gatomon armor-digivole to...........LYNXMON!! Patamon: Patamon armor-digivolve to..........PEGASUSMON!! WarMonzaemon: Weak fools.......BEAR CLAW!!(all the digimon evade and get ready to attack)
Listen I have been silent but this has gone far enough! No more people, and I need evolutions all the way to Magna level!
Desiree: I have to protect you!(his digivice and crest begin to glow) Goblimon: Goblimon digivolve to.......Ogremon digivolve to MUMMYMON!! Mummymon: LONG MACHINE GUN!!(the attack hits and GrandKuwagumon is knocked back several feet) ???: So they are the digi-destined. Lauren: Who is that? ???: I am Babamon. ???: And I am Jijimon. Grandkuwagumon: And I'm going to destroy you! Babamon: There is no time! Take this! Tori: What is it? Jijimon: It is the Ancient Wisdom of Digivolution! It has the power to digivolve humans and digimon together! Desiree: How do we know we can trust you? Jijimon: What do you have to loose....now go! Desiree: Okay, Lauren... Lauren: Im already there.....Gatomon DIGI-ARMOR-ENERGIZE? Gatomon: Gatomon digivolve to.......LYNXMON!!(they all jump on her back and Lynxmon escapes at incredible speeds) Jijimon & Babamon: Now you deal with us!
Axxe: Okay see how you like this.......MISSLE BARRAGE!!(the missles hit and and when the smoke clears the Zoid is on the ground) Judge: The winner is.........THE BLARE TEAM!! Axxe: That was boring any mail? Karen: Bills.....bills......bills.....Oh what is this an invatation to a an expo! Axxe: So? I got better things to do like work on the ShadowWolf did that new part get in yet? Karen: Do you know what this is? This is an invitiation to the Divine Court of Lon! Only the greatest zoid warriors are invited....and it says you can bring a guest! Axxe: Forget it! I'm not gonna go to some dumb expo. Karen: Oh yes you are and if you dont I'm gonna show you my ugly side!!! Axxe: What side am I seeing now? Karen: AXXE!!!!! Axxe: Okay, I'll go and maybe I can egt into an exciting zoid battle.
Desiree: AAAAAAHHHH oof! Tori: Thanks Angewomon but where is Lauren! Angewomon: She is distracting GrandKuwagamon. Desiree: Is she crazy? We gotta save her.....Hyogamon you can freeze him! Hyogamon: But I can't fly! Desiree: So put on foot on each Pegasusmon's back, and one foot on BlackPegasusmon's back. Hyogamon: Okay,(does what Desiree says and they charge GrandKuwagumon) Desiree: Lauren, when they attack jump! BlackPegasusmon & Pegasusmon: YIN YANG ATTACK!! Hyogamon: ICE MACE!!(GrandKuwagumon drops Lauren and is teporarily frozen) Lauren: Somebody...help! Hyogamon: I'll catch her(catches her and de-digivolves then is caught by Angewomon) GrandKuwagumon: For that we will kill the girl with Monodramon! Desiree: Where is Dracarnia? GrandKuwagumon: Wouldn't you like to know. Lauren: We have to save her!
Terri: Its......its a Dragomon! NoctoKinghtmon: Dont worry well destroy then! Hi-Wriathmon: Yeah!! Dragomon:(smiling) DARK STAR POWER!! Dragomon digivolve to DAEMON!! Daemon: EVIL INFERNO!! NoctoKnightmon and Hi-Wraithmon: AAAAHHHH!!!!(both de-digvolve) Terri: Uh-oh! Daemon: Now I will destroy you pest! Cloud: We cant give up! Terri: Right, Howlmon......DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!! Cloud: Fenrimon, DIGI ARMON ENERGIZE!! Howlmon: Howlmon digivolve to.......PREDATORMON!! Fenrimon: Fenrimon digivolve to........FLAWIZARDMON!! Terri and Cloud: Oh Yeah!! Daemon: Fools!
Name: Erin Age: 15 Bio: A bright kid tends to stay out of trouble but knows how to contirbute to the group. Sex: Male Digimon: Rookie:Solangmon, a grey form of terriermon, Bunny cannon Bunny twister Champion: Tatomon, a grey form of terriermon with a black scarf over his face and boxing gloves on, Mallet Punch and Comet Pummel Ultimate: Rovermon, A gaint grey bunny with a black helmet and wires all through his body, Afterburn Cannon and Rapid Kick Mega: AncientGuardianmon, Looks like the ancient one from Ronin warrors, Ancient Hope and Multicolor Blast