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Everything posted by dukeofshowdown

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]well you sleepy head i have been waiting for a very long time to see a human and the frist thing it does when i see one it fients man i guess you humans are as weak as the dark digimon say are not are too are not! are toooo! uhhh ok you win . cool now pick up the keychain thing and lets go! k [/B][/QUOTE] I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense, at least put the names of who is talking.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B]Dude,That is weak! And Unfair! You cant destroy TJ's digimon! [/B][/QUOTE] Hey dude, I destroyed Tsolanmon, not T.J.'s digimon!!
  3. Desiree: Demidevimon let's see what you can do(remebers hid digi-egg) DIGI-ARMOR-ENERGIZE!!! Tori:(suddenly get a digi-egg and a crest to match) Patamon, DIGI-ARMON-ENERGIZE!!! Patamon: Patamon digivolve to....RHINOMON!!! Demidevimon: Demidevimon digivolve to.....ICEDEVIMON!! Desiree: Icedevimon get on Rhinomon's back and charge and as soon as you get close enough Rhinomon hit him with all you got! Icedevimon: Okay(gets on Rhinomon's back) Subzero Blast!! (cherrymon is frozen) Tori: Rhinomon...now!! Rhinomon: Spirit Blade!!(Cherrymon is destroyed and the digimon de-digivolve) Demidevimon: How did you like that! Desiree: That was great! Tori: You too Patamon! Gomamon and Elecmon: Show off!! Dark Voice: They are getting too strong. Datamon: What should we do oh dark one? Dark Voice: Finish collecting the data of the mega's and when the humans are all together...send Malomyotismon!!
  4. Axxe: Ex-Xumon attack!! Ex-Xumon: RAZOR WING!!! (The attack hits the digimon is destroyed and EX-Xumon collects its data) Tj: Hey!! Axxe: The best man got the data! Voice: Good work now if you can only act like a team... Axxe: Who are you? (The children look and see a white light) Voice: I am the Digimon Divine.
  5. Desiree: Well since Patamon is a good digimon, I pick....Demidevimon. Demidevimon: I'll be good partner! Elecmon: What about me? Desiree: You'll always be number one now to get out of here!
  6. Desiree: Grapleomon attack!! Grapleomon: Metal Fist of the beast king!! (Grankawogamon is about to attack when he hears a voice" comeback" he disapears and the digimon de-digvolve) Desiree: We have to find the others!
  7. Listen I should give you the break down. See, in this RPG we will defy the limitations of regular digimon and go beyond the mega level which is a level I like to call Magna Level(and you must use the power of one of the crystals!!). In order to get to this level you must literally become the digimon and not that DNA crap there isnt two minds only your's. So I need your created Magna level now and his/her attacks(and if you can a pic!!)
  8. Desiree: Tori, Lauen, where are you? Elecmon: I smell Gran kuwagamon!! Desiree:(sees Tori and Lauren fighting Grankuwagamon) Oh no, No, I wont let you do what you did to Megadramon Elecmon digivolve!!(his crest activates and elecmon digivolves to ultimate level) Elecmon: Elecmon digivolve to....LEOMON....Leomon digivolve to...GRAPLEOMON!!! Desiree: Hurry!!
  9. let me clearify i need the following information: Name: Digimon(not Veemon): Power(moonlight or solar): Age: Bio: Description:
  10. A long time ago, ancient there was an ancient digimon who seeked to control the power of the moonlight crystal. The moonlight crystal had the power to digivolve a digimon in a way that would give a digimon the power of a virus type, but the character of a Vaccine or a data. With the moonlight crystal he could digivolve beyond mega level. But seven acient digimon stopped him and spread his power across the digital would(creating every virrus mega known). To counter the moonlight crystal they created the solar crystal, which has the power to digivolve a digimon in a way to which they can only become a Holy Vaccine type. Now to use the moonlight crystal, you have to say moonlight energize and the digimon becomes stronger, gets black armor, and gets the preffix Nocto. To use the solar crystal, you must say solar energize and the digimon gets stronger,gets gold armor and gets the preffix Sol . Only a champion can use these powers(and you can creaye your own digimon and armor digimon can do this also). So join in!!! And only seven digi-destined!! Oh, and no one can have Veemon I have plans for him!!
  11. No more people! We already have 7!!
  12. Axxe: Whoa, who saw that coming? Well, Im not backing down, Xumon digivolve! Xumon: Xumon digivovle to....EX-XUMON!!! Axxe: Lets get this party started!!
  13. Shinjuto-Hon: A group of strangers it is time to begin my journey. I will join them!!
  14. Axxe: Who are you? Dark Voice: The question is who are you? What are you trying to prove and to whom? Axxe: I dont know waht you are talking about? Dark Voice: It is time for you to find the diamond in the rock! (A bear-like digimon appears with a digvice) Axxe: Who are you? NoctoGrizzlymon: I'm Noctogrizzlymon, and your my partner!!
  15. Repulse: The name is Erin..Erin Ross but most call me Repulse omce they have seen my mutant power. Matrix: Which is.... Repulse: The name speaks for itself. Listen I'm looking for the X-men have you seen them?
  16. Desiree: Wha are you with? Dracania: J.R. and hope. Desiree: Gonna find Tori and Lauren, try to find a red flare in the sky when you get out of here! Dracania: Okay. Desiree: Be safe(Cant beleive he cares for a complete stranger), Tori, Laurnen, where are you? Elecmon: I can smell Veemon! Desiree: Lead the way!!
  17. Axxe: Whats going on? Xumon: I smell a fight! Axxe: Me too, lets go maybe I can collect some data? Xumon: Alright! (They follow Xumon's instincs and end up in Redville Park) Axxe: Which one of you loser's wanna get your butt whipped? Xumon: Yeah!!
  18. Name: Shinjuto-Hon Weapon: Shinjuto Blade(Like Zen-Aku's crescent blade) Ability: The ability to learn someone's fighting technique once the person throughs five blows. Bio: A descendant of an ancient warrior clan, he has incredible speed and agility. Like the others of his clan, his training began at age five. Description: Wears a black jacket, black pants, and an whiteband on his right arm. Also has a scar in the shape of a cross on his cheak.
  19. Repulse: Who are you? Matrix: The name is Matrix, but enough of that can you help me I got Horseman on my back. Repulse: Than it seems like you got know reason to talk to me. Matrix: How can you foul out on a follow mutant? Repulse: (Thinking of Professors teachings) Ok.
  20. Spinoctomon where is that from I cant find it but who am I to argue! Desiree: Wow, Panjyamon, ATTACK!!! Panjyamon: I nedd a distraction to get close enough. Desiree:Tori... Tori: I'm already a head of you. Spinoctomon.... Spinoctomon: I'm already ahead of you...GUNK BLAST!!! Grankuwagamon: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Desiree: Now Panjyamon Panjyamon: ICE FAST!!! (GranKuwagamon is frozen but cant be holden for long) Desiree: Quick escape behind the waterfall! (They get behind the waterfall and see a cave. All the digimon de-digivolve.) Desiree: Well lets walk to end of this cave and hope we dont meet GranKuwagamon before we meet the others. Tori: Wow two digi-eggs thats cool. Veemon: Cool. Lauren: I wonder what they mean, what do you think Desiree...Desiree? Desiree: Its Megadramon, I mean, there was nothing we could do. How can we save anyone....How?..... Mysterious Voice:You must save us........
  21. (Watcher is at an abandoned laboratory. He searches the room for a clue to what happened but all he can gather is there were some genetic experiments and possibly a struggle.) Watcher: Well, lets see what happened.(He uses his mutant powers and looks into the most recent events in the laboratory. He sees about five to six scientist taking notes and their is a man in a cloake in the center of the room. In a large tank is a man who is hooked to a bunch of wires. Suddenly the man in the cloake steps back and the man breaks out the tank, kills the scientist, and destroys the laboratory. Then he turns to the man in the cloak and bows on his hands and knees) Cloaked man: Good work(He removes his hood, but can't get a good look at him and he suddenly feels a presence in the room and his view is broken.) Watcher: I better report this to Prof.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]In the distance a giant snake ike digimon appears out of no were. Monodramon- That's a Megadramon. How did he do that? I mean, appear out of nowere like that? Dracania- How should I know? this is your world not mine. Hey! let's get a closer look! I'd like to see that thing for myself. Monodramon- Are you sure that's a good Idea? I could smell a fight brewing in the air! It's going to me a tuff battle from the looks of it! Dracania- A battle! Well, it's ok. I won't let anyone see me. Besides, you can protect me! *grabs Monodramon's claws and runs towards the fight* Monodramon- Protect you?!? He's an ultimate! I'm a rookie! there's no way I can fight that thing! *dracania dosn't hear his warning in her exitement to get to the fight* Monodramon- ohhh, ok. But it'll take a mericle to save us if we're spotted... *they reach the Megadramon in a few minits* What they see surprises them. They see two kids, an leomon a Exveemon and a GranKuwogumon with the megadramon seen erlyer in the sky shooting missales. Monodramon- Ohh, I guess there's more of you humans around here than I thought... [/B][/QUOTE] I hate to burst your bubble but Megadramon is dead. He died fighting GranKuwogumon! GranKuwogumon: How dare you defy me? Dimension Scissors!! Desiree: Oh no!(The attack hits all of them and they all de-digivolve except for Flamedramon) Tori: Gomamon! Desiree: Elecmon are you okay? Elecmon: Yes but why do you care what is so important there are a million other digimon in this world? Desiree: Well, your my digimon and I wont let anyone hurt you. (Suddenly a digi-egg appears in Desiree's hand) Desiree: What is this? Lauren: Just say digi armour energize! Desiree: Okay, DIGI ARMOUR ENERGIZE!!! Elecmon: Elecmon dgivolve to......PANJYAMON!!! Desiree: Panjyamon wow lets see what it says on the digidex. Hum it says hes a Annimal Vaccine, and his attack is ice fist! Now we can take him! J.R.: And here comes the calvary!!!
  23. Can I please join this RPG? Name:Axxe Age:14 Personality: A bad boy who can only think about one thing, FIGHTING!! Physical Description: 5' 6", about 170 lbs, wears a black jacket, brown pants, black shoes, and a red headband. Family Background: Looks up to his older brother alot. He only acts tough to be more like him. Crest+color: remorse, orange Digimon In-Training: Demixumon, bubble blast, looks like rookie form of Cyberdramon but light gray Rookie: Xumon, rapid kick, fire spit, like baby dragon from Yu-gi-oh but gray and has a golden ring on it's head Champion: Ex-Xumon, Iron kick, Iron jab, Razor wings, Like Charizard but wings are on arms, more muscle like Machamp, and dark grey. Ultimate: HiXumon, Meteor Shower, Pyro Tidal Wave, A dark grey Megaseadramon. Mega: MingDynastymon, Temple of Heaven, Double Impact, A golden digimon which looks like a golden shogun with a crown on his head and a double-headed dragon on its shoulders.
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