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Everything posted by dukeofshowdown

  1. Um i dont mean to make you mad but when are we gonna start thid bad boy up?
  2. Um can I create my own digi egg since I have created my own crest. I just wanna use Flarelizardmon, so can I blanco el miez?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]*sighs* Duke, I have no idea where your posts are coming from and what the link behind them are, I have asked you several times over to fix it and I will ask once more, please put a little more thought into your posts and remember that the minions of The Herald are not that easy to take out and probably couldn't be taken out at all by yourself... [/B][/QUOTE] Well I'm sorry for making a mix-up. As soon as I saw your post I want to the sign-up page and edited my post to say Repulse was sent to the future in hopes that there would be a way of holdin him. If you can get me in the group so I can be more interactive than their wont be anymore mix-ups(I wouldn't want to mess up the plot)
  4. Minion: Erin Ross, come with me resistance is futile! Repulse: Back off, before I help you! Minion: Threats are unessescary I will warn you again, Come with me or I will use force! Repulse: Who's making threats now, I'm outta here. Minion: You give me no choice! (The robot gets ready to fire, Repulse creates a giant force-field which flings the robot miles away) Repulse: Stupid robot.
  5. Name: Erin Ross Hero Name: Watcher Super Power: The abilty to magnify his eyesight 10,000x. Also has an incedible amount of agility only compairable to Spider-Man's. Age:24 Hieght: 6' 1" Description: Looks exactly like Piertro(QuickSilver). But has blonde hair. Costume: Like the Green Lantern costume except where its green its black, and where its black its red. Bio: Watcher is a mutant. Although he had incredble agility all his life, he didn't discover his incredible eyesight until one of friends was caught in an avalanche. Although he was 100 miles away, he could see a pencil in his friends shirt pocket! Personality: Very calm and cool and can always think of a way to get out of a bad situation.
  6. Desiree: Well, what are you waiting for, ATTACK!! Megadramon: Rocket Attack!! Flamedramon: Fire Rocket!! (the attacks make full impact and the Numemon are destroyed) Desiree: We need to make a plan, Megadramon can you fly us around so we can find the others? Megadramon: I'll try. Elecmon: Grrrrrr. Desiree: Whats the matter? Elecmon: Its GranKuwogamon!! Tori: Uh-oh Lauren: I dont like this! Desiree: Hold your ground everyone, Elecmon calm down. GranKuwogumon: I will finish this. Megadramon: I cant let you do this, Rocket Attack! (his attack makes full impact, but when the smoke clears there isnt a scratch on GranKuwogumon) GranKuwogumon: My turn, Dimension Scissors!! (Megadramon blocks the attack and takes at full force) Megadramon: You are the only hope of the digital world, you must survive.... AAAHHHH(megadramon is destroyed and the button is erased from the D-callers) Tori: No!! Desiree: There is nothing you can do. Lauren: You'll pay for that, Veemon digivolve to champion level! Veemon: Veemon digivolve to......EXVEEMON!!!! Desiree: You to Elecmon! Elecmon: Elecmon digivolve to......LEOMON!!! Tori: Go gomamon! Gomamon: Gomamon digivolve to....TORTOMON!!! Tori, Desiree, and Lauren: ATTACK!!!
  7. Elecmon: Well that was interesting. Desiree: First and fore most, what just happened? How in the world did he digivolve? Armidillomon and Veemon: That was great!! Lauren: Yeah it was pretty exciting. Tori: I can't wait till next time. Desiree: I can what if he had digivolved again? I think we should find the others and figure out why we're here. And most of all I wanna know where that black bug is. Tori: Aren't you a little excited? Desiree: Well, I must admit I cant wait until I figure out how to use my digivice! Volcanomon: You wont have the chance to! Desiree: Who are you? Volcanomon: It won't matter. Desiree: Quick, Elecmon digivolve to Leomon. Elecmon: Sorry, that last battle took alot out of me. Veemon: Me too. Armidillomon: Me too. Desiree: Uh-oh, let's get out of here! Volcanomon: Too late! Big Bang voice! Aeroveedramon: Magnum crusher! Hurry children, climb on my back! Desiree: You may look a little freaky but, who am i to give up an escape, Lets go! Volcanomon: Master wont be pleased.
  8. Name: Axxe Monroe X-name: Watcher Mutant Powers: The ability to see past events just by cocentrating. He also has an eyesight which can magnify to 10,000x. Also and incredible amount of agility. Age:21 Appearance: Much like QuickSilver with an earing in his right ear. Wears a black jacket, brown pants, and black shoes. Background: First noticed his mutant powers when his friend lost in the mountains. When everyone had given up on him, Axxe tried his hardest and, could see the pencil in his friends pocket.
  9. Name: Axxe Digimon: Noctogrizzlymon Crest: of protectivness D-color: orange Evil or Good: No evil intentions, but not a happy go lucky kinda guy(like Piccolo) Bio: He's a good kid but doesn't like to show it. Shows leadership and responsibility in battle. Description: Wears a blue jacket, black pants, and black and white sneakers.
  10. Repulse: Who am I? Where do I belong? How can I make up for what I've done? Proffesor, just when I need you the most....I should have taken your offer...I should of been there to help you fight........Why can't I change this?.....Why can't I stop this?........... WWWWWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY??????????
  11. Desiree: Thanks Lauren! Leomon get him! Leomon: Roar! Beast Sword! Desiree: Tori look whats happening to him! It looks like he is mutating or something!?! Megadramon: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Dark Voice: What is happening Datamon, why is he unstablelizing? Datamon: He can't take the data but we have what we need. Dark Voice: Good, Volcanomon go and destroy the children. If they find the true power they will be the death of me. Volcanomon: Yes master! Dark Voice: Well what are you waiting for? Continue working on HiAndromon, I want his power! And once you are done with him, start on the next mega until I wield the power to digivolve at will and go beyond mega level, so hurry up!! Datamon: Yes, soon I and only will have the power to digivolve beyond mega, HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH Oww, how said that laughter is the best medicine? Desiree: Look at all that smoke coming off his body he's...he's de-digivolving! Quick, everyone, ATTACK!!!!!
  12. Name: Pan-Buu Age: 2,017(seems 27 due to slow aging) Hieght: 6' 1" Weight: 180 Appearance: Looks alot like (teen) Gohan, but on his forehead, he has a "M". Wears a suit like Piccolo's but all black. Like Vegeta, and Spopavich his body is covered in popping veins. Can increase his muscle mass greatly. Race: Shinjuto Bio: All that is known about him is he once was a warrior of six Shinjuto warriors. But, while fighting a pink monster(Buu) he turned to an old wizard(Bibidi) who increased his power greatly. Then the wizard tricked him into thinking he had defeated Buu. When the other Shinjuto warriors found out what he did, he was banished from the planet for 500 yrs. When he returned to his planet, the only remains of the planet was a small asteroid belt. Now filled with guilt, he searches for the wizard to pay him back for his tretchery. Weapons: Shinjuto blade, fists, feet, ki blasts Strength: 90,000,000 Speed: 90,000,000 Defense: 90,000,000 Acurracy: 90,000,000
  13. Name: Axxe Age: 14 yrs. Bio: Was once a tamer, but his digimon was visciously destroyed. Now he searches for an answer to why this happened to his friend, while only showing a side of him which doesn't care. Description: Wears a black jacket and brown pants. Has been known to wear a red bandana on his left arm. Digivice: Black Digimon: Elecmon(if real), Noctogrizzlymon(if can use made up)
  14. Name: Erin Ross Mutant Name: Repulse Age: 27 Sex: Male Mutant Ability: The ability to create an invisible force-feild around his body that can repel anything(energy, solid, liquid, or gas) but the strength of the feild depends on his anger. He can also shoot repelitive blasts out of his hands. Bio: All his life he felt he was different. Matter fact, when he was young he was contacted by Proffesor X. But, he had his powers under control till he was attacked by an agery mob of anti-mutanist. Frustrated by their blind hate, he let loose and destroyed an area of 100 ft. He was capptured and sent to the future in hope that there would be more mutant control. Now he searches for guidance, and a purpose. Description: Think QuickSilver. Change his suit black, and change his thunderbolts to strait lines and make them yellow, and also remove his gloves and boots.
  15. Please go to the sign-up area if you like to jion this RPG. Name:Axxe Monroe Bio: Wears a blue vest, a white t-shirt, brown pants, and a red scarf over his right arm. Zoid: ShadowWolf Brief Description: A wolf version of the ShadowFox. Weapons: A vulcan gun with 180 degree turn, heat-seaker missels, strike thunder bite, spike thunder missle, missle barrage Speed:2,800 Strength:2,500 Defense: 2,400 Attack Power:2,500 Accuracy: 1,800
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lauren [/i] [B] I don't mean to be a know-it-all,but Tsunomon doesnt turn into elecmon,and elecmon doesnt turn into Leomon(No offence ment!) Well I dont mean to correct you but if you go to theOtaku.com then go to digimon, then go to digidex, one of tsunomons possble evolutins(and the first one) is elecmon. and one of elecmons possible evolutions (and the most likely one) is leomon. :butthead: Desiree: Leomon....Wait, what is that? Leomon: It's....it's another human and a digimon! Desiree: Tori, can you handle Cyclone freak? Tori: I hope so. Desiree: Leomon, quick, jump up and try to grab them. Leomon: Okay, I'll do my best. > Dark Voice: It is time to begin the operation, Datamon do it!!! Datamon: Yes, master Desiree: What's happening to cyclonemon? Cyclonemon: cyclonemon digivovle to...... Megadramon!!!! Desiree: Looks like we can use some more help.
  17. Desiree: Elecmon, look out!!! Elecmon: Don't worry, I can take him( Suddenly he gets hit by a blast of heat!) AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Desiree: Whats the matter with you?(crying) Elecmon: I...I had to protect you. Desiree: Well now I'm gonna protect you.( Suddenly, a crest appears and their is a shape on it that looks like a shield) What is this? Cyclonemon: I will have your tamer!! Heat Blast attack!! Desiree: I won't let you hurt him!( He jumps in front of Elecmon and his digivice reacts) wha...whats happening? Elecmon: Elecmon digivolve to...... Leomon!!! Leomon: Stand back Desiree, cyclonemon get ready for this...Fist of the Beast King!!
  18. Desiree: Why are you folowing me? Elecmon: Because you're my partner. Desiree: Well, if I'm gonna be your partnere lets get a few thing strait.... I only ahve one rule which is....... ( Suddenly they both fall into a hole) Desiree: Who is the idiot that dug this hole? Elecmon: I think that big guy over their is the idiot you were talking about, Gulp. Cyclonemon: Roar!! I will have your data and your partner! Elecmon: Don't count on it! Desiree: Is it just me, or have things gotten alot hotter in here? Cyclonemon: Roar!! Hyper Heat attack!!! Desiree: Uh-oh!
  19. Xan-Buu: They're coming back! and if I don't warn the other fighters they will not be able to stop them in time. Dark vioce: Yes, yes, why don't you stop him, thenyour soul shall be cleansed and you will be rid of me HAH!! Nothing can erase the pain, damage, and sorrow you have caused. Xan-Buu: But that doesn't mean I can't try!!! Name: Xan-Buu Age: 2,017( slow aging makes him seem 27) Gender: Male Hieght: 6' 1" Weight: 170lbs. Bio: An evolved Namek, the only thing out of the ordinary is the "M" on his head? Strength: 250 Speed:250 Dexterity:150 Spirit: 150 Ki: 200
  20. Desiree: What in the world just happened? And where are the others? I better find them. (As he walks, he trips over a small creature.) Desiree: What in the world are you? Creature: I'm Tsunomon, who are you? Desiree: The name is Desiree, but you look more like a crappymon. Tsunomon: Uh-oh.... Tsunomon digivolve to...... Elecmon!! Elecmon: How do you like me now? Desiree: Well... hold on.. ( He reaches in his pocket and retreives his D-caller) Elecmon: It looks like we're partners! Desiree: How did I get myself into this......
  21. Desiree- I think we should all go home and pretend this never happened, there is nothing we can do so we might as well let the authorities handle this.
  22. How could you ask something like that. Yamcha's attack is based on his own energy and yamcha isn't a factor when it comes to being strong! lol
  23. Desiree: nothing ever happens in this small town.
  24. Name: Desiree Age:16 Hieght:6' 1" Weight170lb. Discription: Wears a blue jacket with gold buttons( like Yu-ge-oh's) blue pants, and black and white sneakers. Personality: Likes to keep to himself, incredible taming skills, very responsible D-caller color: Navy Blue I can't wait till we start this thing but can we use are created digimon:huh: and can e-mail me when we do at [email]begity@hotmail.com[/email]
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