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Everything posted by Geist

  1. Geist


    [COLOR=blue]I changed my weapon to the koge. Also, what's the story to this RPG? Is it going to take place after the series or is this an alternate reality?[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue] [B]Name:[/B] Katsuro Hattori [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/swords_chinese_kwandao.jpg]Kwandao[/URL], Ninja Chain Kama, [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/ninja_spike_dart_set.jpg]Ninja Spike Darts[/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] Short black hair, brown eye, left eye missing, ninja outfit without the hood, metal guard around mouth, (like Kohaku from Inu Yasha,) very nimble. [B]Personality:[/B] Very quiet, avoids questions, usually cold to all people, (ever since his father died, he's never really tried to make friends with anyone.) Kills to keep the sadness away.[/COLOR]
  3. [I]Kisho fell on his knees. He had a queasy feeling in his stomach and he felt like he might fall through the floor. He tried to grab onto a table to pull himself up, but his arm passed right through. Kisho held his hand up to his face to examine it.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Kisho:[/B] "W-What the...? I can see right through my hand!"[/COLOR] [I]He stuck his left hand into his right and then he put his hand into his chest. He then noticed the red jewel.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Kisho:[/B] "This wasn't here before..."[/COLOR] [I]He was able to touch the jewel since his arm became solid. He tried to remove it but stopped because he started to feel sick.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Kisho:[/B] "What happened to me...how did I get like this? Now I remember...Akihiro pushed me off the dojo and I...and I...died?"[/COLOR] [I]Kisho remembered everything. Akihiro's challenge, his refusal, the fall, and the pain when he hit the ground...[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Kisho:[/B] "N-No! This couldn't have happened! It..."[/COLOR] [I]Kisho froze at what he saw. Staining his hands on the mat, was a puddle of blood, coming from the next room. He got up and opened the door to find his sensei dead, with a knife in his back.[/I]
  4. [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Yep, definitely. Leave it to me, I've used one of these before."[/COLOR] [I]Geist picked up the missile launcher and aimed it at one of the Aries. He fired but the MS moved before the missile hit. It then turned and aimed at them.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Tam:[/B] "I thought you said you knew how to use one of those things!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "I do! I just didn't expect it to move!"[/COLOR] [I]Geist fired another missile at the Aries' visual sensors and jumped out of the way.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Everyone, get down!"[/COLOR] [I]Everyone jumped out of the way just in time as machine gun fire shot past them. The missile hit the Aries, causing it to go blind. The Leo took this opportunity to shoot it out of the sky.[/I]
  5. [COLOR=blue][B]Name:[/B] Kisho Hattori [B]Alias:[/B] Geist [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Where you're from/born:[/B] Kobe, Japan [B]Heritage/Ethnicity:[/B] Japanese [B]Style of fighting:[/B] Dux Ryu Ninjitsu [B]Neutral/Good/Evil:[/B] Good [B]Personality:[/B] Doesn't talk much, usually doesn't smile. Angry at the living and the monsters that killed his sensei. [B]Bio:[/B] Kisho was quickly becoming the best student at the Dux Ryu dojo. Akihiro, a fellow student a year older than him, was very angry at his success. One day, on the rooftop of the dojo, Akihiro tried to challenge Kisho to see who was the better fighter. Kisho declined and walked away, which made Akihiro furious. He attacked Kisho from behind and accidentally sent him falling to his death. Akihiro ran away from the dojo but was arrested soon afterwards. Before the sensei of the dojo was killed by the evil minions, he brought Kisho's spirit back from limbo. Because of a special ruby in the center of his chest, he can touch things and be touched himself. He can be killed like any normal person or if his ruby gets destroyed. [B]Appearance:[/B] Ice blue hair, red eyes, strange white aura around him, semi-transparent, ruby in the center of his chest, black and red jacket, white shirt, black pants. Weapons: [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/4577.jpg]Ninja Shoge[/URL], [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/1426.jpg]Spiking Ninja Shuriken[/URL].[/COLOR]
  6. Geist


    [COLOR=blue]Don't mention it, I want to play in this RPG. It sounds really cool. Do you mind if I join the Weiß group? If you do, then I'll join the Schwarz group. Also, I need some help on making a decision about my weapon...should I use the chain & sickle or the [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/4577.jpg]koge[/URL]? I think the koge could probably stab better...[/COLOR]
  7. Geist


    [COLOR=blue]Well, I've never seen this series before, but I did look up some info on it...Anyways, I'll join because it looks like it'll be fun. Here's my profile. [B]Name:[/B] Kisho "Geist" Hattori [B]Age[/B] 18 [B]Birthday:[/B] March 5 [B]Group:[/B] Weiß (What other groups are there?) [B]Bio:[/B] Growing up on the streets as a pick-pocket after his Grandfather's death, Kisho learned to take care of himself. He was soon taken in at a poor, Catholic orphanage, where they clothed and fed him. Kisho tried to help his new home by stealing money for them but they wouldn't take it and rebuked him for his thievery. Years later, he joined Weiß and decided to make up for his past wrongs, even if it meant killing another human being. [B]Description:[/B] Short, white hair, pale skin, blue eyes, black jeans black undershirt, blue button-up shirt, (wears it open,) necklace of keys, small music box that he listens to every once in a while. [B]Weapons:[/B] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/4577.jpg]Ninja Shoge[/URL][/COLOR]
  8. OOC: Okay, thanks. :D [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Uncle! Uncle come in!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Akihiko:[/B] "Yes? What is it, Geist?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "There are two...no wait, make that three Leos in the city. Some Aries mobile suits are fighting them but they might need some help. You'd better send in the gunboat immediately. What in the...?!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Akihiko:[/B] "I've already issued those orders. What's wrong, Geist? What do you see?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "I don't believe this but the third leo is attacking the first two. Someone must have stolen it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Akihiko:[/B] "Well that's good news for us. That should keep them away from the transports. They should be landing shortly."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Yeah, they've just landed. Thanks, Uncle Akihiko. Geist out."[/COLOR] [B]*** OOC: Ignore the rest of this post if you don't want to make it to the spaceport right away. ***[/B] [I]Geist turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder.[/I] [COLOR=darkblue][B]Spares:[/B] "Mind if we hitch a ride? We've got to get this kid out of here."[/COLOR]
  9. OOC: I forgot to mention that my guy does a lot of work for the Swift Protecters, a group of rebels. [I]Geist climbed out of the small, one man space pod. The Second Sphere probably didn't pick him up on radar, but he couldn't take that chance. He ran away from his landing site and hit a small button on a remote control causing his ship to explode.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Well, that should take care of that. I'd better radio the Swift Protectors and let them know I made it.[/COLOR] [I]Geist pulled out a two-way vidradio and entered in the access number. Soon, a middle-aged, bearded man appeared on the screen. Static made the picture almost unrecognizable.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]???:[/B] "Geist, can you hear me? Is everything alright, did you make it?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Yes, I made it. Everything's fine uncle Akihiko."[/COLOR] [I]A smile appeared on his uncle's face.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Akihiko[/B] "Good, I'm glad to hear it. Continue onto the next step of the plan. We're counting on you."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Roger, uncle. I'll try to find as much info, and help, as I can. Geist out."[/COLOR] [I]Geist turned off the vidradio and put it back in his bag. He then pulled out a couple of grain sticks.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "These should hold me over until I get to the next city. I just hope Uncle Akihiko is right about finding some resistance here on Earth."[/COLOR]
  10. [B]Name:[/B] Geist Hattori [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Nationality:[/B] Earth, Japan [B]Eye color:[/B] Red [B]Place of Birth:[/B] 316 "Mercury" Colony (Just making up a colony here.) [B]Role:[/B] Rebel [B]Hair color:[/B] Blue [B]Physical appearance:[/B] [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/vba2163.jpg]This is what his face looks like.[/URL] about 5' 4", blue hair, blue and red flightsuit, (when he's piloting,) black shirt, tan pants, and green jacket, (when he's not,) red eyes, wears his father's necklace of a shoe with two wings, the symbol of his colony. Usually carries his father's knife and pistol. [B]Bio:[/B] When Geist was just a child, his father, Tomo, was forced to bring his damaged construction mobile suit to Earth. They crashlanded and were found by a group of mountain people, who took them in as family. Tomo taught his son all about piloting until soldiers from the Second Sphere came and claimed that he was a spy. Without further explanation, he was shot on the spot. They searched for Geist but were unable to find him because the villagers had hidden him; they then got angry and executed four more people. Seven years later, Geist signed up with Oz to fight for the colonies and for his father.
  11. OOC: I don't know. I wonder if he cares? [I]A few chili dogs later...[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Oh man, I feel like I'm going to burst! I shouldn't have had so much to eat! Well, I'm going to go find Cage. Do any of you know where he might be?"[/COLOR] [I]They all shook their heads.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Oh well, I'll just go look around. I'll see you guys later."[/COLOR] [I]Geist waved to everyone and went to go look for Cage.[/I]
  12. [COLOR=red][B]Jet:[/B] "I guess so..."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Alright then. Come on let's go."[/COLOR] [I]Dom burned a hole through the car window and unlocked all of the doors. After everyone got in, Shane started the car.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Shane:[/B] "Everyone might want to buckle in. I can't promise a smooth ride..."[/COLOR] [I]Shane put the car in reverse and smashed into the car behind him.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Shane:[/B] "Oops. Now I remember what the R stands for."[/COLOR] [I]Shane took off in the direction that the black car was headed; it had a good head start but they were catching up. Suddenly, red lights and sirens went off alongside the road and a large, robotic clamp hovered over their car.[/I] [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] "You are in possession of a stolen car. You will be stopped by force." [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Quick, turn!"[/COLOR] [I]Shane turned the car as the clamp came down and tried to grab them. He dodged it several more times.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Shane:[/B] "I don't know if I'll be able to keep this up!"[/COLOR] OOC: A little note about the clamp: All of the streets are sort of in a tunnel with a rail track on the ceiling. The clamp moves on the rails and extends down to grab a law-breaking vehicle and deactivate it. I hope that's clear enough.
  13. [COLOR=blue][B]Character name:[/B] Miles Apparatus [B]Anime stereotype:[/B] Confused Android [B]Description:[/B] He has blue hair, green eyes, a white shirt, blue jacket, blue jeans, lifeless eyes, (like [URL=http://bigsplat.net/personal/bluefactor72/07.jpg]Key.[/URL]) [B]Bio:[/B] One day, some students found an android sitting in the basement. They activated it and called it "Miles Apparatus". No one knows anything about his past or his creator. He tries to act like a normal kid but usually he's been found talking to the refridgerator. [B]Powers:[/B] A few hidden weapons in his arms and mouth. He doesn't know about them yet. [B]Enemies:[/B] Anyone who hurts his friends or any type of machinery.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=red][B]???:[/B] "You think you've won, but you haven't! We have your father! And if you don't let me get away, I promise you he will suffer...[/COLOR] [I]All of the facets watched as the mysterious twin crawled to a nearby car. The door swung opened and someone pulled him in. Soon, the car drove off.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Bobby:[/B] "Who was that?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue][B]Shane:[/B] "I have no Idea. He looked just like you Dom...but older."[/COLOR] [I]Dom nodded his head.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Yeah, I noticed that. There's not much we can find out here anymore. Let's follow them and see where they're going. Besides, I belive they're the ones that stole the fruit."[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkgreen][B]Weasel:[/B] "Huh, what fruit? And how are we going to catch up to them on our hoverbikes?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "I'll explain later. Anyways, we won't be using our hover bikes...we'll be using that."[/COLOR] [I]Dom pointed at a black car in a parking lot nearby.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "If I break into it, will you be able to drive it, Shane? Dad did teach you a lot about driving after all..."[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=blue]OOC: Well...they know they're clones but they treat each other like brothers and sisters.[/COLOR] [I]Dom looked through his father's diary. There wasn' much in there, just a life story about the Facets. It did, however, mention something about a failed cloning...but it didn't go into much detail. He then decided to check his dad's computer. He entered the password their father had told them just in case anything happened to him. He looked through the files and found info about their tattoos, Taro, some strange tree, and the fruit from it.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Hmm...according to this dad kept one of the fruits from that purple tree..."[/COLOR] [I]Dom walked over to a little metal box and put his eye up to a security scanner. It opened and inside was...nothing.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "What? It's gone! The fruit's gone!"[/COLOR] [I]Dom searched around for the fruit when one of his brothers told him the VR training room wasn't working.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "The power must be off. I'll go check outside.[/COLOR] [I]Dom went outside and saw something very startling. Standing outside, was someone who looked just like him, except he looked 3 years older and he was dressed differently.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]???:[/B] "You must be Dominic. No time for explanations, it's your time to die!"[/COLOR] [I]The boy held up his hands and dark green spikes came out of his fingertips. He then charged at dom, but he was able to dodge in time. The other facets came outside when they heard sounds of fighting.[/I]
  16. [I]Geist opened the room to his room. All of his stuff was waiting for him on his bed.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Looks like everything's here. I guess I'll go see Cage now."[/COLOR] [I]Geist walked back down the hallway and met Kinga.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Oh hi, Kinga. What are you doing?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Kinga:[/B] "I going to get something to eat. You wants to come?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Sure."[/COLOR] [I]Geist and Kinga went to go find Fli.[/I]
  17. [I]Dom and the others went to the garage to get their hover scooters.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "It's just as I thought, they took the car. They must be on their way to the lab, let's hurry!"[/COLOR] [I]They all zoomed off and soon made it to the entrance to the lab. A large metal door blocked their way.[/I] [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] "Welcome to Ridell's lab. Access only available to Taro and Dr. Ridell." [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "I'll take care of this."[/COLOR] [I]Dom leaned forward into the eye scan. After a little while there was a beep and the voice said:[/I] [B]Electronic Voice:[/B] "Access granted. Welcome Taro Ridell" [I]The facets walked into the lab and found it completely undisturbed.[/I] [COLOR=red][B]Weasel:[/B] "This is strange...everything looks perfectly fine. Do you think they haven't gotten here yet?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "I don't know why they wouldn't have...they had a headstart..."[/COLOR] [I]Dom burned the locks off of several cabinets and drawers.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "I'm going to look through Dad's stuff to see if I can find anything useful. If you don't want to help me, then you can go train in the VR room."[/COLOR]
  18. [I]Dom ran out of his father's room and tried to tell the others about what he saw.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Hey guys, come quick! You've got to see this!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Bobby:[/B] "Dom? I thought you were dead. What happened?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Never mind about that now! Come and see this!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Bobby:[/B] "I would if I could stop sliding around."[/COLOR] [I]After everyone had turned back to normal, they went to go see their father's ransacked room.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Shane:[/B] "Who did this? And where's dad?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "I don't know exactly, they must have taken him with him. it looks like they didn't find what they wanted here, so they're probably heading to the lab. I'm going to go wake up Weasel and then we'll leave."[/COLOR] [I]Dom went to go wake up Weasel.[/I]
  19. [COLOR=red][B]Charlie:[/B] "I'll get started on the tunnel. One of you need to grab onto the bird once it lands."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "Mischief will have to take that job. I can't grab onto the bird and grab a feather at the same time. I'll help with the tunnel."[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Charlie:[/B] "Okay. Then lets get started."[/COLOR] [I]A little while later...Geist and Charlie were almost finished with the tunnel.[/I] [COLOR=darkred][B]Mischief:[/B] "Hurry guys! I think it's coming!"[/COLOR]
  20. [I]A ball of fire came from the ashes. After it left, Dom was back to normal.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "W-what just happened? Did I die? Am I a ghost?"[/COLOR] [I]Dom walked over to his bed and he was able to touch it. He then walked out of the room and saw Shane as a shadow and Bobby sliding down the hall.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "What's going on here? Maybe dad will know."[/COLOR] [I]He walked up to his father's room and opened the door quietly.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Hey dad, some really strange stuff happened to me and I...What happened here? Dad, where are you?"[/COLOR] [I]Dom walked all over the room; his father wasn't in it and it looked like someone had been searching for something. Also, there was a strange, blue symbol on the wall.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Who did this?"[/COLOR]
  21. [I]Geist sat down in the snow.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Geist:[/B] "So, we're just going to wait here then? Should we hide when it gets back with the others and then try to grab a feather, or do you have a different plan Charlie?"[/COLOR]
  22. [I]It was the morning of the Facet's thirteenth birthday, they were all asleep in their beds. An alarm clock went off in Dom's room, and he sleepily tried to turn it off. As he was trying to find the button, his hand ignited and melted the machine. He lay down and tried to go back to sleep but soon shot out of bed, realizing what he had done.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "No, I couldn't have! I must have been dreaming!"[/COLOR] [I]He looked at the alarm clock to prove his statement, but it had been burned to the circuits. He then looked at his hands, they were normal now...how could he have done this? Flames jumped out of nowhere, covering his hands again; strangely, he didn't feel any pain or heat from the fire.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Nope, this is real alright. It looks like I can control it too. I'll go show Bobby."[/COLOR] [I]Dom walked to Bobby's room and started to shake him.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "Hey, Bobby! Bobby!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]Bobby:[/B] "Huh? Wazzizit...?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "You've got to see this, you'll be surprised. Watch."[/COLOR] [I]Dom showed Bobby his strange new power, but something was wrong this time. The fire hurt this time, it was burning him. It raced from his hands down to the rest of his body.[/I] [COLOR=blue][B]Dom:[/B] "What's going on?! This isn't supposed to happen!"[/COLOR] [I]He dropped to the floor and tried to put out the fire, but it was too late. Where he sat was now a burning pile of ashes.[/I] [COLOR=blue]OOC: They've just got their powers in case you couldn't tell.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=blue]Okay, I'm just going to start the RPG right now. Since Gohan will be an uknown clone, two more people can join.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=blue]Okay, I have another question for you guys. Since it's out on Toonami, (and I can't watch it. I don't have cable.) Do they have a release date for the DVDs? And would you recommend buying them, or should I spend my money on another series? Thanks for the help.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=blue]Thank you for joining my RPG. Once we get 3 more people, we'll start the RPG. And Outlaw, you can have one more power if you want, unless "coating your body with ice" is your other power. Is it? (And btw, I really like your avatar, I'm watching Strong Bad right now.)[/COLOR]
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